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Friday, October 18, 2024
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“Scarlett? Your thirsty?”

“Scarlett? Here, I made you coffee”

“Scarlett, Let me know if you’re hungry”

“Scarlett, eat this pie. Its not only gonna sweeten your tongue,,, but your heart too”

“Scarlett? Did you take your drugs before coming?”

“Scarlett, Are you craving anything?”

“Should I re-tie your hair? Some strands are falling”

“Wait,,, lemme check your pulse”

“How’s your heart beat?”

“Is your chest hurting?”

“Tell me if you’re sick, okay?”

“Sir!!!!” Scarlett finally screamed.

She was tired already of his silly worried comments.

“Phil,,, Its Phil, P-H-I-L” He spelt.

“Yeah,,, Yeah,,, So,,, Huh…Phil, tell me,,, when did I suddenly turn to the CEO? I’m not gonna die,, at least not now” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m your secretary and not your baby. I gotta work” She added.

Phil sighed.
“I’m really sorry for exaggerating but I can’t help it”

“I’m really fine,,, trust me”

“When you notice something strange or weird going on, with your body, alert me, got that!”

Scarlett sighed and rolled her eyes.
“Aye Aye Sir!!”

Phil grinned.
“So, let get to work. What’s the next thing on the schedule”

“Its the meeting based on the-

“Wait, Scarlett, have you eaten lunch yet?”


“I mean,,, Phil!!!” She screamed.

“Sorry,,, one last question” He said, with cute innocent eyes.

“What? What?” She asked, with funny widened eyes, alongside raised brows.

He pocketed his hands.
“Have you visited your cardiologist yet?”

“Hmm,,, Since when I went there to see her for the first time,,, and she told me the bad news, I never went there again,,, upon though she begged me to come often for check up”

Phil widened his eyes.
“What?? Why not?”

“I’m scared and anxious. Why would I go there again? To hear bad new season 2? If she tells me I’m gonna live,,that’s fine”

Phil sighed.
“You really ought to go. What if you are getting better”

“And what if I’m not?” Scarlett asked.

“Stop being pessimistic”

“You were the one who taught me”

Phil sighed deeply.
“Please,,, promise me you would go again”

“And why would I promise you?”

“Cause I promised to fulfill all your bucket list,, before you kick the bucket” He cooed.

“Aiish! Okay then, I promise. I will go soon when I’m less busy”

“Great! Also, make sure to tell me wh@ťěver you want. I’ll make your whole wish come true”

Scarlett smiled.


Scarlett smiled widely, and he also smiled before taking his eyes down.

“So,,, what’s the meeting about?” He slowly took his eyes up to her.

“Its the meeting about moving to the united states,, the bazaar business trip? Remember?” Scarlett replied.

“Oh yeah,,, sure! Goodness, I haven’t even picked a model yet. Aiishh!” He blurted.

Scarlett ran her eyes around, and slowly folded her lips, looking at his troubled face.


“So, we still don’t have a model? How will we do this when we get to the states now?,,, Its in just 2 days time” Mr Kowalski said.

He was one of the important meeting holders in the company.

Many of the meeting holders, started talking and murmuring about it, agreeing with Mr Kowalski.

Phil sighed and brushed his hair down with his palm.

“I promise to get one as fast as possible,,, before tomorrow and ah,,, also I almost forgot,, There’s a change in something” He said and there was a sudden quietness.

“Change?” Scarlett whispered at Oscar.

They both stood by the wall.

“What change is he talking about? He had better not make an error” She whispered, looking at the bright IPad screen, which she was operation on.

“We aren’t gonna be having this business trip in the states anymore” Phil said, and straightened his back.

“What?! What do you mean?! We already talked to the manager at L.A!!” Mrs Reeds said, almost standing up.

“And who cares? I’m the CEO!” He shouted back and there was a huge silence, even a drop of pin can be heard when falling.

“What’s he doing right now?” Scarlett thought, watching him.

“So,,, sir?? Where’s the change taking place? I mean,,, where’s the new location now?” Scarlett asked, raising her right arm.

All eyes turned to her, including Phil.

Scarlett blinked.
“I need to know the next step so that I can prepare” She added, trying to elaborate.

Phil smiled at her.
“We,,, are moving to Paris”

Scarlett looked at him deeply, that she forgot people were around.

“Pa…Paris?” She stuttered, blinking her eyes fast.

“Yes” He nodded, and pocketed his both hands.

“I told you,,, I’m gonna fulfill them all. Your bucket wishes. Let’s go to your dream country, Paris” He thought and Scarlett wondered why she heard that.

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