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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SNAKE GIRL – Episode 17

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{The one 4 the prince}


? BY Anita obi ?

? KING ?

I woke up very strongly….

We were waiting for the children to come back….

Aris who could have been here to order the soldiers has already left to find Sharia.

The queen brought me some food to eat as I refused.

My king,you know you’re just need to take something to keep you healthy ” she said sadly as I held her hand saying”

My dear wife,you know I won’t be able to eat….how can I eat when our sons are in danger, I’m a king but can’t even look after our children…. please take the food away…. can’t you see that the most important people in our kingdom are in the underworld? We don’t even know if they’ll come back alive especially the little girl Lydia ” I said sadly watching at Shantel who hasn’t stopped crying”

My king…I’m so sad… I’m scared too…I don’t want to lose the boys….” She said in tears as a guard rushed in saying”

My king…we have a problem ” he said bowing”

Speak now” I said”

My king the prisoners were taken away… they’re no where to be found ” he said as I stood up in Shocks”

What did you say? Maria’s parent have been taken? By who…” I asked aloud angrily”

I don’t know my king…we just found the guards in the prison sleeping.. seems like someone served them with some sleeping substances ” he said”

Who could have broken into the palace and take them away like no soldier was here… listen to me you all are lazy dogs…how could you let this happen in the palace.. here we are praying for the children underworld to return but here we are letting our enemies that may end up destroying them go, gather all the soldiers…you must find them and bring them back together with the one that took them… I’m I understood?” I asked angrily”

Yes my king ” he said leaving”

What’s all this.. what’s all this…why is everything happening so fast…. what’s happening to my kingdom.. have I not been a good king? What have I done wrong ” I cried out”


I hid myself beside the door eating some delicious meat and watching the demon king asking the maids why they served him without meat…

Do you want me to ki|| you all ..what kind of mistake did you do” the demon king asked the maids angrily”

My king you have to believe us ,we did put some meats ” they said as I dashed out immediately eating the meats saying”

Are you looking for this??” I asked licking my fingers as the king looked at me in Shocks ?”

The snake girl?” He asked surprisingly”

No the meat girl ” I said laughing”

You dare come to my territory? How dare you trespass ” the king asked angrily”

Let my sister go…” I said still eating the meat as Lydia said on the tree” came for me,I knew you would come” she said happily when suddenly I saw Medro coming out from the table he was hiding ?”

Medro ” I called surprisingly as he smiled saying”

SHARIA.. you’re not alone ” he said as Lydia screamed his name saying”

Master Medro…thank you for coming to save me” she said happily as he smiled at her”

” The demon king was looking at us confusing…he might be thinking that we came into his kingdom and we are feeling comfortable”

SHARIA,take yourselves out of my kingdom.. don’t even bother to rescue your sister because she is the reason for this celebration..I won’t let you ruin it” the demon king said as I walked forward”

Then watch me destroy your people with just one incantation ” I said angrily raising my hands on the air as he looked at me saying”

Sharia…. you’re trying to be tough” he said ”

No you are trying to be tough idiot,I am tough, I’m not trying to…but you…you have nothing to do than transforming into people you can’t even be in your next life…” I said angrily ”

You don’t talk to me like that,how did you even come in here.. where are the soldiers” he asked surprisingly ”

Their dancing without records outside demon king…I made them to dance…. isn’t today your celebration day?” I said angrily as he said ”

You’re a big fool .. leave now before I destroy you” he said ”

Why are you asking me to leave huh? Why aren’t you attacking me.. I’m I not your enemy? You should start fighting not asking me to leave…or are you afraid that I’ll destroy everyone in this kingdom if you try to hurt me?” I asked smiling ”

You won’t do that,this people are all I’ve got” he said”

Fine then let my sister go ” I said” can have her…the battle is between me, you and the king…I won’t let you hurt my people…take your sister and leave.. don’t forget I’ll come for you” he said angrily”

My prince.. please release Lydia while I protect you two” I said as Medro rushed up to the tree and began to untie Lydia”

Few minutes later he was done and we began to leave protecting ourselves…

The demon king is smart…he doesn’t want me to destroy his people because just one incantation.. everyone in his kingdom will be swallowed by the ground.


We got back to earth and was walking down home…

We should be in The palace in the next two hours…

Lydia, seems you’re tired..let me carry you on my back ” Medro said to Lydia as I was shocked ?”

Oh no my prince, I’m a no body,I can’t let you do that” Lydia said but before she could say again Medro took her on his back walking”

Wow…” I said to them as Lydia was feeling shy closing her eyes”

Don’t worry,I won’t let you stress yourself okay” Medro said”

Thank you my prince ” Lydia responded”

Few minutes later we began to hear someone screaming from the bushes saying…

Don’t come closer to me..let me goooo…you look ugly in that formmmmm, stay back before I ki|| you… I’m only searching for Sharia ” he said aloud as we rushed quickly to the direction and got shocked to see ARIS trying to fight a skeleton ?”

Aris” I called”

SHARIA.. Sharia you’re here…I found you” he said”

No we found you” I corrected”

Common stop joking and destroy this skeleton.. it’s so scary..and you Mr skeleton..I told you my sharia is more powerful than you, check it out ” ARIS said as I quickly strike the skeleton with my powers and it disappeared”

Good job Sharia… muah ?” he perked my cheek”

Common stop it ARIS” I said playfully ”

Wait a sec… Sharia I just perked you and discovered a smell from your mouth , don’t tell me you eat meat in the underworld…oh stole meat in the underworld ” ARIS said with his hands on his head”

Yes brother..she really did that” Medro said”

Gosh,Medro you’re a talkative,why tell him” I said squeezing my fingers together”

I knew it… sharia you will never change ” ARIS said when suddenly we saw some group of soldiers surrounding us with weapons ”

” They stood around us pointing their swords at us…this soldiers look familiar to me”

Who are you” Medro asked with Lydia on his back ”

Wait a sec..I know you guys…the same soldiers that attacked me some weeks ago when I first met Sharia… luckily Fanny saved us from you..what exactly is your problem with me because I know you’re here for me” ARIS asked ”

Don’t you want to speak.. speak before I destroy you” I said when suddenly we saw fanny rushing to them and began to $h00t arrows on the soldiers”

Fanny ” ARIS said surprisingly”

” Just in fifteen seconds she shot all the soldiers and they lay dead on the ground with arrows”

Aris are you alright?” Fanny asked looking all over Arises body as ARIS kept looking at her surprisingly”

Fanny,dear…. where.. where… where have you been ” ARIS asked looking lost as I kept watching at them”

I’m back ARIS…I just gave you some time to fix things in the palace… love I missed you so much” she said hugging ARIS tightly ” guys should go…they might be other soldiers coming” fanny said holding Arises hand as I felt like chopping them up ”

Fanny,thank you so much” ARIS said as I went closer to them and dragged Fanny’s hands off from him”

Fanny you’re not talking with your hands, take your hands off him” I said angrily as ARIS cut in saying ”

Common Sharia,she just saved our lives..we should be thankful…don’t be too rude”ARIS said to me”

Why are you taking her side ARIS,what did she do that I cannot do… even if she didn’t show up..I would have destroyed those soldiers ” I said angry”

That’s enough Sharia,I know you can do it but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be thankful to her” ARIS said raising his voice at me ”

Aris, you’re raising your voice at me..I can see you still love her” I said almost in tears leaving as he rushed to me”

Sharia.. sharia.. Sharia wait up” he kept calling on me but I didn’t respond ”

You monster…you got my sister obsessed” I heard Lydia saying to fanny ”


We got very far from where it happened as ARIS rushed Infront of me saying..

Sharia will you stop there.. I’ve been following you for minutes now.. what’s your problem…why are you being stubborn, don’t you know I’m your husband to be? ” He asked as I turned to him in tears and said”

You hurt me…why did you take her side ?” I said in tears as Medro coughed”

I’m sorry my love…hey.. let’s go back to where we left her…I forgot to tell her that you have stolen my heart….I forgot to tell her that you’re gonna be my wife ” he said as I began to blush”

Wow,my sister is blushing ” Lydia said as I held arises hand and we began to go back to tell fanny that we are lovers..”

“Yes are you surprised that I allowed us go back? I can’t let fanny win me…. never”

Goodness I’m getting tired, Lydia has too much weight,why are we still going back to fanny, don’t tell me it’s just to tell her that sharia stole your heart ” Medro said with Lydia on his back”

Of course….” Aris said when suddenly we began to hear some voices from the place we left fanny and the dead soldiers”

Wait…” ARIS signal as we hid under the bushes and saw the dead soldiers alive and fanny was discussing with them saying”

This is your money…you should get going now” fanny said as we couldn’t believe our ears”

” Aris couldn’t control his temper as he stood up immediately and rushed out screaming her name”

Fanny.. fanny.. fanny….how could you , you’ve been fooling me all this while ” ARIS said angrily drawing out his sword when suddenly a soldier directly threw a sword at ARIS from behind and it went into his stomach”

No..Arissss” I called aloud watching at ARIS falling on the ground with blood rushing out of his mouth”


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