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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 4

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( Miss Spitfire &
The Four Emperors )


By, Naomi Cindy B








“Newton!!!” Bora cried loudly again.

Newton looked at November who was just walking out of the door and when she went out of sight, he looked at Bora.

“I told you” he said.

He’s wearing armless, no jacket so there’s nothing to cover her with.

“Your suit” he said to one of the guards and the guard quickly pulled off his suit, he gave Newton.

“You’re gonna cover me with a guard’s suit?, Not me!!” Bora cried.

“Then are you gonna go see dad with me wearing only your bra?” He replied.

“And why the hell were you looking at her without doing anything!, You let that Ɓîtçh go without teaching her a lesson!” She yelled.

“She said sorry didn’t she?, But you demanded for her knees on the ground, she’s clearly not at fault” he replied.

“Are you defending her right now?, I’m your girlfriend Newton, you should be on my side no matter what!!, I h@ťě you!!”

“I’m not defending her, I’m just telling you the plain truth so take this and let’s go” he said.

“I’m not seeing your dad anymore!” She snapped and without bothering to take the suit, she walked out in only her bra.

“Debora!” Newton called after her.

“Bora!, I’ll break up with you if you call me Debora one more time!” She shot back and left completely.

Newton entered the elevator and rode it up.

He met Matteo immediately he came out.

“Master Newton” Matteo greeted with respect.

“Stop calling me master, aren’t you old enough to father me?, I’m Newton ok?” He replied and Matteo smiled.

“I must follow the protocol, if Lady Sawyer catches me calling you by your name, I’m dead” Matteo replied.

Newton entered the governor’s office through the automatic door and met governor John on seat .

“You need to get to the bedroom right now dad” he said.

“I must have the press conference today, try to understand” John replied.

“You’re the governor, you can shift the press conference till tommorow” Newton said with a frown.

“Do you know how much it’ll affect the people of New York if I shift it?” John replied.

“You’re good at giving excuses” Newton replied and John smiled.

“By the way, my secretary’s daughter saved my life today in the elevator, I owe her my life” he said.

“Mr Matteo has a daughter?” Newton asked surprisingly.

“Miss November Blanco is here sir!” A guard said from the door.

“Let her in” John replied.

The door opened and November came in.

She took a bow before sitting even when she hasn’t been told to sit.

Newton won’t stop looking at her.

“Thanks for saving my life” John said.

“It’s nothing sir, I’m a patriotic citizen” she smiled lightly.

“I asked your dad what your greatest dream was, and he told me…

“To attend Newton college!” November cut in quickly.

“You’re currently a final year medical student of Cornell and i have your performances with me already but….

“I’m not brilliant, I’m not dull either, I’m an average student, I never get less than 50 in any exam or test, and I never get more that 60, in a nutshell, 50 and 60 are my lucky numbers” she interrupted again.

“I see you took the entrance exams into Newton every year but you always fail”

“Yes, I’ve never met the cut off mark” she replied.

“How will you prove your capabilities to me if I give you an automatic admission right now?” John asked and November spranged up.

“I promise to study hard and leave average for best, I’ll be a good student if the students don’t behave like hoodlums, I’ll always listen in class if the class is interesting” she said without blinking.

Newton was already laughing hard.

The governor himself wasn’t left out, he laughed heartily.

“You’re so outspoken, you look smart too” he said.

“The smartest in my family” she replied.

“That shows, Newton what do you say?, It’s your school” John said.

“She’s interesting” he replied simply.

“Fine, you’re in” John said.

“What!” November said shockingly.

“If you wanna process your transfer by yourself then you can, but if you want it done here, it’ll be over before the end of today so you can resume Newton college tommorow” John said.

“Here!” November said almost immediately.

“Alright, you just have to wait for some hours, it’ll be done, Newton students resumed just last week so you can still catch up” John replied.

After thanking the governor so much, November left the office with Newton at the same time.

“Yes!, Yes!” She screamed, jumping up.

“Bestie is it what I’m thinking?” Matteo asked, appearing from another office.

“Yes my man, I got an automatic admission from the governor!!” She screamed, running into his arms.

She jumped on him and Matteo held her.

“I knew it, so my bestie is finally a student of Newton after how many years of trying” he said happily.

“I know right?, Dad!!!!” She screamed, too happy.

Newton smiled after watching them for long, then he entered the elevator and rode down.




“Dahlia!” Someone suddenly called as she came out of her mansion.

She’s wearing a large cap on her hair since it has been ruined.

She hugged her books tighter to her chest and started walking faster.

She’s actually going to the hostel library to read.

“Dahlia!” The voice came again and she added to her pace but someone suddenly grabbed her and her books fell, in the next minute, her back slammed on the wall and she came face to face with Ricardo.

“Ricardo” she said frightfully.

Ricardo smiled seductively, touching her face as his body rubbed on her own, making her feel uncomfortable.

“Save yourself from the trouble by just being on my bed tonight” he said.


“If I just f_ck you once and get to lick your p@zzy cream, I’ll always save you from Bora” he said and she tried to push him away but he pinned her tighter.

“I’m still talking!” He yelled, sending chills down her spine.

“Please let me go… I’m not interested” she said with red eyes, ready to cry.

“Are you saying I can’t f_ck your ćƖĩť?, No girl has ever turned me down!” He said angrily.

“Let me go!!!” She cried out and Ricardo forcefully kissed her immediately, grabbing her @zz roughly at the same time.

He was still on that when a stone landed on his head from behind.

He quickly let go of Dahlia and she didn’t bother to get her books before running away tearfully.

“Who the f_ck!” Ricardo rubbed his head, turning back to see Ixora, his junior sis.

She’s a first year student, English major.

Ricardo might be a s*x god and a jerk but Ixora is different completely.

She’s crazy and strict.

“Are you insane?” He snapped, still rubbing his head.

“Has it come to forcing girls to f_ck?, That’s s*xual harassment you perverted hegoat!” She shouted angrily.

“Perverted what?” His eyes widened.

“HE-GOAT” she replied and he grabbed her hair roughly.

“Arrggg!!, Ricardo are you out of your mind!, Let go of me bastard!” She winced.

“You might be my junior sis but that doesn’t give you any darn right to toy with me!”

“Let me go jerk!” She yelled again and he let her go roughly, she almost fell but immediately she stood straight, she threw another stone which got his face.

“f_ck!, Ixora!!!” He yelled and she took to her heels, running away.

She was about to slide into the hostel cinema when she collided with someone.

They both fell and she smiled when she saw it’s her worse enemy, Wendy.

Wendy is Newton’s junior sis and she’s also completely different from him

Same year and major with Ixora.

While Newton is cool, Wendy is far from cool, she’s a spoilt brat and a Ɓîtçh who has slept with most of the first year guys.

All the guys seems to want her except one.

Denver Wellington, son of the deputy governor.

He’s the most handsome first year student and that made her fall hard for him but to make matters worse, Ixora is also in love with him so they h@ťě each other to the core.

“Are your eyes dysfunctional?” Wendy said, rolling eyes at Ixora as they both stood.

“Sorry, but I bet we both weren’t concentrating on where were going so we’re even” Ixora replied and started walking away.

“I don’t blame your blindness, you don’t take in enough sperm to enhance it” Wendy said and Ixora stopped, coming back.

“Stop showcasing the fact that your brain is full of sperm instead of sense, ok?” She said.

“What did you just say?” Wendy replied.

“You insinuated it, deranged slut” Ixora replied and Wendy grabbed her hair.

Ixora did the same and an hot fight started between them.

It’s not a new sight anyways, they fight everytime they cross paths.


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