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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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πŸ’–EPISODE 11πŸ’™
πŸ’– WRITTEN & EDITED BY Anita obi πŸ’–



The snakes were still biting my neck.

I saw Lydia bringing down some leafs with her eyes and dropped them closer to me.

This leafs are the cure to the poison, I’ll let the snakes leave you but the poison will ki|| you….if you’re able to stay alive till Desmond and Cilia gets here.. tell them to give you this leafs to eat you’ll get better…but if you don’t survive it then I’ll be happy to welcome you in the land of the Dead” she said and vanished with the snakes”

I couldn’t move my neck or talk…my whole body was dieing… I tried to get the leafs but couldn’t,my hands were stiff.

I don’t care if I find the rope or not,all I want is to see the girl with the red rope.

I’m so tired…

Where the heck are youuuuuuu….” I screamed falling on the ground”

This is unbelievable,I can’t believe I’m in the forest…no signal to connect Cilia… I’m so worried.

I need to go back…I need to find Cilia.. that’s what is important to me..why did I come here in the first place,I should look for who I love and not who I don’t even know.

I need to leave this place” I said about leaving when I saw mum coming with plates of fried rice and chicken 😳”

MUM” I called happily”

Son,I brought you this…I knew you’ll be hungry.. it’s your favorite” she said coming closer to me”

Mum, how did you find me, where is dad ” I asked”

Take and eat… take and eat.
. take and eat my son Desmond” she said when I remembered that the prophet asked me not to eat anything or go to anyone in the forest” leave me alone, you’re not my mum…” I said moving backward while she followed me laughing like a witch”

Hahahahaha…hahhahhahaπŸ‘Ή… take and eat” she said turning into a tiger πŸ…”

Oh no .. I’m finally going to die.. I’m going to die , I’m going to die … please don’t harm me.. I’ll leave and you’ll never see me again ” I said to the tiger who was busy licking his mouth as if he’s about eating his favorite”

Oh no, it’s coming.. it’s coming.

I saw it coming to me ,I had no choice than to fall on the ground and allow it to eat Me because there’s no hope left for me.

I saw it bending his head and bringing his nose,he jumped up and landed on my body….he was about eating me up when a lady of about 40 appeared and cut off it head with her eyes.

It head landed on the ground while the body landed on my body…I took my head up looking at it..I pushed it down immediately breathing like a dog…

That was close” I said panting when I looked at the woman that saved me, Cilia looks exactly like her”

Ma’am,thank you so much” I said while she vanished without a word”

I started running looking for where to escape..I couldn’t find the road I used in coming to the forest.

This isn’t funny at all,the prophet sent me here to come and die and my parent supported him.

I was on my way looking for the so call girl when another ghost πŸ‘» appeared with food.. this one was quite beautiful… it’s seems they really cooked plenty of food in their kingdom.

Take… take.. take” she said coming closer to me when I said angrily”

If you near me I’ll give you a knock.. just try me” I said while the ghost began to laugh”

Hahahaha.. Desmond you’re funny hahaha” she said laughing still coming closer to me ”

You’re very ugly,no wonder you’re a ghost” I said leaving acting tough without looking behind”

Oh no I’m very scared…will this help? Is she going to come after me.

I looked behind but didn’t find the girl.

OMG..I did it..yes..I shouldn’t be afraid of them.

This is the most annoying day of my life, I’m very hungry..not even a single cucumber or any other fruit to this how I’m going to die?

I shouldn’t have being in rush coming here,I should have gone to the Market and buy some cucumbers before starting this journey.

My belly is empty,my throat is dried..😭.

Suddenly I saw mother appearing with plates of fruits..fresh ones.

Wow😱mum,you brought this for me ?” I asked happily while she smiled at me”

Yes my child,I know how hungry you are,you can’t continue this journey without eating something Dear” she said”

You’re right mother,mum thank you for coming, I’ve missed you so much,did you know that father didn’t abandoned you the way you think?” I asked smiling”

Take and eat before we talk about it” she said while I went closer to her and collected the plates of fruits,I quickly sat on the ground spreading my legs round the plate”

This is going to be delicious mum” I said about removing one from the plate when suddenly I saw the plate disappearing and I saw another mum standing behind me ”

Immediately the first mum saw the second mum,she disappeared.

I stood up immediately looking scared.

What’s going on..” I asked moving away from her”

CILIA,you should be careful.. don’t allow your life to be wasted because of cucumber” she said and vanished”

I stood up immediately and ran out.

I got to a place where I saw a big tree… suddenly I saw the red rope of love 😳.

Why are they two ropes…one is on a snake’s 🐍 head while the other is on the ground.

Which one should I take..

If I take the one on the snake’s head it’s going to bite me.. it’s better I peacefully take the one on the ground and leave this frustrated forest for good.

I started walking slowly and slowly closer to the ropes.

I walked closer to the one on the ground.

Oh poor me, I’m i taking the right one? This might be a trap.

Could it be that the one on the snakes head is the right one?.. right now I must say I’m a confused cow πŸ„.

I think I should take the one on the snakes head,after all even if I die, it’s still the same thing because I know I’ll surly die in this evil forest.

I walked closer to the snake and saw it looking at me.

Hello princess ” I said waving my hand and smiling at the same time”

This isn’t a joke,this snake will bite me.

I started taking my hand closer and closer to it but it wasn’t showing any sign of reaction.

I succeeded in taking the red rope of love from his head and the snake vanished immediately,I saw the other rope decaying while suddenly I felt Pains In My heart…I couldn’t help it but screamed…the pains were the extent that I was holding my chest with my hand.
πŸ’Ž Desmond πŸ’Ž

I got to a place and saw a big stream under a tree.

Suddenly I saw two red ropes designed with love on the ground .

Wow.. seems like I found the rope before the girl.

I was confused not knowing the one to choose,the two ropes are the same and also on the ground.

Gosh what are all this demons up to this time.

I walked closer to the ropes and saw something different about the them.

One was close to the stream while the other was close to my leg..

I think the one close to my leg will be easier to take.

Suddenly I had a change of mind and took the one closer to the stream.

I saw the other one decaying.

OMG..I did it again.

I need to find the girl immediately..but what if the demons have eaten her already.


I ran out of there immediately.

I got to a spot and saw Kate lying on the ground holding her neck.

What!😳 Kate 😳..are you the woman with the red rope of love?” I asked surprisingly when suddenly I saw Cilia coming, looking very tired holding the red rope of love ”

Four eyes 😳 four eyes 😳” she called surprisingly ”

Cilia,what…what…what…are…are you doing here?” I asked surprisingly going to her.. could she be a ghost? Maybe the demons are trying to use my head again ”

I came to find this” she said showing me the red rope”

I came to find this too” I said back ”

Why is Kate here? Why is she on the ground” she asked while we saw Kate pointing at some leafs close to her ”

Kate, don’t tell me you followed me down here” I said while Cilia rushed to her”

Kate,what happened to you” Cilia asked while she kept pointing at the leafs and pointing to her mouth ”

Cilia, she’s trying to say something” I said ”

Yes.. she’s referring to the leafs..let me give it to her” Cilia said putting the leafs into her mouth ”


Five minutes later,she began to breathe normal while the wounds on her neck disappeared. Cilia and Desmond”she said still feeling wick ”

It’s okay, let’s leave this place,I can hear some noises ” I said”

Oh no.. four eyes,we are going to die” Cilia said when we saw thousands of tigers approaching us.πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…πŸ….


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