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HomeTHE NEW GIRLTHE NEW GIRL – Episode 31 & 32

THE NEW GIRL – Episode 31 & 32

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{..Melt me if you can..}

Chapter 31💕32

By 🌺Mayor🌺





Ricky wipe the small blood on his lips and smirked dangerously. “Now this is the fun I’d love to have”

Ethan exhaled sharply, he clinched his jaw hard as he stared at the tattooed guy before him.

Ricky was the one who charged first. He threw a deadly punch towards Ethan’s face but Ethan blocked it effortlessly, another one came from Ricky and he kept on blocking them.

Getting a chance, Ethan threw his own punch towards Ricky face but his attack was blocked by him. Ricky used the opportunity to fling Ethan down to the floor, a light groan escaped his lips. Ricky went ahead to punch Ethan face against the floor, but Ethan was fast enough to dodge the attack, he stood up immediately and face him.

“Amusing” Ricky chuckled and began to attack again. This time, he was able to give Ethan some hit. He grab Ethan by the hair and made to hit it on the table but couldn’t because of Ethan’s strength.

Ethan’s gaze land on the knife laying on the table. Ricky dragged his head up again and punched him on the face, he fell with a light groaned.

“Motherf-__-ker” Ricky chuckled again, he walked towards Ethan and made to grab him. Ethan was fast enough to dodge his grip, he shove Ricky down the floor and raised the knife he had picked on the table to stab his face.

Ricky eyes widened but Ethan’s hand stopped midair. His expression change to his usual self realizing what he was about to do. Ricky used the opportunity to throw Ethan off him.

He climbed on top Ethan and threw several punch on his face. Just when he made to punch him again, he heard the cops siren.

Ethan had called the police before coming down to meet him.

Ricky looked down at him and let go of him.

“Motherf-__-ker” he muttered before standing up to his feet and leave.

Ethan spat out the blood in his mouth and lay flat on the floor. “f-__-k” he muttered.

“Ahh, that hurts” Ethan complained when his mom place some ointment on his wound resulted from his fight with Ricky.

“Stay still boy” Mrs Serena warned and he stopped throwing trantum. She placed the wet wool on his face again and he flinched a little. After she was done, she covered them with bandages and stared at him when she was done.

“I thought you promised not to ever fight with anyone again” Mrs Serena said with a long look.

“This was a defence. I didn’t fight, a guy broke into our house and I had to defend myself” he said.

“So you did fought with someone” She said.

“I did and it was a self defense..”

“It’s alright son, did the police get him?” She asked.

“No, he got away” he replied.

Mrs Serena sighed “I don’t want anyone to destroy my baby’s face. Does he not want me to become a mother inlaw?” She asked, Ethan smiled. “Ah right, I’m still waiting to know the girl in your mind”

“Mom, don’t start” He rolled his eyes.

“C’mon baby.. just give me a hint” she said, her mind was on Jennifer.

“I wanna sleep, I have school tomorrow” Ethan said.

“Fine, do you have a girl in your heart? That’s all I wanna know” she said pouting her lips a little.

Ethan exhaled sharply. “Yeah I do”

“Awwn, do you need my help? I can help you..”

“No mom, I’m on it already.. can I sleep now?” He said.

“Okay love, have a nice rest” Mrs Serena said and gave him a light kiss on his head. She stood up and left the ward.

Ethan laid on the soft white bed, his gaze on the ceiling. Well, this isn’t his first time sleeping in the hospital where his mom work in. His mind drifted to the moment he had almost ki||ed Ricky with a knife. That was Pretty close, he almost lost himself.

But who was that guy? How is he connected to Annabelle?



“Do you really have to go to school? You can take a break.. I can call the school and tell them about your health” Mrs Serena said.

“I’m fine mom, honestly.. these wounds are…”

“Can you at least listen to me. Stay please, even if it’s one day” Mrs Serena said.

“I…” Ethan made to speak again but earn a glare from his mother. “Fine, I’ll stay”

“Good boy, we can have some times together. I’ve missed my baby”

“I told you to stop this night shifting, but you didn’t listen” Ethan rolled his eyes. His mom pecked him on the cheek. “Mom stop, I’m not a kid anymore. Beside people are watching”

“Sorry, I’m just excited.. I’ll spend the time with you today” she squealed.

Seeing how happy his mom is, Ethan couldn’t argue with her.

“Mrs Serena!” One of the nurse called.

“I’ll be right back, stay in your ward” She said and left.

“She is such a busy person.. Oh Gawd, today is going to be a long day” Ethan muttered.

At school, Liam frowned not seeing Ethan in class.

“Have you seen Ethan?” He asked Jennifer.

Jennifer who was drained in her own thought raised her head up. “Huh?”

“Have you seen Ethan?” Liam asked again.

“No, I haven’t” She replied, having a paled face.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.. I just feel a little bit tired.. that’s all” Jennifer replied.

“I’m calling him” Liam said and leave the class.

Jennifer grip her pen tight as the thought of what happened last night scared her.

“Oh Gawd” She muttered holding her hair. What is she going to do?

“Yesterday was pretty intense” Barbara chuckled awkwardly.

“Yeah, I thought you two were friends..”

“Not anymore” Barbara cut in.

“Oh” Daniel sighed.

Patricia who was sitting not far from them was busy talking with another girl in the class.

Just then, Annabelle walked into the class.

“Hey freak” Patricia greeted with a mischievous smile.

“The name is Annabelle, @$$h0le” She spoke.. shocking Patricia. She just called her @$$h0le. “I wonder when you are going to get some sense in that tiny brain of yours” she added before walking away while Patricia could only breath in anger.

Annabelle gaze went towards Ethan seat. ‘Where is he?’

Liam was busy tying his shoe when someone came to sit beside him.

“Hey, where is Ďïčkface?” The person asked.

Liam looked up only to see Bastian.

“Welcome back doughebag, how was your freaking holiday?” Liam asked.

Bastian clinched his jaw in anger but then the coach appeared.

“You’ll regret this” he said before leaving Ethan.

The coach asked about Ethan and Liam explained a thief broke into his house and hurt him a little.

During Lunch, she saw Liam sitting alone.

“Hey” she greeted.

Liam who saw her all of a sudden jerked a little. “Ah”

“What, I’m not a witch” Annabelle said.

“Right, but you appeared all of a sudden..”

“Where’s Ethan?.. what happened to him?” She asked immediately.

“A theif broke into his home yesterday night and hurt him a little. He is at his mom hospital at the moment” Liam replied.

Annabelle’s eyes widened. A theif? Ethan is hurt? “Is he okay?” She asked quickly.

“Yeah, it isn’t much. He wanted to come today but his mom didn’t allow it” Liam replied.

“Where is the hospital?” She asked.

“I’ll take you there once the school close..”

“I want the address now.. write it in a piece of paper or something..”

Liam made to refute but..

“Please” she quickly said. Liam was taken back with the way Annabelle seems so worried about Ethan. He bought out a piece of paper and write the address for her.

Taking it from him, Annabelle took a glance at it. “Thank you” she said shocking Liam.. before leaving.

“Wow, she’s changed” Liam muttered.

“Hey, sorry I’m late” Selene said walking towards Liam with a tray of food. “Isn’t that Annabelle?” She asked.

Liam explained what just happened and Selene blinked. “Really?”

Annabelle followed what Ethan did when they sneaked out of school. It was easier for her since she do sneak into her enemy’s den before ki||ing them.

She jumped down from the fence and spot Scar waiting for her with a car. She had texted him before sneaking out.

“Here is the address” she said handing the piece of paper to him.

Scar stared at it for a while and start the car. They got there after 20 minutes. Scar grunt beside her.

“I will be back soon.. stay here” She said. Scar opened his palm to her. Knowing what he wants, she placed some money on his hand.

Annabelle got down from the car, her eyes settled on the huge building before her. A hospital. She walked in and wonder what to do next. There are so many people with no sign of Ethan.

She walked towards a lady on white.

“Ethan” she said. The nurse have her a question look.. mostly because of Annabelle’s aura.

“I’m here to see Ethan” She repeated.

“Oh.. uhm.. come with me” the lady said and lead her further. Annabelle face dropped when she spot Ethan’s mother. Of course she had seen her before. She felt nervous a little.

“This girl is asking for your son” The lady said to her.

Mrs Serena turn her gaze to Annabelle. She blinked severally.

“Who are you?” She asked.

“A friend from school” Annabelle replied.

Mrs Serena spot the school badge on her chest.

Ethan was busy staring at the ceiling. His mother left not too long ago and he felt lonely. He could guess how much he had missed today, he hadn’t seen Annabelle too. ‘How I wish she is here’ he thought to himself.

His ward door opened.

“Your friend is here to see you” He heard the nurse announced.

Ethan eyes remained close. His thought was Liam not untill he heard her voice.


His eyes flew opened and met with hers. She look worried.

“Belle” he sat up immediately on shock.

Annabelle breath became shaky as she stared at his face. “Who did this?” She asked lightly.

Ethan stood up and walk close to her. “It’s nothing” he said lightly.

“I wanna know who did this. Tell me what happened last night” she demanded.

“Did you sneak out of school? You shouldn’t have done that, what if you get caught?” Ethan asked worriedly.

“Don’t change the topic” she said.

Ethan inhaled sharply. “Fine. A guy came into the house after you left last night. We fought but luckily I called the police before going to check it out…”

Annabelle frowned. After she left. “Did he know me? Did he mention my name?” She asked. Something in her knows who it is.


Her fist clinched the more. Come to think of it, she didn’t see Ricky when she got to the clan last night.

“Where do you know someone like him? He look dangerous…”

Ethan didn’t finish his word as the Annabelle stormed out of the ward.

“Belle!!” He called after her but she was d@mn fast.

Mrs Serena blinked severally seeing the scene.

“What’s she doing?” He muttered.

Annabelle entered the car with a cold dangerous look. “To the clan scar.. drive fast” she demanded.

“Where were you last night?” Bianca asked Ricky as he smoked dangerously around a corner.

“Non of your business” Ricky replied curtly.

“Sigh… I came to your room” Bianca said.

“So?” Ricky raised his brow.

Bianca walked towards him and sat on his groin, her face inches from his.

“What are you doing?” Ricky asked blowing out some smoke on her face.

“I’ve missed you, when am I going to get laid by you?” She asked grinding her @zz on him.

“You’re my brother’s segz toy.. I don’t want any trouble. Annabelle knows about us already” Ricky said.

“She’s harmless and naive. She won’t tell as far you also hold her secret too” Bianca said.

“Harmless” Ricky muttered.

“Ricky!!!!!!” They both heard someone yelled from a distance.

“Isn’t that Annabelle’s voice?” Bianca frowned.

Ricky pushed Bianca away from himself and walked towards the place where the voice is coming from.

“Ricky!!” Annabelle yelled again. Her expression sent a chill down the onlookers spine. They have never seen her like this.

She heard some steps behind her and slowly turn. Her eyes flickered with something dangerous as the settled on Ricky, who still have a cigar dangling at one side of his lips.

He was a bit surprised with how cold she looked.

“You called?” He raised his brow.

Annabelle sped up to him like a lighten and threw a punch to him. Ricky barely dodge, she was d@mn fast. Her fist collide with that wall leaving a crack on it. Her hand bleed a little but she care less.

“Annabelle!!” Bianca yelled.

Turning back to him, Annabelle threw punches and kicks to him. Most of her hit get to him.

Ricky was almost losing it. He tried to stop her but only gave Annabelle the chance to grab his hand and break three of his finger.

“Arghh!” He lost it completely and throw a punch towards Annabelle’s stomach. Again she twisted his hand and and fling him down to the floor.

The trainees around was shocked by how fast and deadly she is. They had thought Ricky is the strongest of them all.. who would have thought a 16 years old girl will bring him down.

“Annabelle stop!!” Biance yelled and made to move close to her but stopped her track when Annabelle gave her a look. What could have made her this angry?

Ricky tried to get up but a kick land on his face and then she pulled out a gun

“Annabelle!!” Bianca yelled madly.

Five gunshots sounded!!

“f-__-k!!” Bianca exclaimed as she watch the scene unfold.

The place turn quiet. The only thing that could be heard was heavy breaths.

Ricky slowly opened his eyes and saw a gun pointed to his face. He turn his head only to realized the girl had shot five bullets on the ground close to his head on the same hole. He almost lost his life?!!!

Just then a cold, deadly warning came from Annabelle…

“Touch him again and that will be the last day you’ll spend on earth”





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