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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SNAKE GIRL – Episode 11

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{The one 4 the prince}




I transformed myself into a python and the demon king was surprised to see it.

?Who are you” he asked surprisingly”

I am the one to defeat you” I said in the python as he laughed”

? Hahaha,I can see your gods finally sent you here… didn’t he tell you who I am” he asked”

He did,he told me who you are and I’m not satisfied with that so I have decided to ki|| you myself ” I said vomiting fire on him as he dodged immediately”

He casted a spell on me but I returned it back to him….

I saw the prince and master Medro or should I call him prince Medro trying to come out from the cage I caged them.

Sharia let us out,we want to help ” prince ARIS said”

Sharia, even if the gods sent you,you can’t do this all alone..let us out..we are also soldiers ” prince Medro said as I shut their mouths with my spells”

” They began to use their hands to speak like dumbs”

The demon king casted a fire spell on me lifting me up to land on the ground as I grabbed his neck standing behind him and wrapped myself around him ….

He tried to bring out fire from his hands to destroy me but I was using my powers to quench it….

? Indeed I can see the gods had really sent someone to save this land… I’ll leave and come back fully prepared” the demon king said aloud and vanished ”

I transformed back into my human form and landed on the ground panting….

Since I was born..this is my first time of fighting,the only thing I knew was stealing…

I was still on the ground as everyone began to come out of their hiding places to watch me..the king held his wife and daughter coming out gently as I saw a man and a woman rushing to me… they grabbed me into their arms acting like they were struggling me from each other..

The woman kissed my forehead in tears as I was still surprised…

Who are you” I asked surprisingly”

I’m your mother and he is your father ” the woman said getting me more confused”

My child, you’re back to us…who could have believed that the popular thief is our missing daughter,dear.. don’t you remember me? You stole something from me months ago” the man said as I looked at him closely”


I was sitting beside the road when I saw him passing with bunches of banana…

At that moment I was really looking for dinner for my family, especially when Lydia complained she was hungry to me.

Hey..stop there ” I said to the man as he kept going”

Didn’t you hear me? I said stop there right now” I said going to him but he kept moving”

I walked to him and pushed the bunches of banana off his landed on the ground.

What do you want your young lady,if you want some why can’t you ask gently ” he said angrily”

Can I ask you a question?” I asked”

Go on” he said”

Are you married?” I asked”

Yes,and how does that concern stealing ” he asked”

Let me ask you another question,do you have children?” I asked”

I had but not anymore ” he said as I carried one bunch of banana on my head saying ”

Stop talking ,you don’t have children but my dad has three of us..we need food” I said carrying one bunch on my head and began to leave”

Hey .. Hey …you.. you’re a thief…give it back to me..hey..I said give it back to me” I heard him screaming as I began to cat walk with the banana on my head”


Wow..I remember you now,the stingy banana man” I said as everyone laughed ”

The king and queen walked closer smiling at me saying…

SHARIA dear…so you have been the snake girl all this while,now I know why the horses bowed to you that day,I can’t believe I found my son and the snake girl today” the queen said happily ”

SHARIA,this people here are your real parent, someone stole you on the very day of your birth” the king said as I was surprised ”

” No way,this isn’t true… father and mum are not my real parent? How could they keep this secret from me for so wonder I’m being treated like a trash.. I’ll pay them back ”

Suddenly I saw Maria coming to me saying..

Even though you are the snake girl, I’ll never let you have prince ARIS ” she said about leaving as the king stopped her saying”

Guards….take that girl to prison now and find me her parent ” the king said angrily”

Yes my king ” they responded ”

Let me gooo.. I’ve done nothing wrong”
Maria said aloud but they took her away ”

” I hope no one hurts Lydia,she is the only sister I have ”

” My eyes captured the princes in the cage as they kept talking with their hands ”

” I casted some powers on the cage and it unlocked them”

They rushed out immediately coming to me…

Sharia, were you hurt” prince ARIS asked ”

Sharia…that wasn’t fair of you,how could you think of fighting alone” prince Medro said”

My prince, I’m so tired..I really do not have the strength to talk.. I’m in Shocks now” I said as both of them held my different hands saying”

Let me take you inside ” they said at the same time”

Oh no… please I’m not cripple..I can stand myself ” I said getting up as I landed on the ground in pains”

” Aris carried me into his arms immediately,I think he’s a smart guy, that’s what I was expecting from him”

SHARIA I’ll take you to your room” he said rushing with me into his banquet”

” We got in and he lay me on the bed,he rushed into the kitchen to boil some water when I saw prince Medro coming”

” He rushed to me on the bed and held my hand saying”

Sharia,how are you feeling ” he asked smiling”

I’m getting better my prince ” I said for the first time as he smiled saying”

I’m not familiar with anyone calling me that, please I prefer you call me Master Medro ” he said smiling as I smiled back”

No my prince… I’ll call you what you are” I said smiling”

Sharia can we get to know ourselves better?” He asked when suddenly prince ARIS came in saying”

Not on the sick bed brother…she needs to be Heald first before you start talking about knowing her.. beside what more do you want to know about her, she’s the snake girl isn’t she?” Aris asked rudely”

My prince, I’m sorry for badging into your banquet like that,I just needed to see how Sharia was doing please forgive me” prince Medro said about leaving as ARIS grabbed him into his arms and hugged him tightly saying”

Brother.. I’m so happy you’re back,our family is complete now” prince ARIS said in tears as Medro said back”

I’m happy too that you’re my brother my prince ” prince Medro said as a guard said from outside”

My prince,the king call for dinner with you all” he said”

? KING ?

I gathered the two families,Sharia’s and mine to talk about everything.

My king… it’s a pleasure to have dinner with the royal family..thank you so much for this great honour ” sharias dad said”

My king… your family is complete now…who could have believed that the gods will be this merciful to let the boy live ” her mum said as I cleared my throat”

That’s okay.. let’s talk about why I ask us to have dinner….Kinida…you know the marriage between ARIS and Maria was cancelled because we found out she wasn’t the snake girl,and luckily for us we found the real snake girl and even my son…, I have finally concluded according to the rules and laws of our kingdom….that my eldest son will marry your daughter the snake girl ” I said when suddenly ARIS plate fell off the table”

” Aris rose up with tears in his eyes saying”

Father, please don’t do this…I can let medro take the throne and every other thing I have but I can not let him have Sharia ” ARIS said angrily”


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