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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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”Look here, Mama Susan, I don’t owe you an explanation” I said

“Riri, can I come and make your hair for you?” Onome said, lest I forget, Onome was a talented hairdresser, she didn’t learn it but could make all types of hair, people were always begging her to make their hair but Onome preferred servicing men and women to making hair, the only few women Onome made hair for were her l£sb!an partners.I really wanted her to make my hair but I did not want any closer relationship with her.

“No, thanks” I replied bluntly and entered my room. I waited till evening and Shina was not back yet, so I believed he would not come that day. I got dressed and went to Fiwasaye’s shop, I explained everything to her and she adviced I thread with Shina carefully.

“I’m always skeptical about all this guys, be careful”

“I will”

“Derin, please stop living this double lifestyle. Can’t you do without lies? What if this guy decided to marry you and meet your parents?”

“My parents?” I cut in. “I’m renting parents o, do you want my parents especially my mum to embarrass me like the last time?”

“Your parents are your parents, Ade. We’re from Ilawe Ekiti, and have you forgotten what your parents went through to send you to school. Oh! You’ve forgotten you are the only graduate in your family?”

“Fiwa, why are they illiterates? Why are they poor?”

I barked at her.

“Ade, your parents are richer than mine yet I love them, your mother saw me the last time I went home and complained you neither call them nor pick their calls, you don’t go to Ilawe. Ade, treat your parents right, they suffered too much for you”

“How am I suppose to treat them? I’m broke,I’m jobless. Aren’t you the one who fed me earlier? I don’t have a dime with me”

“What if their spirits are fighting you, you don’t treat them right, you’re not proud having them as your parents, why? Are they disabled? Your mum gave birth to you, your dad fathered you”

“I will go and see them next weekend, is that all?”

“No, that’s not. Stop living a fake life and get a life!”

“How do you mean, fiwa?” I eyed her

“Rinsola, there are lots of guys out there who are ready to help you, your pride and lies are chasing them off” she advised.

“Okay” I said and just then, my phone rang, it was Shina.

“Hello” I said immediately I picked his call

“Where are you, Riri? I’m outside the gate.” I sprang up.

“I came to see a friend, I’m on my way.”

“Just give me the direction and I’ll come and pick you.” I gave him the address and ended the call.

“Who was that?” Fiwa asked

“Is he coming here” She asked smiling

“Oh yeah” I said feeling happy
“I’ll get to know your Princecharming” We gisted for some minutes before I received a call from Shina that he was closed by. I went outside and recognised his G-wagon immediately. Deep down, I was happy Fiwasaye would be surprised to see how rich Shina was. I waved at him and he stopped right in front of Fiwa’s shop. He alighted and followed me into her shop where I introduced them to each other.

“Thanks for taking care of my woman.”

“My pleasure, Mr. Shina. I hope you’re not going to break my friend’s fragile heart?” She responded jokingly.

“Obviously not” They chatted for some minutes before we left her shop.
On getting to my house, everyone was marvelled when they saw us alighted from the vehicle.

“Oga, wetin you carry come na” Mama Susan asked. Shina handed over some naira notes to her and we went inside. I heard Mama Susan and others arguing who should take the greater share.

“I’m sorry I was late” he apologized.

“Its nothing”

“Mum wanted me to come back home, I told her about you already and she’s ready to meet you”

“Shina!” I was surprised.

“Riri,I know you like me” he winked. I later agreed to his proposal that night and we started dating officially.
We chatted like a long time couples and slept late that night.

The following morning being a Saturday was less hectic, we were indoors in the morning and went to the market to get foodstuffs and soup ingredients, Shina bought them in bulk, we got back home, cooked,ate and when it was time to sleep, Shina asked me what I intended doing since I was jobless

“I pray I get an appointment in any of these banks o”

“I h@ťě white collar jobs for my woman,Riri. As my wife, I preferred you venture into business or learn a ski||.”

“I love your makeups, Riri. Are you an artist?”

“No, I do my things my lil way” I answered covering my face.

“Do you know any of the makeup artist in town?”

“MerryGold is Fiwa’s customer.”
“Do you have her number?”
“No but Fiwa should have it”
“Do you know her studio?”

“We’ll go see her on Monday”
“Why?” I asked.

“I’ll enroll you”
I was enrolled into MerryGold makeup school on Monday, that week went smoothly and I hailed respect from my boss, my colleagues and neighbours. I grew wings, I was no longer eating at Mama Sikira buka and after work, I would visit Fiwa at her place, I lied to my neighbours I retired my banking job because my fiancee was against it. Few weeks later, I was at Fiwa’s shop when Bola came in.

“Hello girls” she greeted

“Amber Rose!” We hailed her. Bola was Fiwa’s hostel mate while we were in school. We were not close because she always try to intimidate me, she was one of the people who doubt my “self-acclaimed rich babe” lifestyle. She was the CEO and managing director of the ” runs girl club”while we were in school. Even though, she was from a rich home and had a fiancée abroad, she was a bad gang, she drove the latest car, wore the latest wig and designer clothes. Even though I was proud, she was the pride herself. She nicknamed herself Amber Rose because of her ki||ershape and tinted low cut, she was truly Amber Rose. Even though we learnt she had a botox surgery to get her ki||ershape but she was pretty, she smelt rich and the way she carried herself, I was always afraid to visit Fiwa anytime she was around. Fiwa was no saint too, she followed her for the “runs” job anytime she needed money. My pride could not allow me to go with them, I did my thing my way, I was a one-man mopol, even though we met at hotels few times but we would pretend as if we never met not until one day an Alhaji invited me for two sums and Amber Rose was my partner, we were both shocked and even though we did our thing that day, Amber Rose knew I was living a fake life and reported me to Fiwa after she warned me to stop tagging myself as a good girl.

“Hey babes!” She said as she sat down on the chair opposite us.

“You decided to check me today?” Fiwa said frowning.

“I came for my p@anties” she replied smiling

“I said it, but why don’t you call me to deliver them instead of coming here, Biggest babe”

“I ordered for some Christian Louboutin shoes for myself and my fiancée”

“Is he in town”

“Yea, that’s why i wanted those segzy Victoria’s secret lingeries” she said tapping her hands.

“Iyawo iyawo, can wait to buy asoebi”

“Abi o” she laughed. “We’re getting married very soon and I’ll be relocating abroad to be with my husband.”She said flashing her engagement ring

“I am happy for you, my dear” I said.

“Everyone is getting married, why am I the only single one here.”

“Who else is getting married.”

“Riri! She’s relocating to the states too”

“Riri, is that true?” She asked looking surprised

“Don’t mind her o” I responded feeling uncomfortable.

“I said it, you! The greatest alakada! Relocating to the states?” She said smiling, everywhere was silent.

“I know her fiancée, Bola. More so, Riri is a changed person”

“Wh@ťěver! Get me my package and let me go” she said sounding pissed. Fiwa handed her a pink polythene bag with the inscription “Victoria’s Secret”.

” How much is my bill?”
“I’ll do the transfer when I get home.” She said and left.

“Why she dey vex” Fiwa directed her gaze towards me after Amber Rose left.

“No be una friend she be”

“She think say na only her fit marry Americana?” She said and hissed.

“Bad Belle” I added. Shina came later to pick me , he took me to a detached duplex in Bashiri.

“Where is this, Shina?” She asked.



”This is our new house, baby. I don’t like your house, it’s too exposed, I want privacy.” I stood rooted to the spot, it was my dream house.

“Are you going to stand there?” Shina asked. I moved closer to him and hugged him.

“I love you” I said sincerely, he was my first love, it was the first time I was loving a man with all my heart. I loved him not only because he was rich, but also he was truthful,sincere and caring. Shina and I never had s-x even though we had been together for a month. He was a perfect gentleman. We were a perfect couple. We packed into our new house the following my friend’s wish. I called Fiwa that morning to inform her about our relocation.

“I’m happy for you, Riri” she said over the phone.

“Thanks, girlfriend. I can’t believe God is changing my fate.!”

“Riri, must you relocate into the new house with him,I’m skeptical about everything. It’s too early.”

“We’re getting married soon, Fiwa.”

“I understand but I’ve you forgotten this man is having issues with his parents, do you think this is gonna end well”

“We met with his mum recently and she accepted me.”

“But you lied to her,Riri!”

“Will I tell her my parents are illiterates? Fiwa, you’re the only friend I have, I’m just a victim of bad circumstances. My parents are poor and I’m jobless. If not for this guy, would I be a certified makeup artist? I found love! I found him!” I poured out.

“Riri, I understand you quite well but I don’t want you to relocate completely with him. Just pick a few things and don’t let your neighbors know about it” she warned before she ended the call. I wanted to follow her advice but Shina told me to pack all my load and drop the key for the caretaker.

That night while we were ready to sleep, Shina asked me if I had any secrets I was keeping which I denied vehemently. We made love that night and I could see through his eyes that he was disappointed but I didn’t know why.
His actions and reactions the next day was cold towards me, he refused to eat breakfast before he went out. I went to see Fiwa the following afternoon after a makeup session and told her about Shina’s new behavior.

“Riri, please, tell Shina about your past life. Why not come out clean” she advised.

“Fiwa, I’m confused. I’d lied but I can’t afford to loose Shina. I love him and I don’t see a future without him”
I poured out. I was confused.

“You can’t have a happy home being a liar. He will soon be aware of your lies. Stop being fake!!!”

“Do you want me to loose him”

“Just tell him about your past life and I’m sure he will forgive u.”

“Fiwa, here is a man who broke his engagement because a woman confessed of having 2 abortions in his absence. Fiwa, I had 6 abortions” I said amidst cries.

“I’m ruined it all from the beginning” I went home shattered that day. I was not happy and I started living in fear. I knew sooner or later, my secrets would be exposed. Shina stopped making love to me but he continued loving me. In a few week, I forgot my dilemma and it happened!
I was in the kitchen preparing lunch when I heard a knock… I was lazy to go check who was at the door so I pretended not to hear since Shina was in the bedroom. I continued with my work, when i heard Shina’ s footsteps and the door cracking. It was a familiar female voice, I listen carefully as they exchange pleasantry and decided to clear my doubt about whose voice it was, and seeing Dommy in my house that afternoon melt my heart. Who is Dommy?

I labelled her “dummy” because she was my diehard enemy, she h@ťěd me right from our days in Saint Louis Grammar School, Ikere Ekiti. I was a neat,pompous girl back then and all my school mates back then were jealous of me because every time we had the privilege to go outside our school gates,
all “Anco” boys (Saint Louis Grammar School is a girls’ school while Annunciation*anco* is our male *version*) rushed me like houseflies. Everyone was jealous of me including Dummy. She crushed on Fife, Anco headboy while we were in SS3, but I ended up dating him.
This made her h@ťě me. When we met in UNILAG, She was Amber Rose’s friend, which worsen her hatred for me. Amber Rose told her about my fake lifestyle and she labelled me “fake Rihanna Alakada”. What was she doing I’m my house, our house? I thought. She focused her gaze towards me immediately I came into the living room.

” oh my! Riri!!!”She screamed and hugged me. I was confused, she was my sworn enemy and her warm treatment gave me goosebumps.

“What are you doing here? Do you work with Shina?” She asked smiling.
“She is my wife, my fiancé” Shina responded before I could say anything. I looked into Dummy’s eyes and she looked into mine, I could see she was heartbroken,surprised and frightened. We exchanged gaze for few seconds before she announced her departure.

“I think I’ve to be on my way” she said as she picked her bag that was lying on the couch.

“Lunch is almost ready” I said, I did not know when those words came out of my mouth and it sounded like “poison is ready”

“I can’t wait, dear. Maybe some other time. See ya, Shina. Kisses” she blew us kiss as she left hurriedly.

“What’s happening, darling.” I asked worriedly. Was she Shina’s ex fiancée? If she was, then I’m in trouble. Shina snubbed me and sat on the couch.

“Is food ready?” He asked as he retired into the couch looking tired. We ate lunch in total silence that afternoon. No one was speaking to another, I guessed we were both lost in our thoughts.

I visited Fiwa the following day and explained everything that happened to her. She was worried about me, and my past lifestyle.

“Aderin, I’ll advise you to open up and let your fiancée knows about your past life. You know Dommy! She is dangerous.” She advised.

“It would be better Shina hears from the horse mouth than from a third party. Aderin, open up!” I was weeping already, how could I look into Shina’s eyes and tell him I had six abortions, how would I tell his mum my mother was an illiterate! Life was so unfair to me and I wished death could take my soul. The thought of losing Shina made my dreams shattered, he was my love, my dream and I could feel no future without him.

Fiwa was consoling me as I was sobbing when Dummy entered. I was shocked! The look on her face was scary, she came in with her hands akimbo, she stepped aside as someone else came in. I meant someone from my past!!

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