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HomeTHE NEW GIRLTHE NEW GIRL - Episode 11 & 12

THE NEW GIRL – Episode 11 & 12

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{..Melt me if you can..}

Chapter 11💕12

By 🌺Mayor🌺





“Hey weirdo.. How many finger’s should I break.. Five or Ten?”

Ethan’s lips stayed parted and he blinked severally trying to process what he just heard. Just then, his lips curved up as he shove his both hands in his pocket.

“Break all ten” He smirked giving Bastian a snubby look.

“What!!!!” Bastian’s eyes widened like that of the moon. He felt Annabelle shift his hand. “Wait!! C’mon Ethan. You can’t do this to me.. please” He said.

“Did I hear you say something?” Ethan raised his brow.

“I said please. Fine I’m sorry for trying to hurt you just don’t let her break my fingers. C’mon we are on the same team. We are friends” Bastian sniffed once.

“Only fools will want to be your friend, fine.. let her break five then” Ethan said.

Annabelle made to break his hand and he scream again.

“Wait!!! Don’t please. I won’t bother you again I promise!” Bastian yelled.

Ethan thought for a while before speaking again. “Fine let him go”

“Are you sure? I thought I’ll enjoy the feeling of breaking some of his fingers but you ruin it. I shouldn’t have asked you” she said standing on her Feet.

Bastian distant himself from her after he was released and walked away in a hurry with his minions.

Ethan look down at Annabelle. “Thanks” he muttered.

“You’re not welcome” she said walking pass him.

“What took you so long?.. busy with some evil things?” He asked.

“Kinda” she replied and he chuckled.

Jennifer and others spot them from afar. Jennifer’s face dropped seeing Annabelle with Ethan. When did they get close? Ethan kept on smiling while talking to her.

“Who’s she?” Selene asked staring at Annabelle.

“She’s the new girl in school” Liam replied.

“Wow, she is all black and white” Selene muttered with her lips parted.

“Hey guys” Ethan greeted but none of them replied. They were all staring at the girl beside him. Jennifer clinched her fist beside her.

“You didn’t tell us you’re bringing someone” Liam said to Ethan.

“I didn’t get the chance to tell you. Let’s go in” He said.

“She is like a live Instagram black and White filter” Serene whispered to Liam.

“She called the whole class abnormal on her very first day at school” Liam said and she gasp.

“I like her already” Serene smiled and walked towards Annabelle.

“Hi I’m Selene, Liam’s girlfriend”

“She’s not!” Liam exclaimed.

“You’re were a bit late” Jennifer notice the bruise at one side if his lips. She outstretch her hand to touch it. “What happened?” She frowned.

“Oh, it’s nothing” Ethan said.

“What do you mean?”

“I fell that’s all” He lied.

Annabelle gave them a look.

While the movie was going Annabelle was so focus on the big screen before her. She have never seen something like this before.

Ethan saw her stun face and smile. She look like a kid visiting the modern world for the first time. This got him wondering where she came from.

“You promised to tell me about you remember?”

His question snap Annabelle out of her trance.

“I never promised you anything” She said.

“I guess I’m not teaching how to use a computer then” Ethan said throwing some popcorn into his mouth.

“Then get ready to lose your eyes” she said.

“Your thr_@ts are cute”

“Aren’t you scared?” She asked.

Ethan frowned not exceptimg such a question. “Why should I be?”

“People do distant themselves from me but you’re different. Are you really human?” She asked.

Ethan burst into laughter. He quickly covered his lips not to gain attention.

‘Weirdo’ Annabelle thought.

Behind them, Jennifer couldn’t focus on the movie. Her breath was unsteady.

Liam and Serene was busy chatting on their own.

A message popped on Liam’s phone and he frowned ready the message.

*Hey knight, I want you! Can you stop avoiding me? It really hurts*

This is definitely Mrs Charlotte’s message. Selene made to peek and he kept his phone back.

“What’s that?” She asked.

“Mind your business gangster” he said.

Selene stepped on his leg hard.


Ethan finally stop laughing, “That was pretty funny. I h@ťě seeing people doing this on their own. I believe everyone should have someone to talk to. I’m talking from experience” Ethan said. His expression changed to a sad one but disappeared instantly.

His father died not having someone to talk to. He tried bare his cross all by himself. They only got to know about his troubles after he was ki||ed.

Annabelle could only stare at him. “Your smile is fake” she said.

“Not all the time” he nodded. “I love your words Annabelle. You say wh@ťěver that is in your mind whether people likes it or not.. that’s why I wanna get close to you” he said before returning his gaze to the Television.

Annabelle sighed, but then got the the strange sense. Someone is watching her in the Cinema. It was the same person at the school. Her eyes scan around and spot a dark strange figure wearing a mask to cover his face. Noticing her gaze, the figure stood and made to leave the place

“I’ll be right back” She said standing on her feet to follow him.

“Annabelle” Ethan frowned and stood up on his feet to follow her too.

Roman look back and spot her following him. How did she know someone is watching her? She is sure good with her senses just like what he had heard.

He increase his pace and she did the same. He must’nt get caught! The next second he look back, she was no where to be found. Did he miss her? He turn to continue running but met with her instead.

“f-__-k!” He cursed under his breath.

“Are you spying on me? In school and now here?” She asked. Her voice having a slight danger in it.

He spray some gas all of a sudden and took a sharp turn around a dark corner.

The gas choked Annabelle a little since she was good with her breath. She entered the corner too but didn’t find him. Who could that be?

Ethan who was busy searching for Annabelle met with Roman. Their body collide as they were both focus on their different thoughts.

“Sorry” Roman said lightly and walked away in a hurry while Ethan stared at him. He found Annabelle after a while.


Jennifer got home that night looking a bit tired and upset. The smell of alcohol made her frown, she found her dad laying on the couch wasted with empty bottles around him. Her father became a drunkard after a tragic incident.

She got into Brilliant high through scholarship and work a part time job after school in order to survive.

“Dad” she muttered trying to fight back the tears thr_@tening to come out. She sniffed once and began to clean up the room.

She was done after some minutes. She made her dad lay on the couch and covered her with quilt.

Getting to her room, she collapse on her bed and bought out her phone. She clicked on Ethan’s photo and and stared at it. She loves doing this whenever she is down.

“What is wrong with me?” She muttered placing the picture on her chest and slept off like that.


Roman got home and let out a breath. “That was close” he muttered.

He head straight to his room, his lips curve up into a wicked smile as his gaze land on the naked girl tied to his bed.

“I had a bad day Nana but the moment I saw you, I feel good” Roman licked his lips as he walked towards her.

“Please let me go” she plead and began to cry.

“I’d rather ki|| you that you let you go baby” he said hovering over her. Her legs and arm was tied so she have no way of escaping.

His phone rang when he was about to pull down his trouser.

“$h|t” he muttered seeing the ID caller before answering it.

“What the hell is taking you so long. Where is the girl?!” A voice sounded through the phone.

“Sorry sir, something actually came up and I had to..”

“Don’t give me your little Excuses. Bring me two girls!” The voice cut in.

“Two?” Roman blinked severally.

“Yes two. Since you have a short slender one with you already. I want a tall one too. She should have an oval shaped head, thin lips and make sure she is beautiful”

Roman thought for a while. Someone click on his mind.


“I have one!” He said.

“Good, get it prepare by tomorrow evening”

Roman eyes widened. “Tomorrow? I can’t get it ready by tomorrow…”

“What do you mean? I’ve waited for a whole week. Do you want me to find another person suitable for the job?!”

“Wait! Wait! I’ll do it.. it will be ready tomorrow. I promise” He said quickly.

“Better” The phone call cut.

Roman sweep his hair backwards. How is he going to do this and get it ready by tomorrow? That is almost impossible for him.



“You are to join a club, it’s a must little miss” Mrs Tina said to Annabelle as the both walk through the hall.

“Why? I’m fine on my own” Annabelle replied.

“There is nothing like that here dear. I need you to mingle with people”

“I am.. I have this weird boy, a girl who stares at me all the time, a boy who does his things in a different way and finally a girl who dress like a boy” She replied, Mrs Tina smiled.

“You don’t even know their names” Mrs Tina said.

Annabelle frowned. Is it a must to know their names? It took her months before she could finally know Bianca’s name.

“Ah, the weird boy’s name is Ethan” She said after thinking for a while.

“Hm, what of others”

“We didn’t talk much”

“You still need to join a club Annabelle, what do you like to do the most?” She asked.

“ki||ing” Annabelle replied.

Mrs Tina blinked severally at her reply and then laughed lightly. What a joke.

“Annabelle!” Ethan called from a distance.

“I have to go, I’ll think about joining a club but I don’t think they’ll be any one that suits my personality” Annabelle said.

“You’ll find one. I guarantee it” Mrs Tina said with a smile and watch her leave.

Annabelle stared at the brown rectangular thing in her hand.

Ethan smiled a little. “It’s chocolate. Have you ever had one before?” He asked.

“No, and I don’t want to” she said stretching her hand to give him back.

“C’mon try it, it’s really good. Trust me” he said.

“I don’t trust anyone, not even myself” She replied.

“You always have answers to every words don’t you?” Ethan shook his head. “Please try it”

Annabelle gaze went back to the chocolate. She slide her tongue in the edge first to know if this is good or not. The strange sweet taste made her blinked. She draw it back to her mouth and take a bite.

This weirdo is right. It actually taste good.

“I h@ťě to admit it but this is good” she said without a smile on her face. She is like a robot.

He watch her eat every to the last piece. She return her gaze to him and stretch her hand.

Ethan raised his brow.

“I want more” she demanded.



Patricia walked into the room with her head held high. Barbara was walking behind her with some other minions.

Spotting Jennifer, she scoffed.

“What a smell” Patricia said touching her nose.

Jennifer frowned looking up at her.

“Oh right, I forgot that there’s a rat among us” She said.

“No I think your Pů$$¥ is the one giving that smell” Jennifer commented.

“Whoa!” Others lips dropped.

“What did you just say?” Patricia snapped.

“What did you just hear?” Jennifer asked her back.

“Ɓîtçh!” Patricia yelled.

The door opened and Roman walked in. They all stand on their feet and stood alert.

“We have our show coming up next week and this is the best you can do? Aren’t you supposed to be practicing?” Roman asked the girls.

“We are sorry sir” they all chorused and went their various positions.

Roman gaze went to Jennifer. “Jennifer!”

Jennifer run towards him and bow a little.

“I heard you are slacking off these days. Is this how a leader should be?” Roman asked.

“Leader?” Jennifer asked with a frown.

“Yeah that’s right, i’m making you the leader of the group” Roman said. This should work on luring her.

“But.. I..”

“You don’t want it.. this has always been your dream.. that’s what you told me. Remember?” He asked.

“Yeah” Jennifer said lightly still not getting why she is been chosen as the leader. It was unexpected.

“I’ll annouce it tomorrow, but I need you to do me a favour first.. I’ll let you know once the dance practice is over” he said.

“Yes sir, thank you” she said and went back to meet the others.

Mrs Georgia walked in with a smile.

“Hello guys, I’m delighted to announce that we have a new member” She said with a smile.

Their attention was turn to her instantly.

“New member?” Roman frowned.

“Yes, she met me at the hall saying she wants to join the club” Georgia squealed lightly.

A new member…

It’s been long we have a new member, this is great…

I wonder who she is…

“Who is it?” He asked curiousily.

“Come in sweetie!!” Georgia exclaimed and the door opened revealing a figure.

Wait what…

Roman face turn paled. What the heck?! What is she doing here?

Annabelle stopped before the set of students staring at her with shock. Her gaze move to Roman. His expression tells it all.

“Tssk! Is this a joke or something. This freak can’t dance” Patricia said.

“She told me she is a good dancer we should give her a chance” Georgia shrugged.

Jennifer also scoffed, what is she doing?

Roman tried to get to know her move but her expression was hard to read. His hand were sweaty already.

“Let her dance, then I’ll know if I should let her in or not” Roman finally said.

That voice! She was right after all..

Annabelle slowly walk towards the middle of the room. Her vibe giving off a strange but dangerous vibe.

She grab a gum in her pocket and threw it into her mouth in secret.

“Start the music!” Roman said as they both stared at each other. He is waiting to know what she is up to. There’s no way Annabelle will be here without a reason.

Just then, a sweet slow music rented the whole room and the light turn off….

Well this is her way of dancing..





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