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HomeTHE NEW GIRLTHE NEW GIRL – Episode 53 & 54

THE NEW GIRL – Episode 53 & 54

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{..Melt me if you can..}

Chapter 53💕54

By 🌺Mayor🌺




“Isadora!” A woman called as she walked around the house. “C’mon girl, we can’t do hide and seek right now” The woman complained but no reply came from the three years old little girl hiding behind the washing machine.

Marissa spot her and sigh. She look so cute. Her black hair way tie into a bun. She was wearing a cute short dress that barely touches her knee.

“Find me mother!” Young Annabelle exclaimed and Marissa chuckled.

“I found you” She grab Annabelle and carried her to herself. “Happy birthday sweetie” she muttered.

They both went to the garden and spot her father, Carson and her elder sister making meat steaks.

“Meat!” Young Annabelle exclaimed.

“Happy birthday sister!” Her elder sister exclaimed and turn to their mother. “Where are we going today?” She asked.

“Your father need to do somethings at work. I’ll be taking you girls out. Your father will meet us there” Marissa replied.

“I want to be a detective just like you” Annabelle said to her mother.

“Awwn that’s great.. you wanna catch the bad guys with me” Marissa nuzzled Annabelle’s cheek and kissed her.

Marissa and Carson had been married for few years and yet their love remain strong. They have two lovely daughters.. Marissa is detective who had won so many cases except on the one she was currently on.

A dangerous Mafia terrorizing the city, that had been the hardest she had ever come across. Her husband Carson work in a company as a manager and they are both living well.

“Happy birthday Isadora, here’s what I got for you” Carson said giving a teddy bear to her. Young Annabelle eyes widened in excitement.

“Thanks dad” she smiled showing off her cute dimples.

After the breakfast, Marissa drove the car out with the girls. The sky thundered, it seems it’s going to rain really soon. The street look strange and quiet and she feel uncomfortable.

“Mom I’m scared” Annabelle cried out when the thunder roared. She pushed her teddy into her dress and hug it tight.

Marissa turn her head to look at her. “Pet your little sister” she said to Annabelle’s elder sister.

Her sister drew her close. “we’ll get there soon okay” she kissed Annabelle’s head.

The car suddenly stopped and Marissa groan out in frustration. The sky was already pouring heavily already and Annabelle was busy sobbing lightly on her sisters arm. She called her husband first but he didn’t pick up, he must be busy with his work.

“Sorry babies, I’ll be right back. I need to fix the car” She said and got down. The rain hit her delicate skin but she cared less. While trying to fix the car, a tall figure appeared behind her.

“Who are you?” She asked when her eyes met with a pair of cold eyes. The man grab her neck all of a sudden.

Annabelle and her sister heard the noise outside the car. Out of fear they unlock the car and came down.

“Mommy!!” Annabelle screamed with her sister. The men who was beating Marissa up stopped and move their gaze to them.

“Get back into the car!” Marissa yelled while laying on the floor with blood dripping down her head. One of the kicked her stomach and Annabelle ran towards him and bite him hard. Her sister was so scared she couldn’t move.

Annabelle was hit on the face, not minding she was a child, and she fell. The man dragged her up again and pointed a gun on Annabelle’s head.

“No” Marissa tried reaching them.

Even with this, Annabelle still gave the man a glare and tried to get away. The man made to $h00t the gun but a voice stopped it.


They all halt and watch a talk figure walk towards them. His eyes cold and deadly. Scar was behind him holding an umbrella over his head to prevent the intense rain.

Lord Smith!

Marissa recognized him and her eyes turn cold. She had been finding a way to put this bastard in jail.

Lord Smith’s gaze moved to Annabelle.. she is young and quite viscious.

“Get away from my daughter!” Marissa yelled from the floor. Her leg was broken so she couldn’t stand.

“Do you really think you can get me Marissa?” Lord Smith asked. This woman nearly outsmarted him by revealing his identity. At that time, Lord Smith isn’t that powerful enough. “This should teach other cops a lesson”

Three gunshot sounded and the bullets hit Marissa chest. Annabelle’s sister finally snapped out of her trance. “Mother!” The girl screamed and ran towards her and began to shake her body, her hair cover her face as the rain pour down on them. Marissa’s blood mixed with the rain.

“Noo!!” Annabelle screamed in tears.

“What should we do with the girls boss?” One of his tight men asked but Lord Smith didn’t reply.

Out of anger, Annabelle freed herself from the guy holding her whilst stealing his knife. She ran towards Lord Smith but was grab by the hair before she could reach him. The knife dropped from her hand.

“Let go off me, how dare you hurt my mother!” She yelled and Lord Smith crouched before her still holding her hair tight.

Scar only stare with a displeasing look. Do they have to involve the kids?

“I’m taking this one with me.. leave the other one” Lord Smith smirked at the girl trying to escape his grip. “What’s your name little doll?”

“Go to hell bastard” Young Annabelle spat. Her voice tiny.

“You’re quite Young for that word. Guess what little doll. I’ll take you in and make you really strong. What do you think? I’ll make you a weapon” Lord Smith asked lightly.

“I’m not going anywhere with you” She replied stubbornly but the man smirked.

“Then I’ll ki|| your elder sister too” Lord Smith said and her eyes widened. In the next moment, she felt a sharp thing diving her neck and her eyes turn dizzy.

“Don’t ki|| my sister..” she whispered trying to keep her eyes open.

“I won’t ki|| your sister, I promise” The man whispered too and Annabelle fell into the trance of darkness.

By the time she woke up, she didn’t remember anything….


“I’m gonna ki|| you!!” Annabelle yelled insanely and charged towards Lord Smith.

She bought out a dagger Swiftly and aim for his neck. The man blocked her attack effortlessly. She watch his grin stretched wider and in the next moment, she was punched in the stomach.

Gawd. He is fast… She didn’t even see the attack coming. She charged towards him again. This time, giving her all in it. She jumped and send a kick to his face in other to create a distraction. Immediately he blocked the attack, Annabelle sent her dagger to to his face..

Lord Smith swiftly bend his head one side and the dagger flew pass him.

“What?” Annabelle eyes widened. No one had ever block her attack this way. She never thought this man would be this strong.

Lord Smith send a kick to one side of her waist sending her feet away. Annabelle hit her back with a loud groan.

Ricky who was watching smirked dangerously, he doesn’t need to do anything.. his brother is the one to finish her off. She must be so stupid to think she can beat Lord Smith.

“Is that all you’ve got Doll?” Lord Smith chuckled as he casually tucked both of his hands into his pocket. The look on his face shows he was enjoying this.

“It was impressive” he continued and his eyes slowly turn cold. “How about I show you how it’s done”

This time, Lord Smith was the one who launched towards her first. He began to throw his own attack not giving her the chance to think. Annabelle tried every means block the but the man gave her several hit and each of them was brutal.

She fell on the floor again, bleeding, breathing feels like her lungs was about to burst. Her eyes was dizzy. Trying to stand, she felt a sharp pain below her abdomen. Her eyes widened when she spot a dagger in her stomach and her blood gushing out. When did he stab her?…

She fell back on the floor and watch the man walk towards her. He crouched down, his amused eyes staring at her weak face. He draw out an handkerchief and began to clean the blood on his hand.

“I haven’t been this entertained for a while.. that was a nice warm up doll” Lord Smith said calmly.

“I’m.. not… g..onna.. let you go.. away with.. this” she stuttered weakly, trying hard to fight the darkness creeping in.

Ricky was expecting Lord Smith to finish her bit instead he pat her hair lightly. “I’ll be waiting”

With this, her eyes closed…


Annabelle gasped out of her sleep, and her eyes dart around. The place was dark but she could see. Trying to get up, she realize she was badly wounded. Her waist was covered in bandage, though the extreme pain was still there.

It seems she was locked in a cell having a small window. Her first thought was escaping…

The door opened and she quickly pretend she was asleep. She heard the footsteps of someone walking close.

“Annabelle” Her eyes opened a little and she found a woman staring at her. This was the woman who help her in destroying Bianca. “Are you alright? I saw the fight you had with master. He must have done something to really upset you.. but shouldn’t have challenged him that way.. what if he ki||s you?” She asked with a worried look and sat beside her.

“Why are you worried about me?” Annabelle asked in a weak voice.

“I have a son. Seeing you reminds me of him. I don’t like the way you are treated here.. I wish to help you. Beside you kinda do me a favour by ending Bianca and not reporting my wrongdoing to anyone” The woman said.

“I want to get out of here, can you help me do that?” Annabelle asked as her eyes filled with pain and sadness.

“Oh dear.. of course I will, I have a lot of guys who are going to help me here.. they sees me as their mother sometimes.. they love my food” she chuckled and continue. “I’ll also find a way to get you in touch with my son, he lives in a quite restricted area. You can stay there until you get better and leave the country to start a new life”

Annabelle face turn cold. “I’m going to ki|| that monster. I swear on my mother’s grave.. beside I need to find my sister” she replied.

“Are you sure you don’t want to treat yourself gor a while before leaving. You’re badly wounded and had lost a lot of blood. You might die in the process” The woman said worriedly.

“The sooner the better. I need to leave really soon”

“Lord Smith won’t be around this evening. I’ll get you out of here then.. by the way call me Maria”

Annabelle let out a weak smile. “Maria” she repeated.



In the class, Jennifer frowned not spotting any of her friends. Ethan, Liam and Selene.

Where are those idiots? They seem a little weird. Her gaze moved to Annabelle’s empty seat and she sighed. Somehow she was worried.

She stood up and left the class to find her friends before the teacher would show up.

“Any sign of Annabelle?” Ethan asked his friends.

“Her place seems restricted and secretive. Where could it be?” Liam said.

“Maybe she’s on a mission” Selene shrugged.

“I don’t think so. I think she’s in trouble and I hope she isn’t ki||ing people” Ethan muttered.

“You guys know about Annabelle?” Jennifer’s voice attract their attention. They all stay quiet. Jennifer sigh. “I know she’s a mafia”

“Wow.. and you didn’t tell us?” Selene asked.

“Since when?” Ethan asked.

Jennifer explained the incident with Roman and they were all shocked.

“Wow, she is awesome” Selene muttered.

“That was creepy” Liam muttered too.

Ethan remembered something. It was the small phone Annabelle gave to him.

“What’s that?” Jennifer asked.

“Before disappearing, she gave this to me to let her know if I’m in trouble and she’ll come” He replied.

“Then do it” Liam said.

“I’m not in trouble.. though I badly wanna see her but that doesn’t mean I should mess with this. But once it’s evening I’m going to call for her” Ethan said staring at the phone.

At evening. The four friend sat at the park.

“Once it’s 7pm, call alright.. we have four minutes to go” Liam said to Ethan.

“I hope she’s alright. We don’t talk that much but I still like her” Selene said to Jennifer who was quiet. She gave Ethan a look.. he was so worried.

It was finally 7pm. “Here we go” Ethan made to press the phone but a message came in. He sprang up from his seat. “She texted”

Other stood up too. “What did it say?” Selene asked.

“Butterflies” Ethan replied reading the text.

“Butterflies? Is that a place or something?” Liam wondered.

Ethan eyes widened as he recalled something. “I know where she is”

They all rushed to a park. It was dark and empty.

“Belle!!” Ethan yelled and they all began to search for her. He went towards the place they have their first kiss and there, he found her laying on the floor. Her face weak, her body covered in her blood.

“Belle!” He yelled insanely and went to meet her. Liam and others too saw this and gasps.

“Hey” Ethan eyes flashed with relief when the girl opened her weak eyes. She seems to have lot much blood. “Who the f-__-k did this?.. I’m calling the hospital”

Annabelle held him. “Don’t.. just call.. only your mother.. they.. mi..ght find me if.. I go.. to the hospital” she said weakly.

Ethan nodded and rushed to take out his phone. Liam, Jennifer and Selene went to meet Annabelle.

“Mom where are you? You need to come here park next our street It’s Annabelle.. she need medical attention. Please come here as fast as you can..”

“Ethan!” Liam called behind.

“Don’t be late please” Ethan said to his mom before ending the call.

“Ethan!!” Liam called louder this time and he turn to look at them. Annabelle eyes were close and they all look so worried.

Liam next word made his heart skip a beat.

“Annabelle…She is not breathing”





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