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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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★ ★ ★ ★

Everyone was laughing and eating in merry and jubilation when Oscar suddenly got a call.

He checked his phone and saw an unsaved number.

He swiped red and kept it back into his pocket.

The call came again, and Phil who was sitting beside him, looked.

“You aren’t gonna still pick that?” Phil asked.

Oscar blinked and stood up.
“Excuse me then,,,” He said, and walked away.

Phil smiled, and took a cup of whisky which he drank. written by sommy pearl f. copy & suffer for it. don’t steal my sweat.

“Get ready y’all! We’ll be sharing a toast soon!!” Phil exclaimed and everyone gushed aloud.


Oscar went outside and stayed under the roof.

He looked at the phone screen and sighed deeply before swiping green.

“Hello? Who am I speaking with??” He asked.

“Oscar?,,, Its Dyl-

“Oscar!!! Help!!! It’s Trina!!”

“Trina!!” Oscar shouted with widened opened eyes.
“What is going on?? Where are you now!” He didn’t stop shouting.

Others wouldn’t be able to hear his loud voice because of the loud music playing.

“Don’t mind her, Oscar” Dylan said.

“Who are you!” Oscar snarled.
“And why is she with you!”

“He wants to f_ck me!!” Trina loud voice came again.

“What! No! Oscar,, Its a lie. I’m a cop and I arrested her cause she committed an offense. Kindly come to Seoul station now to bail her out”


“You ought to know who is speaking with you. It’s Dyl-

*Beep* Oscar hung up before he completed his words.

“What the heck?” Dylan scoffed and kept the telephone back down.

“You are really sly and naughty” Dylan said, pointing a finger at her.

Trina only scoffed and rolled her eyes.

written by sommy pearl f. on fb


“Excuse me..” Oscar whispered, and slightly tapped Phil’s back.

Phil looked up at him.
“Yes? What’s it? By the way,,, have a sit,,, we are about to make a toast” He smiled.

“Oh no” Oscar shook his head.

Phil raised a brow.

“I’m sorry,,, but I need to leave now”

“Huh! Why??”

“I…got an urgent call. Its an emergency”

“Emergency? Is anyone okay?”

“No,,, not at all”

“Oh my goodness. What happened?”

“She got arrested” Oscar uttered.

“Who is this ‘she’?” Phil bent his brows.

“Uh…She…she’s my…new friend”

“New friend?” Phil smiled.
“Guess who got a new friend…Oscar!” Phil half yelled.

“I really need to go” Oscar retorted.

“Sure… You should hurry”

Oscar bowed and moved outside immediately. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

“He grew up very fast” Phil smiled, and filled his glass.

He stood up and raised his filled glass up.

“Let make a toast to Scarlett’s new age!” He exclaimed.

Everyonr giggled aloud, and stood up raising their filled glasses.

Scarlett was smiling extraordinarily.

“A toast to Scarlett’s new age!” He shouted.

“Scarlett’s new age!” They all screamed, and raised their arms higher.

“Cheers!” Phil said.

“Cheers!!” They all chorused.

They all clicked their glasses, in the round formation they made and chugged down their drinks.

They began to sit down one after the other.

Phil was about to sit when he suddenly got a call.

He looked at his phone.

It was his dad.

He sighed and excused himself before leaving, to the corridor.

Felicia saw this and stood up, following him.

She had to approach him and talk to him,,, maybe,,, about her true feelings for him.

Scarlett watched Phil leave and when he was out of sight,,, she felt like she was alone. She felt like something was taken out of her body. She felt different.

“Why am I feeling this way now?” She thought sadly, and slowly drank from her glass.

She felt her phone vibrating, so she opened her bag and took out her phone. written by sommy pearl f. on fb.

A bright new smile crept to her face, seeing the caller’s name.

It was LX,,, whom she saved as ‘My star’

She ran outside, and picked the call.


“Hello? Dad?” Phil asked.

“Hmm…Phil,,,, How’re you doing?” Mr Counters asked.

Phil sighed, and gave a brief nod.
“Good,,, I guess”

“So,,, I was thinking if you would come tomorrow night at my place?”

“Why?” Phil questioned.

“Its a family dinner. I want a small family talk too” Mr Counters chuckled.

Phil sighed deeply and rubbed his palm against his forehead.

“You’re coming,,, right?” His father asked.


“Thanks,,, The time is 7pm prompt,, okay? Also,,, can you call your sister? She isn’t picking my calls. I hope she’s not in trouble”

“Okay then,,, I’ll call her”

“Please do so,,, and don’t forget to pass the information to her. Its very important”

“Okay” Phil replied.

“Goodnight, adeul(son)”

“Goodnight, Abooji(father)” He replied and ended the call.

Phil sighed deeply and scrolled through his contact list in order to reach Trina.

Felicia whom was eavesdropping was now about to meet him, since he was done with his call but when he saw he placed his phone against his ear again,,, she stopped, and just watched from behind.


“Scarlett babyyyy!” LX screamed, as soon as she picked the call.

“Don’t flatter me” Scarlett chuckled.

“Happy buffdayyy,,, darling” He smiled.

“Thank you,,, How did you know,,, by the way?” Scarlett asked.

“I viewed your status and pictures. Seems you’re enjoying without me”

“Ah,,,, I’m sorry. I would have told you first”

“Its fine. Just turn around”

“What? Why?”

“Just do it” A chuckle followed.

Scarlett turned around to see LX staring at her, with his masked covered face.

“LX?” She whispered, and walked to him, trying to keep her hand which was holding the phone down.

“Don’t…end the call” He whispered, and Scarlett blinked, keeping the phone, back to her ear.

They were facing each other, in the dark side.

“Scarlett,,, This comes from my heart. Happy birthday to you”

Scarlett smiled.
“Thank you” She whispered.

LX smiled and ended the call.

“How did you find out,,, where my birthday location is?” Scarlett asked, curiously.

“Phil took pictures and posted it. I saw them,,, and the eatery sign board came to view. With my GPRS,, I was able to get it and come over here” He explained.

“Wow,,, As usual,,, you’re so awesome” She gave him a thumb up and he smiled.

“I’m invited right?” He asked.

“Why not! Sure,,, Please,,, come in. Everyone will be so happy to see you”

“Except Phil though” LX scoffed.

Scarlett scratched her head.

Some passerby, 2 females was coming by, and they seemed to be looking at LX suspiciously.

“Isn’t that LX?” Girl 1 asked.

“He looks like him” Girl 2 nodded.

LX quickly pulled Scarlett and hugged her tightly. She gasped aloud, and widened her eyes, keeping her hands, in mid air,,, against his back.

“That can’t be LX. How will he just hug her? They must be a couple” Girl 1 said.

“I agree,,,” Girl 2 replied,,, and with that, they left.

LX pulled her away, from his body gently and sighed deeply.
“Oof! That was a close call” He uttered.

He looked at Scarlett who was just numb,,, standing and staring blankly.

“You alright?” He asked, holding her shoulders.


He smiled and roughed her hair.
“I’m sorry for startling you. I wanted to escape consequences”

“I…understand” She muttered.

LX smiled, and left her shoulders.
“Go on,,, I’ll be right behind you”

She nodded, patted her own hair, and turned around. She sighed deeply, while entering inside. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

She walked in and LX followed. He pulled off his mask noticing the emptiness of the corridor.

He also noticed Scarlett was walking quite funnily.

“Scarlett,,, You okay?” He asked.

She quickly turned to him.
“What?” She whispered.

“You’re walking somehow weird”

Scarlett sighed.
“It’s my heels. It has been shaking thorough out this evening. I thought it would last long,,, I’m not surprised though”

“Are you sure its manageable? What if you fall?” He asked, worriedly.

“I’m fine,,, I won’t fall” She smiled.


“Aiish! Why isn’t she picking up now? Come on,,, Trina,,, pick up! I give up!” Phil grunted, and slowly took his hand down.

He stopped halfway, when he saw Scarlett moving towards him. written by sommy pearl f. on fb

Behind her was LX.

“What’s he doing here now?” Phil frowned.

“Who am I kidding? I’m sure she invited him over” He thought, with a scoff.

Scarlett was only few inches away from him, when her heel finally bent.

“f_ck,,, Nooo” She muttered, and widened her eyes.

Her leg twisted and she was about stumbling and falling but she rushed to Phil and held his waist side.

It came to sudden, and fast that Phil quickly and also held her around her waist, stopping her from landing down.

Now, They were facing each other, with their eyes locked and breaths hitting each other gently.

LX and Felicia who stood behind watched in awe, and sadness.

Scarlett and Phil just exchanged stares for a while, not until Phil got back to his right senses.

He quickly took off his hand around her waist.

“No, please” Scarlett said, seeing she was going down.

Everything that happened next, went in slow mo.

With widened eyes, and fast hands, Scarlett grabbed Phil’s neck tie down, and raised a leg up to the air.

Phil’s neck reacted by moving downwards and his face went down, like flash.

He couldn’t control it and suddenly his cherry lips, jammed right on her soft lips.

LX mask dropped down his hand, and Felicia clenched her fist in anger.


“Many wishes do come true,,, I had a kiss, on my birthday but not with my boyfriend,,, It was with my C.E.O”



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