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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 18

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( Miss Spitfire &
The Four Emperors )


By, Naomi Cindy B







The guards kept coming at them but they suddenly stopped when Lady Sawyer raised her hand.

“Are you guys rebelling against me now, I’m the first lady of New York!, You want your heads to roll at my feet?” She said with an evil glint in her eyes.

“Do wh@ťěver you want my lady, she’s untouchable” Fransisco said.

“You built this school in my name right?, Then let me do what I want with it, it’s mine” Newton said.

“You’re still too young to make such decisions!” She yelled.

“I’m 23 for the love of f_ck!” Newton yelled back and she slapped him intentionally this time.

“I don’t care if you’re my son, you’ll pay for humiliating me, and you…” She faced November.

“Paupers like you are the easiest to tackle, stay on guard” she said and walked back to her car.

The door was opened for her and she stepped in.

She left with her guards and Newton inhaled in relief.

He slapped her twice on the same cheek so right now, it’s burning up.

“Are you ok?” November asked surprisingly.

He faced her and smiled. “I’m fine”

“When did you even appear?” Ricardo faced Kennedy.

“I was still at reach when she drove in, so I came back to protect my heroine” he replied, winking at November.

“But you guys are something else, you should have let them attack me, I was hungry for fight but you guys ruined my plans” she said and Fransisco scattered her hair.

“Hey!” She scowled and he giggled.

“Thug” Ricardo said.

“So you were ready to fight for me too” she replied.

“I…I don’t know” he replied and she smiled.

When another car stopped beside them, Newton grimaced because he knows who it is.

“Charm” Bora came out of the car and rushed to him.

“Season two” Kennedy said.

“I swear” Ricardo laughed.

“What’s the meaning of that message?, Huh?, What do you mean by that?, You were joking, tell me it’s not true charm…

She touched his face but he was quick to push her away.

“Don’t come near me, didn’t you read the last part of the message?, I told you to stay away!” He snapped.

“But I can’t!, What did I do to deserve this from you Newton!”

“Sending Barron to gang rape Dahlia, you think that’s normal?, Is madness a normal act on your side?” He replied.

“Charm I’m sorry, i won’t…

“You won’t do it again?, That’s what you always say at every f_cking thing!, And now I’m tired of it please,stay out of my life Debora!, You can go f_ck your dad if you get horny” Newton clarified and got into the car.

“Sorry!” Kennedy smiled at Bora before walking away.

The others joined Newton in the car and the designated driver drove the car out of the hostel.

“Newton!, Newton!!!” Bora screamed, running after the car.

“This is interesting” Ricardo said.

“Newton are you really serious?” Ricardo asked.

By now, the car is out of the hostel.

“Was I smiling when I was saying it?” Newton replied frankly.

“Can’t believe you actually dated that girl for a year” Francisco said as Ricardo picked a box.

He opened the box and got a stick of cigarette which he lightened.

He started smoking and November got her mask from her bag.

“Can’t believe the great miss spitfire is not tolerant to cigarette smoke” Ricardo said.

“You sure know about every bad thing in the world” November replied.

“Smoking ain’t bad” he replied.

“How come you’re so brilliant when you don’t even know right from wrong” November said.

“Don’t try to dictate for me” Ricardo replied.

“I’m just trying to tell you how stupid it is for a medical student to smoke” she replied.

“Stop talking to me that way” he replied.

“In what other way can I talk to an asswipe” she replied.

“And I told you to stop calling me names ok?, Stop!” He glared, taking the cigarette away from his lips.

“Junkie” she replied and he grabbed her hair.

“Call me that again” he said.

She grabbed his hair too .

“Junkie!, Wizard!, Asswipe!, Recharge card!” She said stubbornly as they pulled each other’s hairs.

“Let go of my hair” he breathed.

“You grabbed my hair first!” She shouted and pulled his hair tighter.

He did the same and they both screamed out loudly.

Fransisco suddenly sat between the two of them, separating them.

Newton’s eyes has been taking a tour round November’s face just like he used to do.

Her beauty is not hidden, she’s really beautiful, he noticed that right from the first day he met her at the state executive mansion.

Her psycho behavior only made her beauty more glaring.

When she talks, the beauty moles on her face seems to become darker, making her look more gorgeous.

“It’s ok now, you both should stop fighting at every slight chance” Fransisco said when he sat in their middle.

“He started it” November rolled eyes at Ricardo.

“You did” Ricardo replied.

“It was you, you’re the one who smoked” she glared.

“You’re the one who nit-picks on everything about me fool” he glared back.

“Fool?” November said.

“What?” Ricardo glared.

“Jerky Junkie” she replied and went for him again.

“November, Ricardo please!, Stop already!” Fransisco tried to make peace but they both crumbled on him, dragging his hair at once.

“Arrggg!!!!!” He screamed loudly, his voice echoing out of the moving car.

Newton closed his eyes when Francisco blocked his view of November, he rested on the chair and used his ear buds to block away their noises.




The car stopped in front of the garden and Francisco came out first, breathing heavily.

His hair is all scattered on his head as he rested on the car.

November came out next, her hair is also scattered but slightly.

She rested on the trunk and glared at Ricardo who’s just coming out.

His hair is also scattered just like Francisco’s.

“Are you guys seriously gonna continue like this?” Newton said, coming out last.

“Those two are cultists” Fransisco said, arranging his hair.

Newton looked at Ricardo then at November.

“Are you even a girl?” He said.

“Then am I a man?” She rolled eyes quickly.

Newton smiled and they all faced the garden.

An house is beside it and a middle aged man came out of it.

“You guys are finally here” he said, walking to them.

“November, meet Mr Mahesh, the Gardner” Newton said.

“Oh, hi I’m November” she waved shortly.

“The newbie?, You’re so popular” Mr Mahesh replied.

“I’m always popular everywhere I go” she replied proudly.

Mr Mahesh laughed shortly and faced Newton.

“Young master, will you…

“Newton, my name is Newton” he interrupted and November looked at him.

“Lady Sawyer doesn’t like when you’re called by your name” Mr Mahesh replied.

“She’s not here now so please, I h@ťě the sound of young master” Newton said.

“Ok Newton, you guys should get changed first” he replied.

“We have to get changed?” November asked.

“Then are you gonna catch mouses with what you’re wearing right now?” Ricardo replied.

“I didn’t bring a change of clothes” she replied.

“I’ll give you one” Francisco and Newton said at a time.

“Come with me” Mr Mahesh led them into the house.

He showed them to a room where they can change in.

November kept standing, looking at them.

“Aren’t you gonna give us privacy?” Francisco asked.

“You guys need it?” She replied and Newton grabbed her shoulders from behind, pushing her out of the room.

“But I want to watch!” She kept struggling till he successfully pushed her out.

“Bitcoin…” She pouted.

“Pervert” he replied and shut the door.

She waited for almost twenty minutes before the door opened.

She went in and met them all dressed.

They’re wearing tacky brown joggers on black shirts then big boots and hats.

She started laughing immediately she saw them.

“You guys look like cavemen from the year 1907” she said, still in laughter.

“What!” Ricardo said.

“Wear this” Newton said, offering her the folded trousers and shirt.

“Do you want this?” Fransisco offered too.

“We’re not on good terms but I have one to offer too” Ricardo said, bringing out his own too.

She looked at the three, then at their faces

She slowly brought her hand to the three at the same time and when it was just about to get to Newton’s, she diverted her hand Ricardo, then to Fransisco, taking it from him.

“Thanks” she said.

“I wasn’t expecting you to take mine anyways, and even if you did, I wouldn’t give you” Ricardo said, returning his own.

Newton looked at his clothes and returned it reluctantly.

“I really wish to stay and watch you strip, I wanna check if your B-__-bs are really big like KK said” Ricardo said naughtily.

“Get out!” She yelled and they all left the room.

She got dressed and came out to them.

Ricardo was the first to laugh, then Newton and Fransisco joined too.

The trousers is bigger than her, one will think she was thrown inside it, giving her a funny look.

“What?” She smirked.

“I lack words to express what you look like right now” Ricardo said and rushed out before November could get him.

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