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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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{ Into°The°Bad°Land.. }

Genre: Highschool supernatural

By Felix Peter ✍




In the underworld planet where powerful immortals lies.

They live as humans sharing things in common but they are deadly and extremely flagitious.

Rhema the underworld daughter.

She is fearless, her present speaks horror but purely beautiful in human form.

She is exceedingly beautiful, fair with cute eyes.

Her cherry lips is of no man can resist.

Her soft glossy skin that any human could wish for.

She is extremely roughshod and deucedly but she has a soft side.

She is a princess of the underworld, a goddess.

She is now in the human world.

She lived with a woman which she passed through as a daughter but deceased.

She is in ‘WELMER’S COLLEGE ‘ as a student.

She is sent by the queen of the underworld to destroy and get souls.

Queen mother, a very disastrous being of the universe.

Rules given to Rhema is she shouldn’t fall in love to a mere human or talk of getting pregnant for him or else she will embrace the cold hands of death.

Will she ever break the rules?

Will she be changed by the environment or worsen caused of people around there?

How would her present affect the school.

How did she managed to be immortal?

Does she really belong to underworld ?

Find out in this amazing story brought to you by Felix Peter ✍

Grap your popcorn and be calm 🍦

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{ Into°The°Bad°Land.. }

By Felix Peter ✍

♦ Chapter One ♦



★ ^ ★

Rhema egress like human in the human world on her beautiful outfits.

She got everything she needs as a student and finance is not of plight.

She walked into the school staring at the environment.

The school environment looks clean and roomy, students trooping in and out with their books.

There are tall and short building. Rhema seems lost as she walks around the college with excitement as a new student.

” Oh! I can’t even locate the office of the dean here because of its expansion, thanks to the sisterhood and government for awarding me with a scholarship” She said.

She continued moving forward, she sees a handsome fair guy and asked him to show her the way to the dean’s office, he pointed at a building and left.

” Thanks for your time ”

She looked sideways mistakenly bumbled into a well dressed lady with company of her friends.

” Are you blind that you can’t see me? ” Pink speaks rudely.

” Like I said, I’m sorry, I was filled with excitement”

” You we’re filled with excitement, that was why you stupidly touched your filthy body on me. I don’t blame you anyways, I blame the school management for admitting a dirty, low life and classless thing like you can you imagine girls” Her friends giggles.

” I will not allow you rain insult on me anymore, I don’t admit trouble, allow me enjoy my day in peace ” Rhema said.

” The only thing you need, is to be thrown out of this school, because wealthy people belongs here not paupere” She laughs.

” Do I look like a pauper to you young lady? I don’t have the time to trade words with you ”

She took a step to go and Pink drew her back forcefully and angrily.

” I will surely deal with you in this campus, I’ve marked your face, I will tell you that I am the queen of the Peril Dragon cult in this campus, be ready to dance to my tune, fool” She leaves in anger.


The queen mother looks excited on her throne, smiling profusely. Rhema and other girls singing and dancing.

” Enough of the song, I’m so much pleased on you daughters underworld sea on your recent endeavor. I want to hear on your assignments given to you all.

” The queen mother of the universe, I was asked to drained my mother’s business which I did successful ” Maya said.

” Great job! You have done very well, you shall be rewarded.

” Ever great mother, I was given the task to terminate the baby in my mother’s womb which I did” Thelma said.

” The most ever powerful queen, I did as instructed to ki||ed my father which I did” Mora said.

” I’m so pleased with all of you daughters” The queen said.

” There is this lady in my school, she wants to play with her soul, she thr_@tened to deal with me ” Rhema bowed.

” Who is that rabbit that wants to challenge the sisterhood, surely I will ki|| her instantly”

” Not so fast my queen, I will deal with this rude and mannerless girl, so next time she will not insult whoever she meets, she wants to engage in a battle with me we shall see who comes out alive ” Rhema said.

” Your humble request has been accepted”

” Thank you ”

” Let your beautiful voice roam my kingdom ”

They starts singing and dancing as well.


Late at night, Rhema is asleep with her friend definitely her roommate, she opened her eyes and gasped.

” Be ready to battle with me in this campus, girl ”

Some seconds a knock at the door startled her, she stood up from the bed, wakes up her roommate which went and get the door.

AsPink and her gang of girls bashed in with guns and knives.

They ordered them to get on their knees.

” The ever bold lady, is now at mercy. This where you stay” Pink said to Rhema.

” What are you doing here, to jeopardize me in my own lodge”

A hot slap landed on Rhama’s cheek, as her roommate weeps.

” You dare talk back at me, I know something is beating the drums of death for you , but I will show you ” Pink said.

” You dare lay your filthy hands on me, I’m just being merciful to you, if not you would have seen me in action ” Rhema stands.

Another hot slap landed on her cheek.

” I asked you to caution this fool, but you foolishly relaxed ” To Rhema roommate.

” I tried my best to warn her, but she refused to listen to me” Green shivered in tears.

” Your best wasn’t good enough. It seems you are the one encouraging her”

” No, I always warn her ”

” When a friend commits a crime and she’s been caught definitely it will affect the other, going after her because they knew the always see them together, so I have to do away with you two” Pink said.

” You can’t do anything ” Rhema thundered.

At the moment Pink pointed the gun at Bianca and pull the trigger, Bianca lies there flat and lifeless.

Rhema became so furious and rushes to the dead body of Bianca and weeps.

” You play with fire not knowing it hurts. Girls ki|| her before leaving ” Pink said and walked out.

” Go ahead and ki|| me” Rhema stood and went closer to one of the girls holding a gun.

The girl Ç0çƙed the gun, pulling the trigger but no bullet came out of the gun, she tried again still nothing happened.

The girls got scared and rushed at the door, but it looked instantly by the command of Rhema.

They pleaded for their lives to be spared and Rhema’s eyes turned blue in anger.

She picked up the gun pointed it at them.

” I will teach you girls a big lesson that you all will never forget in your next life”

” Please forgive us” Bright pleaded.

” You idiots don’t need forgiveness at all, when you get to the other world, deliver my greetings to my dear friend ”

She pulled the trigger and $h00ts them one after the other they fell and died.

” Pink, surely you wait for me”

She made some finger formation, move her fingers in different directions and all of a sudden the dead bodies of the girls vanished.

Early in the morning, at Pink’s apartment, she waked heading to the bathroom to wash her face, she opened the door, to her shock she saw the dead bodies of her friends.

” What!!! How? When? This girl has something under her bed, how come?


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