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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 72

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Kennedy took Esmeralda into the room in his arms and dropped her on the bed gently.

November is not around though.

He covered her well and sat beside her.

“How’re you feeling now?” He asked.

“You should leave, thanks for staying till now” she replied and turned her back on him.

“Seriously?, Why are you doing this to me?, A minute ago you were friendly, and now you’re acting this way?” Kennedy said.

It’s obvious in his voice that he’s hurt.

“What did I do?, I only told you to go, are you planning to stay the night?, Stay the night and f_ck me again?, That can never happen again cos….cos I’ve used you, I don’t use guys twice” she said coldly.


“Yes, I used you to satisfy my s*xual desires that night, and now it’s over, ok?” She replied and covered herself completely.

Kennedy folded his fists tightly as he stared at her covered body.

He turned back and walked out of the room at once, without looking back.

Esmeralda started crying under the sheets but a minute later, she sat up and got her phone.

A message was sent to her at the hospital and she rechecked again.

It’s a picture of how Kennedy was carrying her away from the field earlier.

*EYES ON YOU, FOCUS ON THE MISSION* Was written under it.

“I’m so tired of this life, I’m tired of being a slave to the Barrett family, I’m tired of having my dad as a weakness, I’m tired!!” She cried and covered her face with her palms as she cried.

“Kenny I’m so sorry”




Kennedy entered the room and met Ricardo.

He’s seated on the couch, smoking and drinking devilishly.

He ignored him and just went into his room.

He sat on the bed but he couldn’t sit peacefully.

He stood and started pacing around, fingers deep into his hair.

“Yes, I used you to satisfy my s*xual desires that night, and now it’s over, ok?”

Esmeralda’s statement won’t leave his head and it hurts surprisingly.

“She used me?, She….did?” He asked himself and smiled sadly.

“What was I expecting though?, Not like I’m interested in any shitty relationship with her anyways, but…… It hurts to hear that from her….hell!” He rambled, leaving the room.

He went to the freezer and got butter which he scooped in large amount into two slices of bread.

He ate it angrily, taking rough bites consecutively as he kept remembering the statement.

He was about to take the fourth bite when Francisco came in and hit it away from him.

“Stop doing things to hurt yourself you motherf_cker!” He yelled and Kennedy faced him.

He’d have shouted back but when he saw his swollen bruised up face, his eyes widened.

“What happened to your face!” He asked quickly.

Francisco started walking in but Kennedy blocked him.

He has started scratching his body right now, the butter is starting to react.

“What the hell happened to your face!, Do you need a mirror?, It’s all a mess!” He shouted.

“I know, I don’t want to talk about anything” Francisco replied .


“Where’s Newton?” Francisco asked.

“He’s not back yet” Kennedy replied and Francisco went into his room.

Kennedy’s scratches got more unbearable so he had to rush in to take a shower.




November entered the her room and met Esmeralda in bed.

She’s not asleep though.

“November why are you crying!” She asked before she could stop herself.

“You h@ťě me, right?” November replied and Esmeralda looked away from her.

She got her phone from her pocket and scrolled to Newton’s line but her thumb was shaking on the screen as she tried to dial it. She couldn’t.

She tried to type a message too but her head is currently empty so nothing to type.

She squatted on her spot and continued crying.

“Who taught me how to be a real Ɓîtçh?, I f_cked up like crazy, how will I face Silver from now, how could I?” she muttered as she cried.

“Bunny I’m sorry”



Newton has been in the woods since it happened.

He hasn’t been able to go back to his room so he has been here.

He swallowed his pills already so his bleeding stopped, though his shirt is still stained in the front.

His head is a mess at the moment, his whole being is even a mess cos anytime he remembers the kiss, he goes crazy and feels like ki||ing Francisco.

That she was kissing him back is even more infuriating.

She was allowing him, meaning he meant nothing to him.

That only means he’s just a passerby in her life.

She has been taking him for a joke and now he knows.

His phone rang and immediately he saw the doctor’s number, his heart started skipping beats.

Unless there’s something urgent about Keaton, he never calls.

“Doctor!” He stood from where he’s sitting.

“I have a bad news young master”

“Huh?, What?”

“Young miss Keaton might not be able to spend up to a week anymore”

“No, it’s a lie” he replied, his heart breaking more than it did before.

“I’m sorry master Newton but….

Newton hung up before he could finish, then he made a call to one of the pilots.

“Prepare a private jet, I’m flying back to New York tommorow”




It’s the day all the students will be having breakfast together at the big hall.

November came in with her friends and they found seats on a table for four.

She started looking around for Newton.

She didn’t sleep throughout last night and she couldn’t even bring herself to dial his line or text him.

She went to their room at midnight but he wasn’t there so she just returned to her room and cried till daybreak.

The excess tears made her sick and right now, she’s so weak and feeble.

Her temperature is so high and her mouth tastes bitter, her head is splitting with headache but she’s trying her best to conceal it from her friends.

Ixora and Denver entered the hall together and Monique smiled.

“Finally!, The ship is sailing”

“I hope it lasts” Dahlia replied.

“Meaning?” Monique asked.

“You know…. Wendy and co” Dahlia replied and Monique smiled.

“Ixora is not easy too”

“Novy, you’ve been silent” Dahlia noticed.

“I have nothing to say” November replied plainly.


“Let’s not talk about me… please” she interrupted and the girls exchanged glances.

The Emperors entered separately.

Ricardo came in first, then Kennedy.

Kennedy’s eyes met with Esmeralda’s but he looked away immediately, sitting in the middle of a some group of girls.

One of them sat on his laps immediately and he started caressing her thighs.

“The real Kennedy is back” she winked, zipping down her top in the front.

Half of her B-__-bs faced him.

“Wow” he licked his lips

“Let’s get a room” she said, kissing his lips lightly.

He stood and she held his arm as they left the hall together.

Esmeralda started sweating and at the same time, she feels like vomiting despite the fact that she hasn’t eaten anything.

“Kenny..” she whispered hurtfully, imagining what just happened again.

She imagined that girl in bed with him and her head spun.

“I don’t have an appetite anymore” she said and stood, then she left the hall.

“I’m not even surprised by her acts anymore, she’s too weird” Dahlia said.

The meals were served but still, Newton didn’t show up.

Monique and Dahlia started eating but her mouth still tastes bitter and food smells like $h|t to her right now.

Francisco suddenly entered and came straight to their table.

? What’s up with Cisco’s face?

? His handsome face is ruined!

? d@mn whoever did this

? $h|t!, What a mess

“Pickle, let’s talk” he said and left immediately.

“We’ll wait” Monique said.

“No, eat please, I’m not interested in food” November replied and left.

She met Francisco at the balcony of that floor.

He’s staring down from there, leaning on the rails.

She joined him and started staring down too.

The awkward air persisted till he broke the silence.

“I won’t say sorry, cos no amount of sorry can rectify what I did” he said guiltily.

November faced him.

“I swear I wasn’t in my right state of mind , I don’t know what came over me yesterday, I must have been crazy, I….I behaved like a madman” he said.

“Newton told me about your relationship first, I was the first to hear about it before we even came to this trip, he must have trusted me more than the rest, but I just broke his trust, I don’t deserve to be his friend, how could?..I feel like a monster right now, I ruined your relationship”

“I’m at fault Cisco, I should have stopped you but…but I behaved stupid” November spoke.

“You look sick, are you ok?” Francisco faced her.

She shook her head negatively.

“No, Cisco I’m not ok, I don’t know how to face him and I don’t even know how to explain cos I know the density of what I did, what if it was me who caught him kissing Bora?, I’d have done more than this, but not seeing him since last night, not knowing how he’s doing or faring, not hearing his voice…..I never knew it’ll hurt like this” she replied, ready to cry.

“He went back to New York this morning” Francisco said and tears finally fell from her eyes.


“Because of Keaton definitely, he didn’t bade anyone bye but I saw him” Francisco said again and November bent down.

“I’m such a Ɓîtçh, what do I do Francisco, what do I do!!!” She cried.

Francisco squatted beside her and started patting her back gently.

“Stop crying, I promise to fix this, let’s fly back to New York tommorow.


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