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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 94

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( Miss Spitfire &
The Four Emperors )


By, Naomi Cindy B







“My lady, aren’t you gonna faint?, I called an ambulance already” Kennedy said and one of the guards grabbed his arms, trying to fold it backwards.

“f_ck you!” He spat and pushed the guard away, adjusting his suit afterwards.

“Touch me again, and I’ll make you smell your own @zz” he said daringly, facing Sawyer again.

Sawyer was still looking defeated and angry.

“You don’t own his life, so just faint and let the ambulance do its job, or f_ck off quietly” he said boldly.

Esmeralda came over immediately.

Kennedy grabbed her waist and gave her lips a light kiss in front of her, Sawyer folded her fists tightly.

“Meet my girlfriend, Esmeralda Sophi Douglas, she’s not even a Barrett” he said afterwards.

“How dare you Esmeralda!” Sawyer shouted.

“I love him, love made me do it” Esmeralda replied with a slow smile.

“Get her!!!!” Sawyer shouted at her guards, and the governor stood.

“Move an inch, and get jailed” he said, and the guards shifted back in fear.

Sawyer’s heavy breaths flooded everywhere as he walked to her.

“Not everyone will bend to your orders, dear wife” he smiled and Sawyer stepped back.

She started walking backwards, looking at everyone.

Newton and November, Esmeralda and Kennedy, Keaton and Francisco, then governor John.

She finished touring on them with her eyes before turning back, walking out of the ship.

“Let’s party!!!” Kennedy shouted.


The ambulance nurses came in that moment.

“Was that a prank call?” The first one asked when there’s no sign of an unconscious person.

“No, but the person I was expecting to faint did not faint, she must be so strong” Kennedy replied and the two nurses rolled eyes at him before walking out.

“Sorry dudes!” He shouted after them

“So you really called the ambulance” Esmeralda laughed.

“I don’t joke over my words baby” he replied and held her hand, taking her into the crowd.

“Thanks everyone for coming to our party, please have fun, and enjoy” Keaton said through the microphone.

“Of course baby!” Monique shouted.

Immediately Newton took the microphone, loud screams rented the ship

He smiled handsomely before speaking.

“Tonight is definitely my happiest of all the nights I’ve ever seen” he said.

? Aww!

“Thanks to my pretty twin, and my muffin” he said again.

? Aww!

“Honestly it wouldn’t have been possible without them, and my crazy friends who has always been there, Cisco, Rica, and of course psychotic KK” he said and everyone laughed.

“Wait…I’m not psychotic” Kennedy said and everyone laughed again.

“And from now on, respect Gracie just as much as you guys respect me, she’s my everything” he said.

November blushed heavily.

? Whoa!!!!

“Yes, and please enjoy, have fun, it’s our birthday!” He said loudly and everyone screamed as he dropped the microphone.

The loud songs resumed playing, and everyone started dancing to the tunes.

“Let’s go say hi to dad” Newton said, grabbing November’s hand.

They went there and met Keaton and Francisco already.

Keaton is currently in his arms, hugging him.

“Happy birthday best daughter” he gave her soft pats.

“I love you so much Daddy, thanks for honouring our day” she smiled.

“I love you too Keaton” he replied as they broke the hug.

Newton hugged him too.

“Happy birthday best son”

“I love you dad”

“Enjoy your day” John replied as they broke it.

He hugged November and Francisco too before standing.

“I won’t be able to stay long” he smiled.

“We understand, you should go back and rest” Keaton said.

“Get home safely” Newton said.

“Sure, bye jewels” he replied, waving as he left the ship with his guards.

He got to his car and let out the cough he has been keeping in since.

As he coughed, blood accompanied it.

He wiped it secretly with his handkerchief without his guards knowledge.

“Drive” he said weakly, and the car hit the road immediately.

The party continued in the ship, and soon it was time to cut the cake.

The cake was pushed out on a table, and it was left in the middle before the cover was removed.

The pure white cake was so beautiful and tall, so much that it stole gasps from students as the twins prepared to cut it.

“NEW-KEA 23” was written with icing on top of it

“At the spell of NEW-KEA” Kennedy said.

? N!!

? E!!

? W!!

? K!!

? E!!

? A!!

They both cut the cake and a loud applause followed.

The invited pianist started playing soft beautiful tunes immediately, then they started receiving gifts.

Newton received November’s gift before anyone’s.

It’s a small white box and he looks so eager to open.

“What’s inside?” He asked curiously.

“Wait…you expect me to tell you?” She giggled.

She gave her a kiss immediately.

“Thanks” he said and she smiled prettily.

Francisco’s gift to Keaton was a small red box.

“Can’t wait to open this” she said anxiously, kissing it.

Francisco smiled and she leaned in to give him a kiss.

“I love you” she said.

“Much more my amor” he replied, and she chuckled.

Everyone started rushing to give them gifts immediately.

The gifts filled up the whole stage, there’s barely any space to stand on, till the maids started taking them out to the cars.

“Let’s dance” Ronaldo held Dahlia’s hand after the gifts presentation.

“You wanna dance?” She asked with a smile.

“Of course, please don’t say no” he quickly replied, offering an hand.

She placed her hand on it and he took her to the middle of the dance floor.

He held her waist and their faces came so close as they moved slowly to the tunes.

He never took his eyes off her face for once, and she kept smiling innocently.

“You’re so beautiful…. Dahlia” he said, and she smiled wider.

“Thanks Ronaldo, you’re handsome too”

Ricardo appeared on the dance floor with Monique, and Dahlia shifted her attention to them immediately.

“Why are we dancing together?* Monique asked.

“Everyone else is dancing, we can’t just sit and play idle” Ricardo replied, moving with her.

He’s not holding her waist like every other guy though.

“So….not dancing is another sign of idleness?” Monique teased.

“Can I ask for a favor?” Ricardo asked.

“Of course, but I’ll take money for wh@ťěver it is” she replied.

“Help me talk to Dahlia” he said, and she smiled.


“I’m not joking Monique”

“Deal, so how much are you paying?” She asked.

“Should I pay with a kiss?” He replied naughtily.

“f_ck you” she glared and pushed him away.

Dahlia’s eyes are still on them, Ronaldo noticed.

“Do you like Ricardo?” He suddenly asked, and Dahlia quickly faced him.


“Do you like him?” He asked again.


Ronaldo started leaning in for a kiss, Dahlia folded her fists tightly on his shoulders.

Her eyes remained open till his lips stopped just in front of hers.

She pushed him back slightly, and he gave her a wistful look.

“I need to use the restroom” she said and left him .

Ronaldo bit his lip slightly, staring at her till she went out of sight.

Esmeralda was dancing with Kennedy when she sighted Tyler in the ship, her heart skipped beats instantly.

‘How did he get in?’ she thought, stopping her dance.

“Hey baby” Kennedy called her attention, and she faced him.


“What are you looking at?” He questioned.

“The restroom, I’ll be right back Kenny” she replied and walked into the crowd.

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