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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 23 & 24

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky










“Oh, no. It is happening again.”


Esmeralda was pretending to be asleep when she felt the presence of humans.

She has her eyes tightly closed and her mouth sealed while breathing softly.

She has been wondering where she was but nothing seem to be connecting in her head.

The last thing she remembered was, having a conversation with her best friends on the school rooftop and then, she was knocked off from the building by an invisible force.

How did that happen?

She even tried to transform to her demon form and save herself but it was impossible for her to do so.

And now, here she is, at a place she knows nothing about.

Should she be worried?

“Doctor,” She heard a voice calling out, interrupting her train of thoughts. “How is my daughter? Would she be fine?”

‘Daughter?’ She thought to herself, fighting the urge to open her eyes and see the faces of those behind the voices.

“Well, I can’t say for no, Mr. Brown. Your daughter is in a coma for now. We just have to be hopeful that she wakes up.” The feminine voice answered.

“Alright. But make sure to do everything possible to save my princess. I will pay for wh@ťěver it cost.” The masculine voice that has spoken earlier said.

“Okay, sir. I should take my leave.”

A few seconds later, she heard the sound of the door clicking and knowing that they were finally gone, she reopened her eyes.

“What the hell is going on? Doctor? Coma? Daughter? Humans?” She said to herself, pulling off the wires that was connected to her body and got out of the hospital bed.

She stepped close to the window, drew the curtain open and stared out of it.

She saw humans walking back and forth in the hospital compound.

She couldn’t believe her eyes at what she was seeing.

“Am… Am I in the human world?” She asked herself, looking surprised and confused. “How is this possible? How did I get into the human world without realizing it?”

She was lost in thought that she didn’t feel the presence of a human behind her until she heard a voice.


She slowly turned around to see who it was that has called her by an unusual name.

“Esmeralda, you… you are awake!” Carmen squealed, rushing into her baby sister’s arms. “You are awake, you are awake. Oh, God.”

The door opened, revealing Camden, Joan, and Alfie. Carmen and Camden’s friends have left the hospital after spending some time with them but they actually promised to be back tomorrow before going to school.

Joan’s eyes went wide when she saw her daughter standing upright in the arms of Carmen.

Wasn’t she in a coma a few minutes ago?

However, she push that thought aside and rushed to her two daughters, pulling them into her arms and crying silently.

“You are awake.”

‘Esmeralda? Who the hell is that? I am not Esmeralda.’ She thought to herself, standing like a log of wood in the arms of these two humans she doesn’t know from anywhere.

“Esme,” Camden called out, taking a slow step towards her.

She eyed him carefully and smirked.

‘Human boy, I might take his energy, transform to my demon form and get the hell out of this shithole.’ She thought.

Joan cupped her daughter’s face and stared into her hazel eyes.

She furrowed her brows.

“Why are your eyes Hazel? You have blue eyes if I’m not mistaken.” She stated.

Lilith rolled her eyes, pulling away from the embrace and taking a step back.

“First off, I don’t know any of you. Secondly, I am not Esmeralda. I don’t f-__-king know who that is. Thirdly, I need to get the f-__-k out of this $h|t.” She said.

Everyone in the room eyes went wide immediately after she said those words.

Esmeralda would never speak to them like this. She never even use the ‘F’ word.

“Something is wrong,” Alfie stated. “Camden, go and call the doctor. Hurry up.”

“Yes, father.” Camden turned around and ran out of the ICU.

“Esme, are you_” Carmen began but was rudely interrupted.

“Don’t you dare call me that. Who is this Esmeralda, by the way? How did I even end up here? You know what? I don’t think I can wait any further to take that human boy’s energy. I should get out of here right now.” She turned around and pushed her head out of the window.

“Esme, what are you doing!?” Joan screamed in fear.

Lilith ignored the woman, trying to transform to her demon form but she couldn’t.

She kept on trying and trying and trying but nothing happened.

“What is wrong with me?” She asked herself, taking a step back from the window. “Why can’t I transform?”


“DON’T CALL ME THAT.” She roared angrily, glaring hard at Carmen who just called her. “I am not Esmeralda.” She said through gritted teeth.

Carmen, Joan, and Alfie exchanged puzzled looks.

“What are you saying, princess?” Alfie asked, moving close to her but she quickly backed away from him.

“If any of you touch me, I swear I will ki|| you!” She opened the door behind her and stepped inside.

Lilith closed the door behind her and examined the room she jut walked into.

She was in the restroom.

“What is wrong with me? Why can’t I transformed? How did I even get here?” She bombard herself with questions, stepping to the mirror.

Her eyes widened when she saw an unfamiliar face staring back at her.

“Argh!!!” She screamed and the mirror shattered into a million pieces, flying everywhere.

She ran her palm over her face.

“What is wrong with me?” She asked for the millionth time. “Whose face was that? Why do I look that way?” She balled her fist in agitation.

“Esmeralda, are you okay?” Joan knocked the restroom door worriedly.

They had all heard the scream and mirror shattering from inside.

“Please, come out and talk to us.” Carmen pleaded.

Lilith leaned against the door, trapping her head in between bet palms.

“I am not Esmeralda!” She yelled, her eyes changing to red. She yanked a shard from the floor and slashed her left wrist, watching as blood gushes out of the open wound.

However, the blood ceases and the wound closed up.

“I am still immortal. But why can’t I transform? I need to get out of here. I need to leave this world.” She mumbled, her eyes changing back to hazel.

“Esme!” There was a loud knock on the door, cutting through her thoughts. “Open the door or else I’m going to break it down.” Alfie thr_@tened.

“Get out. I am not Esmeralda. I am Li…” She couldn’t get the rest of her word out of her mouth. She tried but it was in vain.

“Esmeralda, you are getting us worried. Please open the door.” Joan sobbed.

‘I can’t say my name.’ She said in her head, gripping the hospital gown she was wearing.

She suddenly started having glimpses of a memory that wasn’t hers.

It was the memory of the girl whose face she own now. The memory of Esmeralda.

She saw the faces of the humans standing by the other side of the door. She saw the faces of some group of people, they were hitting the Esmeralda of a girl.

“What is this?” Lilith frowned. “Have I switched souls with a human?”



“Where am I?” Esmeralda asked under her breath, slowly sitting upright on the bed.

“Baby, are you okay? Do you feel any kind of pain?” Dahlia worriedly asked, reaching out to hold her daughter’s hands but the girl quickly pulled away.

“Who are you?” She asked, giving the woman seated before her a confused and scared look. “Where am I? What is this place?”

Dahlia face dropped as she eyed her daughter closely, wondering what’s going on.

“Lilith, what are you saying? Does your head hurt? Why are you asking those kind of ridiculous questions? I am your mother. This is your home.”

Esme shook her head in denial, her breathing picking up to an unusual pace.

“N…no. No, this is not my home. You are not my mother. I have never even met you before. Did… Did you kidnap me?”

“What?” The queen deadpanned. “You are scaring me, child. What is wrong with you?”

She shot up to her feet, standing far away from the woman claiming to be her mother.

The last thing she remembered was getting into an argument with Beverly and getting pushed from the school building.

How then did she get here? Wait, was she dead? If yes, where is this place? Hell? Because there is no way this place was heaven. She doesn’t know what heaven looks like. No one does. But one thing is certain, Heaven doesn’t look like this!

And if she is truly dead, she is supposed to be in heaven. She was a good person during her time on earth. She never picked on people or did anything that will warrant her to go to hell.

Esme wiped off the beads of sweat that has formed on her forehead, breathing heavily as she kept on surveying her environment.

Where is her mother? Her biological mother, to be precise. Where is Camden, Carmen, or her father?

Where is this place? Why is this woman claiming to be her mother? What the f-__-king hell is going on!?

She was confused, lost, scared, and worried. Getting pushed off the school building to her death is complicating and scary. However, opening her eyes to a place filled with darkness and a woman she doesn’t know from anywhere insisting to be her mother is a whole lot for her.

She wants to run but it seems pointless to do so because the woman was standing close to the door.

And besides, where does she want to even run to?

Dahlia could see the confusion and questions in the eyes of her only daughter and that terrified her so much.

‘What is happening? Lilith only fell off a tall building, did she hit her head somewhere? Have we lost her memories?’ Dahlia thought to herself, shaking her head quietly. ‘Nah. Demons don’t lose their memories. We are immortals. What is happening to my child?’

“Lilith,” Dahlia attempted to take a step close but the girl raised her hand up, indicating that she stop right on her track which she did, actually.

“Don’t come any closer to me. I am not Lilith. I don’t know you. What do you want from me?” She cried out.

Dahlia’s hands stared shuddering and fear took the better part of her. Never have she ever feel so frightened of anything. Never have she ever allowed this feeling of fear consume her but here she is, doing nothing to fight the feeling.

“Are you playing a prank on me, baby? If yes, please stop it right now because it is not funny anymore. Why are you doing this, huh? What do you mean by ‘you are not Lilith?’” She tried to take another step again.

“I will scream if you come any close to me, I swear.” She thr_@tened, tears streaming down her face.

Dahlia’s eyes widened when she saw the color of the tears. It wasn’t the usual which was supposed to be black. Demons tears are black while Vampires tears are blood. And humans tears are colorless. However, in this moment, her daughter’s tears weren’t black but they were two different colors. One side blood and the other was colorless.

“How… How is this possible?” She muttered. “Who are you?”

Esmeralda saw this as an opportunity to tell the woman her true identity and get out of the God forsaken place.

“I am not Lilith. My name is Esm…” The words got stuck in her throat and as much as we tried to get the name out, she couldn’t.

“Who are you!?” Dahlia snapped angrily.

It was quiet for a moment and the next words that came out of the girl’s mouth didn’t only surprise Dahlia but surprised the girl as well.

“Lilith. I am Lilith, your daughter.” She subconsciously replied.

‘What is this? Why can’t I say my name? Why am I admitting to be someone else?’ She thought to herself, staring blankly at the woman.

Suddenly, she started having glimpse of memories that weren’t hers.

She saw three girls; Delphine, Lou, and Calliope. They were the best friends of the girl she is claiming to be.

“You are Lilith?” Dahlia queried, raising a questioning brow.

‘No, I am not Lilith. I am Esmeralda!’ She wanted to scream those words at the top of her lungs but instead, the words that rolled off her mouth were;

“Yes, I am Lilith, mother. Your daughter.”



Brent and Beverly laid down on a king-sized bed, staring up at the ceilings.

Beverly was stark naked while her dear boyfriend had only a brief on.

An awkward and uncomfortable silence hung in the air for what felt like hours when it was only for a few minutes.

After a moment of stillness, Brent finally decided to speak up and do away with the tension between them.

“What is bothering you, babe?” He ran his fingertips over her naked back, earning soft Mõ@ɲs from her.

“No…nothing.” She exhaled sharply, her eyes fluttering close.

“Nothing?” He repeated, shaking his head in disagreement. “I don’t think that’s the case, babe. You’ve been acting strange since you returned from your mother’s office this morning. You didn’t even say much to our friends and that includes me as well. Neither did you bully anyone in school. And right now, aside from Mõ@ɲing my name during our beautiful and blissful moment, you haven’t said much. Something is definitely wrong. Come on, tell me what it is.”

Beverly opened her eyes, staring blankly at the white-painted wall.

“Actually,” She began after much hesitation. “I have a lot in my mind.” She admitted, running the tip of her tongue over her lips.

“Okay? Is it about Esmeralda? Have you told your mother about it? What did she say?” He asked.

“Well, my mother is very supportive of me, you know. She was willing and ready to do anything to protect me and make sure I don’t get into any kind of mess.”

“Why are you using the past tense, baby? And if your mother is so supportive of you as you are claiming, why do you seem sad and…scared?”

“Esmeralda’s mother dropped by the school today.” She answered.

“Oh,” Brent smirked. “so the Ɓîtçh has a mother, huh? I thought she was an orphan.”

“News flash, she is not an orphan. And why aren’t you scared?” She sat upright, ignoring the duvet that fell off her chest, displaying her bre@st.

He frowned, raising a questioning brow at her.

“Scared? And why should I be? If her mother stopped by the school today, how is that supposed to be a problem? I’m sure she came to ask for compensation. Tell me, how much did she ask for?”

“Are you for real!?” She snapped, getting out of bed and grabbing the first shirt she placed her hand on and wore it over her naked body. The shirt belongs to Brent so it was reaching her mid-thigh. “Do you think if this was about money, I would be worried?”

“Um, what else could it be, babe?” He sat upright, leaning his back against the headboard. “I mean, she is poor and her family must be poor as well, isn’t that right?”

“No, it isn’t.” She growled. “Esmeralda isn’t some local poor girl, Brent. She is not poor like we had thought.”

“What are you talking about? Wait,” He eyed her closely. “don’t tell me you took all that she said before her fall to heart.”

“I didn’t. But guess what? I regret not listening to her.” She sighed.

“Huh?” Brent was confused. “Can you be specific, Beverly?”

“Yes, I will be specific, Brent. Listen carefully and oh, sit down properly because you might end up falling to the ground after I say what I’m about to say.” She cleared her throat. “The last name of Esmeralda is Brown. Does that ring a bell?”

Brent thought about it for a while before shaking his head.

“No, I don’t think so. Esmeralda Brown… Brown… Brown… That name does sound familiar but I can’t place my head around it.”

“Alfie Brown… Joan Brown… Carmen Brown… Camden Brown… Esmeralda Brown. That should be enough clue.”

Brent processed the words in his head quietly and a few seconds later, his eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

“Holy f-__-king $h|t. Please tell me you are joking.” He said, rising up to his feet.

“Joking?” She scoffed. “Am I laughing to you? What sick person would crack a joke and not laugh over it?”

“Oh, $h|t, $h|t, $h|t, $h|t!” He ruffled his hair, biting his lower lip to the point of drawing out blood.

“We are finished, Brent. If anything happens to Esmeralda… it is over for all of us.” Beverly cried out, reaching out to touch him but he immediately pulled away, giving her the ‘what are you saying?’ look.

“Why are you looking at me that way?” She questioned.

“What do you mean by ‘we are finished. If anything happens to Esmeralda, it is over for us’ I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand? We all made life hell for Esmeralda in school thinking that she’s poor, remember?”

“Who and who?” He asked.

“What sort of a stupid question is that? Clara, Ivy, Dave, Ava, Kevin, you and me. We all bullied Esmeralda and pushed her off the school building.”

“Are you stupid?” He sneered. “Yeah, we bullied Esme, I denial there. But we didn’t push her. You did. If she dies, you are the murderer, Beverly. Don’t share your problems with the rest of us.”

Beverly’s face dropped instantly.

“What… what did you just say?”

“You heard me clearly, love. Wh@ťěver happens, it is all on you. Carry your cross yourself. Please!” He shot.

“How dare you?” Beverly shouted. “How dare you put everything on me, Brent? We were all in this together. We_”

“I never denied that fact, did I? But you push her off the building not me, Clara, Ivy, Dave, Kevin, or Ava. It is all on you!” He said, pointing a finger at her.

Tears rolled down her face as she stared at the boy she once thought would be her backbone during her most difficult times.

“Are you going to throw me under the bus?” She muttered under her breath. “Are you going to betray me now?”

“Listen, I love you, Beverly. I love you so much and I can do anything for you. But I’m sorry, I can’t get myself involved in this. Do you know who the Browns are? Do you know what they can do? If my parents knows about this, I am finished. They would ki|| me and guess what? They love me so much but that won’t stop them from ki||ing me if they know that I’ve gotten into the bad book of the Browns. Mr. Alfie has more power than the president. He would ki|| us, and anyone that stands in his way and here is the shocking thing, the president is ready to legalize murder as long as it is Mr. Alfie Brown that does it.” He shook his head, taking a step back. “I can’t get myself involved, babe. I’m sorry, but you are on your own.”


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