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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episode 34
Michael POV
I waited patiently for Tori to come outside, I wanted to hear her side of the story before jumping into conclusions.
After a while she came out of the palace, she stood outside obviously waiting for a taxi, I got down from my car and stood in front of it.
“Princess Victoria” I called and she flinch, I saw tears pouring out of her eyes, I wanted to ask what was wrong but I didn’t.
“Michael” she called between her tears and I felt sorry for her.
“Get in the car let talk somewhere quiet” I said and she did, we drove to a cafe and sat in a corner
” I want nothing but the truth Tori so I want you to tell me everything there is to know about you”I said
” Alright, I’m princess Victoria kings”she managed to say
” Why did you stood low to a common maid? “I asked
” My father wants me to get married and he wants me to get married to an annoying prince, prince Dan”she said and I signal to her to stop
” Why didn’t you want to get married?” I asked
“Because he’s a freak, and marrying him is like throwing my life away”she said
” Then why didn’t you explain to your father? “I asked
” I tried to but he wouldn’t listen to me”she replied” well not until Cisco my little brother convince him for me”
” Why are you in Adrian’s Life? “I asked
” Well I didn’t mean to but fate brought us together”she replied and I scoff
” So do you plan on breaking his heart? “I asked
” No I would never do that, I’m in love with Adrian, everything might be a lie but my love for Adrian is real”she said
” When do you plan on telling Adrian about your identity?” I asked
“I wanted to tell him the day he got shot but after the incident the nurse gave me a strict warning not to tell him anything that will hurt him, that why I haven’t tell him yet”she replied
” Alright I’ll let you tell Adrian the truth but you have until he gets better, if you don’t tell him then I’ll be forced to tell him”I said and she nodded
” Stop crying, I’ll drop you at the hospital let’s go” I said and we left
Queen POV
I have been in my room ever since Tori left, I have been crying.
Cisco barge into my room and ask excited”where’s Tori?”
“She left already”I replied
” Why didn’t she wait for me? “He asked
” She had to take care of something”I replied and he nodded
” Have you eaten dinner?” I asked and he nodded in disagreement
“Go have dinner, you must be tired” I said
“I can’t wait to tell Tori about my new school”he said running out
” My queen”the king call coming in “is something wrong? you haven’t said a word ever since princess left”
” What so you expect me to say, after treating the poor girl that way”I replied
” I’m only looking out for her”he replied and I scoff
“Looking out for her you say,why don’t you tell the truth that you are only treating her that way because she’s not our biological daughter”I half yell
Uhhhhhhh, what did the queen mean by not our biological daughter.
Is Tori not their daughter,is she not a princess.

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