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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE SAVIOUR – Episode 59

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“Hwal it’s time to reveal you to the world, master Gil dong said

“Hwal arrived at his room some minutes ago, they were sitting opposite each other now,

“What?, it’s time, gosh…. I can’t explain how happy I am, hwal said happily,

“Finally,am going to tell my friends the only secret I kept away from them long ago, he added

“Are you that happy?,Master Gil dong said with a smile,

“Super happy, do you know how hard it is, keeping a secret from your close friends, hwal said

“Gil dong mind went back to Ms Choi, how they are secretly dating, he smiled,

“Sure, it isn’t easy at all,Gil dong said a wild smile playing on his lips,

“what?, what do you mean?, Hwal asked a bit confused about his expression,

“I mean it not easy keeping a secret from your friends, Gil dong said

“you are sounding like you experience it before, hwal said

“No, I haven’t, yunno I never had a chance to become a greater person like you, Gil dong said

“but there’s a problem, Gil dong said his smile fell in the process,

“what is the problem?, hwal said as he became more interested,

“some group of people are conspiring to over throw the king tommorow, Gil dong said

“who?,who are those group of people?, who are they?, hwal asked

“I don’t know but am sure of what am saying, Gil dong said

“It’s will hurt you if you find out it’s your childhood friend father,Gil dong said inwardly,

“okay, that’s a piece of cake, Hwal said cracking his knuckles,

“They are almost close to three thousand armies, Gil dong said,

“like I said, it’s a piece of cake, Hwal said,as far am getting to tell everyone about my secret, he added


“If that the price I will have to pay, then there’s no big deal, Hwal said

“But am doing it alone?, what about other students? Hwal said

“What do you mean alone?a familiar voice said behind them,

“hwal turned and saw the guys, Gil dong smiled,

“don’t tell you noticed when they came in, hwal asked Gil dong,

“can’t believe you tried ditching me,Mo ri said Walking closer to the guys,

“Gil dong explained everything to them, and they all understood,

“I will be taking, Hwal,Yoon,Yul, and Cha young to the palace today, and hundred other Students Gil dong said

“Mo ri, hyeon, Teasan and kang Ta will take care of hwarang,am having a strange feeling that the evil spirit will see this as a chance and attack us, Gil dong said

“they all nodded, wishing each other good luck,

“Protect hwarang with your friends and the remaining students here, Gil dong said to Mo ri patting his back twice,

“Can’t believe hwal is the chosen,we were looking for, Yul said

“what do you mean?,he deserved it but I was too dumb to notice it, kang Ta said

“I was right after all, hyeon said a smile playing on his lips,

“kang Ta entered the kitchen and saw Ms Choi directing the maids,

“like I said earlier, Ms Choi is Kang Ta’s Mom but they are not always together,

“Kang Ta just stood on a spot staring at his Mom, while smiling,

“Ms Choi caught a glimpse of him and waved at him, he waved at her two,

“she started coming closer to him,a wild smile playing on her lips,

“You don’t come to see me, this one you cama,am I safe, Ms Choi said coming closer,

“Ms Choi dated a guy and when she became pregnant, the guy ran away,

“yes, you are,are you insunating that your son became a criminal or what?, Kang Ta said smiling,

“Nah, just saying, how is your friends and girlfriend?, cause I know you must have had one by now, Ms Choi said

“they are all fine, especially my girlfriend, kang Ta said with a smile,

“OMG,My son really got himself a girlfriend, Ms Choi said with a smile, she ruffle his hair,

“Some of my friends are going to the palace today, I think something is wrong, kang Ta said

“Really?, why are you not going with them, Ms Choi said

“I was given my own task, it’s to protect hwarang, I think the demons are attacking us tomorrow, kang Ta said

“what?, Evil spirit?, Ms Choi gasp in total shock,

“Don’t be afraid, I will protect you, kang Ta said and pulled her into a hug,

“Ms Choi sniffed, when she remembered how and when she gave birth to kang Ta,

“And now, he is a grown up man, tears slipped down her eyes when she remembered those painful past,

“All I pray for you is a brighter future my son, she said inwardly,

“Kang Ta broke the hug and faced Ms Choi, he was surprised to see tears on her eyes,

“you okay?, he asked worriedly

“yes,am fine, Ms Choi sniffed


“Hwal,Cha young,Yoon,Yul and the other students selected by Gil dong was already carrying their bags,

“they were waiting for Gil dong fully prepared for the journey,

“Let’s go, Gil dong said when he met with them,

“Good bye, they waved at the other students,

“Good bye, good luck, wishing you guys safe journey, the other students left in hwarang said and waved at them,

“Your Majesty, Gil dong the master and teacher of hwarang is here to see you, the eunuch annouced,

“Let him in, King kim said adjusting his position, to make him more comfortable,

“The royal court door opened and Gil dong and Hwal entered in a slow motion,

“the other students that came with them were waiting outside,

“Greetings, your majesty, Gil dong and Hwal said together before bowing,

“You said you have something important to tell me, was is it?, the king asked,

“Some group of conspirators are planning to over throw you tomorrow before the day breaks during the full moon, Gil dong said

“what? over throw me?, what wrong have I done?, the king said

“But I assure you not to worry, we are here to save you, Gil dong said

“King kim Sang suddenly caught a glimpse of hwal whose face was buried to the ground,

“And who is this young man?, from his appearance he is your students, the king said,

“Yes, you are right your majesty, this young man here is my students, but a special one chosen by the heavens,

“I present to you your Majesty”THE SAVIOUR”of the world,in his palms the fate of hanbok lies, Gil dong said

“what? the king gasp

“the king was interrupted by a guard who ran in,

“Your Majesty the northern gate is attacked by Dea Soe and his men, the guard informed,

“Your Majesty, the southern gate is been attack by minister Wang and his men,

“Another one ran and said before the king could said anything,

“what?, the king gasp

“Your Majesty, the western gate has been attack by Yang, another informed,

“Your Majesty, the Easter gate is under attack by minister park and his men,

“What is happening?, Do something, Gil dong the king yelled

“Your Majesty, lady hye ji is walking towards the royal court with one thousand of your armies who sided with her, another informed,

“The king broke down, he could feel his heart breaking into million pieces,

“He remembered what Som ri told him,


“Dad something is not right, I had a vision of an coming war, she said

“forget about all that,am not dying soon, the fact you freed me from my illness will make me live longer, the king said

“He pulled her into a hug and she responded to it,

“She is a powerful priestess, she sees vision without having body contact,Soi voice rang in his head


“So it’s true,my daughter sees vision, he whisper and held his chest,

“What have I done to Hye ji,he mumbled as his heart kept breaking,

“Soon Hye ji and her men entered the court room,

“Hye ji was putting on an armor all over her body,

“It’s time to play with some toys, hwal said with a smile,

“Sure, Gil dong said

“Toys?, you called this much army toys?, Hye ji said,

“The king couldn’t move his mouth to say a word,as he was experiencing heartbreak,

“yes, they are toys, including you, hwal said and smiled

“What?, hye ji gasp
TB Continued..

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