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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE NANNY’S AFFAIRS – Episode 15 & 16

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“Of course, daddy’s wifey” Liam grinned, winking at her and Tessa gasped this time.


Tessa was about to start chasing the boys when the loud cries of Emery filled the living room. She was actually coming downstairs with her few luggages.

Tessa had a sad look on her face but she didn’t dare express it.

“Tessa Thompson” Emery gritted her teeth with so much hatred when she got to Tessa. Liam and Nathan looked at themselves and back at the both of them.

“Just make sure the next time we meet you’d be able to defeat me or else I’ll be the one to end your life on this Earth. You don’t mess with Emery Brown and go scot free especially in public” She shook her head, glaring hard at Tessa before starting to walk out of the mansion.

Tessa stood there with great thoughts running through her mind. She won’t lie that she was scared of what she just said to her. Her mind drifted back to Hayes and she rushed upstairs to his room.

“Sir” She knocked on the door.

“Come in or get out” Hayes fired angrily and She slowly came inside. Hayes was pacing to and fro with an angry look on his face.

“Are you okay sir?” She asked and he faced her.

“How did you know she was here for my wealth?” He asked instead and Tessa swallowed.


“Fúcking speak up!”

“Xavier did… He told me everything” She replied with shaky voice and Hayes banged the dressing table angrily.

“Get out of room!”

“Sir, I’m…”

“Get the fúck out of my room!” He shouted and Tessa hastily ran out with tears in her eyes.

She met the boys on the staircase. They were about coming in too.

“Nanny Tin Can, are you crying? Did dad hurt you again?” Liam asked and Tessa cried harder.

“Why the tears? What’s wrong Nanny? Tell us and we can fight daddy for you” Nathan also said and Tessa almost laughed at their cute silly talks.

“I’m fine dearies” She forced a smile, and made to walk away when Liam held her hand from the back and Tessa turned to him.

“You are not okay” He said, and Tessa smiled again.

“It’s alright, trust me” She replied and walked away immediately.

“Can’t we go eat the cake already Liam? I love cakes and I’m already hungry for one” Nathan complained.

“No! Let’s wait till dad comes downstairs” Liam shrugged and walked back to the living room.



“Why isn’t he picking up my calls?!” Tessa groaned, smacking her forehead in annoyance. She’s been trying Xavier’s line but he wasn’t picking up.

She tried again for the fourth time and someone picked it up suddenly.

“Xavier, it’s…”

“Who the fúck are you?! His girlfriend? His slut?!” A voice shouted from the phone, and Tessa had to distance her ear from it cus of her rants.

“I just want to speak with Xavier, take a chill pill dear”

“Xavier? Incase you don’t know Ɓîtçh of a thing, Xavier’s my boyfriend so stay the f-__-k away if you know what’s good for you!” Ariel shouted and quickly hung up on her.

“What the eff is wrong with her??” Tessa wondered.


Xavier just came in with piles of junk foods in his hands when he met Ariel on the phone ranting at someone.

“Hey! Hey!” He exclaimed immediately she hanged up. She turned to him and angrily threw his phone back to him which he caught quickly.

“One of your sluts huh? That Ɓîtçh said she wanted to speak to you! Tell me something Xavier, are you cheating on me?!” Ariel yelled and Xavier swallowed hard.

He unlocked his phone to see five calls that he missed from Tessa.

“It’s nothing like that, Ariel I….”

“Don’t f-__-king touch me!” She shouted when he made to go closer to her.

“Enough of those superstitious running through your head Ariel! Tessa is just my friend!” He yelled back, getting frustrated.

“Oh Tessa? Tessa right?” She chuckled and got a hold of her handbag.

“Let her beware tho” She smirked at him before walking out of his apartment.

Xavier sat back on the couch, diving his fingers into his hair as he ruffled it.

“Dang it!”


Both Liam and Nathan waited eagerly as Tessa brought out the cake from the kitchen. She returned it to the dining room where Hayes was working on his phone.

Liam and Nathan looked at themselves and made silent giggles mischievously.


Liam called and Hayes looked up from his phone. His eyes fell on Tessa who kept smiling creepily at him and back to his boys.

“Since it’s your cake, why don’t you start with cutting it first?” Nathan said and Hayes nodded.

Tessa handed him the small knife.

He dived the knife into the cake, and when he made to cut it, it blasted on his face and body, giving him a clown look and the boys erupted in a laughter.

“Hahaha!!! Daddy is… Gosh!!!” Liam rolled on the floor with laughter and Tessa couldn’t hold back hers too, she started laughing with them.

Hays gritted his teeth angrily when he understood what just happened. They played a prank. On him!

“Stop it!!!” He banged the table angrily and they stopped laughing immediately. Nathan was already the first to start shivering in fear. He always h@ťěs it when he steps on Hayes’s toes.

He shifted backwards away from the dining, dusting his body with an angry look.

“What the heck was that?! You both stained my outfits?! Both of you, you’re grounded for a week!” He yelled and Nathan finally broke into the tears he has been hiding.

Tessa gasped surprisingly.

“Daddy please don’t ground us, it was all Liam’s doings… I told him to stop but he…”

“Me! How’s it my fault? You were the one who said we should stop that party!” Liam lied.

“That’s a lie Liam!”

“It’s the harsh truth Nathan!”

Tessa and Hayes watched them as they kept arguing, pointing fingers at each other and Hayes couldn’t hold himself again.

“The both of you, upstairs to your rooms!” He half yelled and Nathan rushed upstairs in tears and Liam followed next.

Tessa wanted to go after them too, but Hayes grabbed her left arm from behind and that made her halted.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“Sir… The boys are…” She couldn’t find her words.

“You’re coming with me to get some groceries” He cuts her off and Tessa blinked dumbly at him.

“I’m sorry, please come again”

“I don’t repeat myself twice, wait here while I go change into something else” He replied and walked away from her.

Tessa touched her reddened cheeks and she blushed heavily.

“Why the fúck am I blushing?! He’s an arrogant jerk Tessa and he’s also your boss” She muttered to herself, sighing heavily.

The dream she dreamt the other day started running into her mind and it filled with dirty thoughts.

“Stop thinking of the impossible Tessa!” She groaned.

Soon, Hayes came back downstairs dressed in casual clothes. He styled his hair different since some of the parts of the cake got into him, so he freshened up.

“Let’s go” He interrupted Tessa from her thoughts. Tessa’s eyes widened and her mouth refused to close as she watched him leave the mansion.

“Gosh Tessa, he’s leaving without you!” She smacked her head and went after him.

Tessa stood there and watched him enter into the driver’s seat… He ignited the car and sounded a horn signalling her to come in but Tessa kept standing, imagining him to go open the other side of the car for her to enter like her dream guy.

Hayes scoffed and got down from his car, staring at her.

“Stop drooling Tess and f-__-king get your butts over here!” He shouted and Tessa got back herself instantly.

“Oh, my bad! Sorry sir” She quickly apologized and went in together with her.

He tightened his seatbelt and turned to see her still seating like someone in deep thoughts. He smirked creepily and leaned forward to help her with her seatbelt, but then Tessa gasped in shock, thinking he was leaning in for a kiss.

“S-sir, w-what are y-you doing?” She stammered, voice shaky. Hayes didn’t reply until he finished arranging the seatbelt on her.

“What were you thinking? That I would kiss you?” He whispered into her and Tessa felt shivers past through her spine that moment.

“It’s nothing as such sir” She muttered under her breath and he snickered.

“Well, what if I was gonna?” He whispered again and this time, Tessa tightened her legs together to avoid wetness from propping out of her in-between.

“Was this guy trying to seduce her or talk dirty words to her?!” Her inner mind spoke.

“S-sir, you’re leaning too close” She shrieked.

Hayes slowly leaned back to his seat, playing a silly and dirty smirk on his face.

“I just beat you to second round… Don’t fall for me Tessa Thompson” He winked at her and Tessa gulped nothing as he drove out of the mansion.

No doubt, she’s falling already.



Hayes refused to stop throwing different stuffs into the shopping basket Tessa was carrying. He was purposely doing that to make her lift the heavy weight.

“Sir, I think that’s enough. We’ve got too much in here” She complained and he chuckled silently..

“Are you tired already?” He rolled his eyes at her and Tessa scoffed.

“No sir, I’m just saying…”

“Do you need tampons?” He cuts in and Tessa stared wide at him.

“Learn how to close your mouth miss Tessa Thompson or else mosquito might get into you one day” He said again and in embarrassment, Tessa closed her mouth.

“I ask you again, do you need tampons?” He asked shamelessly again and Tessa’s jaw dropped again. She turned around stylishly to see if anyone was listening to their Convo.

“How do you know that Sir?” She whispered, trying to avoid his gaze.

“I saw you the other day in your room” He shrugged and Tessa eyes landed back on him with blazing fire.

“Were you spying on me Sir? Like, you’ve seen me naked?!”

“What?! Eew! No freaking d@mn way… I was just passing through your room from the lobby when I saw you groaning and grunting about your menses” He replied.

“Or do you think I don’t know what menses are all about? I went to college remember” He scoffed and grabbed few tampons from the store inserting it into basket before walking away. Tessa’s eyes couldn’t stop following his figure.

“This guy is really something else” Her inner mind spoke again.

They both got to the cashier desk and paid all what they bought, and they were giving a receipt as they resumed walking out of the supermarket.

“Do you wanna get some new clothes?” He asked her and Tessa couldn’t believe her ears again.

“Uh?” She stared dumbly and Hayes groaned.

“Since when did you become dumb miss Tessa Thompson? Let’s go get your new clothes cus it’s dumb asking you questions anyway” He gruffed and started walking to the car.

“d@mn, is this Hayes Flynn attitude towards me today?” She muttered as she ran after him.


Tessa kept changing into new clothes feeling unsatisfied with the ones she has been seeing. Hayes was also helping her check for classic ones.

“Oh c’mon, don’t you guys have better ones in this store?” Tessa groaned and the attendant went to meet her.

“There are beautiful ones here, I’ll help you look for some too” The lady answered and went in search for it.

Tessa’s eyes caught an eye catching black dress, and she made to pick it when a hand grabbed it before her. She turned and saw a handsome tall looking fair young guy, wearing a hoodie with his headphone on.

His emerald eyes fell on hers and they kept staring at themselves like eternity.

“Hey, I was about picking that dress!” She exclaimed.

“You mean this? Sorry, but I picked it before you did. Buying it for my girlfriend” The guy replied, throwing a naughty wink at her. She immediately understood that he was trying to flirt with her.

“f-__-king give me my dress” She glared at him and he slowly gave to her back.

“Oh chillax… Just spotted you from afar and decided to chitchat with you. Mind if I get your number pretty?” The guy asked, battling his lashes cutely at her and Tessa melted away.

She brought out her phone to give out her number when the sounds of hangers echoed in the store and all the customers in there turn to the direction.

Tessa’s eyes bulged wide when she saw Hayes standing there, he was glaring so hard and throwing daggers at the guy Tessa was with. Her eyes moved to his hand to see him with a torn dress. He actually tore all the dresses in one line.


“Did you know that punching is another method of greeting new people nowadays?” He muttered jealously, $h00ting morning stars at the tall guy.

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