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HomeTHE NEW MAIDTHE NEW MAID – Episode 21 & 22

THE NEW MAID – Episode 21 & 22

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🥀🔥 THE
{… His Crazy Disguise…}

THEME; Heart Felt Roses.


Gbemi Writes ✍️


{ The Diary }

Vance knew sharing a kiss with Tracy is wrong,
he had a goal to achieve and distraction like
Tracy shouldn’t be allowed but he couldn’t
control his urge.

He felt Tracy trying to push him away but
instead he tightened his hold around her waist
and deepen the kiss.

Tracy has never been kissed this way, the little
kisses she shared with James couldn’t be
compared to this__ she thought as she stopped
struggling to enjoy the kiss.

She shyly kissed him in return and would have
continued if Vance hadn’t stopped.

“Am sorry” he whispered hating himself for
letting his hormone take over

“Y_you don’t have to apologise” Tracy said,
biting her lips due to her nervous state.

“I think whoever is out there is gone, we should
make our move now” he said, taking hold of her
hand while making her feel some weird feeling.

They left the kitchen without being seen and
made it to Tracy’s room.

“Since have gotten you back safely, I better
leave” Vance said but a restraining hand stop

“It’s late already, just stay here”

“I would love to but then” he stared at himself
making her aware that he’s currently not in his

“That can be rectified” Tracy stated before
heading to her closet.

She pulled out three gown and gave it to him.

“I don’t know which one of it will fit but you
should try the three out” she said feeling strange
with the situation.

“Who would have thought that I would be
lending my dress to a guy” She said wanting
him to join in the joke but Vance didn’t.

“I already told you the reason why I have to__”

“You did and that’s why am helping you out
right now” she said cutting him off.

“Does it mean what I think it is?” Vance asked

“Yes, Have decided to trust you. I believe that
you didn’t ki|| James and that the ki||er is still
out there. I want to help you find out who he is”

“That’s going to be dangerous Tracy, I don’t
want you getting in trouble because of__”

“If you want me to keep your secret then you’ve
got to let me help you. I also want to know who
ki||ed James and why he did ” Tracy cut him off
once again.

Seeing the determined look on her face, he knew
he couldn’t convince her and so he agreed.


“Where to miss?” The taxi driver asked Elsa as
she got into his car.

“To Finland academy” she replied, settling down
for the journey.

The driver made a bend just as someone got
into the front of his car, the driver quickly step
on the brake but it was too late.

Elsa got out of the car along with the driver to
check on the injured man, on seeing who it was,
she quickly went to him.

“Maddox! Are you okay?”

“I think I broke a bone” Maddox groan while
clutching onto his leg.

“We need to get him to a hospital” Elsa directed
this at the driver who immediately lifted
Maddox off the ground and into his car.

Elsa got into the car with him and when the
driver was about to start the engine, Maddox
stopped him and told him to give them
sometime to talk.

“You are injured, you need to see a doctor”

“I wouldn’t be in this condition if only you had
picked my calls”

“I already knew the reason for your calls and
that’s why I ignored it” Elsa said.

“And that’s why I came here to see you but then
I got into an accident. It hurts like hell, what if I
end up in a wheelchair?”

“Stop exaggerating. It’s just a little injury which
will heal__”

“Which will keep that driver locked away in jail if
I decide to press charges against him” He cut
into her words smoothly.

“But that’s not fair, he didn’t mean to hit you”

“Nothing is fair in this world, cupcake” he
muttered giving her a knowing look.

“What do you want in exchange for not pressing
charge?” She asked and a smile immediately
brighten his face.

“Reed is holding a pool party, I want you to
come along with my Angie”

“I already told you that I can’t help you win my

“Do you want me to go ahead with my thr_@t?
Don’t you feel sorry for the poor taxi driver?” He
asked making a sad face.

“Fine then. We will be there” she said in defeat.

“Good then, I will text you the time. Thanks in
advance” he chirp out happily before getting out
of the car.

It was then Elsa knew he had tricked the her
along with the driver since he was walking off in
good health.


“Am not going and that’s final” Tracy stated just
as her bedroom door open to admit Vance.

“You look angry” he said now disguised in his
maid uniform.

“”It’s Reed, he wants me to go to a pool party
with him but I refused” Tracy explained.

“Call him back and tell him that you’ve change
your mind ” Vance said quickly.


“A pool party will give us the chance to get
enough evidence against him”

“Evidence? What are you talking about?” Tracy

“Oh! For a while I thought you knew everything.
Take a seat” Vance ordered and immediately,
she sat on her bed eager to hear what he has to

“The little investigation have done, all led me to
Reed. I believe that Reed is the ki||er”

“B_but that’s impossible. On the day of James
murder, Reed was with me and not for once did
he leave my side” Tracy defended.

“He might not have done the dirty deed himself
but he might have sent someone else to do it.
Think about it, who h@ťěd James the most”
Vance said and Tracy couldn’t help but to think
of Reed.

“I can’t believe that he would__ he would go as
far as to ki|| his own brother, that’s just too
cruel” Tracy said trying to hold back her tears.

“We’ve got to get proof and put him in jail which
is why I told you to go to the pool party tonight”
Vance said as he knelt in front of her, taking
hold of her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.

“Reed has a diary” Tracy said as she wipe off
her tears.

“A diary?”

“Have seen him writing in it few times but he
never let anyone get close to it. If we go to the
party tonight, we might be able to check it’s
content and who knows__ there might be some
sordid detail of James murder in it” Tracy


“Tell me the real reason you’ve brought me to
this party tonight” Angela said as she walk into
Reed home with Elsa.

They both had a short jean and crop top on,
underneath the clothes were their bikini.

“Am waiting Elsa” Angela said and Elsa didn’t
have a choice but to tell her the whole thing.

“He even went as far as to ask you to help him.
Should I say he’s dumb or just dumb”

“Just give him your attention for a while, you __”

“I will do no such thing ” Angela exclaim,
earning the attention of some of the other

“How do you expect me to go out with a guy you
like? This is the time for you to take matters into
your hand and claim him for yourself”

“If there was a way to do that then I would have
done it” Elsa said sadly.

“This situation is an opportunity you can use.
You are pretty and underneath this clothe you’ve
got a ki||er body which am sure will attract a lot
of attention. So use this to get the guy you love,
since am here, I will try to mingle around but
don’t expect me to talk to Maddox ” With that
said Angela went off leaving Elsa to ponder on
what she said.

Jamie sat on one of the lounger watching most
of the guest do their thing.

Some were having fun in the pool, some were
chatting while some were making out and even
right now, he could see two girls making out in
the pool.

He scrunch up his face in disgust and was
about to leave when Ben approach him.

“Hey, do you know when Angela will be here?”
Ben asked.

“I don’t, why do you ask?”

“Have made a decision. I plan to confess my
feelings to Angela ” Ben said, wearing a
determined look on his face.

“You think it’s too soon for me to do that right?
Well I don’t care, I like Angela and I will certainly
tell her how I feel tonight” Ben added before
leaving the area.

Jamie had thought that Ben feeling for Angela
is just a casual one but listening to him now
tells him something different.

Immediately, he got out of his seat going in
search of Angela.

There’s no way in hell he would let Ben confess
his feeling to her.

Jamie noticed Angela standing by the other side
of the pool and immediately he went to her,
ignoring the look being given by other girls.

“Angela, you’ve got to come with me” he said
taking hold of her hand ignoring the girls she
was talking to.

“Why?” Angela asked.

He turned to her wanting to give a reply when he
saw Ben.

” Am sorry for what am about to do but I have
no choice”

Wrapping his arms around Angela’s waist, he
fell into the pool with her.

As soon as they both resurface, he noticed Ben
still lurking around the area obviously searching
for Angela.

“Jamie what is__” Angela was prevented was
saying more when he cornered her to the edge
of the pool, staying very close to her.

Angela’s eyes slowly drifted all over his body
and a naughty little thought cross her mind
before she shook it off.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked, her eyes
settling on Jamie who was also starring down
at her.

Is it desire she see in his eyes? Angela thought
as she made to look away but he held onto her
cheek forcing her to look at him.

“Am sorry for my action but I will be damned if l
let him steal you away” Jamie rasp shocking
her into silence.


Her crop top and Jean discarded, Elsa went in
search of Maddox still thinking about the advice
her sister gave her.

It’s time she put her feminine wiles to use___
Elsa thought as she got to the garden only to
see Maddox talking to two segzy brunette.

Their bikini left most of their body uncovered,
something which will please a lot of guys and
she’s certain Maddox won’t be able to resist
them too.

“Common Maddox, let’s just go for a round” one
of the girls said.

“It’s been so long since you’ve played with us”
the other girl added

“Well I_er_ you girls are both segzy tonight and
am sure that you are going to find someone
who will give you what you want cause I can’t”
Maddox choked out obviously tired with their

“Why can’t you? I didn’t see you with any
companion, you came alone”

“Well that’s because I__” Maddox was thinking
of a reply when he saw Elsa.

“That’s because my girlfriend came late” he said
quickly and disengaging himself from their hold
he went to Elsa.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled
her close to him.

“Is she your girlfriend?” One of the girls asked, a
jealous look on her face.

“She is” Immediately he said that, Elsa tried to
break free from him but he tightened his hold.

“Girls, let me introduce to you my one and only
cupcake, Elsa” he said as he claim her lips,
stealing her first kiss.

Vance was trying to mingle around when he got
a text from Tracy.


On reading that, Vance quickly left for the back

The short jean and crop top he had on did
nothing to make him comfortable but it’s the
price he has to pay for disguising himself as a

He stood waiting for Tracy to show up but
instead he heard the opening of a window on
the second floor.

“This it Vance” Tracy called out as she threw
down the book.

“Check it out and throw it back to me so I can
return it” She added softly.

Vance quickly open the book going through
some of the things he wrote.

He kept scrolling until something caught his
attention and by now Tracy who was patiently
waiting upstairs got the shock of her life when
Reed walk in.

“What are you doing in my room?” Reed asked a
scared stiff Tracy___


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