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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Episodes 40 & 41



It’s been a week already and everything has been going fine except for Adel who is in the world of confusion, she kinda like Jeremy cos he’s protective while Jordan is the Caring one

She’s not leaving with Jeremy so she’s only sure of Jordan in times of caring while Jeremy is the bullet shield, Jordan, on the other hand, was released after the kidnappers found out that he wasn’t the main target so they have to let him go



“No… No way, you can’t keep two Ďïčk to yourself, choose one,” Margaret said and Adel roughed her hair

“I dunno, they are both good,” she replied and pouted like a kid

“How about doing it this way, don’t see any of them for three days and after that Three days you just say who you missed the most,” Kate suggested and Margaret nodded

“That’s a very brilliant idea, what did you think?” Margaret said looking at Adel

“I dunno, I think I like them equal…..” That was interrupted

“And I say you can’t keep two Ďïčk all to yourself, did you want to die before your time, just choose one,” Margaret cut in and she gave it a quick thought

“Okay, I will come over to your place then,” Adel said and Melody approached them

“How does your brother test in bed?” Melody asked staring at Kate

They exchange glances

“Are you talking to me?” Kate asked pointing at herself

“Oh, I didn’t know that you are not only stupid but also dumb, no wonder you prefer your brother over other guys, I wonder what the press will say about this,” Melody said Kate made to slap her but Adel stopped her

“Just let her go, there are better things to worry about than her,” Adel said and Melody turned to her

“Don’t think because you’re no two here that you can talk to me anyhow, I know what you’re hiding sooner or later it will be open to the world,” Melody thr_@tened

Margaret and Adel stared at each other and burst out laughing, they laughed so hard that Melody was confused

“What’s funny? You think it’s funny?” Melody asked but they increased their voice and laughed so hard

Melody couldn’t stand them anymore cos they made her look stupid so walked away angrily

“I will so deal with that Kate before coming for you,” she mumbled



A guy comes out from the back of a van and looks around, the fresh air touches his skin and he loves everything around


“I am free!!” He yelled loudly and just then a car stopped beside him and he got in

They drove into a house and he hugged the girls that were waiting for him

“Good job girls,” he said and they laughed

“So Steve, what’s the deal now that you’re out of prison?” The first girl asked

“Ashley, when I told you that she can’t look at my face and say know I wasn’t lying, she might be powerful cos I was behind bars but now it’s freedom, ” he said and laughed so hard

“So you will bring her down? What about the secret life of Adel?” Amber asked and he smirked

“I know where to find it, you have nothing to worry about,” he replied and they laughed

“I need a shower first and then I will pay her a visit,” Steve said going upstairs

“It’s time to shine,” Ashley and Amber said and shook hands

Their video was still treading and it’s the talk of everyone in San Francisco



Bruce was sent to a Rahab cos he won’t stop drinking and crying, he tried calling Margaret countless times but it always went straight to voicemail

All he did all day was stay in his room and drink and cry, he refused to talk to anyone and wouldn’t stop drinking, he regretted going to that bar and getting drunk, what was I thinking? Now she h@ťěs me, she will never love me! It’s all my fault, I h@ťě myself… I h@ťě this life!! That’s all he keeps saying every day

“Are you sure you don’t want to see him?” Adel asked Margaret who was standing by the door

“No, I think he’s better off without me,” Margaret replied and she nodded

“I will let you know how he’s doing when I am out,” she said and went

“Bruce, how are you?” She asked staring at him

“Where is Margaret?” He asked instead looking at the door

“She couldn’t make it,” Adel replied and he looked at her

“She h@ťěs me now right?” He asked and she shook her head negatively

“She doesn’t, it’s just that she doesn’t feel the same way towards you and you need to understand that and come out from this place,” Adel replied and he shook his head negatively

“She used to love me but now she won’t even take my calls, I know that she h@ťěs me now,” he said and she hugged him instead

“Bruce you have to understand that you can’t force someone to love you, love is a feeling that comes from the heart,” she said and he disengaged from her hug

“I know she loves me and I can feel it, She’s just angry,” he replied And she nodded

“I understand how you feel but sometimes love isn’t what we think it is,” She said and he shook his head

“Let her come in here and tell me that she doesn’t love me,” he said and Adel touched her head frustrated

“She already told you that,” she replied

“She said like not the word love,” he said and she ran out of words

Meanwhile, Margaret was still listening to their conversation when her phone rang, she Checked to see an unknown number calling

She went outside and picked up the call only to see Swift, turns out he tracked her phone and he was the one that called

“Hey Margaret,” he said cheerfully

“How did you know that I was here?” She asked instead

“I… Emm… I was coming to drop something off then I decided to call and check on you since you have been avoiding me for weeks now,” he replied

“It’s not avoiding, I have been busy with work that’s all,” she replied and went over to his car then lean on it

“Even blocking my line is busy?” He asked and she looked at him

“Can we not talk about this?” she said instead

“What’s wrong? You’re acting different from the old Margaret I used to know,” Swift asked and she started walking away

He went after her and held her hand, she looked at her hand and then back at him

“I never said you could touch me,” she said and he let go of her immediately

“Am sorry, but I think we need to talk,” he replied and she shook her head

“There is nothing to talk about, I am busy,” she said walking away

“See you some other time,” she added and went back into the Rehab

She only stared through the window as they tried to make Bruce calm down, he was really going crazy and all he was saying was that Ashley made him do it

Just then her phone rang and she checked to see Adel calling and she picked up immediately

“Can you come in here please,” Adel said over the phone immediately Margaret picked

“I can’t, am sorry,” she replied staring at them through the glass

“Margaret, he’s going crazy,” Adel added but she shook her head as if Adel can see her

I’m sorry but I can’t see him right, am going please call me when you need me,” she said and ended the call

Adel looked through the glass to see her walking away, there is nothing she can do, you can’t force a lady to love someone

Margaret went into their car and scattered her hair

“what’s happening to me? He’s in pain,” she mumbled holding her head

“Maybe you should at least see him,” her subconscious mind said and she shook her head negatively

“I can’t,” she said as if talking to someone

“Just try,” her subconscious mind added

“No, you don’t get it, he’s not supposed to love me, this is all my fault, I was too close to him and we almost did everything together, I didn’t want him to love me, I want him to move on and forget about me why is it so hard for him to do?” She yelled holding her head

“But he’s inside your head,” her subconscious mind said

“His not,”

“Stop being hard on yourself,” her subconscious mind said

“Shut up!!! Get out of my head,” she yelled like a crazy people


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