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Friday, October 18, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 29

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It’s Sunday, resting day.

No classes, just work out in the morning and do wh@ťěver you like with the rest of the day.

November came out of her mansion with Monique and Dahlia behind her.

She’s wearing black thighs and singlets, black sneakers too.

Monique and Dahlia are wearing the same, just that it fits her more and she looks more Șëx¥ in it.

Their hairs are in ponytails but since her hair is already short, she left it like that.

“Where do we go?” She asked but no answer came.

She looked back and saw them staring at her.

“Gosh!, Girls!” She said loudly.

“Seriously I wish I’m a guy” Monique said.

“Same here” Dahlia added and November laughed.

“Come off it you both, lead the way” she said.

They started jogging away from the mansion, going around the hostel.

As expected, guys stared lustfully at November and a lot stopped working out just to have a better view of her as she jogged.

“Should we just jog separately?” Monique suggested.

“No” November replied.

“Let’s go separately and see the first one to get back here” Dahlia said in support of Monique and November rolled eyes at her.

“Now!” Monique said and they all separated.

“My friends are all witches” November said as she jogged.

Her phone beeped in her hand and she got it.

LATEST GIST IN NEWTON COLLEGE: President Newton Knight rusticated three middle category students for bullying last night, bullies beware.

She stopped and started reading comments.

? I love you president!

? I honestly can’t believe it!

? You’re the best!

? I love this side of you president Newton!

? Please continue this way!

All the comments were obviously made by LC students, no middle or higher class student will ever support it.

November smiled and dropped a comment too.

? Marry me Newton! (Joke) but you’re cool this way

Within five minutes, her comment got more than five hundred reactions and three hundred replies.

Her username is @NovemberGracie so she’s easy to recognize.

She had to stop and read the comments.

Newton himself replied.

@SilentKnight: It’s all because of you. November.

She smiled and made to type a reply….

“Hey” Francisco’s voice said beside her.

Her eyes widened and she didn’t even bother to look at him before taking to her heels.

She ran away from him and Francisco sighed.

“I knew it, I’ve f_cked up” he said to himself.

Ricardo ran into November and they both crashed into each other.

She fell on him and his hands grabbed her @zz mistakenly.

Their eyes widened.

She hit her forehead on his own and his eyes turned on their own as he released her @zz.

“Ouch!” He shouted as she stood from him.

“Pervert” she said and he laughed, standing up.

“Good to see you” he said, checking her out.

“You look hot as usual” he said.

“Perverted soul” she replied and continued jogging.

He jogged beside her and it soon turned into a running competition.

They started running, wanting to know who’ll get to the yard first.

Ricardo was faster so he got there first and got the water pipe.

He released water on her.

“Crap!, Ricardo stop it!’ she shouted as she started getting wet from the water.

He kept pumping it on her so she also picked a pipe and started wetting him too.

They didn’t stop till they both became dripping wet.

“Witch” he said.

“Wizard” she replied and they both laughed.

He got a new towel from the small cubicle around, he came back to her and started drying her hair with it.

“I can do it myself” she said.

“I started it so let me do it witch” he replied and he stood still, letting him do it.

When he was done, she looked up and her sticky short hair scattered on her face, she flaunted it and his mouth refused to close.

She’s extra hot like this

November took the towel from him and shoved it into his mouth, bringing him out of his reverie.

“I know I’m hot” she winked and walked away.

He smiled and started drying his own hair.

“Hot witch”


November got back to the starting point but her friends aren’t there .

“Did they go back already?” She wondered and walked back to the hostel but on getting there, her jaws dropped.

While they were away, someone destroyed her white car completely.

The tyres were deflated, the windows were broken completely and spray paint was used to write …






All sorts of curses were written on the body.

Monique and Dahlia are standing dumbfounded beside it.

“Novy…” Dahlia said.

November walked to the car slowly, she touched the destroyed body and almost cried.

She told her dad that she wanted simple sports car but he said he wanted the best for her.

He saved his salary for almost five years before he was able to buy her the expensive car and now it’s gone like poof!

“Let’s check the cameras, we’ll surely get the culprit” Monique said and took November in.

November was restless as they checked the footage.

They really saw the culprits.

They were two girls but they used masks and hoods so their faces wasn’t seen.

“f_ck!, f_ck!, f_ck!!!” November shouted, fighting back her tears as she left the power room.

How will her dad feel?, Five years salary is gone just like that?.

She changed into baggy Jean and shirt in her room and when she came out, she left the mansion.

“Where’s she going?” Dahlia asked.

“Just leave her alone, she needs to be alone” Monique replied worriedly.




Newton got a call from Lady Sawyer to come see her so he went over.

He was told she’s in her study so he went there and truly, she’s there.

She’s reading a political magazine when he went in but she dropped it immediately he came in.

“Why did you invite me here?” He asked and she walked straight to him.

A loud slap met his right cheek from her.

“Silly boy!, I told you you’re too young to make such decisions!, How dare you rusticate three students at once just because they bullied, are you ok at all?” She said glaringly.

“How dare you slap me” Newton replied angrily.

“How dare me?, I’m your mother!, The first lady of New York!” She shouted.

“To hell with that!, To hell!, Why must I bend to your wishes everytime, just why!, I’m old enough to make decisions for myself so why!” He shouted at the top of his voice and he could feel his throat itching.

“I terminated their rustication” she said.


“Yes!, And I just found out that girl is the governor’s secretary daughter, wow” she smiled.

Newton’s throat itched more and he couldn’t even talk as a result.

“November Gracie Blanco” Lady Sawyer smiled.

“She should wait for my torture, I’ll show her why I was nicknamed devil” she smiled again and Newton rushed out of the study.

“I forgot to tell him that Esmeralda will be coming soon” Lady Sawyer smiled.




Newton rushed into the garden and started searching for his pills container.

He couldn’t find it in his room so he figured out it must have fallen here when he took it out yesterday.

He’s already bleeding heavily from the nose and soon, he bled from the mouth too.

His throat itches badly.

When became weak and fell on his knees, then he saw the container right beside him.

He pointed his arms to it but he was just too weak.

November has been in the garden since she left the mansion earlier.

She rushed there when she heard strange sounds and when she saw him that way, her eyes widened.

“Newton!” She rushed to him and knelt in front of him.

He was already ready to pass out.

“Newton!” She called fearfully, holding his face.


He stuttered weakly, pointing to a particular direction.

She looked that way and saw the container.

She went for it quickly and opened it.

She found pills and her head told her to make use of it.

She poured three on her palm and made him swallow it.

He started breathing heavily as he began calming down.

“Are you ok?, Huh?, Newton talk to me please” she said, holding his face again.

Newton sucked another heavy breath and held eyes with her.

She was shocked when tears came out of his eyes.

“Newton why….

He hugged her so tight and started crying slowly on her shoulder.

“Stay with me for a while, please stay” he begged, tightening the hug.


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