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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 74

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November was almost unconscious when Bora raised her hand.

The guys stopped whipping her immediately.

“I think I’m hearing footsteps” she said.

“Me too” Poppy replied.

“Run!” Wendy said and they all ran away in different directions.

November’s face was not exempted from bruises, she got few lashes on her face too so she has bruises there.

Her body is nothing to talk about right now cos it’s bloody.

“Sil….ver…. Sil..ver” she called weakly,her face down as blood escaped her nose.

She started hearing footsteps too and it didn’t take long before Ricardo appeared.

“November!” He almost screamed when he saw her state.

He ran to her and his eyes widened more.


She held her bloody face.

“Wi…zard” she muttered in pains.

He quickly untied the ropes and she fell on him.

He held her quickly .

“November!” He tried to make her stand but her eyes closed and she went down.

He quickly caught her before her body could land on the ground.

“November!” He shook her gently but her eyes won’t open.

He quickly carried her in a bridal style and started running out of the woods.

He took a shortcut and found himself in front of the hotel

He ordered for the key of one of the cars.

“I’ll drive you sir” the driver replied.

“Give me the f_cking key!” Ricardo shouted back and took the key.

Though he’s still holding her in his arms, he managed to open the car door.

He dropped her gently on the backseat and went to the front, then he drove roughly out of the hotel.

He got her to the nearest hospital within five minutes and she was taken in.

He paced around the reception, waiting for something positive when his phone rang.

It’s Francisco.

“Where are you?, November is missing!”

“She’s with me” he replied calmly.

“What!, Why?”

“I found her in the woods, and I took her to the hospital”

“Hospital?, Please tell me she’s fine”

“If she’s fine, why would I bring her here?”

Francisco hung up immediately and Ricardo sighed.

He got impatient and was about to enter the ward when a doctor came out.

“Is she back?, Speak please”

“She’s back but…

“But what?”

“Her skin needs a lot of attention so we’re still working on it, stay calm sir” the doctor replied and left.

He came back with another doctor who’s pushing an equipments troll.

They went in together and Ricardo started pacing again.

He was still pacing when Francisco and Kennedy joined him.

“Dude what exactly happened?, Where’s she?” Francisco asked impatiently.

“Her body, she was….

“Was what?” Kennedy asked impatiently.

“I don’t know what happened but…her skin peeled and .. blood…

“What!” Francisco and Kennedy shouted at a time.

“She was tied to a tree, I think she was whipped”

“Actually the devil’s beans was poured on her too” a doctor said, coming out again.

“Devil’s beans?” They all chorused.

“Yes, and that’s why we’re taking our time to attend fully to her, she’ll be fine, let’s hope her skin comes back to normal”

He went in afterwards, Ricardo inhaled.

“How cruel, who the hell” Francisco said shockingly.

” I’m dumbfounded” Ricardo said.

“What’s up with Newton?, That dude is not picking my calls, and he just went back to New York without informing anyone?” Kennedy said.

“He didn’t inform November either” Francisco replied.

“Why would he do that?, What’s actually happening?” Kennedy asked curiously.

“They had a fight” Francisco replied guiltily.

“Why?” Ricardo talked.

“Me” Francisco said.

“You?” Kennedy faced him

“He caught me kissing her” Francisco replied slowly.

“What the hell!” Kennedy’s eyes widened.

“Seriously?” Ricardo asked to be sure.

Francisco nodded and Kennedy stood in front of him.

“What were you thinking?, You know his condition, right?, How could you hurt him Cisco!”

“I was just out of my mind for a while, after I heard about Keaton’s deteriorating health”

“So, that made you kiss Newton’s girlfriend?, How is that even correlating?, How!” Kennedy shot angrily.

“Calm down KK, we’re in an hospital” Ricardo said.

“Don’t give me that crap!, I can’t stand to see him hurt please!, He’s already passing through a lot, talk about his illness, his father’s illness, Keaton’s illness and his mum’s troubles!, Can’t you see he’s already in a tight spot?, He goes around with a broken heart but now that he got a girl to ease his pains, you did this?, No I can’t forgive you easily Cisco, I won’t” Kennedy said hotly.

“Did she kiss you back?” Ricardo asked.

“No, I forcefully kissed her” Francisco replied immediately.

“You’re such a sucker I swear” Kennedy said.

“Newton and November are in a relationship?” Monique’s voice said behind them and they all looked back to see her with Dahlia, Esmeralda and Ixora.

“I’ve always smelt this” Ixora heaved.

“Why didn’t she tell us?, Why would she keep it from us?” Dahlia said.

“That’s not the issue right now, where’s she?, Is she ok?” Esmeralda asked.

“She’s badly wounded” Ricardo said and Monique gasped.


“My role model” Ixora muttered sadly.

“Novy” Dahlia muttered.

“I wish we followed her when she left earlier, I just wish” Monique started crying.

“Hey stop it” Esmeralda said.

“My best part!!!” Monique increased the volume.

They waited for almost one hour again before they were allowed to enter the ward.

November’s legs were bandaged, her arms too, and her face bruises made it swell up, her eyes were closed though.

She’s not in a good condition at all.

“Oh my f_cking God!” Kennedy gasped.

Monique started crying again.

“Who did this” Esmeralda said, unable to contain her anger anymore.

“No idea” Ricardo replied.

“Bora and her cohorts obviously” Ixora replied.

Esmeralda left the ward immediately.

Kennedy followed her.

“Where are you going?”

“Don’t ask me” she replied curtly and walked out on him.

She drove back to the hotel and went to Poppy and Bora’s room.

The door is opened but no one’s in.

Same with Wendy and Binta’s.

No matter how hard she searched, she didn’t find them in the hotel.

She stopped at the hotel lobby, imagining November’s image in her head.

She walked angrily to the nearest glass chair and pushed it angrily with her legs.

It fell and shattered.

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