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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 31 & 32

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky





“Are you okay?” Joan asked, shutting the door behind them.

“No, I’m not okay! what is that thing? Why do you harbor beasts like that?” Lilith snarled, pacing back and forth in the room that was supposedly hers.

“Be…beasts?” The woman repeated, raising a surprising brow. “First of all, that is not a beast but a dog. Secondly, you are the owner of him. You literally grew up with Chucky and you’ve both been best friends ever since.”

“I am best friends with that…that thing? Are you joking?” She couldn’t believe her ears. Here she was, hearing all of this with her own ears and yet still skeptical. “Are there no humans in this world? Why will she waste her precious with that little beast?”

“Her?” Joan was confused. “Wait, are we talking about you or someone else?”

Lilith mentally face-palmed herself.

“Of course, we are talking about me.” She mumbled, releasing a sharp breath. “Why will I waste my precious time with that little beast?” She corrected, making emphasis on the ‘I’.

Joan sat down at the edge of the queen-sized bed and watched her daughter who had eventually stopped pacing and now checking out the bedroom as if it was her first time here.

“So…this is my bedroom.” Lilith observed, picking up a novel from the dresser. “I take it that I like reading, hmm?”

“You do.” Joan confirmed. “Reading and writing have always been your passion.”

“Writing what?” She asked, facing the woman with her brows pinched together.

“Writing novels. You’ve always had this dream of becoming an anonymous author. Do you not remember?”

“I…I remember.” She cleared her throat, folding her arms over her chest and leaning against the purple-painted wall.

“Esme, can we talk?” Joan asked after a moment of silence.

“Are we not talking right now?” Lilith responded with a light scoff.

“Hmm. You have been acting different and strange. It is as if I don’t know you which doesn’t make sense because you are my daughter and I am your mother and I should be the one person in this world to know you better than anyone else.”

‘My biological mother who has been with me for hundreds of years doesn’t even know me. I am like a book with no description or table content, trust me.’ Lilith said in her head, blankly staring at the woman.

“You’ve not been completely honest with me, right?” Joan questioned.

“What do you mean?”

Mrs.Brown rose from the bed and advanced closer to her daughter who remained leaning against the wall.

“You are hiding a lot of things from me, aren’t you? Take, for instance, your back. How come I didn’t know about the burn until that day at the hospital?”

‘Ask your daughter and not me. Or wait, I am her daughter. f-__-k. Well, speak about keeping secrets. Believe me, I know what it feels like to be left in the dark and not told anything.’

“I guess she…I have a reason for not mentioning it to you, don’t you think?” She replied.

“And what is it?”

Lilith slightly shrugged her shoulders, pressing her lips in a straight flat line.

“Talk to me, dear. Please. I am your mother. I should have known all this before now. How did you even fall off the building? Who pushed you?”

“Why do you think someone pushed me?” She asked, Ç0çƙing a brow.

“Because there’s no way you could have jumped the building yourself.” Mrs.Brown hesitated, staring deeply into Lilith’s hazel eyes. “Right?”

“How would I know?” She mumbled, looking away.

“You don’t remember? Is that what you are trying to say?”

Lilith bites her lower lip without sparing Mrs.Brown a glance. Honestly, she doesn’t have the complete memory of Esmeralda. Yes, she knows all of these people are the family of the girl whose body she is occupying. But she doesn’t know how she fell off the building or got the scar on her back.

Although she saw a glimpse of some unfamiliar faces aside from that, she doesn’t know anything else. The memories were unclear and in glitches.

She only remembers how she, herself, fell off the school in the underworld. An invisible force knocked her off. Could that have also been the case for Esmeralda? Probably not.

“I…don’t.” She deadpanned, shaking her head at the same time.

“What? Oh, my God. Why didn’t you make mention of this earlier? You seem to have lost some of your memories. Where is my phone? I should call the doctor.” Joan patted herself while looking around for her device.

“I don’t need the doctor.” Lilith groaned, rolling her eyes. “I am fine. I guess I’m in shock from the accident and can’t recall vivid things. But that doesn’t mean I won’t remember them in time.”

Mrs.Brown cupped her daughter’s face and turned it to look at her own. But Lilith swatted the woman’s hand away without hesitation.

“You don’t have to touch me. I h@ťě it when people touch any part of my body.” She snapped, pushing herself off the wall and going to stand on the opposite side, away from her ‘mother.’

Joan gave her a confused and questioning look. When did Esmeralda h@ťě it when people touched her face? And when did her own daughter start regarding her as ‘people’?

“I’m sorry if I offended you, dear.” She stated calmly. “Anyway, if you want to talk or you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me, okay?”

Lilith just gave a plain nod, saying nothing.

“Have a good night’s rest, my love.” Joan smiled and left the bedroom.

“Ugh!” Lilith let out a strained groan, plopping to the bed and ruffling her hair in agitation. “How will I be able to get out of this world? I don’t belong here and never will. But come to think of it, how did Esmeralda fall off the building? Was she pushed? Or did she jump off herself? Why am I not getting the memories?” She groaned again, lying down flat on the bed with her back. “I need to figure everything out and find a way to go back to my world.”


Esmeralda stood motionless in front of the dark and gloomy building, studying it closely.

It looked abandoned and honestly, she thought she had missed her way and come to the wrong place but seeing students that are super beings, going into the building proved otherwise.

She has been wondering why a school would be named Lifeless. Well, now she sees why. This school looked dead.

Esmeralda folded her fist into a tight clench, breathing heavily as she thought of what to do.

Should she go in? Why does she have a bad feeling about this school? Oh, wait, she actually has a bad feeling about this world as a whole.

She doesn’t belong here at all. She wants to go back home to her family but how can she get out of here?

Impersonating this Lilith of a girl isn’t as easy as she had presumed. Everything about the girl is evil and vicious.

She wished she entered the body of a girl who was more like her; Nice, kind, and quiet.

But turns out that Lilith was the exact opposite of her. A mean girl who wants to get things done in her own way.

She has heard a lot about Lilith and none of them was good.

How will she be able to impersonate such a vile girl?

“Lilith,” A voice called out and the person gripped her shoulder, pulling her out of her head and back to reality.

“Are you alright? We’ve been calling you but you weren’t answering.” Lou said, hanging her arms around Esmeralda’s shoulders.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear.” She said softly.

“Did…did you just apologize?” Delphine asked shockingly.

“Are you sure you are okay?” Calliope questioned, giving her an odd look.

“Yes, I’m okay.” Esmeralda chuckled nervously. “And why are you girls surprised that I apologized?”

“You never apologize for anything, Lilith. You are never wrong because everything you do is always right!” Lou explained.

‘What kind of a girl is this? She never apologized? What kind of a human will feel so superior? Oh, she’s not even human.’ Esmeralda said in her head.

“Well, I’ve changed. Now I know that I can be wrong sometimes.” She forced a smile to her face.

“You must have hit your head pretty badly.” Delphine clicked her tongue, shaking her head.

Lou withdrew her arms from Esmeralda and took a step back, observing her from head to toe.

“You are wearing a floral dress.” She pointed out the obvious.

The other two girls; Calliope and Delphine examined the dress as well and a deep frown plastered on their faces.

Lilith aka Esmeralda was wearing a yellow floral dress with white sandals and her hair was put up in a high ponytail. It was exactly how Esme would have dressed if she was in the human world.

“What are you wearing?” Calliope asked, scrunching up her face.

“Uh…a dress? Why are you all looking at me like that?” Esmeralda said in a small voice.

“Firstly, you h@ťě yellow color because they are too bright. Secondly, you h@ťě flowers. Although you like the thorny and dangerous ones. Thirdly, you h@ťě putting your hair in ponytails. Can I be honest, Lilith?” Delphine stated.

‘Oh, God. I’ve made a grave mistake. They will know I am not Lilith. But what can I do? I h@ťě black clothes and that’s all this Lilith of a girl has. I even had to borrow this dress from a maid.’ She thought to herself.

“You seem like a totally different person. Ever since you gained consciousness, you’ve changed. It is as if a transformation has taken place with you.” Delphine let out.

“I’m sorry…”

“Ugh, again with the apology. Stop apologizing, Lilith. You never apologize.” Calliope groaned in annoyance.

“I’m sorry for apologizing. Oh, I apologized again. I didn’t mean…I’m sorry. I_”

“Who are you?” Delphine cut her off. “You are not our Lilith. Who are you!?”

‘I’m finished. They will ki|| me if they hear the truth that I am not Lilith, their friend. What do I do? How do I convince them?’ She ransacked her head, thinking of a way out of this mess.

“Are you deaf? Who are you and what have you done to_” Calliope was harshly cut off by ‘Lilith’.

“Stop talking!” Esmeralda yelled, glaring at them. “How dare you talk to me in that manner? I am Lilith, you Ɓîtçhes. How dare you question me?”

‘Am I mean enough? Am I getting it right? Will this stop them from being suspicious of me?’ Esmeralda asked herself in her head, swallowing her fear as she waited for their response.

The girls looked at her as if accessing her like a bride-to-be. After the long wait, they started laughing while Lou placed her hand over her shoulders again.

“Now this is more like you. We thought a witch or something had possessed you.” Calliope smirked.

‘It worked. Thank God.’ Esmeralda heaved a breath of relief.

“So, are you trying something new dressed like that?” Delphine asked as they all started walking towards the gloomy building.

“Ye…yes.” Esmeralda answered, nodding her head.

“Hmm. It’s good to have you back to school, you know. School has been so boring without you, Lily.” Lou said before she could stop herself.

“Oh, $h|t.” Delphine and Calliope sighed, shaking their heads at Lou’s slip of the tongue.

Lou quickly detached herself from Esmeralda and went to stand behind Delphine for protection.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to call you Lily. I know you’ve_”

“It’s okay.” Esmeralda chuckled, cutting her off. “I don’t mind being called Lily. In fact, I love lilies. They are my favorite flower.”

The girls’ eyes bulged open in astonishment. Did Lilith just say that? Or are they hearing things now?

“Lilith,” A teacher called out. “Can you please come with me?”

“Sure. See you later, girls.” She waved her hand to her friends and rushed to meet the teacher.

They both went into the building and went out of sight.

“What just happened?” Lou asked no one in particular as they were still all in shock.


Lilith groaned under her breath, stretching her body as she peeled her eyes open with a soft smile on her.

But the smile varnished and a horrific look clouded her face when she sighted Chucky aka the little beast staring at her.

“How…how did you get in here?” She stuttered, staring at the door. “Who let you into my room, you sick animal?”

“Woof!” Chucky started barking and growling at the same time, giving her an angry look.

Lilith hurriedly grabbed a pillow and smacked it on the dog’s face, knocking him out of bed.

“Get out of here right now.” She yelled, holding the pillow defensively against her chest.

“Woof! Woof!” The dog continued barking, tugging at the duvet covering Lilith’s body.

“I swear I’m going to ki|| you.” Her eyes were going to change to red but got interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

“f-__-king get inside.” She retorted, not taking her eyes off the fluffy animal so she wouldn’t be caught off-guard if it decided to attack her.

The door was immediately pushed open and her brother flew into the room, seeming worried and scared.

“Esme, what is it? Are you_”

“I’m not okay.” She interrupted. “Get that beast out of this room. I thought I asked you guys to ki|| it last night.”

“What?” Camden rushed to carry Chucky in his arms but the animal was still barking and growling at Lilith. “This dog is like your child, Esme. Why will you ask us to ki|| him?”

“Because I don’t need him again. He is a beast.” She replied.

“He is a dog, not a beast. And what do you mean by ‘you don’t need him again’? I don’t understand you. You’ve been strange lately.”

“Enough of that already. It is becoming annoying. How am I strange? What’s so different about me, hmm?”

“Look at you,” He motioned. “Aren’t you noticing the strange things in you as well? You’ve been rude, mean, ill-mannered, crazy, loud, and complicated. Seriously, who are you?”

Lilith quietly stared at him and after a while, she got out of bed, still pressing the pillow against herself.

“Get out of my room.” She ordered.

Camden’s face dropped instantly.

“What did you just say?”

“I don’t want to repeat myself. Leave my room and take that animal with you.” She said.

“Get rid of the animal yourself. After all, it’s your dog.” He dropped Chucky on the floor and stormed out of the room in fury.

“Wait, what? Where are you going? Take_”

Chucky suddenly pounced on Lilith, knocking her off her feet.

“Ahhhh!” She screamed.


“Why will you do that to your sister? She is still unwell and needs all the love and attention in the world. You shouldn’t have been mean to her.” Joan scolded.

Camden stayed mute, gazing at the floor.

Lilith sat beside Alfie, glaring hard at Camden. Her hair was all over the place and her pajamas were rumpled. All because of that beast and her supposed brother who’s meant to take care of her.

“Apologize to her,” Alfie commanded.

Lilith smirked, folding her arms over her chest and sitting straight like a princess who was going to be crowned as the next queen.

“She’s the one that’s supposed to apologize.” Camden retorted.

“Why is that?” The man asked.

“Esmeralda spoke rudely to me. She even ordered me out of her room.”

Alfie and Joan glanced at their daughter but she avoided their gaze.

“We are talking about Esmeralda, not Carmen.” Joan noted.

“Mom, Esmeralda was very rude this morning. You can ask her what she said to me this morning.” He said.

“Princess, did you order your brother out of your room?” Alfie interrogated.

“No.” She answered without wasting time, keeping a serious face on. “Why will I ever ask my senior brother out of my room? I only pleaded with him to take the dog out but he wouldn’t listen to my pleas.” She sniffled, lowering her gaze.

Camden’s eyes popped open. Never did he expect this plot twist from his once amazing sister.

‘What’s going on?’ He thought to himself, perplexed.

“Are you sure you aren’t lying to your mother and me?”

Lilith peered into the man’s eyes, using her manipulative ski||s.

“Don’t you trust me, Father?”

Alfie stared back into her eyes for a moment before nodding his head.

“Of course, I trust you. You are my sweet daughter and you will never lie to your mother and me.” He moved his gaze back to his son who was still in bewilderment. “You, apologize to your sister right now for lying on her and using her fears against her.”

“Fears? But Esme has never been afraid of_”

“Apologize to her!” Alfie roared.

“I’m sorry, Esme. I should never have left you alone with Chucky.” He said.

“Good.” Alfie smiled at his princess and said. “Forgive your brother, okay? And oh, where is Chucky?”

Lilith smirked, coming up to her feet.

“Don’t worry, he is in a safe place.”


“So, how is your sister?” Oscar asked.

“She’s fine, I guess.” Camden shrugged.

“You guess? It’s your sister we are talking about here, isn’t it?” Ricco muttered.

“Guys,” Camden stopped walking and faced his three friends. “Do you believe in sudden transformation?”

“Mm-hmm. Makeup is a sudden transformation for ladies.” Harley said.

“I’m not talking about makeup, Harley. I mean, behavioral transformation.” He elucidated.

“Behavioral transformation,” Harley repeated. “Is Esme behaving differently?”

“Yes. Utterly different. She is now outspoken, rude, mean, h@ťěs dogs, lies expertly, and annoying.” He huffed.

“Whoa. That’s…a lot.” Ricco breathed out.

“Believe me, there’s a whole lot about her now. She is no longer the sweet angel I used to know. She doesn’t even remember being bullied in school or who pushed her off the building. Apparently, we don’t know who to hold accountable for what happened to her. My baby sister has transformed into someone unexplainable and it’s scary.”

“I don’t think you should be worried, Cam. Maybe she is still going through the shock of a near-death experience. She could have died from that incident, you know.” Oscar stated.

“Yeah, right. I shouldn’t think stupidly. She’s my baby sister after all.” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Did she come to school today?” Ricco asked.

“Of course not. First off, she needs rest. And secondly, she won’t be coming back to snowy high, not after what happened. Carmen and I would have stopped but we’re close to graduating and our parents don’t want to do anything that will affect us our graduation.” He explained.


Beverly approached her locker, having a deep scowl on her face.

She could see students mumbling and looking at her but she ignored them.

Beverly opened her locker when she heard her name from behind.

She spun around and found her girls before her.

“Have you heard the news?” Ivy asked.

“What?” Beverly frowned, taking out her books and closing the locker.

“It is about Esmeralda.”

Beverly’s eyes widened, seeming interested in the news.

“What about her? Did she survive the fall? Does everyone know what happened?” She anxiously asked.

“Calm down, girl.” Ivy chuckled. ”You have nothing to worry about anymore.”

“What do you mean?”

“Because that Ɓîtçh won’t be a problem to us again… She is dead.” Clara dropped the bomb.

Beverly looked around, paying attention to the mumbling from the students this time around.

👥Esmeralda is Mr.Alfie’s daughter

👥Esmeralda is from a wealthy family.

👥Esmeralda is dead.

👥No wonder she didn’t come to school? Besides, nobody has heard a thing about her.

👥Esmeralda is dead.

👥Esmeralda is dead.

Beverly blocked out the voices, smiling deviously.

“My wish has been fulfilled. Indeed, I have nothing to worry about.”


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