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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NANNY’S AFFAIRS – Episode 7 & 8

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♡´・ᴗ・`I WILL BREAK YOU・ᴗ・`♡

“I’m doomed…”

Hayes started walking to the spot they were. Tessa’s legs were shivering as they couldn’t move from that spot. Liam and Nathan’s eyes were still wide open.

“S-sir” She stuttered when he finally got to her. He was looking at her straight in the eye with furry.

“What have you just done?!” He yelled angrily and the boys almost flinched. They have seen their dad this angry before.

“Sir, she… She just barge in here and… and I told her she… Shouldn’t have entered that way then… then she slapped me… and I couldn’t bear it so I returned it back” She stammered, nervously.

“She just slapped my girlfriend!” He yelled again and Tessa closed her eyes in fear.

Emery slowly groan, regaining consciousness. Her eyes flew open and she quickly stood up.

“Hayes baby!” She pouted, rushing to wrap her hands on his neck.

“You better thank your gawd that she’s awake or else who knows what I might have done to you” He continued glaring at her and Tessa swallowed.

“Boys, back to your room!” Hayes half yelled, his eyes still on Tessa’s.

“Yes dad” They chorused, rushing upstairs.

“Who the hell is she babes? I want you to fire her! She’s rude! Can you believe I came in here looking for you and she spoke to me harshly! She even insulted me!” Emery complained, faking her tears and Tessa gasped, trying to speak.

“Don’t!” He shot at her.

He turned to Emery and started wiping off her tears.

“Let’s go inside” He said and she nodded, entangling their hands together as they walked upstairs.

Tessa bit her lips hard as she stared at their entangled hands and that got her more angry.

“Why the f_ck am I even working with this guy?!” She thought, feeling angry.

Suddenly, her phone started ringing from her pocket and she brought it out, checking the caller ID.

“Hello Natalie” She spoke.

“Tessa…” Natalie trailed off.


“It’s your brother. Kingsley is back from college” She announced and Tessa’s eyes widened as her phone slipped out of her hands, landing on the floor as it finally broke.




“I’m never gonna ride that rollercoaster ever again” Liam lamented, holding his tummy tight.

Tessa and Nathan looked at themselves and started laughing. It’s actually Saturday and Hayes told her to take them out for fun.

“You’re all cold and yet you’re a Mama’s boy” Tessa teased and Liam hissed.

“C’mon Nanny, let’s go for another ride. That was fun” Nathan giggled and Tessa smiled at him.

“What? Are you two gonna leave me here?” Liam asked.

“You don’t wanna ride” Nathan shrugged.

“Of course I would, let’s go back” Liam forced a smile that only he knows he was lying.

Tessa booked another ride when it got to their turn again and they tightened their seat belts.

“Hold unto me tight” She half yelled. Nathan grabbed her left hand while Liam grabbed her other hand tightly.

“Whooo!!!!” Came Nathan’s screams as the rollercoaster went wild as f_ck. The cool breeze fanning them.

“Mummy!!!! Tessa I’m gonna vomit!!!” Liam cried out, looking at Tessa. Tessa stared at him in shock. “Did he just call me by my name?”

“Hey kid! I’m your senior got it? At least add Nanny to my name” She scoffed.

“Nanny Tessa!!!!” He screamed again, holding her so tight. The ride was going so fast and wild that he felt his eyes turning on its own.

“Yippee!!!!!!!!” Nathan shouted, giggling happily and Tessa kept smiling.

Soon, the ride was over and they were sent to come down for the next people. Liam got down first hurriedly, he went far a little and threw up on the ground, feeling tipsy.

“Liam! Liam!” Tessa rushed to him together with Nathan.

“That ride is so wild” He lamented, cleaning his stained lips and Tessa exhaled.

“We won’t ride it again then” She said and he looked at her. For the first time, a cute smile crept up on his lips and she felt her soul melting.

“Are you this cute?” She muttered, dreamingly.

“Uh? What did you say?” He glared at her and Tessa laughed nervously.

“C’mon, let’s go get some ice cream before you both start flirting in my presence” Nathan rolled his eyes, walking away jealously.

“Flirt? I can’t flirt with her! Hold on, Nathan! Nathaniel!” Liam rushed after him.

“These kids” Tessa shook her head, laughing as she followed them.


“Nobody told me vanilla ice cream was this sweet” Nathan said as he licked from his cone.

“Why? Don’t you take vanilla?” Tessa asked, curiously.

“Not that, it’s just dad doesn’t have time to take us out like this just like how you’re doing right now” He replied.

“Yunno, dad’s girlfriend was rude last night” Liam cut in.

“Yes, and I h@ťě her. I don’t want her to get married to dad” Nathan said, folding his hands.

“C’mon now, don’t say something like that. It isn’t good gossiping about others, especially those that are older than you. That’s harsh” Tessa cut them off.

“But, she was rude to you too” Liam gruffed.

“Still, she is older than you so don’t say something like that” She smiled at them.

“Okay, NANNY!” They said, rolling their eyes at once and Tessa almost laughed out.



“Hey guys!”

“It’s your girl Emery!”

“So, you-all know I’m gonna be getting engaged to Hayes in few days time and I’m finally gonna be getting married” Emery kept blushing as she made a video of herself on TikTok.

“I’m dreaming right? someone pass me some tissues” She cried, feeling emotional and then she laughed out.

“Oops! I wasn’t dreaming” She chuckled.

“Whoops! Gonna go fans, bye! Catch you later!” She smiled, waving at her screen before dropping her phone.

She stood up and left the room, yearning for some food.

“Where’s that stupid Nanny?” She muttered, going to the kitchen, but she couldn’t find her. The house was silent, leaving her to her fate. She opened the fridge to see raw foodstuffs and it has to be prepared before eaten.

“Oh $h|t! How do I even prepare this? I can even cook” She groaned, touching the cooking knife.

She brought out an onion and made to start slicing but then, she missed the spot and it cut her fingers.

“Ouch!!! mommy!!!” She cried out, rushing out of the kitchen as blood flowed out of that spot.

“My fingers!! My golden fingers!!!”




Tessa rushed straight to her place after dropping the boys at the mansion only to meet her brother.

He was so tall than her but, though she was the oldest. He was looking so hot with those cute fly jet hair and hazek eyes.

Just like Tessa, he was handsome.

“You came back from college? Why?!” She half yelled and that’s when he saw her. He stood under from the couch and walked to her. He made to touch her but, she gave him a hard slap.

“Your mates are graduating so what the hell did you come back here to do?! Di you how I hard I’ve been surviving to pay your tuition fees for 100 level?!” She shouted, angrily.

“I… I just think I should help you sis. I feel indebted to you for all you’ve been doing for me and I feel useless” He sniffed, looking so sad. Tessa stared at him until she didn’t know when tears slipped out of her eyes.

“Come here” She chuckled, hugging him tightly and he reciprocated.

“I wanna stop school and help you” He blurted.

“No d@mn way! We’re the only ones left in this world since mom and dad died and I promised to give you a good life so you’re never gonna quit schooling” She replied, pulling out of the hug.

The squeak from the door made them turn and Natalie came in with Kelly in her hands. Kingsley immediately cleaned his tears.

“He wanna quit schooling Natalie” Tessa squinted.

“Don’t even try to do that Kings.. you’re almost done with college and you’ll start working. Do you want all our hard work to go for nothing?” Natalie sighed softly.

“I’m not gonna stop so you both should stop acting like I’m a kid” He chuckled and they laughed.

“We miss you!!!”



Tessa arrived at the mansion. She knew she was late and she didn’t feed the kids dinner. She tiptoed inside, the house looking silent as a graveyard.

“Finally! They all slepy!” She exhaled, touching her chest. She walked to the fridge and brought out a gjar of water before turning some into a glass. She started drinking from it.

“Where are you coming from miss Tessa?”

Tessa’s mouth opened as water splashed out of her mouth. She f-__-king recognized that voice. She swiftly turned back and her eyes widened when she felt Hayes Flynn so close to her.

He was wearing an unknown expression on his face that couldn’t detect if he’s cold or not.

“Um… Sir…” She stuttered, taking steps backwards in slow-mo and Hayes followed.

“Sir, you’re too close”She muttered, maintaining eye contact with him.

“I asked you a question miss Tessa, where are you coming from?” He demanded to know and Tessa’s breath hiked.

He was so close to her that she could feel his mint breath fanning her face. She kept moving backwards till her back collided with the cold walls and he smirked, entrapping her there.

“Sir… Why are you not asleep yet?”

“And I asked where are you coming from? To meet your boyfriend?” He whispered, his eyes twitching to her lips and back to her eyes.

“Boyfriend? I don’t… have one” She stuttered, voice shakily.

“Of course, you’re too ugly to even have one” He smirked and she scoffed inwardly.

“I’m 100% more beautiful than your girlfriend” She mumbled.

“You aren’t” He blurted like he was reading her mind and she gasped.

“Sir, I acknowledge the fact that you’re my boss but that doesn’t give you the right to insult me” She drawed.

“Since when did ugly become an insult? I was just complimenting you” He smirked, stepping away from her and she breathed out in relief. “Finally!”

“Well, thanks for the compliment” She said and started walking away.

With anger, she started walking not minding her steps. Hayes smirked from where he was watching her. Her legs landed on the water she splashed out from her mouth earlier.

“Ahhh!!!!” Like that, she started falling down in slow mo.

Hayes folded his arms attentively as he watched her fall on her butt, the water staining her clothes.

“Ohhh!!!” She muttered, devastatingly and He giggled. She faced him when she heard his giggles and she frowned.

He also stopped giggled when he saw her glaring at him and he frowned.

“I will break you” He mouthed at her and started going back upstairs.

“Just you wait and see too Mr Hayes Flynn” She muttered angrily and stood back up.

T B C 🔥

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