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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SUCCUBUS – Episode 19 & 20

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( Demons Amongst Humans )

THEME: Beautiful Nightmare 🔞

By, Precious Pinky









“Sister?” Maeve and Harriet repeated in utmost surprise and confusion.

“Yo…your sister?” Maeve reiterated for the second time.

“Wha…what are you saying, Carmen? We are talking about the poor girl, Esmeralda. The girl Beverly has been bullying.” Harriet added.

“And besides, you don’t have a sister. You only have a twin brother,” Maeve reasoned, pointing at Camden who stood motionless behind his sister.

Carmen exhaled shaky breaths, biting her lower lip while Camden went on to ask the next question, ignoring the girls’ countless questions and confused state.

“Where is Esmeralda? Which hospital was she rushed to?”

Maeve and Harriet exchanged puzzled looks before answering,

“She was rushed to the hospital a few miles away from the junior section building.”

“Let’s go, Car.” Camden grabbed his sister’s hand and attempted to walk away but Harriet held Carmen’s other hand, bringing a halt to their movement.

“Where are both of you going?” She asked, furrowing her brows.

“Why do you care about this girl? Whether she is in the hospital or not shouldn’t be your business. Or is there something you aren’t telling us?” Maeve asked.

“Later,” Carmen muttered, pulling her hand out of Harriet’s grasp. “I will explain everything to you both later, I promise.” She faced her brother. “Let’s go.”

They immediately walked away without turning back.

Harriet and Maeve stood still for a while, staring at Camden and Carmen’s retreating form until they went out of their sight.

“What just happened?” Maeve asked no one in particular.

However, Harriet still took her time to answer the rhetorical question.

“I swear I have no idea.”


< ᴄʜᴇꜱᴛᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴍᴀɴꜱɪᴏɴ 🌹4:50 PM >

“So, what’s the plan?” Brent asked, staring at his dear girlfriend seated behind him in the car.

“Honestly, I don’t know.” She mumbled. “I’ve never been in a situation like this.”

“Well, that’s because we have never pushed someone off the school building.” He snarled.

“Are you going to keep talking like this? I feel guilty already, okay? My mom’s school will be in trouble because of what I’ve done. I feel bad.” She said.

“You should have really, really, really controlled your anger. Now look at where it has landed us in.” He ruffled his hair.

“I know, Brent. I know. Besides, you shouldn’t be talking to me like this. I don’t feel bad for pushing her off the school building, just so you know. I don’t regret it at all. I only feel bad because this might affect the school’s reputation and my mom will be at the center of all this.” She puffed out. “I’m worried about her most.”

Brent gripped the steering wheel, not saying anything.

“I have thought this through and I’ve come to a conclusion,” She informed.

He turned to look at her, raising a questioning brow.

“What do you mean?”

Beverly swallowed nothing and answered, picking her words carefully.

“I am going to tell my mother the truth. She deserves to know what really happened.”

Brent’s eyes widened.

“Are you kidding me? You want to do what? Do you have an idea of what you are saying?”

“Calm down, Brent.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down because I can’t.” He groaned. “We pushed a person off the rooftop and what? You want to tell your mom? Can you even hear yourself?”

“My mom is going to support me, Brent. She is the only one who can help us in this case. You can also tell your parents. I’m sure they will take care of the situation.” She stated.

“If Esme’s die, we could end up in jail, you know that, right?”

“First off, Esme is a nobody and her death will cost us nothing. I mean, who will press charges on us, hmm? Her parents are wretched and poor. They can’t do anything to us. And I’m sure if our parents decide to pay them off just so they can keep their mouths shut, they won’t think twice to collect the money. As I’ve said before, I’m only feeling guilty because of my mother. Her school might suffer the most blow in all of this.” Beverly let out.

“Can we trust the others, though? What if one of them reports us to the police?”

“They wouldn’t dare. However, I don’t trust Ava. If we can betray her best friend just to be in our clique… she can do anything. I will first have to deal with telling my mom what happened before focusing on Ava.”

“Hmm. Okay.” Brent nodded.

“Are you telling your parents as well?” She queried.

“Yeah. My parents will do everything possible to protect me. And you’re right, Esme is poor and her death will cost us nothing. Come to think of it, what’s the assurance that her parents are even alive?”

“I know, right?” Beverly scoffed. “I h@ťě that girl. I wish she could just die and leave this world. Because of her, I’m going through all this. I swear if she survives the fall and returns to school after getting better,” Her face hardened. “I’m going to ki|| her and this time around, I will make sure she doesn’t survive it.”

Brent smirked, running his fingertip over her face and pushing a strand of her away from her face, and tucked it behind her ear.

“I love how mean you are, Beverly. You are always beautiful whenever you think of doing something evil.”

“Really? That means I will have to constantly do something evil so that I can always be beautiful in your eyes.”

Brent leaned towards her and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, cupping her face.

“Call me when you are done having the discussion with your mother, okay?”

“Sure. And you, too. This is the time when we need to stick together at all times. You will have my back and I will have yours.” She smiled.

“Of course. I love you.”

Beverly grinned and smashed her lips over his, kissing him with passion and tenderness.

A few seconds later, they pulled away and looked deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I love you more. Bye!” She opened the door and jumped out of the car.

“Bye.” Brent replied as he started the ignition once again and drove out of the compound.

Beverly let out a deep breath and went into the house, hanging her bag on her shoulder.


Mrs. Chester was busy with her phone when she felt the presence of someone from behind.

She calmly turned around and found her daughter standing by the door.

“You’re back.” The woman smiled, dropping her phone aside. “How was school?”

Beverly shrugged her shoulders, stepped further into the house, and went closer to her mother.

“Good, I guess.”

“Did you hear the news?” Mrs. Chester asked after a moment of silence. “A student fell off the school building of the junior section.”

“Mm-hmm.” Beverly hummed in reply, sitting down on the single couch opposite her mother and dropping her bag by the foot of the chair.

“The student happens to be Esmeralda. The girl you usually bully.”


“You and your friends will be the suspect now because everyone at school knows about the constant bully. This case could affect the school image.”


Mrs. Chester studied her daughter for a few minutes while tilting her head to the side.

“Is there you want to tell me, Beverly?”


“You’ve been humming every one of your replies. You do that whenever you have something to say or you are nervous about something. What do you have in mind, dear?”

Beverly lowered her gaze, fiddling with her fingers.

“I have a confession to make,” She said in a whisper.

Mrs. Chester pinched her brows together, watching her daughter closely and carefully.

“I’m all ears.”

“I… uhm…” She hesitated for a moment. “I was the one who pushed her.”

“Huh? You pushed who?”

“I said I…” Beverly cleared her throat, avoiding her mother’s gaze. “I pushed Esmeralda off the school building. I did it.”

Mrs. Chester’s eyes went wide instantly.

“What did you just say?”

“It was a mistake, okay? The Ɓîtçh was disrespecting me. She said a lot of mean things to me. She even had the nerve to call me a spoilt brat, can you imagine? I was so pissed and I let my anger get the better part of me.”

“Do you know what you’ve done, Beverly? I am not even concerned about the life of the church rat but I’m mostly concerned about my image and that of the school. I have been receiving calls and emails from parents every minute,” As if on cue, her phone started ringing but she declined the call without bothering to see the caller ID. “They are worried and want to know what’s happening. This could tarnish all that I’ve worked for.”

“It is the one reason why I feel guilty, Mom!” Beverly sighed. “I’m sorry for being so careless.”

Mrs. Chester rose to her feet and started pacing back and forth, biting her fingernail.

“I care about the school and my image, of course. But you are my daughter and I care about you more. If words get out there, you might be in trouble.”

“Mom, Esmeralda is poor. If we give her parents some money to keep quiet. I’m sure they will accept it without a second thought.”

“Yeah, right. I guess I will have to set up a meeting with her parents. But then again, I’ve never met with her parents.”

“What?” Beverly frowned, remembering the words of Esme at the rooftop.

★“I will show you the difference between your status and mine.”★

“Mom, do you think Esme is from a wealthy family?” She asked.

“Wealthy family?” Mrs. Chester scoffed. “Does she look like one?”

“Not really but what if she’s hiding her true identity?”

★“I think it’s time I tell everyone who I truly am.”★ Esme’s words rang in her head like a timer set for an explosion.

“What are you saying? Do you think we are in some kind of a movie, hmm? Do you think this is the case of ‘a rich girl pretending to be poor’ thing? Don’t be fooled. There’s no way she’s from a wealthy home.”

“How sure are you? Besides, you said it yourself that you haven’t met her parents. What if–”

“What if you are overthinking things?” Mrs. Chester cut her off. “Don’t complicate things with your doubts, Beverly. If Esme happens to be from a rich family, it is over for us. Because that way, her family will be able to charge us in court and they might possibly figure out what really happened. You don’t want that, do you?”

“Of course not.”

“Good. I will try my best to conceal the truth. No one must know that you bully her. I will spread out the narrative that she committed suicide and you must play along, you hear me?”

“Yes, Mom. What about the school’s reputation?”

“Leave that to me.” She said.

“Okay.” Beverly stood up to her feet when her mother suddenly asked her.

“Did anyone see you pushing her off the building?”

“Brent and the rest of our group were there when it happened. I trust them. However, there was a new girl in our group who saw what happened alongside the others.”

“Who is she?”

“Ava. She’s a student from my class. I don’t trust her. She has every characteristic of a betrayal.”

“Hmm. I will take care of her. Just be nice in school for now. It is one thing being a bully but it is a whole different thing being a murderer. I will protect you and the school with all I’ve got but you have to cooperate with me. Is that clear?”

Beverly nodded her head.

“Yes, mother. Thank you for your support. It really means a lot to me.”

“You are my baby and I love you so much.” She spread out her arms and Beverly rushed into her mother’s arms, embracing her with a huge smile on her face.

“I love you too, mom.” She replied.

There was a comfortable silence between them until a thought crossed Mrs. Chester’s mind. She pulled away from her daughter and stared into her eyes.

“Not a word about this to your father, okay?”

“O…Okay. But wait, you don’t think Dad will report me to the cops if he hears of it, do you?”

“I don’t know, child. But I don’t trust him.”



“Where is Esmeralda?” Joan cried out, hurrying to her other two children. “Where is your sister? What happened to my daughter?”

“Mom, calm down,” Camden began but he was rudely cut off by his mother.

“Don’t ask me to calm down! Where is my child?”

Carmen leaned against the white-painted wall, crying her eyes out with her head lowered.

They’ve been here for close to five hours but nothing has been said to them.

The doctors and nurses kept going in and out of the operating room, having no readable expression on their faces.

Camden has tried to get the word out of their mouth but it is almost impossible to even stop them from having a conversation.

The whole thing happening was scaring everyone.

Joan dropped her bag on the bench and stepped closer to the operation room, staring intently at the door as if it was going to open or better still, show her what was going on inside.

Her heart was beating loud and fast, ringing an alarm in her ear.

As the time ticked, the tension in the air grew.

Camden wrapped his arms around his mother’s shoulders, trying to calm her down but that was an impossible mission.

He was breaking down inside and his mental state was on the line. However, his mother and sister both need his support and he needs to be a man to be able to give them that support.

‘Why are they not coming out? What’s going on?’ Carmen thought to herself, fresh tears streaming down her face.



The operation room doors opened and the doctor stepped out alongside a few nurses, pushing a stretcher containing an unconscious Esmeralda.

Esmeralda’s head was wrapped up in bandages, including her legs and arms. There was an IV connected to her body and a heart monitor as well.

“Oh, God.” Joan gasped out in tears, stopping the nurses from going any further as she gently touched her daughter’s face. “What happened to my daughter?”

“She was pushed off a school building. It took us a while to steady her health. I’m not going to sugarcoat anything but we almost lost her. It’s only a miracle that she’s still breathing and in a coma.”

“Co…coma?” Camden repeated. “How is being in a coma a miracle?”

“That’s not a good thing, I know. But trust me, it is a miracle that she even made it into a coma.” The female doctor said.

“Will she wake up?” Carmen asked.

The doctor shrugged her shoulders.

“Let’s just hold on to faith. 60% of people have woken up from a coma. Let’s hope that she bears the same fate.” She told them. “For now, she will be in the ICU. We need to keep a close watch on her.”

“Please do wh@ťěver it takes to wake her up. I am ready to pay any amount of money.” Joan stated.

“We will try our best, ma’am but we aren’t making any promises. Please, nurses, take her to the ICU.” The doctor ordered. “Please excuse me.”


< 𝚄𝙽𝙳𝙴𝚁𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙻𝙳 🌹ᴋɪɴɢ ɢʀᴀʜᴀᴍ'ꜱ ᴘᴀʟᴀᴄᴇ >

The physician stepped out of Lilith’s bedroom.

King Graham, Dahlia, and Lilith’s best friends were all waiting in front of the door.

As soon as they sighted the old man, they stopped panicking.

“How is she?” Dahlia was the first to ask, looking very worried and… scared.

The man shook his head sadly.

“She is not responding to any drugs or treatment, My Queen.” He bowed.

“What? What do you mean by that? Aren’t you a healer? Why can’t you save my daughter!?” She snapped.

“I tried my best, my queen. I really did.” He said.

“THEN YOUR BEST IS NOT ENOUGH.” She transformed into her demon form, wrapping her fingers around the physician’s neck and squeezing the air out of his lungs “My daughter is fighting for her life in there and you are here telling me what? Do wh@ťěver it takes to save her. Save my precious daughter or else!”

“Dahlia,” Graham cut in, “I will take it from here.”

Dahlia transformed back to her non-demon form, not caring about her nakedness.

Lou cast a spell and a dress appeared in her hand. She handed it over to the Queen.

Dahlia collected it and wore the piece of cloth over her naked body, not sparing the girl a glance as every one of her attention was on the physician.

“Is it happening again?” Graham asked calmly.

“It is. But this time around, it is very bad.”

Graham exhaled sharply, balling his fist tight.

“Have you checked if her soul is intact?”

The physician nodded his head.

“It still is. But her breathing is very weak, my king. A slight mistake can ruin a lot. We just have to remain calm and be ready for the worst.”



< ꜱɴᴏᴡʏ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴄʜᴏᴏʟ 🌹ᴊᴜɴɪᴏʀ ꜱᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ >

Mrs. Chester was in her office, going through some paperwork when she heard a knock on the door.

She raised her head and said at the top of her voice,

“Yes? Come in.”

The door was pushed open and Joan walked in, very pissed.

Mrs. Chester quickly rose to her feet, trembling in fear. She was never expecting Joan in her office.

“Mrs. Brown, good morning. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise, ma’am?”

“What happened to my daughter?” Joan asked without beating around the bush, $h00ting daggers at the principal.

“Your daughter?” Mrs. Chester repeated, confused. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with Carmen. I mean, none that I know of.”

“I am not talking about Carmen. What happened to Esmeralda, my daughter? How did she fell off the school building!?” She yelled angrily.

Mrs. Chester swallowed nothing as beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. She wiped off her sweaty palm against her dress, her heart racing in an unusual rhythm.

“There is only one Esmeralda who fell off the school building yesterday but I don’t think she’s your daughter. I mean, there is no way she’s your daughter, right?” She stammered.

Joan gave her the ‘what are you saying?’ look.

“Esmeralda can’t be your daughter. I’m sure you are talking about Carm_”

“Esmeralda Brown is my daughter. And right now, she is fighting for her life after falling off the school building. What happened?”

Mrs. Chester stumbled but quickly held on to herself by placing her palms on the desk, looking at Joan in complete shock.

“Listen carefully, Mrs. Chester. If my daughter doesn’t survive this, I swear I’m going to lock down this school and sue you. I will make life a living hell for you and your family. Just pray, pray very well to wh@ťěver deity you believe in that nothing happens to my daughter. Or else, I will show you how far I can go to ruin you and your school. Don’t dare me because just with the snap of my fingers can destroy you and everything you’ve worked your @zz for.” She walked towards the door but stopped mid-way and faced the principal. “My husband own the biggest shares in this school, right?” Mrs. Chester slowly nodded her head. “Good. I just said I should remind you.” With that said, she left the office.

Mrs. Chester immediately dropped to the couch, looking very terrified and worried.

“I’m finished.”


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