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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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THE NEWBIE – Episode 1

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( Miss Spitfire &
The Four Emperors )




Adelia came out of the kitchen with a bowl of fries sitting on her hands, she’s munching on it as she walked to the dinning room.

Dropping it on the table, she noticed a backpack on the couch in the living room.

“Wait…she has class by 10, she’s still at home?” She asked herself, walking to the living room.

She took the white designer bag and sighed.

“What should I do with her?, How will she graduate if she continues like this?, November!!!” She yelled, climbing the stairs.

She got to her doorstep and opened the door roughly, meeting November on the bed, she’s still sleeping soundly, her legs and arms were widely spread like a starfish’s.

Her room is f_cking messy with clothes lying around and her closet is widely opened, clothes are hanging on the door of the closet.

Her shoe rack which was filled with sneakers of different colours is lying on the ground and the sneakers are scattered everywhere.

Nylons of cookies and pizza boxes are everywhere then her bra and undies are hanging on the body of the laundry basket.

“What the…..I told her to clean this mess yesterday, November!” Adelia screamed but she didn’t even bother to move.

Adelia walked swiftly to her and gave her an hard hit on the back.

“Get the hell up!”

“I’m almost there…stop pushing me!!” November shouted sleepily and resumed her sleep.

“You’re almost where?, You have a class by 10!” Adelia snapped.

November continued sleeping.

Adelia dashed into the bathroom and came back with a bucket of water.

She sprinkled it on her and November opened her eyes slowly, her short hair covering most of her face.

“One more minute” she said sleepily and closed her eyes again.

Adelia pulled her down from the bed and she fell heavily.

“Mum!!!” She screamed, sitting up eventually.

“Why is your room like this again?, I told you to clean up yesterday, why is it always like this when it’s not a pig farm!”

“It’s my room mum….mine, not yours” she replied, scrambling up sleepily.

“It’s dangerous to stay in this stinking reeking smelling room for too long, go dress up for school it’s past 9” Adelia said and November’s eyes opened wide.

“Past 9?, Mr Crayfish will ki|| me!!!’ she screamed, running into the bathroom.

Adelia left for the dining to continue devouring her fries.

Today is her day off so she’s free.

Ten minutes later, November ran down the stairs, wearing a big white tee on a big boyfriend Jean then white sneakers, she has a cap on her head, wearing it sidewards.

She dresses in zigzags, she might dress like a tomboy today and the day after, she goes with a girlish style.

It’s the boyish way today.

“I told you to stop dressing this way, are you ever gonna listen?, I don’t like you being boyish!” Adelia said.

“It’s my body, not yours mum” she replied, carrying her backpack.

She attends Cornell but despite being a student of Cornell, she takes the entrance exams into Newton college every year but failure is always her friend.

She stopped taking it this year when she got to her final year in Cornell.

“Your dad forgot his inhaler, you need to go give it to him on your way to school” Adelia said, throwing her the inhaler which she caught.

Matteo is actually asthmatic.

“Qui!” She winked and stole from Adelia’s fries before going for her skateboard.

“No, no November, take the car, I told you to stop skating” Adelia stood.

“And I told you to stop telling me to stop skating, it’s impossible” November winked, taking the skateboard afterwards.

“November wait!, November!, November!!” Adelia yelled after her as she left the house.

November got to the front of the house and placed down the board.

“November go!!” She shouted, mounting the board immediately.

“Whoopee!!!” She screamed as she rode down the street.

If there’s anything she’s good at, it’s skating, she can skate on trees according to her.

? November!

? November!

? November!

People called her name as she rose past each house, she’s very popular in that street and beyond.

Cause of popularity: daily trouble.

And soon, what she has been expecting happened, she suddenly noticed a group of five guys following her in an hot chase.

“Lucien?” She smirked, recognizing their leader as the senior brother of the guy she beat up yesterday.

She doubled her race and the guys followed her hotly as she started sliding into alleys and corners, forgetting that she was supposed to go give her dad his inhaler, then Mr Crayfish’s class.

She gave the guys a whole lot of gap and started laughing, lessening her pace but one of them suddenly appeared in front of her.

She was actually double-crossed.

“f_ck $h|t!” She said and tried to avoid running into him.

The alley is really tight so no other space except for the small available one.

She went for that but an old woman appeared immediately.

“Oh….my…. world!!!!” She screamed, crashing into the old woman

They both fell and the woman cried out in pains.

“I’m sorry grandma, I’ll buy you candy the next time we meet ok?” She said and got her skateboard.

She made to run out of the alley but three of the guys blocked her, she went back but the remaining two blocked her too.

She stopped and they kept coming closer, caging her in the middle.

“How dare you punch my brother” Lucien demanded seriously.

“I really have to go now, we’ve played enough ok?” November said and tried to force her way out but she was pushed back.

She looked at her wristwatch, the time is 9:40.

“If I spend one more minute here and get to school late…” She said, glaring hard.

“What are you gonna do Ɓîtçh!, What!” Lucian pushed her shoulder.

The other four laughed.

“Ɓîtçh?, Yes that’s my name” November laughed.

“Really?” Lucien said.

“Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Charming, …. Hot!” She winked.

Lucien removed her cap and she smiled as her hair covered her forehead.

“I’ve spent 56 more seconds, just 4 secs to go” she said and Lucien threw the cap away.

Her eyes followed the cap and she smiled again as it landed in a bin.

“Make her face unrecognizable, beat her to pulp and meet me at home” Lucien said and left the circle.

The other four surrounded her.

“One minute gone, who’s dying first?” She said, flexing her neck sidewards.

They all charged towards her at a time.


The four guys are already lying on the ground, bleeding from the mouth with wounds on their faces.

She gave each of them three punches and that made them this way.

“January to November is for trouble, December is for rest, that’s why I’m November” she said and sighed.

“What the f_ck are you guys still doing!, is she not dead yet?” Lucien yelled, coming back into the place but he fell without getting pushed when he saw the guys on the ground.

November started walking to him and he started shifting back fearfully.

“Your junior brother, do you know what he did before I beat him up?” She said.

“No…no” he replied fearfully.

“You don’t?, And you came to revenge, now I know you both share a brain, that scallywag broke three eggs on my head when I was coming back from school yesterday! I chased him and caught him then I gave him the beating of his life, what’s so wrong in that?” She said.

“Nothing…. nothing I swear” Lucien said, looking so scared as November glared at him.

“Get me my cap” she commanded and he quickly stood.

He ran to the bin and got the cap, he cleaned it on his shirt and placed it on her head.

“Open your mouth” she said and he opened it in fear

“Show me your set of teeth” she said and he obeyed .

She raised her fist to his mouth , planning to knock out all the front teeth.

“Please!, Please don’t do it!, Don’t punch me!” Lucien begged.

November looked down at his trousers, he’s peeing on it already.

She smiled and stepped back.

“You don’t even deserve my punch, it’s a waste of power” she said and started leaving but she suddenly stopped and looked back.

The other four are still crying on the ground.

She looked at Lucien and he peed more on his trousers, shaking badly.

“I actually want to waste my power” she said and walked back to him.

“I’m not sorry… chicken” she said and punched his nose.

Blood gushed out of it and he went down, passing out straight.

“SpongeBob” she said and slapped his unconscious face before looking at the time.

“10:05!, Darn it I’m late!” She said and mounted her skateboard.

“Screeeeeeww!!!” She shouted, riding away.




Dahlia was walking through the busy hallway with her head down, avoiding getting sighted by any of the Upper category (UC) students.

She’s a lower category(LC) student and she has been a victim of bullying since last week.

She’s coming from the library with her books in hand.

“The Emperors!” A girl shouted.

“They’re here!!!”


“My babies are here!!”

“Oh my gosh!!!”

Both male and female students rushed out to the car park to watch them as three cars came into the park, three exotic expensive ones.

Dahlia climbed down the stairs and stood by the door, looking at the swoon of students.

Newton was the first to come out of his car, he’s wearing an armless white shirt, showing off his tattoos and abs, a small ring sat on the corner of his bottom lip and he stylishly showed off his tongue ring too.

Many girls fainted immediately

Ricardo came down from the second car and put on his jacket, making girls lose their breaths.

Kennedy and Francisco came out of the third and Fransisco dived his fingers into his hair stylishly.

Kennedy pouted cutely

? I’m gonna die!!

? Their faces are brighter than my future!

? Is that the sun or Newton?, No difference!

? Gosh!, Francisco I love you!!

? A night on Ricardo’s bed is all I crave for!

? I can swear anything!, Kennedy is a greek god!

The guys made their way into the school and girls kept screaming after them, begging to be noticed.

Then a red car pulled up in the park and Bora came out of it with Poppy, chewing gum Ɓîtçhily.

Poppy is her best and only.

They’re wearing same outfit, bum shorts and a net blouse, their bras can be totally seen without hassle.

Their heels are almost heaven’s mate.

Their makeup is glittering and they both have artificial lashes on, long like freak.

Bora’s hair was dyed red and immediately Dahlia saw it, she knew she’s in trouble.

To avoid that, she made to sneak back in .

“Hey you!’ Bora said and her heart started skipped beats as heat gathered on her skin.

She faced Bora and bowed her head.

Her hair was also dyed red, she used the colour because she found it beautiful at the salon yesterday.

Bora walked briskly to her and removed her identity tag, she looked at it and sneered.

“A LC student?” She rolled eyes.

Dahlia kept her head bowed.

“Is she mad?” Poppy sneered.

“Of course she is” Bora replied, smirking with her red lips.

“How dare you use same color of dye!” She said harshly.

“I’m…I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were gonna be using same” Dahlia stuttered and Bora slapped her.

Poppy gave her a slap too on the other cheek and she started crying.

A lot of students are surrounding them right now, making videos.

“I do post my pictures on my blog every morning so any girl won’t do or wear same thing with me!” Bora gnarled.

“I didn’t…I didn’t…check the blog” Dahlia cried with red face and eyes.

“I’m still the girlfriend of the owner of this school, I’m the president’s baby so you should know better” Bora said.

“Should I pass the scissors?” Poppy smiled evilly.

“Sure” Bora spread her palm and Poppy placed a pair of scissors on it.

“My hair….no don’t” Dahlia cried more.

Bora grabbed her hair and before anyone could say “poof!”, She started cutting the hair.

“Please!!!” Dahlia cried out.


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