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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SWORDMEN – Episode 9 & 10

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🗡️ THE


( … Trapped In Webs… )

Theme; A Wizard & A Witch
By; Emerson Brown

Episode 9✍️10






Lake slowly clench his fist before he marched out furiously, Golf only mouthed an ‘oh’ suspecting something


Several maids including Raine were in the kitchen, Some were washing the plate,some were cooking and so on

Raine on the other hand was discussing with her new found friend, Sunray…They were still discussing when another set of maids walked in

” Heard PeaÇ0çƙ is in the physician custody” One the maids said

” Oh what happened to her” Another one asked

” Bambi did the usual… younno what I like that Bambi” The first one said

” Same here… At least we won’t see that PeaÇ0çƙ for a while” The second one said

Raine a d Sunray who were listening exchange glances

” Who’s PeaÇ0çƙ” Raine asked

” She’s a princess who’s planning to be a swordwoman but I’m not sure that she’d succeed with her character” Sunray said

” Meaning?” Raine asked

” She finds pleasure in bullying and maltreating the maids like you, who are here under condition…same as me ” Sunray added sadly

” So you’re also under a condition” Raine asked

” Yes, my parent borrowed from the Grand Master and are unable to pay back…I miss home” Sunray pouted sadly

“Same here” Raine also pouted imitating Sunray which got her laughing, But it was cut short when the head maid walked in and Everyone focused on their works as everywhere became silent

” You” The head maid called referring to Raine

” Go and clean the Swordmen rooms”

“Right away” Raine said


The disciples where dismissed and where told that they’d resume activities tomorrow, Now everyone is heading back to their room while some are heading to the Practice are

Bambi was heading to her room when she heard someone calling her, she turns to see Wind and a wide smile spread out on her lips

” Hi Wind” She said

” How’re doing.. You’re looking great and beautiful today ” Wind complimented

” Thank but I’ve always been beautiful” Bambi said proudly, Wind only chuckles

” Anyways let’s meet tonight at Delicious Restaurant”Wind said

” Okay ” Bambi said before Wind walked away, From an angle Golf had been listening she smiles darkly before she walked away

Bambi made to move when Indigo bumped into her and Bambi fell down
” Gosh you’re so clumsy Bambi grumbled

” Oh I’m sorry” Indigo apologized as she help her up

” Hold on … Aren’t you that new girl that got Lake’s and the new guy attention” Bambi asked

” Gosh I’m really that popular”Indigo said fanning herself with her hand

“Seriously you’re a lunatic” Bambi said

” What!…” Indigo yelled chasing Bambi


After the Physician added an ointment on PeaÇ0çƙ’s eye ball which was now r d

” it’ll get better just don’t stress it ” The Physician said

” Just shut up and get out !” PeaÇ0çƙ yelled at the old Physician who’s old enough to be her dad

The physician walked out with PeaÇ0çƙ’s brother Red who sighs sadly at PeaÇ0çƙ attitude

” Gosh I’m getting Ugly….oh Bambi you’ll pay for this I swear that you’ll regret this” She said looking at her reflection of her eye on the mirror

” And I know a way we can get back at her” Golf said walking in

” Speak I’m all ears” PeaÇ0çƙ said

” Heard that she and Wind will be meeting at Delicious Restaurant tonight” Golf said and PeaÇ0çƙ smiles

” Are you thinking what I’m thinking” Golf said

” Yeah….carry it out ” PeaÇ0çƙ said


Cloud was searching for a particular book in the Library, when a guard walked in and Informed him that Lake want to see him at the Practice area

Cloud sighs before heading for the Practice area, On getting there… At the entrance an arrow almost met his fore head but he was fast enough to dodge

He looked at the direction to see Lake with a bow, it was his doing actually

” Mad fóol ” Cloud said advancing towards him

” Repeat that and I’ll ki|| you” Lake said bringing out his sword

” So why did you sent for me ” Cloud asked after a moment of silence

” Stay away from her ” Lake said

” From who?” Cloud asked cluelessly

” Seriously you’re getting this all wrong, Not like you’re in a relationship with her… lemme tell you…. I fell fir her at first sight so back off” Cloud said before he made to leave

” Then your days are numbered” Lake said, Cloud halted

” Do your worst…I’m ready ” Cloud said without even glancing at Lake


Raine had already cleaned three rooms, Now it remaining only one which is River’s room, On getting there sr had a feeling that someone is on

She peeped through the keyhole to see a cloaked figure ( River) who was muttering unheard words as he did several finger formation as White dust filled the whole room

Raine couldn’t believe her eyes, Her brain was still processing everything when she…

” Who’s there…”Came River’s voice sending her heart went to trip miles away


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