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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 11

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November came in with her friends and every eyes turned to them.

Dahlia and Monique got their lunch while November got simple waffles and diet Coke.

They settled and started eating then Dahlia came across the video on her phone.

Her eyes widened.

“Novy! What did you do!” She half screamed.

“Binta lied about Prof Dallas, it was actually Ricardo, didn’t you notice my red nose?, That lunatic poured water on the ground for me intentionally and I fell, then he dared to lock my collar, how condescending, didn’t know he’s not only foolish, he’s also petty” November replied.

“He’d surely spend the next few hours recovering in the school hospital” Monique laughed.

“Novy is your punch that powerful?” Dahlia asked.

“You want me to punch you?” November asked and Dahlia covered herself.

“She attended judo trainings for three years, she beat her trainer” Monique said and Dahlia gasped.

“Really?, With your small skinny hands?” Dahlia said, touching November’s hand

“Don’t judge a book by it’s cover babe” November winked and Dahlia smiled.

? The Emperors!!!

? Francisco and KK!

? They came to the cafeteria?

? Unbelievable!!

? So cute!

They both really showed up in the cafeteria and November noticed Monique brushed back her hair stylishly.

“You have a crush on one of them?” November asked.

“Yes, Monique is crushing on the redhead” Dahlia replied.

“Francisco?” November asked.

“Yes, she’s head over heels for him” Dahlia replied and Monique turned her face away when Francisco and Kennedy made their way to their table.

“They’re the most jovial among The Emperors, they’re friendly, Fransisco can talk dirty but according to Kennedy, he’s still a virgin” Dahlia said.

“Huh?” November said shockingly.

“Yes, Fransisco might be a pervert but he’s a perverted virgin, he has a crush on Newton’s twin” Dahlia said.

“Newton is a twin?” November blinked.

“Then KK, he’s a f_ckboy like Ricardo but he’s still better than Ricardo, Ricardo is worse” Dahlia said.

“Newton broke his virginity with Bora, she’s the only girl he has ever f_cked, he doesn’t f_ck around like Ricardo and KK” Dahlia wrapped up the gist when Kennedy and Francisco got to them.

“Hey spitfire” Francisco smiled.

“Miss spitfire” Kennedy did the same.

“Nice to meet you, perverted virgin and Mr better f_ckboy” November replied.

“You’re a problem on your own” Dahlia muttered as November stood.

Monique kept looking away, not ready to make eyes contact with Francisco.

“Are you both here to beat me for your friends?” She said.

“That look on her face, I’m in love with it” Francisco muttered.

“I love the shape of her lips, but I’m afraid to ask for a kiss, she might ki|| me instead” Kennedy muttered.

“I heard that”November said.

“We’ve been having so much fun since you arrived in this school yesterday, thanks for making our days colourful” Francisco said heartily.

“Can you please keep punching Ricardo that way?, Please?” Kennedy said and November smiled

“I don’t punch without a reason” she said.

“And that’s why I like you” Fransisco said touched her hair.

? Fransisco touched miss spitfire!

? OMG!

? I wish I’m November’s hair right now!

November looked at him and they smiled at each other.

When Fransisco finally let go of her hair, Kennedy made to hug her but she pushed him back.

“f_ck away” she smirked.

“But I wanna hug you” he said like a baby and she laughed shortly.

“Let’s hit knuckles instead” she said and they hit their knuckles on each other.

Kennedy winked afterwards and November winked back.

“We’ll see you around” Fransisco said and smiled again before leaving with Kennedy.

“Never knew there are cool buddies in that group” November said as she sat.

“Of course there are, you just met them” Dahlia replied.

“Monique are you ok?, Because you’re crushing on him you can’t look him in the eye?” November smirked, shoving a waffle cube into her mouth.

“Let me me” Monique replied, eating from her chicken.

Dahlia laughed and a guard came to their table.

“President Newton asks to see you at his office right now” he said.

“I hope this is not another set up, I’ll ki|| you” November glared at the guard before leaving with him.




Wendy barged in and Newton looked up with bursted lips, shocking her.

“What the hell!, Don’t tell me that Ɓîtçh did this too” she said, breathing heavily.

“What?, Are you gonna fight her for me?” He replied.

“Rusticate her right now, end her studentship!” She yelled loudly.

“If there’s anyone I need to end their studentship, it’s you and Bora” he replied.


“You guys are making it hard to run this school seriously!, My girlfriend is the greatest bully in here, my senior sis is another devil bully, is that pleasing to the ears?” He said seriously.

“Are you standing up for her right now?” Wendy replied.

“Think wh@ťěver you want”

“Look what she did to your handsome face!, She knocked Ricardo out and that jerk landed in the hospital!, He’s still unconscious!, And you’re here defending her!” Wendy yelled.

“Like I said, say anything you want, I’m not in the mood to listen to your bickering” Newton replied.

“Newton!” Wendy shouted in anger.

November came in.

“And what the hell is she doing here” Wendy glared hard at her.

“None of your business, excuse us” Newton replied.

“Like seriously?” Wendy smirked and left the office, slamming the door behind herself.

“Here I am” November said.

“You punched me just because I tried to stop you, are you always in the mood to fight?” He said.

“What am I here for?, Why exactly did you summon me?” She asked.

He placed a paper on the table and she took it

She read the content


“What’s this?” She said, looking at him.

“Your punishment for doing this to my face” he replied.

“Really?, Fine, so I have to clean it for three practical days” she said.

“Yes, alone, I’ll supervise you” he replied.

“Wh@ťěver” she replied and started leaving.

“You should try to control your temper” he suddenly said and she looked back.

“You should try to control the number of bullies in here, and it’s more crazy that your sis and girlfriend are the ringleaders, I h@ťě bullies with every fiber in my body and no matter how hard I try to lay low, they look for my trouble wherever it is, so far they continue bullying, controlling my temper will be darn hard” she said defiantly and left the office.

Newton rested back on his chair.

“I wish Keaton is here, this would have been so easy” he said and got his phone.

He dialled her line and she picked after the first ring.

“Aren’t you coming to see me today?” She asked in her usual weak voice.

“I’m coming, is anyone there with you?” He replied.

“Yes, Cisco is here, come fast, flatworm” she replied.

“Stop calling me that, roundworm” he smiled.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes” he said and hung up.



Wendy was still walking down the first years block when she sighted Denver coming in the opposite direction.

She pulled up her skirt to make it shorter, then she smiled as he came closer and closer but her arms dropped when he just walked past her without acknowledging her.

She stopped and turned back.

“Denver!” She yelled after him.

Ixora appeared from the other side and waved at Denver.

Denver winked at her and she smiled.

“Should we go to the cinema together tonight?” He asked and Ixora almost fainted.

“Of course!, Of course Denver!” .

“See ya!” He winked again before leaving.

“Denver!!!” Wendy shouted.

Ixora laughed and came to her.

“Go burn in hell, Satan” she whispered and Wendy pushed her away before walking down the block angrily.

Ixora laughed again, taking a peek at her phone.

She was the one who posted the video of how Ricardo was punched, she actually trailed November to the building the other time.

“Spitfire my baby girl!” She said and kissed November in the video before leaving.




Dahlia and Monique came earlier , November was speaking to her dad on phone and it took so long so she came late to the cinema.

She could hear loud screams inside the cinema and it’s enough to indicate that The Emperors are in.

She heard Ricardo left the hospital an hour ago and she’s sure the bruise she gave him will still be on his face, if only she could just see him right now and laugh loud.

She entered the crowdy cinema and started looking for her friends in the dark.

Only dim blue lights are on so it’s hard to figure out where they are.

She made to turn to another column but someone intentionally pushed her to a chair.

She fell on it and the person lay on top of her.

It’s now she knows who it is.

His minty breath tells it all…


“Should I tell the whole school how I took your virginity?” He whispered into her ear and anger streamed through her.

She was about to hit him with her elbow when someone else pulled Barron up.

A kick landed on Barron’s face instantly and he fell on the ground heavily.

November stood quickly and the blue dim light shone on the face of the guy.

“Francisco” she said surprisingly.

“Let’s go, I know where your friends are” he said and took her away from the spot.


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