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HomeTHE NEW GIRLTHE NEW GIRL – Episode 49 & 50

THE NEW GIRL – Episode 49 & 50

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{..Melt me if you can..}

Chapter 49💕50

By 🌺Mayor🌺



In the dark, a tall figure showed up and lift a gun…

Two gunshot sounded…

Annabelle eyes widened and she quickly break the hug and look at Ethan. “You okay?” She asked checking his body.

“I’m fine, what was that?” Ethan asked and they both turn their head to the dark figure who just left.

‘Oh no!’ she screamed inwardly. If they are both okay then, who was shot?!

They both look at the man at the same time. He had two holes on his head as blood dripped down from it wetting his shirt.

Ethan crouched before the man. “No, no, no, no.. mister” he tapped the man’s cheek repeatedly. “Mister” he called again.

“He is dead” Annabelle said behind him and he look back at her. Her face was paled as she kept her head low.

“Why did they ki|| him? he had a daughter!” Ethan almost yelled but his face dropped when Annabelle slowly crouched down to the floor too.
“Belle” he rushed to her and held her face.

“It was a test” she muttered causing Ethan’s brow to furrow. “It was a trap too.. what am I going to do?” She asked with her voice shaking.

“What do you mean?” He asked holding her cheek but Annabelle held it and pull it down.

“You should have let me ki|| him, now they know who you are.. stay a… Ahhh!” Her head throb in pain.

*Stay away from my daughter!!*

A scene of how the rain pour down the cold street wetting a woman as she laid on her pool of blood mixing with the rain.

A girl at the age of five sat close to her with tears running down her cheek. She couldn’t see the face because of her hair covering them.

Who is she?!…

No.. what the f-__-k is this?!…

Why is this memories trying to come in?!…

The light dark chuckle came again and her eyes widened in terror.. those are..

“Annabelle” Ethan yelled her name again but the girl kept wincing in pain. He had hugged her but it didn’t work. He did what he thought was best, he kissed her.

Annabelle breath halt when his lips touches hers. Her nerve calm instantly.

Breaking the kiss, he whispered. “It’s alright”

“Why do you keep saying that when things only get worse?” She whispered.

“That’s what I believe. I know I’m lying to myself too but I can’t help but still believe everything Will be alright” he whispered too. “Let’s leave here” he said helping her up. Ethan looked at the dead man on the floor.

“They’ll clear him up” Annabelle muttered.

Ethan didn’t ask any question knowing she is not in the state at the moment.

“Can you take me away from here” She whispered and Ethan nodded.

Liam took a deep breath, he rub his hand together because of the cold coursing through him.

The door creaked open revealing Selene. They both smiled at each other a little.

“Thank you for coming” Selene said handing a cup of juice to Liam who was sitting on the coach. She sat beside him. A television was before them.

“Thanks” Liam whispered.

“No.. I should be the one thanking you. I’m sorry I had to call you out of nowhere at night.. I just needed someone to stay with me” Selene said. Her parents went to arrange some important things. Normally she would have been with her grandma but she is dead… She was alone.

“It’s fine actually. I’m not busy. I would do anything to help you” Liam replied and Selene look at him.

“I’m not still over her yet” she muttered. Liam also face her. They were close, he reached for her hand and began to caressed it. She was wearing a comfortable short nightgown which slightly expose her smooth thighs.

“I honestly don’t know how to console people but I hope this is working, gangster” Liam said and she chuckled.

“You’re not going to stop calling me that.. are you?” She asked.

“Yeah, I’m never going to forget how you beat up three guys just because they insulted me” Liam said and they both laughed.

“I have something that can work better” she muttered.

“What is it?” Liam asked, Selene Lean down to Capture his lips and pull back after some seconds.

Liam reached for her cheek and slam his lips back on her. He dived his tongue in instantly and devour her lips in a hard rough way. Selene didn’t hesitate to respond in the same and hunger. She had wanted to do this with him.

Laying down on the couch, Liam hovered over her, not breaking the kiss even for a moment. His hand went under her dress. He broke the kiss.

“Liam don’t stop” Selene whispered before he could say anything.

“Of course” Liam whispered back and push his hand further to her wetness. Selene gasped and he began to kiss her again. “f-__-k, you’re so wet” he whispered. She reached for his shirt and pull it off him, her hand roaming all over his body as they kept kissing.

Selene pulled out a small sealed package. Liam was surprised. He wanted to do this but feel they are moving too fast.


“I thought you said you are not going to stop” she cut in. “I love you Liam, I had this feeling for a long time”

Liam stared at her, his experience around Selene was definitely the best. They had always had each other back.. how come he didn’t realized his feelings for her.

“I love you” Liam whispered back and Selene felt her heart skipped a beat. She finally heard those word she had wanted to hear.

He collected it from her and tore it before wearing it on his length.

“Are you sure?” He asked again and she nodded.

He placed a light kiss on her lips before pushing himself in, Selene gasped digging her nail into his back.


Annabelle shifted from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. It took her a while before realizing she was not in her room but Ethan’s. Sitting up, the memories of last night came in.

The door open and Ethan stepped in. “Hey, You’re awake” He said.

“You alright?” She asked.

“I should be the one asking you that. You passed out, my mom didn’t come home last night so I slept in her room” He explained.


“It’s Saturday, Belle” he replied and she kept quiet. He hand a cup filled with chocolate to her. “I thought you might need this once you are up”

Ethan sat beside her and silence rented the room.

“Hey Ethan” she called as a whisper.

“Remember I told you about my parents death. My memories shows there is something more to it.. a lot actually.. I feel trap and I honestly don’t know what to do, he knows you already and I’m sure he’s planning something. When he ki||ed Scar, all I thought was you.. I really don’t want you to get hurt Ethan” she looked at him and continued. She lift her hand to touch his face. “Patricia told me about your father. How hard it was for you.. and how you keep those smile on Your face in other to hide the pain”

Ethan eyes teared up a little. “My fake smile are real when it comes to you Belle”

Annabelle sighed, and reached for her pocket, then pull out a small burner phone.

“I and Scar normally use this to communicate. He use this to send alarm to me.. I want you to have this with you all the time” she gave it to him.

“The battle is going to be hard isn’t it?” Ethan muttered.

“I’m fighting this myself, just let me know if anything goes wrong and I’ll be there I promise. He knows who you are already and he’s going to find a way to hunt you.. I’m not going to let that happen” she replied.

“You’re not in this alone..”

“Can you promise to trust me on this.. please”

Ethan couldn’t say anything as he watch her expression.

“Please” she plead again.

“I promise” Her face loosen hearing the word she wanted to hear. ‘Never to leave your side’ he thought to himself. “Can I show you something first?”

In an apartment, the front door opened revealing a young lady. She had come out after hearing a knock. She frowned seeing no one but a paper laying on the floor.

After reading the paper, her eyes teared up. “Dad, no!” She exclaimed.

“Dad where are you!” Tears rolled down her cheek as she slowly sit on the floor, heartbroken.

Around the corner, Ethan and Annabelle stood there watching.

“Her father stole the money to help his daughter’s education” Ethan muttered and Annabelle shifted her gaze to him. “Don’t judge people unless you know the reason why they act that way”

Annabelle sigh and look back at the broken girl.


Getting to the clan, Annabelle clinched her jaw, her heart was pounding against her chest. She couldn’t help but wonder what Lord Smith is going to do with her.

Other mobsters kept giving her a look.. which made her feel more anxious. She decided to head for her room first.

Getting there, the blood on her face dried as she found the devil sitting on her bed with an old book in his hand. His gaze shifted to her, after sensing her presence.

He stood up and walk towards her, she held her breath.

“I’m sorry godfather” she apologized before he could say anything.

“For what exactly?” He asked in a deep voice and walk pass her.

“He came all of a sudden, I would have ki|| the man anyway” she replied.

“Hmm, How close are you two?” He asked walking before her again and stop.

“I..” she stopped not able to answer the question. All of a sudden, she felt the man grip her hair tight and tug it backwards. She wince but tried her best not to show it hurts.

“If you were other mobsters. I would have snap your head into two. Doll, when was the last time you use your drugs?” he asked.

Oh no, he found out..

He tugged her hair harder.

“ month” she replied. Lord Smith left her hair and grab her neck before hit her on the wall, leaving a crack. Annabelle groaned lightly, small blood escaped her lips, as her neck was surrounded by his callous hand. His expression deadly.

“Month?” He shot a glare at her, she groan again when his grip harden.

When she thought she was about to pass out, he released her neck and she gasped for air.

“You know what to do” he stated. She quickly went to grab the drug and took it into her mouth. “Get ready for tonight’s mission, then I might consider to leave that boy alone” he said and left the room.

Immediately the door shut, Annabelle rushed to her bathroom and punched her stomach hard until she vomited the drug. She sat on the floor and ran her fingers into her hair.

It was finally time for the mission, the mobsters assembled themselves with their weapon and determination burning in their gaze.

Ricky stepped in and Annabelle frowned. A man who had been beside a large flame for many hours shouldn’t look this fine. One word..

It was all an act..

“Our mission is Hallie’s night club. Our target’s name is Antonio, the leader of the Gambino clan in Spain. His mission here is to find us but we are going to find him first..” Ricky walk then stop before Annabelle, a smirk on his lips. “We are to ki|| everyone in the club.. since he and his capos are having the whole night to themselves”

Annabelle could sense there is something behind this mission but couldn’t figure it out.

Her gaze went to Lord Smith, whose look was blank as he stared at them while sitting on his chair like a king.

Remembering his words earlier she exhaled. Doing this mission would means saving Ethan from getting hunted by him.



The dim lighted room was filled with thick smokes and the men in the room discuss among each other.

Antonio let out a thick smoke from his lips and nostrils as he caressed the Ɓîtçh’s fat @zz, that was straddling his chest. “Get down and please my Ç0çƙ” he demanded and the lady obliged.

Antonio is one of the dangerous Mafia in Spain. Also lord Smith’s rival.. Lord Smith took what he wanted and he is here to challenge him. This is his first night in America and he wanted to have some discussion with his subordinate first.

While discussing, A woman came to serve alcohol before them, she was wearing a mask. One of Antonio’s men made to grab her @zz but she dodge it swiftly.

“I’m not a slut” the woman said coldly, she place his drink before him and walk away.

“Ɓîtçh” the young guy muttered..

“Te gustan las mujeres mayores que tú?” One of his men asked with a smirk. (Are you into women who are older than you?)

“ocúpate de tus propios asuntos.” The young guy replied.(mind your own business)

The woman went back to her place.

“Do you really need to stop this? I mean we get a lot of money here” Her workmate said.

“I can’t do this anymore. My son needs me. This definitely my last time…”

Just after her word, a girl stepped in.. she was wearing a mask but one could obviously know she is young.

“That doesn’t look like a stripper to me.. who’s she?”

Just then, the door opened and the devils walked in and began to $h00t.

Antonio stood up from his seat and went to look down the club.. his men were being ki||ed.

“Lord Smith” Antonio muttered and began to tremble.. his men were not ready. Ricky grin like a devil as he held his two large gun and began to $h00t every living thing in it… Even the strippers.

Antonio ran towards were he could escape but his eyes met with a dark figure.

A girl…

“Let’s go.. She’s just a young…” Antonio assistant made to speak but a bullet pierced through his head.

Antonio ran back and found a passage. He began to run as fast as he could but a gunshot sounded.. the bullet hit his leg and he fell.

“Easy, girl.. please don’t…”


Antonio was shot by her when he made to speak. Annabelle heard a soft cry coming from a corner. She spot the dark figure.. it was a woman.

Taking slow steps she stood before her.

“Please don’t ki|| me.. please I don’t know how my son will cope if I die.. please.. spare me.. I’m not one of them..”

Wait! This voice sounded familiar. Annabelle breath halt as she battled with herself inwardly.

“Please” the woman pleaded again.

“Let me see your face” Annabelle demanded trying to calm her voice.

The woman slowly raised her head. Annabelle eyes widened with terror as she slowly drop her hand. Her lips parted and she was breathing way too hard.

“Mrs Serena?”

Ethan’s mother?!!

Ricky stepped into the place at that moment with his large guns, a smirk graced on his lips. His intense gaze moved to them and Annabelle recalled his word.

‘We are to ki|| everyone in the club’





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