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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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❤️ The social

Phobic billionaire ?

(Alone in his world….)

Written by Ibrahim Gift

Chapter 14


“Why did you leave? Don’t you like this place?”, Heaven asked after approaching Rowan who was just on the beach thinking.

“I just wanted to be alone.”, He replied.

“What are you thinking about?”, She asked.

“I am thinking of how to make you fall for me completely.”, He replied and she just laughed.

“You still have s month though or are you giving up?”

“Never, I don’t give up easily.”, He replied.

“Tell me about yourself Mr Rowan.”, She asked.

“Why are you suddenly asking about me? Are you curious about me?”

“You are my boyfriend and so I should know about you.”, She said.

“Woah! You are finally acknowledging me as your boyfriend, I am not used to this.”, He said happily.

“Why do you wear mask? What happened to you?”

“I don’t like my face, I have a scar, didn’t you and your friends see the scar on my face?”

“Do you want to tell me about it? I am ready to listen.”, She said and he was quiet for a while.


“Are you stupid? Just because I refuse to take responsibility for your child, you decided to involve the Media, what are you trying to do huh? Tarnish my imagine?”, Chairman Williams fired at rowan’s mom.

“Sir please I only involved the media because you wouldn’t hear me out, I haven’t been asking you for anything, I have been taking care of our son myself because you asked me to stay away from you but please believe me, I am sick and I won’t be able to take care of Rowan anymore.”, She said on her knees.

“I am really sick, I only have few months to live. Please just take responsibility for Rowan and once he is old enough, he would take care of himself.”, She added in tears.

“You expect me to believe that you are sick? You are just like a slut, you are using your son to collect money from me. I don’t have any money to give you, so take their son of yours to it’s father, Rowan might not even be my son. He might be the son of those men you sleep with.”, He said and she burst into tears.

“Sir Williams you know that you are the only man that I have slept with, I have taken care of Rowan for seven years on my own, why would I suddenly just ask you to take care of him if all I need is money?”

“That is what I should be asking you, maybe his father has abondoned him and now you want me to take responsibility.”, He replied.

“Wh@ťěver you are planning won’t work because I already informed the media that you drvgged me and forced me to sleep with you and now you want to force me to take responsibility to take care of another man’s child.”, He said.

“What? But Rowan is really your child, we can have a DNA test carried out if you don’t believe me”, she said.

“I don’t have any time to argue with you, just leave while I am being nice and never return back. Go back to his father because I am not this child’s dad.”, He said pushing her out.

“Please stop hurting my mom, he hasn’t done anything wrong. You should apologize to her.”, Rowan, who has the watching them in tears said and Williams immediately push him away with force which caused a sharp object to tear his face.

“You are bleeding, take this.”, Eight year old harry offered his handkerchief as Rowan cried in severe pain.

“Rowan what happened? Does it hurt?”, His mom quickly rushed to him.

“Throw them out and make sure they never return here again.”, Williams ordered the guards.

“You shouldn’t care about these people harry, just keep this in mind that these two people are your greatest enemy because they want to destroy your father and take his wealth.”, He said to harry.

“Promise me that you won’t involve yourself with them.”, He said.

“I promise dad.”, Harry said softly.

“Let’s go inside.”, He said and left with harry.

“I’m sorry Rowan that this happened to you, I was so careless. You are bleeding and I don’t even money to take you to the hospital.”, Rowan mom said as she hugged him.

“Mom it hurts so much.”, He cried as he placed the handkerchief on the face.

“I’m sorry Rowan.”, She said.

***Outside the mansion***

Seeing rowan’s mom and Rowan coming out of Williams Mansion, reporters quickly rush to them.

?”Ma’am is it true that you drvgged Mr Williams just to sleep with you?”

“I didn’t dru….!”

? “If you drvgged Mr Williams to sleep with you then why are you lying that he deceived you to sleep with him?”, Another asked cutting her off.

“I am telling the truth, I didn’t force him to sleep with him.”, She tried defending herself.

?”why then are you bringing him after seven years of truly you are not after his money?”

“I am not after his money , I ….”

?”But according to mr Williams, this isn’t the first time you have tried using your son to blackmail him.”, Another said.

“My mom didn’t do anything, please let us go. Please my mom is innocent.”, Rowan cried as he covered the part he was injured.

“I am not answering any more question.”, Rowan’s mom said as she left with Rowan.

After that, Rowan became a victim of criticism and bullying. Apart from the fact that he was an illegitimate child, he was also known as the son of a slut and a child with a horrible scar on his face.

Rowan became traumatized and he couldn’t go out confidently and without covering his face.

The died of his mom made things very worse for Rowan because he was just being locked up in a house by Williams because of his illness.

After his mom died, Williams decided to gain popularity by accepting Rowan as his illegitimate child.

He announced to the public that he was truly the father and he is ready to responsibility, just to become popular and that plan of his worked quite well because the matter went viral but with time, people forgot that Williams had a second child, maybe because he always talks about harry and Harry has always been the one known as the next heir to his company.

***End of flashback***

“Did you really go through that?”, Heaven asked at the verge of bursting into tears.

“Did you believe that story of mine? Gosh! I totally deceived you.”, He said laughing.

“What? You were just messing with me? It is not real?”, She asked confused.

“I just made it up, I just wanted to play with you a bit.”, He said laughing but it was nothing near funny to heaven.

“You made that up? Seriously? Are you playing with my emotions? I can’t believe you.”, She said as she made attempt to stand up.

“I was saying the truth.”, He said and heaven turned to him but he had a serious face and he didn’t look like he was joking at all

“What if he is tricking me again?”, She wondered.

“I was telling the truth, I didn’t make the story up.”, He repeated and she sat down back.

“Why did you lie that it was made up?”

“I didn’t want you to pity me and I wasn’t sure if telling you was the right thing to do. I don’t want you to start hating me after hearing my story.”, He said.

“Come here.”, She gestured and he moved closer to her and she unexpectedly hugged him.

“Those people that h@ťě you, they don’t really know who you are on the inside and I am sorry that you went through that. I wish I met you before now, then you wouldn’t have been so lonely.”, She said.

“I wasn’t really that lonely, before my mom died I was already used to loneliness because no one wanted to talk to me, I just realized how much I miss my mom so much.”, He said as he tried as much as possible to blink back tears.

“I understand how you feel, your mom has been only your companion.”

“She died because she was ill, if only she used the money she was using on me to take care of herself then she would still be alive. I don’t understand why she had to die.”, He said and teared up as he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I am just sure of one thing ….. I am sure that she would be happy that you are doing fine.”, She said and she pat his back.

“I am not doing fine at all Nevaeh! I am not fine, I might have money that she needed years ago but I don’t have her anymore, I don’t have anyone, I am not okay at all.”, He admitted.

“It’s okay, at least you have Mr James, Mrs Janice, me, Leon and ruby.”, She said.

“You all are just in my life temporary, no one stays.”, He said.


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