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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 46

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( Miss Spitfire &
The Four Emperors )


By, Naomi Cindy B







? what the hell

? f_ck!

? Ricardo just kissed November!

? Whoa!!!

Mouths ran as eyes widened shockingly.

Newton wanted to walk to the scene and just punch Ricardo to hell but he remembered he can’t act like that for the fact that their relationship is not public yet.

November quickly pushed Ricardo away from herself and stood, looking at him angrily.

The corner of her eyes turned red already and she swallowed nothing as her collarbones revealed.

Ricardo stood and she immediately blessed his face with a punch.

Everyone gasped loudly.

It sent him to the ground with bleeding lips.

“Bloody son of a Ďïčk!” She breathed and turned to leave only to see Newton, staring at her.

She wanted to run to him and hug him instantly, then tell him how badly she missed him, ask him where he was and why he wasn’t picking her calls but her foot stayed glued to the ground, unable to get her out of her spot.

Not after what Ricardo just tried out and the fact that they’re not public yet did a good job in holding her back

Newton turned away and left the place quietly.

She waited for one minute before leaving too.

Ricardo still kept sitting on the ground with bleeding lips.

He touched his lips and sighed when he saw the blood.

Dahlia climbed out of the water and walked to him, she offered him an hand to help him up.

He looked at her and without bothering to take the hand, he stood and jumped into the pool.

Bora and Poppy appeared beside Dahlia immediately.

“Wow!, Is Dahlia having a crush on Lord of p@zzies?” Bora mocked.

“Too bad you got rejected early, our Ricardo h@ťěs saints, he can never have you” Poppy said.

“Never” Bora added and they both laughed.

Monique suddenly took Dahlia away from them.

“Oh…the savior?” Bora giggled.

“The water, you both poured it… right?” Monique said seriously and Poppy came closer.

“So what?” She glared and Monique raised her hand to slap her but it stopped midair.

If she slaps her, the outcome will surely be unfriendly.

“Why?, Are you scared?, Slap me…go ahead” Poppy said.

“Slap her please, and watch as your dad’s company goes bankrupt, I just have to press a red button and poof!, It’ll dissipate into thin air, isn’t that fun?” Bora said and Poppy laughed.

“Bunch of fools” Poppy said and pushed Monique on the chest.

Dahlia quickly held her so she won’t fall as Bora left with Poppy.

“f_ck you both!!!” Monique screamed, breathing hard.

Dahlia turned her gaze to the pool where Ricardo is swimming .

She bit her lip and sighed.

“What did you just do?” Kennedy said, jumping into the pool with Ricardo.

“I couldn’t resist it” Ricardo replied.

“What!, I told you she’s not someone you can toy with!” Kennedy yelled.

“And I’m not toying with her, I fell for her don’t you get it?, Have I ever kissed any girl like that before?, Try to understand me!” Ricardo replied.

“I’m trying my possible best to understand you here but I can’t get my head that far up my @zz” Kennedy said.


Francisco joined them and Kennedy took the cup of wine with him, he gulped it down and returned the empty cup to him before swimming out.

“You should try to win her heart, forcing things won’t work, you shouldn’t be the one doing this when you know the kind of person she is” Francisco said.

“I dunno” Ricardo replied and dipped himself completely into the pool.



November couldn’t catch up with Newton the other time so she just went straight to the mansion.

She was restless as she stared at her phone, wondering about what she’ll text.

She remembered the hurtful look on his face earlier and closed her eyes, dabbing it with her palm.

“Damm you wizard… Damm” she said to herself and typed a message.


She stopped typing and erased it.


She wiped again.


She wiped and threw her phone on the bed before holding her head.

“d@mn me!!!!” She shouted loudly and her friends came in.

“I’m sorry best part, I shouldn’t have brought up the pool party” Monique said guiltily.

“I shouldn’t have persuaded you to go, I’m so sorry Novy” Dahlia said guiltily too.

She gave them blank looks before going to them.

“I’m ok, erase the looks on your faces, stop feeling guilty” she said and they hugged her at once.

“It’s still past 9, what should we do?” Monique asked.

“Let’s play video games” Dahlia suggested.

“No I don’t want to” November replied.

“What?, Are you still mad at us?” Monique pouted.

“It’s not that, I’m not just in the mood for games right now, I need to sleep seriously” she replied and faked a yawn.

“Ok best part, goodnight!” Monique kissed her cheeks.

“Goodnight Novy” Dahlia hugged her

“Goodnight babies” she smiled as they left the room.

She dived her fingers in her hair as she got her phone again.

She boldly dialled his line and surprisingly, he picked.

“Silver?” She said quickly.

“What?” He replied silently.

She went silent afterwards.

“Are you ok?” He asked in that same tone again.

“No I’m not, I know you’re mad at me but…

“Why would I be?” He interrupted and she paused her lips.

“The kiss….

“Ricardo started it, I know… you can’t just kiss him out of the blue, I’m just sad that I couldn’t even punch him since you wanted us to keep it a secret” he replied.

“I’m sorry” she said slowly.

“It’s ok muffin”

“I love you” she said, hoping he’ll reply.

“I love you insanely Gracie, I really do” he replied and she smiled peacefully.

“I’ve been calling but you weren’t picking”

“Come to the flower garden, I’ll explain everything to you” he replied and her eyes widened.

“You’re there right now?”.

“Come fast” he replied and she hung up.

She didn’t bother to wear something more covering before rushing out of the room.

Luckily her friends are in the game room so they’re oblivious of when she left the house.

She rushed all the way to the garden and met him standing, facing the hibiscus tree.

She smiled and rushed to him, hugging him from behind.

“Marry me Newton” she said in a babyish voice, closing her eyes as she clamped her fingers on his tummy.

They stayed like that for a while before he faced her.

“What’s happening?” She asked.

“Dad got the attack again so I rushed there, I forgot my phone in class so I wasn’t with it when you were trying to reach me, I got it immediately I left the pool earlier, I’m sorry” he said.

“He had the attack again?, It’s not too much right?, Is he ok now?” She asked gently.

“He’s fine, I’m sorry for making you get worried” he said.

“Stop saying sorry, it wasn’t your fault” she quickly replied and he held her face.

“Did you missed me?” He asked and she smiled.

“A lot, crazily” she said.

“I missed you more, it’s crazy that even when dad was getting treated, you occupied my head” he said.

“I couldn’t concentrate in the practical class too cos you weren’t there” she pouted and he kissed her immediately.

It was short but immediately he broke it, she kissed him again and this time, it went deeper.

He pushed her gently to the hibiscus tree and her back stayed on it as they kissed passionately.

He started teasing her mouth walls with his tongue, making her want more and more of him.

She kept pulling him closer even when there’s no space left between them.

He broke the kiss but she pulled him into another one immediately, enjoying every inch of the kiss till she became breathless.

They finally pulled apart and started staring at each other with heavy breaths.

“I love you muffin” he whispered

“I love you so much bunny” she replied, hugging him.

He hugged her back immediately, stroking her hair.

“Aren’t you scared?” He asked.


“My mum” he replied and she broke the hug.

“I am, but they say love conquers right?” She said and he smiled.

“I just hope you won’t leave me, I hope there won’t be a reason to,I hope we won’t get separated, I hope….

She kissed him lightly to make him stop talking.

“Stop worrying about that now, focus on me” she said and he smiled before becoming serious.

He bent over to her neck and licked her sensitive area, causing her to shiver.

She leaned on the tree again and he licked again, she held him tight, closing her eyes.

He left licking to sucking, he started sucking that part and at the same time, he pressed her bellybutton, caressing the ring on it.

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