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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 9

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November exhaled.

” I doubt that, I’ll make him pee on his pants if he tries that” she said

“So …. Bullying is gonna continue?, It’s not making any sense” she said again.

” I know, but I’m ok with it, after this semester we’re left with just one more before graduation, so I’ll keep enduring” Dahlia said.

” Poor girl” November said.

” I’m starving!” Monique shouted.

“I’ll cook, you both should relax” November said.

“I’ve never seen you cooking before” Monique said.

“Take it as an honor, I’ll be right back” November said and rushed into the kitchen.

She decided to make salad since it’s the simplest she could think of.

She opened the freezer and got different kinds of fruits.

Carrots, cucumbers, pineapple, apples, grapes, lemonades and oranges.

“Let’s get to work” she said, wearing her cap backwards after rolling up her sleeves.

“Don’t let me go!, Don’t let me go!, Don’t let me goo…

She sang one of The Fray songs as she did her legendary salad.

When she finished mixing everything with mayonnaise, she sprinkled lemon on it and smiled.

“Done!” She said, taking out the dishes.

She settled them on the dinning table and both Monique and Dahlia joined her.

“Are you sure this is salad?” Monique asked as she looked at the plates.

” Then is it poop?” November rolled eyes.

“Calm down” Monique rolled eyes too and picked a fork, Dahlia did the same.

They ate it at once and the fork fell from them.

“I’ve always known I’m a born chef, do I need to open a salad restaurant? ” November smiled.

Dahlia and Monique ran out of the room to the nearest restroom.

“Why are they running?” November wondered, having a taste of it.

Her eyes widened.

” I should call the cops on myself, I’m a serial ki||er, f_ck!” She said in a muffled voice before rushing to the bathroom.




“Newton didn’t f_ck you last night?” Poppy asked, making her way to class with Bora.

” I swear it, I had to use vibrator on myself, I h@ťě him for making me exhaust my horny mood on a f_cking vibrator” Bora replied sadly.

” It’s a different story here, Ricardo was so angry because of November last night so he poured all his anger on my p@zzy, he almost tore it up seriously” Poppy replied.

” He did the ice cream thing again?” Bora asked, hiding the jealousy in her voice.

“Of course, he can’t f_ck you without licking ice cream on your ćƖĩť, it’s always so pleasuring like d@mn! ” Poppy replied and Bora could feel herself getting wet already.

“Stop talking about it” she said and entered the class before Poppy.

” What’s up? ” Poppy wondered, entering too.

The class is full already and immediately they took their seats, November stood.

“Where are you going?” Dahlia and Monique asked at a time.

They’re both sitting beside her.

“They destroyed my handbook yesterday” she replied and climbed the table.

She jumped down in front of it and walked to the two, chewing gum gingerly.

Her hands are in her big crazy jean pockets, she’s not wearing a cap today.

? What’s she gonna do again?

? She’s going to Bora and Poppy

? She’s surely a lover of trouble

“Bora, the garbage can is coming” Poppy whispered and Bora looked at that direction.

She stood.

“What?” She asked when November got to her.

“150 dollars, my handbook” she replied, glaring at the two of them.

“You’re audacious seriously” Bora smirked.

” On the count of one to three” November replied.

“Bora, give her the money” Poppy said.

Bora remained still as November raised her right hand.

“One” she said, folding a finger.

“Bora…. please” Poppy said.

“Two” November folded another finger.

“Bora…” Poppy said in fear.

Bora took her bag and got two hundred dollars.

“Three” November said and Bora placed it on her palm

She extracted 150 dollars and threw the remaining cash on Bora’s face.

“Buy roll on with that, I can smell the bad ooze from your armpits” she said and everyone gasped..

” You low garbage can!, I’ll find out the daughter of who you are and I’ll destroy you!, Wait for it!” Bora shouted.

November looked back and smiled.

“Good luck, birdbrain” she winked.

“Bird…bird…what?” Bora said.

“November, Prof Dallas calls for you” Binta said by the door.

“I’ll be right back” she said to her friends and left the class, following Binta.

They came across Newton who was just about to enter The Emperors block.

“November?” He called

“I don’t really know what you were thinking when you were asking Bora out but wh@ťěver it is, it’s out of sense, and if it’s love, love is really blind, it’s deaf and dumb too, in fact it’s using a wheelchair” she said and walked past him.

Newton looked at them again, wondering where she’s going with Binta.

He saw Binta with Ricardo earlier so he grew suspicious.



Binta got to the front of a building and faced November.

“He’s waiting inside” she said and left.

“What kind of a lecturer meets in a place like this?, Is he a pedophile?, Should I get a knife?” She said as she held the knob.

She opened the door and stepped in but immediately she stepped in, she slipped and fell on her face, she bled from the nose immediately.

Water was actually poured down for her.

Someone grabbed her and pulled her up roughly, it’s Ricardo.

He has that look of victory and mockery in his eyes as he watched blood running down her nose.

He grabbed her shirt in the front, locking it in his palms.

“Do you think you can go scot free after what you did to me yesterday?” He said, locking her shirt more roughly.

The shirt left her tummy already as a result of his lock, her tummy is visible right now.

“If you want me to f_ck you tell me straight, instead of going through corners” he said, looking at her demandingly.

November smiled as the blood stained her mouth.

“You’re so foolish, so much that the word FOOLISH is jealous of your foolishness” she said.

” What!’

“Wait recharge card, do you think you’re safe right now?, Aren’t you scared for your life?” She said, still smiling dangerously.

” Recharge…what?” Ricardo said, not believing his ears.

” Card ” November smiled.

“How dare you..

” Do you know what it feels like to get hit by a thunderbolt?” She asked.

” What?” Ricardo said in confusion.

” I’m sure you haven’t felt it before, but you’ll feel it…now” she said and ski||fully released herself, then she spun around before landing a punch on Ricardo’s face.

He bled from the nose and mouth Immediately, then he fell on his knees as dizziness got him.

Water came out of his eyes of their own accord.

“I don’t think December will even be for rest anymore because of motherf_ckers like you” she said and raised her fist on him again but someone caught it from behind.

She looked back to see Newton.

“Stop” he said.

“Get lost” she smirked and used the punch on him instead.

“f_ck!” Newton groaned.


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