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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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(keeping his little secret)
Written by Gbemi writes
Chapter Twelve

“Give it to me”Rose said as she stretched her hand to Peter.

“What?”Peter asked a bit confused by her question.

“The ticket. I will come “She said waiting for him to put the concert ticket in her hand.

He gave it to her and at that moment Louis walked towards them.

“What’s going on?”He asked starring at the ticket in Rose hand.

“I just asked Rose out on a date tomorrow and she said yes”Peter said.

Rose had thought it was an invite but it had been a date. She thought as she stared at Peter and then at Louis.

“Wow. Don’t tell me you two are dating?” Louis asked.

“We aren’t, not yet”Peter said starring at Rose while Louis grinned at her.

“Are you heading home? I will take you home”Peter said quickly.

“Sorry pal but Rose and I have another appointment and we are kind of late “Louis said putting an arm around her as he steered her towards his car.

“You really work fast, I didn’t know Peter would fall so soon” Louis said still having his arms around her.

“Shut up”Rose said as she moved out of his arms only to be pulled in again while Peter stood watching the two leave.

“Where are we going?” Rose asked as she was seated in the car

“To begin your new job”He replied.

“You already told me that but where exactly will this new job be? And what sort of job is it”She asked.

“A work that has to do with you giving all your time, body and love to someone”He replied.

“Body? I didn’t know you were a pervert! Stop this car, am getting off”She said only to be stopped by him

“Take it easy. It was just a joke and besides the job is a decent one. It has to do with you serving someone”he said as the car stopped in front of his house.

“Who would I serve?”Rose asked

“Who else but me”He replied

“What?”she yelled

“Before you get angry. I will tell you the money behind it”He said naming a large sum that got Rose eyes bulging.

“Really? You will pay that much just so I can serve you?”She asked

“Yes. So are you going to do it or not?”He asked.

“I can start right now if you want me to”Rose replied eagerly.

A while later, Rose stood in the kitchen writing down the things accepted for the young master and things that weren’t accepted.

“He is allergic to peanut. Never give him anything that has peanut in it. What else” Mrs Brad. The housekeeping supervisor said as she stared at Rose.

“I think you have said it all. I will make sure i learn it all and keep it in mind”Rose said quickly. Preparing to bolt out of the kitchen.

Ever since she had agreed to do the job. She has been locked in the kitchen with Mrs Brad who have been telling her things that was necessary if she had to work for Louis.

“I hope you do and though Louis personally recommends you. You shouldn’t take it for granted. During the week days, you come here after school and during the weekend, you resume work by eight in the morning. Understand?”She added and Rose replied. Glad to leave.

She got a text from Louis, telling her to come to the garden. She had seen the garden earlier and she went there to see him seated on the chair gazing at the crescent moon.

“Isn’t it pretty?”He asked

“You know you are not suppose to be outside at night”She replied as she sat beside him.

“I can’t be out when it’s the full moon at least let me have that pleasure when it’s just a half moon”He said

“Yes, young master”She said softly.

“What’s that? Is that a new name for me?”He asked laughing.

“As I will be working for you have been told by Mrs Brad that you have to be addressed as young master”She said looking a bit vexed.

“You must have been tired with Mrs Brad strict rules but she is not really strict. She is only acts that way because she cares for me. They might not seem like it but they are all watching out for me”He said wistfully.

“Do they know that you are a vampire?”She asked

“They do. They swore a secrecy to my mom and their salary also helps. You are now one of them. I hope you take care of me”He said jokingly.

“More like choke you. Mess with me and you will receive what’s coming to you”She said trying to look tough.

He laughed and put his hand on her head. Gently patting it.

“What are you doing?”She asked feeling a weird sensation in tummy.

“Am patting your head”He replied

“We are not that close for you do that”She said trying to move away but he surprised her more by putting his head on her shoulder.

“I know we aren’t and that’s why am trying to get close to you. Your like a blessing to me”He began softly.

“A blessing?”Rose asked as she could feel her heart beating fast.

“Yes. A blessing who came into my life to help me. Stay with me always”He said moving closer.

While Rose was finding it hard to control the rapid beats of her heart, Louis layed on her shoulders contented. He had given her a job just so she would be around him. She is his cure and he hope that she would always stay with him.

Rose stood up quickly,startling Louis. “You don’t know what you are saying. You better go and sleep . Good night”She said as she began to leave.

“Let me call the driver to take you home”He said

“I don’t need it! I will take the bus”She replied as she quickly walked out of the house.

She stood putting a hand on her beating heart. What’s wrong with her? Why is her heart acting up. She thought as she walked the distance to the bus station.


Rose sat still while her sister touched up her make up.

It was time for her date with Peter and she wasn’t even ready yet.

“Will you hurry up? Am late already”Rose said

“When going out on a date. You have got to look attractive enough for your companion “Bella said

“I told you it’s not a date”Rose said quickly. She had lied again just so her mother wouldn’t be worried but it turns out that her meddling sister knew it all even without her saying it.

“You can stop with the pretence. I saw the concert ticket and only a guy could have given you that” she said as she finished the make up.

Rose sat looking at herself. She really looked different with make up on. She thought excitedly.

“If your planning on wearing that horrid gown then I suggest you pull it off. I will find something better for you. We are the same size” Bella said starring at her dress.

“I don’t want to change. I like this clothe”Rose said

“Then you leave me with no choice. I will just have to tell mom the truth”Bella said

“Are you crazy! Okay, I will change”Rose said.

In the end she ended up wearing a gown which was a bit short but complimented her curves. While she walked the distance to the bus stop. A lot of people looked her way but she didn’t mind. After today she won’t be wearing it again.

She stood at the bus stop waiting for Peter car to arrive. A car stopped in front of her and she was surprised to see Peter accompanied by Louis and Lilian.

“What are you two doing here?”She asked

“Turns out Louis had booked the same concert and he texted me last night asking me to let the date be a foursome”Peter replied as he got out of the car to open her door.

“Spoil sport”Rose muttered.

“Let’s try to share and besides my attention will only be on Lilian. Don’t worry we won’t get in the way”Louis said and somehow that darken Rose mood.

“Lilian says she is happy that we are going out together”Louis said as he read out her text.

Rose turned to give her a smile at the back seat. ” I like it too”She replied

While she and peter sat at the front seat. Lilian and Louis sat at the back . Rose couldn’t help watching the two of them from the mirror. Seeing Louis and Lilian together made her feel sad. She was still contemplating why she was feeling that way when Peter took her hand in his.

She stared at him and he gave her a smile which she returned. It was weird. Her heart was all thumping crazily just because Louis was close to her and here is the guy she likes beside her. Holding her hand and she feels nothing. What’s wrong with her.

They got to the concert on time and while the show was going on. Rose concentration wasn’t on the show but on Lilian and Louis.

She watched Lilian give Louis a kiss on the cheek and he grinned before giving her a kiss on the lips.

Watching them made her sad and it wasn’t until the tears were trickling down her cheeks that she noticed she was crying.

Quickly she walked out of the room heading outside. She can’t believe it. She now knows why she is acting this way. She is in love with Louis. She loves Louis.

To be continued ✌️✌️✌️

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