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Friday, October 18, 2024
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( Fight For The Throne )?


By; Holland Cisca.


★ ★ ★ ★




It’s been two years now we’ve lived our lives without thr_@t or any one bothering us.

Just three days ago I returned from the White Sisters home, I’ve been visiting for quite some times now and guess what, I’ve graduated from stage one.

Back to home, Rohan has been a pain in the @zz for Holland and Raymond for this past few weeks I’ve been away.

He’s a bit stubborn and I can’t honestly tell where the annoying gene came from.

He’s just two years old and he looks like a ten year old child, handsome just like his father and has the same blue eyes.

I’m still looking for where my gene is in him. He’s just a full carbon copy of his father. God bless Raymond’s gene.

I know Holland’s been getting along with him quite well than I expected. Yeah, she’s his godmother, what should I expect?

But on the other hand, she’s been complaining seriously that Rohan has been acting weird lately since he turned two.

I’ve been studying him since the day she told me that but as if he read my mind, he’s been acting the super saint Augustine.

“I’ve checked him several times but I haven’t seen anything weird about him. Are you sure? “I asked.

” I am certain. You know I love your boy so much and I am ready to defend him whenever he lies. But this time, it’s different. He’s been stubborn and. . . and I don’t know how to say it but, just give it time, you’ll see what I’m talking about.”

I wasn’t doubting her. She’s always been with Rohan every seconds and minutes so I won’t doubt she knows so much about him than I do.

But I’m still surprised you know, I never grew with such attitude and. . . I’ve seen Raymond’s history, he’s never acted in such manner.

I know you’ll be wondering what Rohan has committed, honestly I can’t even explain it.

“If you still don’t believe me, then you can try getting him angry. You will understand this more better.” She said matter of fact.

” I’ve heard what you said and I believe you. I’ll see what I can do about it.” I sighed.

“Well, when this happened, it all started in a blink. I can’t tell why he would be so angry and vexed just for a game pad. I tried calming him down but he wouldn’t listen to me. I think he’s gonna become two times stronger than his majesty. The strength he possess is way beyond explanation.”

” Oh my goodness. I’m getting scared already.” I said, rubbing the back of my neck. “I knew this would happen. I knew from the start possessing this powers plus Raymond’s, it’s all gonna be on my child. I will talk to Rohan.”

I should be happy, but no, I’m d@mn scared. Last month, he almost ki||ed a maid with his claws. And earlier this month he almost broke two maids into halves.

Jesus Christ, I’m shivering to my bones.

I walked to Rohan’s room after the conversation, he was playing games with his new Xbox pad. I offered a single knock on the door, drawing his attention.

He turned to look at me. “Hey.” He said, returning his gaze to the television.

Raymond made sure Rohan had everything he wanted. Now, his room is filled with comics and game disc, and a wide television for his game with his favourite guitar he always hangs by the back of his door.

“Hey.” I said, leaning against the door edge. “I can see you’re having fun with your new game pad.”

“Yeah, aunty Holland bought it for me.” He said but his eyes are fixed to the game he was playing.

“Oh, I see. She must have spent a lot on that.”

“I guess she did.”

“So, did you say a thank you to her?” I asked.

” Yeah, I did.” He stopped playing, pausing the game to look at me. ” I did tell her thank you.” He said softly.

I left the wall to sit on his bed. ” This was her salary she had spent for this. I know you two have been pretty close since you were little, but I was hurt when I heard you almost got her ki||ed. Is that true?”

” Mom. . .”

” Rohan, I want you to be sincere with me. Did you try to hurt your aunt? “I repeated.

He was calm, and he looked guilty too. He accepts his fault and he wouldn’t dare to lie to me. I’m not a wolf, but I can tell when one lies.

“I didn’t mean to. I was just angry at myself and. . . I put it on her. Mom, she didn’t do anything but, I almost hurt her for what I did.” He confessed.

” She is the sweetest aunt you can ever have, Rohan. Do you know what it means loosing her? It means a lot, Rohan cos I’m gonna get hurt, your dad will, everyone will and you too. Sometimes, violence isn’t the best way to resolve things. It can never be. Promise me you won’t hurt those around you, especially your aunt.” I made him promise.

” I promise.”

” Well, that isn’t enough. I want you to go to her room and apologize to her with all your heart. Can you do that for me?”

He nods his head.

” Good. I’ll be waiting right in here for you.”

He obediently left the room to Holland’s. Though things seem to be resolved, but I still want to see for myself what exactly my son has become.

“Cornell?” I called. That was my guardian angel, I nicknamed him that since he’s got no name. “Cornell?!”

“Yes, Theodora. How can I help you?” He asked.

“I’m sure you heard what Holland told me. I want to see for myself what my son did.”

” At your service, my lady.”

I closed my eyes and we disappeared into the multi universe. I heard the loud sound of a scream, that voice belongs to Rohan.

He was angry, throwing his stuffs down to the ground. He broke his previous Xbox and he needed a new one.

Holland who heard him screaming rushed to his room to calm him down, rather he raked his voice at her.

“I’m gonna talk to your father to get you a new one, but you just have to exercise a little patient for that.”

” I don’t want to calm down! I need my Xbox back!” He growled.

” Okay. Since you can’t wait, why don’t I purchase it myself? Just give me some minutes and I’ll be right back with your new Xbox game. What do you say?” She grinned.

Rohan was already breathing heavily, and his eyes were closed. Whenever his breath changes, he’s definitely angry.

“Rohan, were you listening to me?” She asked, walking close to him. “Ro. . .”

She was halfway in her word when he grabbed her neck, and in a blink of an eye, he smacked her to the wall.

Holland was shocked at the same time speechless. How can a ten year old child do this? It was so baffling to her, and she was so scared.

It was boldly written on her face.

“I said, I need my Xbox back.” His voice sounded deep like there was some one else talking with him.

” Rohan, you’re. . . you’re hurting me. I promise, I will get your xbox back, a new one.”

He closed his eyes in annoyance. ” I don’t think you understand what I am talking about. I need a brand new game pad. . .” he opens his eyes. ” Now!”

They weren’t the normal beautiful blue eyes, they had a golden and little reddish colour.

Those colours weren’t a wolf colour, what could it mean?

His grip was tight on Holland’s neck. Despite that she was chocking, he didn’t care. He kept grabbing her.

Luckily, Raymond appeared. “Rohan, stop it.” He yelled, but Rohan didn’t. “I said, that’s enough!” He rowled, this time Rohan obeyed his voice, letting go of Holland.

Raymond held holland to see if she was alright. “How do you feel?” He asked, concerned.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” She looked at Rohan with her hand on her neck, she walked away.

Raymond threw an angry glare at him. “You almost strangled your godmother to death. What were you thinking?” He asked, strictly.

I looked at Cornell who was actually watching. ” Did you see the colour of his eyes? What does it mean?” I asked, ignoring the rest of the scene.

” I am not a werewolf, I think that question should be directed to your husband.” He said.

I was so desperate to know why Rohan’s eyes had two different colours in them.

Thankfully, Raymond was in our room, writing notes. “You didn’t tell me Rohan almost got Holland ki||ed.” I yanked as I walked in.

“I don’t think that was necessary anymore. Besides, it’s been settled already and thankfully, Holland is as good as okay.” He rose his gaze at me. ” Don’t worry, I had it under control.”

” Did you see his eyes?” I asked.

” What happened to his eyes? “He asked back.

” You didn’t see it? His eyes had two colours at the same time.”

” It must have faded before I showed up. What were the colour of his eyes?”

” Golden and red.”

” Golden and red? I don’t understand. Those combinations sounds weird.”

“The red colour was trying to dominate the golden colour. Raymond, I think Rohan is about to become an alpha.”

Raymond furrowed his brows in surprise. ” That’s impossible. He’s only two years old.”

” Two years old and he looks more like a ten year old child. Just like you became an alpha without ki||ing an alpha, same as it is to him. I think that’s what is causing him to be this aggressive all the time.”

” He’s not the aggressive one, there seem to be a repulsion in him. The part of your power in him is fighting against his wolf. My suggestion might seem stupid but I don’t wanna doubt my instincts, since Sophie left without causing a war, don’t you think the third evil might be Rohan?

Since your vision showed it was you and it never interpreted it since then, then my instincts is right. I don’t think you need the training, he does. The earlier we do some thing about this, the safer for us or everyone in here, including you dies.”

” I don’t think the White Sisters can handle him, do you know any other place people like him trains?” I asked. Seriously, this is scaring the $h|t outta me.

” I had a friend, he’s met a lot of weird things like this. I trust he can handle our son too.”

I heaved, exhaling heavily.

Since the day Sophie left, I have been wondering within myself why my vision keeps showing I am the third evil.

If Raymond’s instincts are right, then it means the multi universe hasn’t been sincere to me. It just didn’t want to tell me directly than it was my son all the while.

But thanks to Raymond, we have to do something real quick about this or things ends way too badder than we thought.

But aside that, my home has been great. Some times, Nancy do pay us a visit and most times, we do hang out together with Holland for this Girl’s Perfect Night.

❤️~ The End~❤️


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