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HomeTHE NEW GIRLTHE NEW GIRL – Episode 17 & 18

THE NEW GIRL – Episode 17 & 18

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{..Melt me if you can..}

Chapter 17💕18

By 🌺Mayor🌺



‘why am I getting goosebumps’ Jennifer thought.

Ethan was still waiting for her to speak.

Taking a deep breath, Jennifer Open her mouth..


Jennifer swallowed as she let out a deep breath. “Annabelle is a good dancer” she finally said.

Ethan frowned hearing this. That was the least he had expected. “She is?” He asked, amusement lacing his tone.

Annabelle on the other hand face was calm. Part of her was a bit scared of Ethan getting to know who she really is and that was quite unusual.

“You didn’t tell me you can dance. Can you show me?” Ethan said to Annabelle.

Jennifer overheard Annabelle and Roman conversation that’s why she said dance instead.

“You’ll know when the time comes” Annabelle said.

“Why can’t I know it now?”

“Because it’s not time yet”


Annabelle shot him a glare and he went mute. Jennifer who was watching face dropped. When did they become this close?

“I have to go” Jennifer informed.

“I’ll see you around” Ethan said.

‘He prefer to be around Annabelle than me?’ she thought to herself before leaving.

“So since you can dance, you’re coming to the school party right?” Ethan asked. He had been meaning to ask her.

“What party?” She asked.

“Student party, we do it every term…

“I’m not going” she cut in.

“You didn’t even let me finish” Ethan rolled his eyes.

“Huh? Why would they say something like that. Mr Roman name should be perish.. after doing something like that to Nana?” Selene flared up.

“I know right.. sigh… This school is suspicious. I never thought Mrs Chancellor would say something like that. I guess I’m going to find out. Don’t just let anyone know about it yet” Jennifer said with determination.

“Okay.. by the way. Do you have a date for the party?” She asked.

“No, not yet” she muttered.

“You should ask Ethan, there are a lot of girls dying to ask him out but he keeps staying around Annabelle. Well I like her though” Selene said.

“You don’t know anything about her” Jennifer snapped at all of a sudden.

Selene turn confused “What’s with the glare. I said nothing wrong”

Jennifer sighed. “Nevermind”

“Okay class, this assignment will be done in pair. You’ll work hard with your partner and submit on Thursday unfailingly. I want it brief and we’ll detailed” The teacher said to the class. Her face was strict.

“Thursday? But the school party is on Friday, we’ll be busy preparing for it. Can’t we submit it next week?” Patricia asked and some other students nodded in agreement.

“Good, you can submit next week…

Their face lit up.

“.. and fail the course” the teacher added and their face dropped.

‘Ɓîtçh!’ Patricia cursed inwardly.

“Remember to follow every guidelines and proofread before submitting.. here we go…”

The teacher began to call their names pairing them together. Patricia and Daniel, Jennifer and Ethan, Liam and Selene.. and finally Annabelle and Bastian…

Wait what!

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Patricia breath out. Out of all the people she was paired with Daniel. That nerdy idiot!

“I feel like I’m dying” Liam muttered touching his chest.

“Yay!” Selene squealed. He grab Liam by the shoulder. “Fate tied us together”

“Get off me” Liam jerk himself away from him.

Jennifer smile lit up and she couldn’t hide how happy she was. Today is probably her lucky day, she was paired with Ethan?!

“I’m glad they paired us up” Jennifer tapped his shoulder but then her face dropped seeing the expression on Ethan’s face.

Annabelle was paired with Bastian.

“Mrs, I think there is a mistake. Bastian is a senior. How come he is doing the assignment with us?” Ethan asked.

“Oh, he failed this course and is given the chance to retake it. He haven’t been coming to this class because of some issues but he will join you guys soon” The teacher replied calmly.

“But why is he paired with Annabelle?” Ethan’s question surprised everyone in the class even Annabelle.

“Annabelle is new here and Bastian have experience on how the course works, even though he failed. So I think they are good together. Do you have any other problem young man?” she asked.

Ethan sink back on his chair and replied. “No Mrs”

“Good” The teacher said lightly.

“Can I change mine. I feel like I’m going to die of boredom” Patricia said.

“Quiet. If you have any issue with your partner then I guess you are ready to fail”

Patricia went mute. ‘Ɓîtçh!’ she cursed inwardly again.

Ethan’s face doesn’t look pleased. It’s okay if Annabelle isn’t paired with him, but being paired to his rival is what bothers him the most.

“I’ll look forward to work with you” Jennifer said breaking his thought.

“Sure” Ethan smiled and then shifted his gaze to Annabelle.

“I don’t feel good about my partner. She might ki|| me before Thursday” Daniel said nervously as he stare as Patricia. If look can ki||, then he’d probably be in the floor right now.

“How unlucky to have a low life span being as your partner. I hope she doesn’t influence you” Annabelle said.

“She actually have a good heart. She is just not herself” he shrugged.

“Who’s Bastian?” Annabelle asked.

“Bastian? You really don’t know who Bastian is?” Daniel seems surprised.

“Just answer the question” she said.

“He is quite popular in school. He is in the same team as Ethan, though he is a rude and self minded” Daniel replied.

“Oh really” Annabelle muttered.

“If anything happens between you two. Don’t hesitate to let the school know about it” Daniel said.

“Don’t worry, I know how I’ll handle him” She said sharply.

“How the f-__-k was a student kidnapped in my school and no one didn’t notice!!” Principal of the school yelled at the teachers standing before him. Hearing no reply, he roared. “Answer me!!!!”

The teacher shifted back in fear.

Mrs Georgia still find it hard to believe. She had known Roman for years. Who would have thought she has been working with a monster. Somehow she think this might be related to Ura.. because Roman was the one who announced that she left the country.

“You all should get out of my office… Now!!” He roared and they all made to leave. “Mrs Chance, stay”

Chancellor stayed back.

Watching the door close, the principal gave a cue to Chancellor to sit.

“I’ve spoken with Jennifer and she promised not to tell anyone” Mrs Chancellor said.

“And you think she is going to keep that promise? You think that is the right thing to do?.. scoff.. I can’t believe I had put my trust into someone like you” The principal said coldly.

“I’m sorry”

“What do you think we should do about it. Jennifer’s story doesn’t feel right” The principal said.

“Yes, I thought so too” Mrs Chancellor said.

“Keep an eye on her” The principal said.


“Wait what?! This creepy @zz girl is my partner?” Bastian snapped the teacher.

“Watch the way you speak Bastian or that will be suspension” The teacher scold.

“Working alone is more preferable than to work with this fool who is only self minded. Pulling out his heart will be quite enjoyable” Annabelle said with a clam face.

Bastian slowly turn his head to Annabelle. Pull out his heart. “You see what I’m talking about? Do you wish to see me die?” He asked. The experience he once had with Annabelle was unforgettable.

“You are both working together, that’s final.. or else you want to fail” The teacher said.

While getting prepared for practice, Bastian walked towards Ethan.

“Hey Ďïčk face” he called and Ethan turn to look at him. “Tell your girlfriend to stay away from me” he warned.

“She’s not my girlfriend, doughebag” Ethan replied. The fact that Annabelle is Bastian’s partner was still on his mind.

“You do talk to her even with how creepy she is, I thought I was going to pee on my pant while staying around her” Bastian said.

“Good for you then” Ethan said and made to walk pass him.

“But she cute though” Bastian said licking his lips.

Ethan stopped when he heard this and shot a glare at him before walking again.

An idea click on Bastian’s mind.



Ethan’s mom had just left. He walked into his room and found Annabelle sitting by the window with her leg crossed. Her gaze was focus on the book before her.

“You read dark novels.. that’s interesting” Annabelle spoke without looking up to him.

“Yeah I do. THE SILENCE OF THE LAMB that’s one of my favorites. I love the way the author put his word together” Ethan said walking towards her.

Annabelle also got down and walk towards him too.

“Got any chocolate?” She said with a pleading eyes.

“You should learn to say the word please…

“Please!” She cut in immediately. Ethan chuckled at her reaction.

“I’ll be right back” He said and left the room.

Annabelle’s gaze scan the tidy room after he left. Her eyes settled on a frame. It was young Ethan leaning on a man, his mother was also beside them and they were all smiling. she stared at it for an unknown measure of time.

Her mind wondered what it feels like to have a real family.

“What are you doing?” Ethan’s voice woke her up from her trance.

“Who’s this man?” Annabelle asked.

“My father” Ethan replied dropping three cups of chocolates on the table. Annabelle gave him a question look.

“I don’t want you to do the same thing you did that night. Drink two cups and I’ll drink one” He answered her unspoken question and her face lit up a little. He grab his chocolate drink and took a sip out of it.

“What am I learning today?” She asked taking hers too as they both sit.

“A few things let’s…

“Spider” Annabelle cut in.

Hearing the word spider Ethan’s eyes widened. “Where?” His eyes dart around in fear.

“On your shoulder” she replied.

Ethan gaze slowly move to his shoulder and there it was.. he saw the spider crawling.

“Ahhh!!!!” He screamed out his lungs and jumped out of his seat dusting his body in fear.

Annabelle blinked severally as he watch him dance in a funny way.

“Ahh.. is it gone?!” Ethan yelled again still dusting his body in a funny way. That is the creature he h@ťěs the most. He is arachnophobic (Fear of spider)
Just then, he heard a laugh and he stopped dancing.

Annabelle’s laughter booms through the room. Her eyes close, her full lips parted as those sounds he wished to hear came out.

She laughed?!!..

Ethan forgot about the spider and only stared at her. Her frown had been the only thing he sees and now her smile… she look so beautiful.

Realization hit Annabelle and her laughter died down. What was that? She look up and found Ethan staring blankly at her. Not like she had never laugh before.. she had, but none of them is nothing like this. Her laughter comes after her dangerous ki||ing but this was different.

“Wow” he muttered.

“W..what…was t..that?” She asked still confused.

“You just laugh and it was beautiful” he replied honestly and she kept her head low. “How does feel?” He asked walking close to her.

“Huh?” She said not getting his question.

“How did you feel when you laughed?” He asked.

Annabelle thought for a while before replying in a whisper. “I don’t know.. but I liked it”
She observe his face close, his height overcome hers. Even though it’s dark she could see her perfect his face is.

Ethan raised his hand slowly to her face. “Can I touch you?” He asked.

Before Annabelle could reply, a knock interrupt them. Their gaze went to the door at the same time.

“That’s probably my mom. I guess she forgot something” Ethan said.

“I’ll stay behind the curtain” Annabelle said and went towards the curtain.

Ethan took a deep breath before opening the door. His gaze land on Jennifer instead.

“Jennifer?” He utter with a frown.

“Hey” Jennifer greeted with a smile.

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“I’m here to talk about the assignment, we are partners remember?” She said.

“But we can do that in school, not in the middle of the night…”

“I want to talk to you about something too” She cut in. “Are you gonna let me in?” She asked.

“Sure” Ethan said and open the door further for her. Jennifer walked in and he exhale sharply.

“It’s been a while I’ve entered your room. Still tidy like it always is.. Are you still scared of spiders?” She asked.

Ethan sweep his hair backward with a cute smile. “Are you here to make fun of me?” He asked.

“I guess so, I could remember the day you almost fall off a building because of a spider. I’m glad I was there to hold you” She said.

“You’re never going to forget about that.. are you?” Ethan said and they both chuckled.

Jennifer had been his friend right from childhood.

“Woah.. three cups of chocolates, are all of these for you?” Jennifer asked walking towards the table.

Ethan gaze went to the curtain Annabelle was hiding and replied. “Yeah, I love drinking chocolate a lot.. don’t tell my mom. She’ll lost it” he said.

“Bribe me” Jennifer folded her arm and the sit on the bed.

“What do you want then?” He asked.

“Hm, I’ll tell you after the school party. I really do need to talk to you” She said and watch Ethan sat beside her.

“The assignment..”

“That’s not the reason why I’m here” Jennifer cut in.

“Oh” Ethan didn’t know what to say.

Annabelle look was blank as she watch them speak through the curtain fabric.

Jennifer slowly Lean down and rest her head on Ethan’s shoulder. Ethan froze not knowing what to do. He made to remove her head but her voice stopped her.

“Can I stay like this for a while?” Jennifer said closing her eyes slowly while inhaling his sweet scent.

Ethan made to remove her head again but…

“Please” She said almost as a whisper. His hand halt in the air and he retreat his hand, he stare at her. Maybe all she need is comfort and he doesn’t mind giving it to her.

Annabelle on the other hand, expression changed. A weird feeling coursed through her system.

What is this strange emotion?

One thing she know is… She definitely do not like this feeling.





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