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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE TRUE ALPHA – Episode 3

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( Fight For The Throne )?


By; Holland Cisca.

Chapter 3: THE VOICE.

★ ★ ★ ★

” Theodora…” Called a voice in a faint tone, sounding much like a whisper in her ears. ” Theodora…” The same voice called.

She had thought it was in her dream but when the voice called in a louder but deeper tone, enough to wake her up, ” THEODORA!!” she jerked awake.

She gasped.

She walked out of her room to the living room where her parents sat still discussing. They were surprised to see her.

” Is there a problem?” Asked her mother.

” I think I heard someone call my name. Did you called me?” She asked her father who shook his head. ” I think I heard someone call me, like three times. ”

” No one called you, sweetheart.” Said her mother.

She sighed. ” Then I should just get back to bed. ” She turns, heading back to her room.

She picked the book from the corner of the bed, laying back on her bed. As soon as she closes her eyes to sleep, she dozed off.

” Theodora.” She opened her eyes, staring around the room. The voice sounded like it was just with her.

” Who is that?” She asked but all she could get was a total silence. ” What are you?”

She sighed again. ” Crazy dreams, huh?” She laid back again.

The voice didn’t call her again until the following morning, she woke up by the loud laughter of her parents.

Rubbing her eyes, she stared out of the window, yawning tiredly. ” Crazy dreams.” She said, stepping out of the bed.

She walked out, heading to the kitchen. ” Good morning, mom.” She greeted her mother who was making breakfast.

” Hey, sweetheart, you’re awake. ”

” Yeah. ” She said dully.

” Bad night? ”

” Just the voices that’s all. ” She sat on the stool which was by the door.

” When did it started? ” Asked her mother.

” Last night. I can’t even recognize the voice.”

” That’s weird.”

” I know. But what does that mean? ” She asked. ” Does it mean I have powers or I am a witch? ”

” No, don’t you ever say that, Dora. You are not a witch and you were never born in such manner. Wh@ťěver that voice is, it’s playing with your head. Next time it calls, don’t listen to it. ” She warned.

” I tried not to but it kept calling. And each time I don’t listen to it, it gets louder. ”

” Don’t worry, I will talk to Mr Mayor about this. I’m certain he must know a lot about stuffs like this. ”

” When will you be leaving to see him? ” She asked anxiously.

” Guess after breakfast. ”

Theodora wanted a solution now and then. The fear of night approaching bothered her. Since she had woken up from sleep, she hasn’t heard the voice.

Or was it her imagination playing games with her? Or was it indeed a real voice?

” Are you scared?”

She sighed for the nth time. ” Honestly, I think I am.”


She had to tell her mother to leave the rest of the house work for her while she do the house work herself.

Theodora’s heart was beating fast like there wasn’t a tommorow. All she could imagine was her mother coming back to tell her that Mr Mayor had told her that it was just her mind.

Another voice would testify something weird that could in any way cause her a heart attack.

She paced to and fro the living room just to calm her rising heart down. ” Please tell me this isn’t a bad news.” She said to herself.

After what took like two hours and some minutes, there came a knock on the door.

Without asking who it was, she went to open it. ” Mother, what did he say?” She asked without taking a breath.

” You should learn how to ask who it is knocking before you open the door. Haven’t we talked about this before? ” She reminded.

” I’m sorry, I was just being inquisitive. ” She shuts the door after her. ” Did you tell him? ”

” Yes. ”

” And what did he say? ” She asked not hesitating.

” He said it’s your mind. And that you should stop the level at which you think, it causes a serious damage to the brain cells. ”

That was true. Theodora was hell of a girl who loved surfing things with her brain. She would have one particular topic in mind and have it thought for a whole day if she was given the chance to.

She felt a bit relaxed as it wasn’t what she least expect to hear.

” I’ll just keep that in mind.”

On one part, what Mr Mayor had said about Theodora was true. And on the other hand, it doesn’t seem to be the main reason why she was hearing that voice.

But the question is… What Is??

Poor Theodora tried her possible best not to have anything thought about as Mr Mayor had instructed, hoping for her normal sound sleep tonight.

Just the normal night routine; cook dinner, eat, watch little movies then off to bed.

She again flipped through the pages of the history book of the cursed beast. She heaved, dropping it by the side of her pillow.

” Theodora…” The voice didn’t even let her doze off entirely, it called.

She covered her ears tight with her pillow, not wanting to hear the voice. But it came instead, loud and clear. ” Theodora..!!” Sending weakness to her body.

” What do you want from me?” She said in clenched teach as the deep sound of the voice echoed in her ears, causing her to feel pains. ” Who are you?” She questioned.

” Theo… Dora…”

” Get away… from me!! Just f_cking leave me alone, okay?! ” She yelled, shutting her both ears with her hands. ” Just leave me alone. ”

Mr and Mrs Van Amstel were alerted by the loud cry of Theodora, and without hesitating, they both rushed in to her room.

” Dora, what’s going on?” They saw as she covered her ears, weeping.

” Just go away. Mother make it stop. Make it stop. Make it stop! Make it… ”

Mrs Van Amstel held her into her arms, ” Sh-shh.” She shushed her, rubbing her fingers in her hair. ” There’s nothing in here, it’s just your mind. It’s okay, you’re not alone. ”

Theodora calmed down, sniffing hard. ” It’s not just my mind, it’s real.” She said in a shaky voice. ” I can feel it. I hear feel it. It’s real. There’s someone out there who knows my name, and it’s calling me. ”

The both parents stared at themselves for a while.

” You need to rest.” She drops a kiss on her head. ” Get some rest, we will talk about this tomorrow, okay?”


” We doubt it’s just her mind. It’s becoming like a torture to her.” Mr Van Amstel complained.

” She was screaming and shouting with her hands on her ears. What do you suspect this could be? ” She asked.

” This wasn’t as you explained to me the previous day. Since you said the voice keeps tormenting her sleep, then it means there is some thing either you nor your husband still needs to settle. ”

They exchanged glares before staring back at Mr Mayor.

” Something like what?” He asked.

” Is there some thing you were supposed to do in the past but failed to do so?” He was asking the both of them.

” I don’t think I can remember any of that.” Said Mr Van Amstel.

” What about you?” Looks at her.

” I don’t.”

” Or is there anyone of you whose parents had a problem with their ancestors? It’s kinda important here. ”

After a thoughtful moment, Mr Van Amstel said. ” My mother once had one with her great grand mother. But I remember vividly that they later reconciled two months before her great grand mother passed away. ”

” Mr Mayor, are you sure this has something to do with our daughter’s situation? ” She asked

” In every case like this, we are supposed to know if there is in anyway we owe our past or ancestors. Some times this hinders us from being able to move further in this life.

But since none of you have a case with your past and ancestors, then I’m guessing something else. ”

” What is it? ” They asked in unison.

” Your daughter has been linked to someone else. Someone who has every knowledge of her. Her name, her age, every single thing about her. ”

” You think there is someone spying on her? ”

” Not just spying. Let’s just say, watching her every moves. ”

” What does this person wants from my daughter? What has she done to deserve such a wicked act? She is too innocent to suffer any if this.”

” Ma’am, I don’t think that’s the question here. The real question is… Who is this person? ”


The suspense is ki||ing me already.??
And I know most of us are already thinking who it is ???

To Be Continued…

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