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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 68

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Esmeralda finally unbolted Newton’s belt and was about to get a hold of his Ďïčk when he grabbed her hand.

She shifted her gaze to him.

“Aren’t you gonna stop?” He said glaringly.

“You’re really gonna do it?” He said again and she swallowed hard

“Do you know why I haven’t stopped you since?, Because I was hoping you’d get back to your senses, but it’s obvious you’re just as shameless like Bora herself” he said and threw her hand away before standing.

“There’ll be no truth or dare game anymore throughout the remaining days we’ll spend here” he said.

“But the one we did today is valid, right?” Ricardo asked.

Newton faced him.

“You really can’t talk to November tommorow or even go near her” he further said.

Newton left without replying and everyone just resumed drinking.

Esmeralda kept sitting on her spot, unable to stand.

What she almost did is really a shameless act and she’d never have tried that in her right senses, but anytime she remembers she has to save her dad from slavery, she loses her senses.

November stood and without waiting for the others, she left the room too.

Bora and Wendy went to Esmeralda.

“Miss saint is not really a saint after all, were you really gonna suck my brother publicly if he hadn’t stopped you?” Wendy mocked.

“Gosh!, It’s a pity you got embarrassed” Bora said and laughed derisively afterwards.

Kennedy walked to them and tried to help Esmeralda up but she slapped his hand away and stood by herself.

She glared at him before walking out of the room.

Wendy and Bora accompanied her out with their resounding laughter.

Kennedy looked at his hand and Francisco came to him.

“Let’s go” he said and they both left at a time.

Monique and Dahlia met up with Esmeralda in her room, she’s sitting on the bed, crying.

“Esme!” Monique ran to her and held her hand, squatting in front of her.

“Esme talk to us” Dahlia said as she stroked her hair.

Esmeralda wiped her tears immediately, then she stood and walked out of the room without replying.

“What’s going on with her?, She could have just refused to do it, not like Bora would ki|| her” Monique said.

“She’s trying to get in Newton’s good side yunno” Dahlia replied.

“By giving him b|__wj_b publicly?, It’s not making sense” Monique replied flatly.

“I don’t know please” Dahlia fell on the bed.

Esmeralda came out to Kennedy immediately she stepped out.

He has actually been waiting there for her.

He grabbed her hand immediately, though she kept struggling but he took her into the elevator forcefully.

“What are you doing!” She ranted breathlessly.

“What did you almost did earlier?, Were you really gonna give him BJ publicly?, And why have you been acting cranky to me?” He asked breathlessly too.

They’re facing each other.

“Anything I do is none of your business so just leave me alone!” She shouted at him.


“Yes leave me alone!, I don’t wanna talk to you don’t you get it?, Get away!” She yelled at his face and the elevator door opened.

She made to go out but he pulled her back and pressed fifth floor before slamming her back on the wall.

He kissed her immediately, she wanted to break it but she wasn’t able to.

Not when he tastes too sweet to resist.

She kissed him back for the first two minutes before gathering strength from all her sources.

She pushed him away and he staggered back.


“What we had was just a one night stand, no strings attached so leave me alone” she said.


“Yes, get lost” she replied and the door opened when it got to the fifth floor.

She rushed out of the elevator and went back to her room.

Luckily, Monique and Dahlia are gone so she squatted beside the door and started crying slowly.




November opened the door and immediately she stepped in, Newton grabbed her and closed the door before hitting her back on it lightly.


He captured her lips in-between, sending the rest of the letters back to her throat.

November closed her eyes immediately, kissing him harder as her arms slipped on his shoulders in a snaky style.

He lifted her and she clipped her legs on his waist.

He grabbed her @zz which was covered with her denim skirt and she let a Mõ@ɲ go immediately he squeezed it fondly in his palms.

Her arms wrapped more possessively on his neck and she kept clipping her legs harder on him.

They weren’t able to do anything last night so right now, they’re both feeling the heat and crave.

He finally slipped his hands under her as he bit slightly on her lip.

She opened up more and he allowed her to enjoy the coldness of his rings, leaving her to suck gently but naughtily on them as he suddenly drew her pants away from her @zz.

She broke the kiss and their heavy breaths greeted their faces as she faced him.

“I want you….I want you Gracie” he whispered and she scanned his affectionate eyes.

Little wonder his bulge has been rubbing on her.

“Right now?”

“Right now, we can’t speak to each other tommorow, remember?” He replied impatiently, kissing her neck afterwards.

“I want you more than you do” she replied and he smiled.

“Then we’re good muffin, let’s spend all today together” he whispered, caressing her lips.

“I love you bunny” said November.

“Mutual plus extra, muffin” he replied and their lips found each other again as he started walking to the bed.

He placed her on the bed and they broke the kiss shortly before taking turns to take off each other’s clothes.

He kissed her lips again and his hands went behind her.

He gently undid her bra hooks and it came undone slowly.

He slipped it off and it fell down from her body, revealing her perfectly toned skin in all gorgeousness.

Newton lost his breath immediately he beheld her bare upper body.

She’s too tempting and f_cking irresistible right now, so much that he kissed her lips hungrily again.

“You’re so beautiful, muffin” he whispered after breaking the kiss.

November smiled and blushed at a time and he came to her chest.

The moment his lips touched her Ɲīpplës, her breathing became dangerously heavy, she started gasping for breath slowly.

Newton made sure to let her Ɲīpplës feel his tongue, palms, lips and rings for at long as possible.

She almost shattered with pleasure at what he’s doing to her.

It feels too pleasuring.

He suddenly stopped and went down to her skirt.

It took just one pull to make it slip down her legs.

Her pant was already halfway down already so he effortlessly drew it down completely and he lost his brain immediately he beheld her V.

The cleanly shaved beauty was staring at him seductively, with tons of wetness in it.

“f_ck, Gracie you look so pretty down here too” he whispered, raising up her legs.

He bent over and as his fresh breath hit her there, breath ran out of her lungs.

He slowly let his lips brush her p@zzy and her eyes rolled immediately.

He did it again and same thing happened to her, she even grabbed her hair this time.

He repeated it and she got the fact that he’s teasing.

“Please stop teasing” she breathed and he smiled.

“Getting impatient for me?”

“Silver stop playing” she replied impatiently and he bit his lip before returning to her Honeypot.

Immediately his tongue entered her, she stopped breathing with her nose

She had to start breathing with her mouth as he started the tonguing.

It had barely reached one minute before her legs started shaking on bed.

She started gasping for breath again and Newton did the worse by pulling on her p@zzy lip teasingly.

“Silver f_ck!!!!” She screamed out.




“Newton is dating my heroine and I wasn’t aware?, Isn’t that a bit ridiculous?” Kennedy said immediately Francisco informed him.

“You know he acts like a scared cat at times, he was scared you’ll think he’s not serious” Francisco replied.

“Not serious?, Come on I know what he can do and what he can’t try out, he’s not a player like me so tell me why I’d think like that”

“I’m saying sorry on his behalf right now, don’t act angry please” Francisco pleaded.

“Why would I act angry?, I’m rather happy for them, I’m just hurt that I didn’t get to know from the beginning”

“They’re planning to make it known to the whole school during his birthday” Francisco said.

“Barron knows?”

“Obviously” Francisco replied.

“Bora knows too, that’s for sure, that Ɓîtçhy fox found out” Kennedy said.

“I think, that’s why she threw that dare” Francisco replied.

“If they announce it at the birthday party and lady Sawyer hears of it, it’ll be hard for my heroine I can feel it, Lady Sawyer is a devil we all know” Kennedy said worriedly.

“Newton will protect her” Francisco replied.

“Newton is weak bro” Kennedy said seriously.

“He might not be as weak as we think” Francisco replied.

Kennedy sighed but when he remembered something, he faced Francisco again.

“So… Ricardo connived with Bora to throw that senseless dare?” He said.

“We can’t be so sure” Francisco replied and Ricardo came in immediately.

Kennedy went to him and without waiting another minute, he punched his mouth and Ricardo fell on the floor, bleeding from the lips.

“How could you behave so ridiculous!, Newton did nothing wrong by falling for her and she loves him too, isn’t that why they’re dating?, Stop being an hinder to their love life!” He ranted.

Ricardo stood and tried punching Kennedy but Kennedy held his hand and threw another punch.

It got Ricardo’s jaw this time and Ricardo fell on the ground again.

“KK stop!” Francisco drew Kennedy away from Ricardo but the scene of how Esmeralda was unbolting Newton’s belt the other time kept coming back to his memory.

He broke free and went to Ricardo again, he punched his jaw again and Ricardo spit out blood.

“How dare you connive with Bora, how could you!” He glared.

Ricardo switched their positions and came to the top instead.

He successfully gave Kennedy two punches but Kennedy returned them immediately

Ricardo punched him again.

“Stop!” Francisco said.

They kept hitting each other.

“Stop!!!” He shouted and they eventually stopped.

They both stood with bleeding faces and mouths.

“f_ck you” Kennedy said to Ricardo before storming in.

Ricardo wiped his bloody lips and faced Francisco

“I didn’t connive with Bora, I’ll never stoop so low” he said and went in too.

Francisco fell on the couch, eyes closed.

“Why is this trip full of troubles?, Can’t wait to return to New York” he muttered.

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