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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SEXY DOCTOR – Episode 22

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? THE segzY DOCTOR ?

(Mending his heart ) ?

By Terri Savage ?️

Episode 22





That came as a shock to Maureen but she quickly started kissing him back.

Andrew held her waist, deepening the kiss.

Maureen held his shirt kissing him back

Andrew feast on her lips tasting the sweetness of her lips, the sweet taste he hasn’t tasted on another lips, her lips were different from the other lips he kissed.

His heart kept thudding but that made him to hardened the kiss.

Maureen found herself Mõ@ɲing gently, this will be her first kiss and she was happy it was taken by him.

She melted completely in the kiss and as the minutes passes they were still on the kiss.

The ringing of Andrew’s phone brought him back to his senses.

He slowly broke the kiss and shared glances with Maureen, both had swollen lips right now.

Andrew stared at her with guilty eyes and he started regretting kissing her, he is not feeling bad that he kissed her but what if she get angry at him.

“I am sorry” He said looking away.

“Why are you saying sorry, I kissed you back” She said.

“But, I don’t know what came over me, it’s was a mistake” Andrew said.

That statement got heart scattering to pieces, she felt thorns and nails piercing deep into her heart.

He may not believe in love but saying the kiss was a mistake hurts her , cos the kiss lasted more than a mistake.

“It’s was a mistake,I understand, let’s go back” She said.

“But the night is still young” He said.

“I am feeling sleepy already” She replied.

Andrew held her and they walked back to her ward, through out the walk she didn’t say anything to Andrew again.

“Sleep well” Andrew said but she turned her face to wall, closing her eyes.

He sighed and left.

She opened her eyes back and tears came out.

“I don’t know it hurt this much, I fell deeply in love without even knowing how and when, he said it was a mistake” She muttered sadly.


Andrew entered his office and fell on the chair with his palms covering his face.

He can’t detect what is wrong with him this days, he always behave different around her.

It’s rare for him to just kiss a woman with her lustful feelings towards her.

But he is so sure he has no lustful feelings towards Maureen, he don’t see her like other girls.

Then why could it be? he hasn’t felt his heart beating for another girl, even his ex he didn’t felt this way towards her.

“I am screw, could it be love? no, love doesn’t exist, my heart can’t possibly love, maybe it’s playing tricks on me” Andrew shaking his head.

” Then what is the new feeling, she seems hurt by my words, I could see it”.

“Ahhhhhhh Andrew!!” He said and placed his head on the table.


He kept staring at his phone, his other mind is telling him to call Naomi but another is saying no.

He tried sleeping but all he sees is her, this days he get jealous when ever a guy come close to her.

Something which wasn’t existing before and her snubbing him make him feel somehow.

He didn’t know when he mistakenly dialled her number and unknown to him, it was a video call.

“Hello” Naomi said as her face appeared on the screen.

She is in her night wear, her B-__-bs are transparent.

His eyes widened when he saw her face and especially her Ɲīpplës pointing out.

His eyes focus on the twins on her chest.

“Blaze” Naomi called.

“Huh..Na.. Naomi” He stuttered and she laughed.

“Why are you stuttering?” She asked.

“Something is blocking my throat” He replied and cleared his throat.

“You’re not asleep yet?” He asked.

“I was about sleeping when your call came in” She replied.

“Why did you call?”.

“Nothing, I.. I..”

“I what?” She asked with a slick on her face.

“You couldn’t sleep cos you were missing me?” She asked and he hissed.

“Miss you my foot, I.. forget it okay, good night” He said and hung up fastly.

” Gosh my stupid heart” He said and fell on the bed.

” Blaze you are talking to your girlfriend?” Jasmine asked at the door.

“Mum go and sleep” Blaze replied.

“Did I tell you that I’m feeling sleepy, who is that girl?” Jasmine said.

“Ohhh! mum leave me alone, good night” Blaze said and covered himself.

“Blaze! Blaze!, idiot” Jasmine said and left the door.

He smiled.

“I feel better now” He said as his eyes finally closed, he fell asleep in no time.


Jason prepared breakfast with a big smile on his face, he can’t just stop smiling.

His moment with Alessia yesterday was the best moment of his life, he was lucky to collect her contact.

Her face couldn’t leave his head last night and even now it’s still the same.

? I like what I’m feeling

? This feeling got me high

? I am trapped in love

? I don’t want to come out

? I wanna remain there.

Jason sings as he fried the eggs, he finished doing everything after some minutes.

He dished out the egg in a plate and took it to the dinning, the bread is already there.

He sat down and began eating.

He took out his phone and went to his call history, he dialled Alessia number and she picked up almost immediately.

“Hello beauty” Jason said in a charming voice.

” Hi Jason” Alessia voice said cutely.

” How was your night?” He asked.

“It was splendid, are you at work?”.

“No still at home eating breakfast, wanna join me?”.

” What did you make?” She asked.

” Bread and egg” He replied.

” Awnnn, my favorite!”.

” Really?” He beamed.

” Yes” She replied.

” I will call you later bye” He said cutting the call.

Jason smiled and resumed eating.


Andrew woke up and discovered himself in his office, he looked around him and sighed heavily.

He yawned and stretched out his body, what happened last night came to his head and he found himself smiling sheepishly, he stood up and entered the bathroom in his office, he switched on the tap and started wetting his face with water.

He took a towel and cleaned his face.

“I can’t believe I sleep here yesterday, Andrew what is going with you?” He asked himself and burst out laughing like he is loosing his mind.

“I am really going crazy” He laughed again.

He took the brush and applied toothpaste on it, he began brushing.


“Who was the girl you were talking to on the phone last night?” Jasmine asked holding blaze ear tightly.

Blaze whined.

” Mum stop it, I don’t have a girlfriend, can you let go of my ear” Blaze replied.

“You don’t have a girlfriend, so who was that girl?” Jasmine asked tightening her hold on his ear

” My class mate” He replied.

“Classmate and you were talking to her around that time huh!, are you lying to your mother?” Jasmine smirked.

“Lemme mum, I am saying the truth” Blaze said and released himself from her.

He frowned and went to the table, Jasmine went there and joined him.

“I want grandchildren I don’t know why your stubborn sister is depriving me of that?” .

“Mum!!” Blaze yelled.

“What?” Jasmine said innocently, rolling her eyes.

“She will get a boyfriend when the right time comes, stop doing as if you are dieing, gosh, you are so annoying” Blaze said.

” Wh@ťěver, I am still your mother” Jasmine said

” Pack the plates to the kitchen” Jasmine said after they finished eating.

“Why don’t you do it yourself?” Blaze asked.

“Spoilt brat, if I come out and see those plates here, I will beat you”

She stood up and headed to her room.

“Beat me ain’t a kid anymore” He laughed

Blaze started packing the plates together, after he finished packing, he took it to the kitchen.

Jasmine sat on the bed in her room, her head filled up with many thoughts running it.

She stood up and went to her drawer, she took out a picture and began staring at it.

Her eyes soon filled with tears as she stared at the picture, she brought her hand and started rubbing it on the picture gently, as tears kept gathering more in her eyes

“I love you and I also missed you so much” She said and placed the picture on her chest, letting her tears to come out freely.


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