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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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(🐍He’s a demon🐍)
🌹Written By Hen R ica🌹


I opened my weak eyes slowly…I don’t know why I feel so weak…I can’t even remember anything…

the only thing I can remember is when the demon king said that stupid boy is the real Python prince and he’s my twin brother…never…

I quickly got up and was about rushing out when the medicine man held me back saying…

“My prince…you cant leave now…you are still very weak…”he said but I ignored him and rushed out…

I have to get that demon boy so I can ki|| him because I am the only Python prince…I can’t let him take my throne…Never…not when I am still alive…noooo…

I rushed to kala’s room and I was shocked to meet him forcing himself in barakemi…what the heck?…

How dare this low life commit such an abomination in my palace…he has to die…HAHAHA..

I am going to use this single act against him…I know he hasn’t made love to her yet but I must lie to everyone that he R@P£D her so I can be able to ki|| him and take his Python shell away…HAHAHAHA…

I quickly raised alarm and all the guards rushed in with my mother queen mope..

“What the hell is happenings here and why is the princess half naked?..”queen mope asked angrily as barakemi broke down in tears…

“Mother…this fool here has the guts to force himself on barakemi so he has to die..”I said angrily…

“No…weakling didn’t rape me…no olusanjo is lying…he didn’t touch me..”she said crying bitterly as I landed her a slap..

“Shut the help up you cheap princess…mother kala R@P£D her…this beast must die and I am assured that the Python goddess won’t let him go scot free…”I said smiling secretly..

“Guards…what are you waiting for?..take this fool away…lock him up now..”Mother said as the guards dragged kala away…HAHAHAHA…no or messes with the Python king and goes scot free…Never…

“And you barakemi…you have to leave because you have brought this land nothing but pains and afflictions…now get out of my sight…”Mother said angrily as barakemi left in tears..

“I have to consult the elders now so we can know what to do with that demon prince…”mother said leaving as I vanished to the underworld…

I have to see the demon king now to tell him of this good news because I would soon have the real Python shell…

I have been a friend to the demon king all these years and we have decided to join hands together to destroy kala…

The throne belongs to me and no one else…


After the medicine left, I took some red leaves and fortified myself then I vanished to hell…

I have to get my demon powers back from the king of hell because he’s the only one that is capable of giving me demon powers…

I am a demon prince but something led to the other so I was banished by my demon father…my demon father took away my demon powers and banished me from the underworld…

Everyone thinks I am the late kings brother but I am not…I saved king oliatan from a poisonous snake so he told everyone that I was his blood brother…

I don’t even know why I took his throne from him…after everything he did for me…I still had the guts to take his throne away….gosh…

The reason why I was banished is because of a very silly mistake I made many years ago…

I impregnated a girl out of wedlock so my demon father banished me and made my brother the demon king…

Lady fola my father’s seer lied That I R@P£D her and got her pregnant but the truth is that she forced me to sleep with her countless times…nooo…

She lied to my father that i R@P£D her and thr_@tened to ki|| her if she aborted the child…she only lied because she didn’t want to be banished from the underworld with me…

I have already made up my mind to ki|| lady fola for lying….I have decided to get my demon powers by any cost so I can be able to get my demon throne back since the Python prince is back to claim the throne..

I got to hell and I was About going in to see the king but someone stopped me and I was shocked to see seyi the mother of olusanjo and the demon Python prince …

Everything seems so confusing …seyi can’t be in hell because she the Python mother and she was a good woman…hmm…something is not right…

“Obagala…don’t be scared…I know why you are here so that’s why I came here…”seyi said smiling…

“Well…I want you to take me out of hell so I can be able to give you back your demon powers…don’t be shocked Oba…remember I have Python powers…”she said smiling…

“Seyi…I don’t understand because you are not a demon so tigers no way you can have demon powers to give me…who are you?…tell me before I ki|| you now you imposter..”I said pointing my sword at her…

“Shut up Oba…I have already told you what I came for so it’s yup to you to chose…”she said about leaving when I held her back…

“Hey…I have already agreed..once you give me back my powers,then I would get you out of here…”I said with a straight face…



After two days, some warriors came into the prison and dragged me to the Python forest..I don’t know why they brought me here..

The warriors quickly chimed me down with some black chains and they drained out all my Python powers with the chains…I think the Python goddess told them to this…noooo…

I was surprised to see olusanjo and the and the demon king laughing at me…oh no…

“Kala…you are going to die today….HAHAHA…”Olusanjo said laughing as he dragged my Python shell from my hair and placed it on his own hair….nooooo

I was about getting up when suddenly the Python goddess sorted and rushed to where I was saying…

👹You have offended the Python goddess kala so you have to die…your time is already up Python prince so I am left with no other choice than to destroy you…”the Python goddess said and for the first time,she grabbed my neck and started strangling me ….

Yawa don gas😭

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