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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 56

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November smiled into the kiss, coiling her arms on his neck as it went deeper.

He moved his hand more deeper into her skirt and caressed her inner thighs crazily.

November moved to the edge of the table so she could cage him more possessively between her legs.

He suddenly broke it and kissed her lightly again.

“What?, Are we stopping now?” She smiled.

“Are you interested in screaming my name tonight?” He asked naughtily and she laughed.

“Wow!, You’re naughty”

“I’m not” he laughed, biting his lip.

“Do that again” she said and he gave it another bite.

“f_ck, how can you be so handsome” she smiled, looking at his lips.

“You’re so lucky to have an handsome bunny like me, don’t you think?” He said and she laughed again.

“You’re being naughty and Ç0çƙy tonight”

“Really?” He grinned and she poked his cheek.


“What’s your best s*x style?” He suddenly asked and she gasped.


“It’s a random question” he replied.

“Random my foot” she replied, turning her face away in embarrassment.

Her cheeks turned red already.

He turned it back to himself and kissed her neck.

“You’re all red” he said and she smiled slowly.

“Straddle….s*x” she said and turned her face away again.

“Not bad, I love doggy” he replied and she quickly faced him.

“You’re something else”

He laughed and she joined him shortly.

“Where are your housemates?” He asked.

“They’re downstairs, reading” she replied.

“Again?, You guys are overly serious don’t you think?, Everyone is busy preparing in excitement for the trip tommorow but you guys are reading again?, Do you guys even do anything besides reading?” He said.

“Good GPA matters yunno” she replied.

“Why did you come up then?” He asked.

“To give you a ring, I missed you” she replied.

“You should go back to join them now that you’ve seen me” he replied.

“That’s so difficult, you should leave first” she pouted.

“No you go first”

“You go first”

They started arguing.

“November! are you ok?” Esmeralda’s voice called from outside and she quickly let him go.

“See ya tommorow!” He smiled as he walked to the window.

“Yeah… bunny” she waved back and he jumped down the balcony.

Esmeralda came in.

“November” she pouted, coming to her.

“What’s wrong kiddo?” November laughed as she hugged her.

“I missed you downstairs, what are you doing here anyways?” Esmeralda asked.

November started stroking her hair.

“Nothing, let’s go back” she replied and Esmeralda looked at her.

“I love you!” She smiled beautifully.

“I love you!” November replied and they both laughed as they left the room and joined the others downstairs.

They read till 12am before stopping.

Monique stood first with a loud yawn.

“I crave for brownies” she said.

“Get some from the freezer” November replied, standing up too

“Is this really the time to eat brownies?, We need to get some sleep It’ll soon be morning” Dahlia said.

“In that case, you’re not eating from the brownies” Monique said.

“Says who?” Dahlia laughed as they both ran to the freezer.

“I crave for strawberries” November said.

“I’ll have apple” Esmeralda said and they both went to the freezer too.

Monique and Dahlia were already fighting for the bowl of brownies.

“Let’s dance till 1 before sleeping” Monique suddenly suggested after sharing the fruit with Dahlia.

“Ballerina!” Esmeralda said.

“You can dance ballerina too?” November asked.

“You too?” Esmeralda said surprisingly.

“This is so crazy” November sighed.

“Maybe we’re really twin sisters from different mothers” Esmeralda smiled as Monique played a fast duet on her phone.

Dahlia sat and just watched since she can’t dance.

Monique, November and Esmeralda started dancing.

“I’m jealous” Dahlia said, watching them with admiration.

Monique got tired first so she came to sit after drinking water.

November and Esmeralda kept it going till they both sweated profusely but none stopped.

“Novy is so good” Dahlia muttered.

“I told you” Monique whispered.

“Esmeralda is good too, but maybe not as good as Novy” Dahlia said again.

Esmeralda finally fell flat on the ground, breathing heavily.

“I can’t go on please…I’ll really die” she said and Dahlia laughed with Monique.

November stopped dancing and everyone clapped.




“Whoa!, They’re much!” Dahlia said as she came out of the car with the girls.

They dragged down their bags from the trunk.

Newton college students filled everywhere.

“They were much more last year” Monique smiled.

“Let’s snap some selfies!” Esmeralda suggested and got her Polaroid.

“You brought it along?” November said surprisingly.

“Of course baby!, We’re creating some memories!” Esmeralda winked and rushed to stay in front of them.

“Strike a pose!” She said and the three posed at a time.

“Wow!, November the hips yes!, Dahlia that cold Șëx¥ face, Monique the charming smile…yes!” She snapped and it came out immediately.

“I’m a good photographer!” She said, showing them.

“It’s cute!” November smiled.

“Role model!” Ixora ran to them with Eve.

“Ixxy!” November widened her arms and they hugged.

Eve gave November a secret glare which Esmeralda saw.

“You look so hot in your gown!, I love it!” Ixora complimented.

“Thanks, you don’t look bad too” November replied.

“Hi Monique!, Dahlia!, Esme!” Ixora waved at them too and they returned it.

? The Emperors!!!

Newton’s blue Lamborghini stopped in front of the port and they all came out at once.

Esmeralda’s eyes met with Kennedy’s and he winked but she quickly changed her view.

The hotties made their way into the place and Newton gave November a secret smile which she returned.

Esmeralda saw it and sighed, her phone beeped and she checked fearfully, knowing what it is immediately.


She finished reading and pocketed her phone.

“Time to get the luggages on board!” Some students announced .

“Let’s go” Dahlia dragged Monique away excitedly.

Ixora left with Eve too.

“Esme… Let’s go!” November tried holding her but she roughly pushed her hand away.

November faced her shockingly and met a guilty look on her face.

“I’m so sorry November, I….I wasn’t…

“Did I do something wrong?” November asked gently.

“No!, I….I thought it was another person… please forgive me” Esmeralda apologized, holding November’s hand.

“Are you ok?” November asked.

“Of course” she smiled, pulling her away.

“Doesn’t she look useful?” Bora said, chewing gum loudly.

She’s with Poppy and they’ve been watching.

“I think so, she looks two-faced” Poppy replied and Bora smiled.

“This will be fun”

They joined the others.

Wendy was pulling Denver along like a dog everywhere she goes, and he’s busy following her too without objecting.

“Now I don’t blame the person who said love is blind” Ixora sighed, watching them.

“It’s pathetic my friend” Eve laughed.

“I mean… look at me, why would a Șëx¥ girl like me have an huge crush on that orangutan-brained guy” Ixora said and Eve laughed again.

Wendy suddenly looked their way and gave Eve a signal.

Eve winked secretly in reply.

November was about to enter the plane with Esmeralda when Barron blocked them.

“Get lost” November glared.

“Isn’t it insane that you’re becoming more pretty these days even without makeup?” He smiled.

“What’s up with this ugly face?” Esmeralda said and Barron gasped.

“His name is Barron, sounds more like baboon right?” November giggled.

“No, barrow, short for wheelbarrow” Esmeralda replied and they both laughed.

“Who the f_ck are you to talk to me that way?” Barron smirked.

“Esmeralda Sophi Barrett” she replied with a smile.

“I’ll make you regret it” he glared.

“Bring it on” Esmeralda rolled eyes.

“And you..”

He faced November.

“What’s up?” November asked.

“Get ready for me in Miami” he smiled.

“Come on” November replied and he tried to touch her hair but an hand grabbed his hand suddenly.

“Ah!, Arrg!” He yelped painfully.

“Silver” November said surprisingly when she saw Newton.

Esmeralda looked at her immediately.

Apart from The Emperors, Wendy and his parents, no one knows he’s bearing Silver, it was Lady Sawyer who told her about it but the fact that November just called him Silver…

“I never said you could touch her” Newton said, squeezing Barron’s arm more.

“Let me go bastard!” Barron shouted.

Newton squeezed it again.

“Aarrgg!!!” Barron screamed and Newton let him go roughly.

He staggered on the rails.

“Why are you still out?” Newton asked, facing the girls.

“I was about to go in” Esmeralda smiled.

“I wasn’t talking to you” Newton replied, facing November directly.

“I…I…I’m going in now” November said.

“Babies!, Come on!” Monique shouted from the door.

November pulled Esmeralda in but Esmeralda kept looking back at Newton.

“Watch out for what I’m gonna do at Miami” Barron said and Newton faced him.

“Watch out for what I’m gonna do too… Douchebag” Newton said seriously before going in.

Barron looked at his red arm and smiled, then he went in.

“Where’s our seat?” November asked as they got into the plane.

“You didn’t get the seat number on your email?” Monique asked and both November and Esmeralda checked.

“66” November said.

“60” Esmeralda said.

“69” Dahlia said.

“64” Monique said.

“What just happened?” Esmeralda said and they all laughed.

“We’re all at the range of 60” Dahlia said.

“Here!, I found it!” Esmeralda said when she sighted 60.

She sat and almost immediately, Kennedy sat beside her.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I’m 61” he winked and she coughed insincerely.

He smiled as she rested back on her chair.

Monique saw Francisco sitting on the second seat already when she got to her seat.

“You’re…65?” She asked.

“Obviously” he replied as she sat beside him.

“I’m happy you’re beside me though” she said and he smiled lightly.

Dahlia and Ricardo bumped into each other when they made to sit down at the same time.

“Huh!, Rica” she said surprisingly.

He sat on 70 without answering.

She took in her bottom lip before sitting beside him.

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