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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(🐍He’s a demon🐍)
🌹Written By Hen R ica🌹


I raised my leg up and kicked the black calabash away angrily…

“What stupid nonsense is this you wizard?…I told you to tell me why the demon king wants my daughter and you are here creating a fake past of my late daughter…”I said angrily as the calabash landed on the ground and broke…

“Hahahaha…you are so funny my queen…what you just saw in this calabash is the past of your daughter…there would be doom if the demon king gets barakemi and the Python prince together because the demon pot was created from the virgin blood of seyi…”the soothsayer said getting me scared…

“Oh shut up you fool…my daughter is dead because she was R@P£D and ki||ed by the late king of musha..”I said in anger as the demon king burst into laughter…

“My queen you have to listen to me…I know I am an old man but you have to listen to the gods…the demon king kidnapped seyi and took her to the underworld to sleep with her…after he forced himself in your little daughter, he used her virgin blood to create the diamond pot…he decided to ki|| her to cover up his sins but when he wanted to ki|| seyi,she used her Python powers to enter the demon king’s seer while the seer went to the body of seyi…”the soothsayer said as I got up in shock…

“My daughter can’t be still alive…if she was still alive…then she would have been with me…my daughter is dead…I am sure she’s dead…”

“Seyi can’t be still alive…she was R@P£D and ki||ed by the king…the king threw her dead body into a stream……if she isn’t dead,then who was R@P£D and ki||ed by the king of musha,tell me you old fool..”I said already In tears…

“King oliatan R@P£D and ki||ed the demon seer…”I fell down in the ground and broke down in bitter tears…gosh…

“No wonder when the guards found seyi after she was kidnapped,she started acting strange…I knew something was wrong with her…seyi where are you?…I need you now…seyi please come back to your mother…please seyiii…”I said aloud crying bitterly…

“Go and get your two daughters from the underworld before it is too late…seyi is in the body of a demon woman so you have to find her with your spiritual eyes…go and get them or else there would be doom…gooo…”the soothsayer said aloud as left in tears…

I rushed to the palace shaking like a dead leaf…I wanted to enter into the palace but the guards dragged me to the dungeon and locked me up…nooo…I have to get my two daughters…

I sat on the ground crying when suddenly I looked at the wall and I was shocked to see a video of the demon king talking with my husband…

“Agba…I came here to get my daughter…I am here to take my demon princess away so leave the way you weakling…”the demon king said to my husband angrily…

I have to stop this madness before all my plans of taking barakemi’s demon powers get ruined…

I can’t let that foolish demon king destroy everything I have worked for this past few years…never…

But why did those stupid demon gods give my daughter demon powers when I was the one that gave birth to her….didn’t they even see me?…


“Kala…I would just advise you to drop your sword and surrender or else we going to ki|| this thief here and feed on her blood…”one of the demon guards said as I stabbed him on the shoulder angrily….

“Weakling…please do something…do somethingggg…”the smart thief said aloud as I rushed to the other demon guards and dragged all of them out at once…

“Where you thinking you could hurt my thief like that?…Huh?…you all are foolish so for that you are going to die…”I said and twisted one of their legs…

“Ahhh…get the Python prince now…don’t let him escape…”One of the demon guards screamed as I rushed to him and dragged him as I quickly hit his head on the wall…

I rushed to the other ones and hit their head together at once..Haha…no one dares messes with the Python prince…

“You think you could ki|| me?…huh?…you all are cowards…”I said smiling bitterly as I quickly used my Python powers to hang them in the air…

I rushed to where the smart thief was and raised her up angrily….

“Get up you lazy thief…get up you moron…”I said angrily as the thief pushed me away saying…

“Shut the hell up you weakling…if it wasn’t for your stupid plan,then this foolish guards wouldn’t have pinned me down like a common thief…”she said as I cut in angrily…

“Are you not a common thief?….just Shut up before I teach you a lesson you common thief…”I shouted in anger as she got up saying…

“You are the one that is suppose to shut up because you are a fool and a liar…you think I don’t know you actually forged this rubbish Python mark on your forehead?…”she asked angrily as I brought out my sword and pointed it at her when suddenly one of the guards jumped down and stabbed her on her right leg…

“Ahhh…..weakling help me….ahh..”she screamed weakly as I started strangling the demon guard but another guard jumped down as he pushed us into a hole and we landed in funke’s room….oh no…


“Tell me Python prince,where is your Python shell?…”The demon queen asked smiling as i quickly said choking …

“It’s…its…it’s in…in…in…the…the..Py…Py…”i said suffocating…


I got up shaking in fear as I raised the thief up and pushed her under a table…

“Let me go you weakling…”she said as I quickly landed my lips on her lips👄 to make her shut up…gosh she’s such a talkative…

I pushed her away and was about hiding under the table when the door opened and funke rushed in with the demon queen…

“They are hereee…”the thief said aloud as I quickly kissed her again to shut her up…she likes talking…

“Stay quiet common thief…”I said as someone dragged me out and I turned to see the demon queen…

“What the heck are you doing here you Python boy?..”the demon queen asked as she landed me a slap and I fell down and spat it blood…


We appeared in the demon cave…I went to the demon alter and brought out a red calabash…

“Look into the pot demon king…”I said angrily as I said …

“The girl you locked up is your demon daughter and she is the heir to the throne…”I said smiling bitterly…

“No…she can never be the heir to the throne because I would remain the demon king for ever..”the demon king said in anger as I smiled ..

“Well demon king you have to get barakemi before tomorrow to avoid your shameful death..”I said as the demon king rushed to the dungeon…

I vanished and appeared at the dungeon and I was shocked to meet the place empty…what the hell is happening?..

“Demon king…the demon gods are already angry with you because you have offended them by letting the demon princess and the Python prince to escape…”I said as the demon king started laughing…

“Hahahaha…the gods has no right to get angry with me because I have only offended them once …”the demon king said as tears trickled down my cheeks…


“Get me the double sword so I can be able to ki|| her…”the demon king said to his seer as she gave him a diamond sword…

“My king…please let me go…please let me go…”I said in tears as the king raised the sword up to ki|| me but I quickly used my Python powers to leave my body as I rushed to the seer’s body and forced her spirit to enter my own body….

“Go and die seyi…”the demon king said stabbing my body as my body now the demon seer fell on the ground…


I ignored the stupid demon king and rushed to the gods shrine and broke down in tears…

Anytime I remember what the demon king did to me,I feel like skinning him Alive and setting him ablaze…nonsense…

I was still crying when the king appeared with some worriers…

“Go and get me agba and his stupid wife here dead or alive..”he ordered angrily…


“Why are you doing this to me demon queen?….why did you do that to me?…”kala asked angrily as I moved towards him smiling mischievously…

I wanted to land him a slap when I saw a girl hiding under my dressing table…what the heck?:..

I rushed to the table and dragged the girl out…I was shocked to see a demon mark on her forehead…what the hell is happening?…

“This low life girl can’t be the demon princess..she can’t take my throne away…I would have to ki|| her here and now..”I said as I quickly landed the girl a Back hand slap..

“Funke…don’t hurt her or else you are going to face my wrath…”kala shouted as I pinned the girl to the ground and started tying her up..

“Mother..get the incense now so we can spray it on their face and ki|| them..”I said aloud as the demon queen rushed to my dressing table and carried the bottle of incense…

“Funke…don’t hurt my thief please…”kala said getting me more angrier…I have to ki|| her here and now…

I opened the incense and was about spraying it on the girl’s face as kala got up and pushed the incense away a she dragged out his double sword…oh no…

“Hahahaha…look at you…you are just a foolish,senseless,stupid,wretched,nonsense python boy…”mother said as she stretched her hand and a double sword appeared…hahahaha…

Mother quickly moved towards the girl and put the sword around her neck…

“Drop your sword kala or else I am going to cut off this girls neck and you would have to drink her blood…”demon queen said as kala said angrily…

“Okay i am dropping my sword but please don’t harm her…if she dies,then there is going to be war..”kala said as he was about dropping his sword when the girl jumped up and pushed mother down as she used her powers to hang mother’s sword in the air..what the heck?…

“Ahhh…my waist…”mother said in pains as kala used his powers to push me to land on the ground…

“Get up you common thief let’s leave…”kala said to the girl as she pushed him away saying…

“You jerk let me have peace for once…are you so senseless that you forgot we are trapped in here…I can’t even use my powers anymore because I am already weak..”the girl said as kala held the girl’s face and kissed her…oh no…they can’t be together…never…

“Now get up thief…”kala said as she carried her up and vanished…

I got up angrily and matched my mother’s face in tears…

“Mother…you are such a fool and a weakling for allowing those fools to escape…gosh…”I said and took the bottle of vanishing spells from my dressing table…

“Funke…you can’t follow those morons…I know what to do to them…just help me up first…”mother said as I quickly poured the spell on my body…

“You are really a fool and a weakling…nonsense…”I said and vanished …

“I must get those fools DEAD OR ALIVE…I have endured enough in this underworld..”


We appeared in a thick bush…

“What are we doing here you weakling?…you are such a fool for bringing me into the bush…foolish boy…”I said angrily as the weakling carried me up like his bride…how dare him?…

“Are you out of your senses?…now drop me down before I ki|| you here…”I said in anger as we started hearing footsteps…

“Take me out of here you fool…take me out of here before that moron comes here to ki|| us…”I said already in tears as kala started running with me in his arms…oh no…

We got to a big hole and stopped…demon gods i am in your underworld so please protect me from evil demonic eyes…please don’t let this weakling get me ki||ed…he looks like a ki||er…

The weakling was about jumping but we fell into the hole and landed in a demon shrine…

“What are we doing here?..”I asked shaking like a dried leaf…

“Just keep your mouth shut..”the fool said as black chains from nowhere chained us together…

“Hahaha…I never knew my demon princess and my demon prince would visit me on their own accord…wow..seer fola get me that double sword…”we heard the demon king saying as he walked in with a woman holding a staff…

“Father…how could you do this to me?…why are you doing this?..”kala asked angrily..

“Shut up kala…I am not your father…your father died many years ago and you are from musha is shut your mouth…”the demon king said bringing out a pot…

He was about placing the pot on my head when suddenly Funke and her mother appeared smiling…

“Demon king…ki|| this morons now..”the demon queen had as the seer got up angrily…

“Leave this palace now demon queen…leave now with your foolish daughter…”she ordered as the queen brought out his sword:..

“Shut your mouth lady fola…I am just here to watch the demon king ki|| this morons…”she said as the seer shot a demon arrow at her but the demon queen used her powers to direct it at the weakling’s stomach…

“Ahhhh…ahhh…”the weakling screamed in pains as the demon arrow met his stomach as he fell down bleeding…

I quickly broke the chains and held the man close to my chest in tears…

“Weakling…wake up…wake up…what have you done to himmm?…”I asked aloud in tears as I started hearing strange voices taking to me…

👹”Move aside demon princess…move aside…”the voice said to me as I continued crying…

“I can’t leave weakling like this…can’t you see his condition…I can’t…”I said crying as the demon king rushed to me angrily…

“Get up my daughter…”the demon king said and started dragging me up but I pushed him away with my powers…

He was about dragging me up when suddenly weakling started transforming into a big Python in my hands…

There is fire in the mountain…run…run…run🔥

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