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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 63

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“It’ll soon be time for the soulmates collision walk!” Dahlia gushed happily from November’s bed.

She actually came here with Monique since it’s almost time.

Esmeralda has refused to talk to anyone about the fight and why she looked upset back then so they just kept up with the normal flow.

“Who do you think you’ll collide with?” Monique asked.

“I badly wanna collide with Ricardo” Dahlia pouted cutely.

“I hope I collide with Francisco, if I can’t date him, I’ll get a kiss from him at least” Monique said dreamily.

Esmeralda looked at November.

“Who do you want to collide with?” She asked.

“Me?, I don’t know” November replied and Esmeralda smiled.

“I want it to be Newton” she said and November nodded.

“The collision walk is starting right now!, Girls should come to the lobby, Girls alone!” A voice said through the speakers.

“It’s time!” Dahlia spranged up and they all left the room at a time.

They met a number of girls who are rushing into the elevator already.

They rode it to the ground floor and rushed out to the lobby where a group of five ladies are waiting.

They all have bowls of masks and heart-shaped cupcakes in front of them.

No male in sight.

“Submit your phones please” the youngest among them said.

“Do we really need to?” November muttered as they started dropping their phones in a basket.

“Pick a mask and a cupcake then leave through this door” another lady said and they started picking the items.

“Wear the masks before entering the woods” another lady addressed and everyone put on the masks before going out through the door.

It’s a small door in the lobby and immediately they came out, it looks like they’re in a different place.

They found themselves in the entrance of the woods.

“Your time starts now” a lady addressed and they all made their way into the woods separately, each with her cupcake in hand.

Five minutes after they’ve left, the guys came to the lobby too and they used their masks before entering the woods.




Ricardo hasn’t come across any girl since he started his walk, he has been coming across guys only.

He’s hoping fervently to collide with November and he’s growing more and more impatient as he walked.

He bumped into someone and the person laughed.

Judging by his voice, he knows it’s Kennedy.

“Ďïčk” he said and Kennedy continued laughing as he walked away.

Ricardo took two steps forward and bumped into another person.

He held the person to prevent a fall and he immediately knew it’s a girl’s arm.

His heart started beating so fast as they both stood still in the bright forest.

He slowly took the cupcake from her and ate it all at once, then he started bringing his hand to her mask.

The girl brought her hand to his mask too.

He closed his eyes and hoped again for November.

He took off the mask and the girl did the same.

Their eyes widened.


“Dahlia?” He replied and she smiled.

“$h|t” he said and turned to go but he hugged him from behind.

“Ricardo I love you” she quickly said and he stood still without uttering a word.

“I don’t know how it happened but I suddenly started falling for you, I really love you Ricardo” she said again and he untangled her hands from his tummy.

He faced her slowly.

“Cut the crap” he said harshly before rushing away.

Dahlia squatted and her tears started falling.



Newton has met close to ten girls but he knows they’re not November just by touching their hands so he hasn’t eaten any cupcake.

He’s searching for November desperately and can’t obviously wait to collide with her.

Someone tapped him and he looked back.

Judging by his crisp cologne scent, he knows it’s Francisco.

“Looking for your muffin?” He said and Newton smirked under his mask before walking away.

“Telling him wasn’t a good idea” he thought as he walked more deeply into the woods.

Francisco laughed and was about to start walking again when someone held him.

It’s definitely a girl, judging by the extreme softness of her palm.

It’s the first girl he’ll be bumping into so he inhaled before taking the cupcake from her.

He ate it and they took off their masks at once.


“Cisco, my dream came true” she smiled.

Francisco stood motionless for a while before holding her face.

Monique closed her eyes, expecting a deep kiss…

Francisco stopped his lips just as he was about to kiss her.

He tried to imagine her as Keaton or November so he’ll be able to do it but he just couldn’t.

He let go of her face and she opened her eyes.


“I’m sorry..I can’t” he cut her off and walked away.

“I love you!!” Monique shouted after him.

He stopped and looked back.

“I don’t” he said gently and continued walking away.

Monique felt tears wetting her face immediately.



Kennedy hasn’t come across any girl too and it’s strange cos he’s someone who always has girls at his beck and call, they flock around him even when he doesn’t call for them so it’s weird.

“Should I just kiss the next guy I’ll bump into?” He said to himself and stopped for a while to catch his breath.

He remembered when Esmeralda’s fingers got burnt the other time during the cooking.

“It must hurt a lot, is she ok?” He said to himself before trying to walk away from that spot.

Someone walked past him and he stopped immediately, sensing that she’s a girl.

“Hey!” He hollered, turning back to her.

She stopped and turned back slowly too.

He immediately walked to her and took the cupcake from her.

He ate it in three bites and pulled the mask off her face.

She pulled off his mask too and he smiled delightfully.

“It’s you!”

Esmeralda blinked twice, looking at him.

“Ken…ny” she said and he smiled again.

“Shall we complete the game?” He said and started walking closer to her.

She walked backwards, settling her eyes on him till her back hit a tree.

He held her shoulders and pressed his lips on hers.

Her eyes closed immediately and her heart started racing uncontrollably as he kissed her gently.

His lips is d@mn soft and sweet as if it’s coated with ice cream.

Kennedy broke the kiss shortly and smiled at her seductively.

“I love your taste” he said and stepped away.

“Let’s go” he said and took another step away but she suddenly grabbed him.

It was her turn to pin him to the tree this time around.

His back landed on it and she looked at his lips.

“I love how you taste too, I want to taste it again” she said, forgetting about the darn thr_@ts that moment.

She really wants this.

Kennedy smiled as she smashingly crashed her lips on his own.

He changed position again, pinning her to the tree instead.

He dived his hands into her hair as the kiss went madder and crazier.



Barron smiled at what he just got his hands on.

The body of a girl is on his shoulder and he’s planning to f_ck her till she dies.

He planned to sedate any girl he comes across and f_ck her.

Luck is on his side cos he got his hands on November.

He injected her when they passed by each other, and he can’t wait to have her again.

He got to a silent part of the woods and dropped her on the floor.

“Now…let’s start” he said and was about to start taking off her gown when someone jumped on him.

He went down with the person and the person swiftly came on top of him, sitting on him.

“Newton?” He said shockingly.

“How dare you try $h|t with my girlfriend how dare you!” Newton shouted with angry eyes.

His throat started itching.

He punched Barron repeatedly and Barron kept laughing as he bled from the mouth and nose.

“It’s good to see the great son of governor John getting worked up over a girl” he laughed.

Newton stood from him and started marching him with his boot.

“f_cking animal!, That’s what you are!, Animal!” He shouted again and blood started coming out of his nose.

“You’re bleeding” Barron smiled.

Newton dragged him up and punched his already bloody face again and again, sending him back to the ground.

“How dare you touch my girl!” He shouted again and bled more from the nose.

“Your…..girl?” A voice said behind them.

Newton looked back to see Ricardo, standing there with a shocked look on his face.


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