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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 7 & 8

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CHAPTER 7️⃣&8️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.

“Samara” Master Duran finally said, and Samara

“Sam!” Ruthie quickly knelt beside her, raising
up her head.

“Sam stop joking” she said, and Samara’s eyes
opened slowly.

“Seriously? Does this look like a joke? It’s a
suicide mission and it’d be better if they just ki||
me!” She shouted and stood, but Master Duran
left already, and she inhaled.

“This institute is not for me, but whenever I think
about leaving, then Superior Aragon’s face
comes to my head” she said, and that was when
she noticed the disciples surrounding her.

“Hi, I’m Peony” Peony waved.

“Purple hair? You’re a witch too!” Samara said

“Yes, we could be triplets” Ruthie replied.

“Raven, nice to meet you” Raven smiled.

“Krishna” Krishna said, and Cat jumped out of
his pocket.

“So cute!” Ruthie gushed in admiration for the
black cat.

Ceres and Agatha walked away at the same
time, not bothering to introduce themselves.

“Well the shortest one is Ceres, and the second
one is princess Agatha of kingdom Sullivan”
Ruthie said.

“Royals are allowed in here too? Whoa! I guess
it’s not as bad as I’ve been thinking, I’m
starving!” Samara held her tummy.

“We should go eat before showering for real”
Ruthie replied, pulling her away from the

Peony followed them, and Raven smiled.

“I guess things will get interesting this night in
the woods”

“Why did you say that?” Krishna faced him.

“Heard the first test is always cumbersome”
Raven replied.

“We have Superior Aragon” Krishna frowned.

“He’d only guide us till the entrance, not protect
us. We’re to protect ourselves from the danger,
that’s the main test” Raven replied.

“I don’t even wanna think about it” Krishna said.

“Wh@ťěver” Raven replied as they left the
assembly together.

“Who’d be the first to come out of the woods?”
Echo asked Merlin.

“If it’s me, you’d sleep on a wet bed tonight. I’d
be the one to pour the water” Merlin said.

“If it’s me, I’m eating your dinner tonight” Echo
replied, and they stuck hands.




Orion sat alone on the steps, staring into space
like he has been doing for over one hour now

He’s neither blinking nor moving. He’s like a
statue as he sat still, looking like a ghost.

He didn’t blink till he saw Aragon coming from a
distance, and he stood from where he sat.

He made to teleport, but Aragon super sped to
him, holding his right shoulder.

“You’re to lead the whitehead to the test
entrance this evening” he said, and Orion glared
before shaking him off.

“I don’t want to, why would I be in charge of her?
I might just ki|| her” he said bitterly.

“If you’re guilty about Astrid’s death, then take
responsibility for it instead of finding who to
blame, she’s not the ki||er” Aragon’s eyes
sparkled in blue.

“You’ve been blaming me for years about his
death, when the f-__-k will you stop! You were
there too that day! We ran to the woods together
but he was already dead!” Orion shouted.

“If only you followed him!!!!” Aragon yelled, and
his blue eyes becoming deeper.

“If only you followed him that evening. You
knew he was human, and it’s dangerous in the
woods for just him, you ki||ed him!” He

“Stop saying that! I h@ťě hearing that the most!
My only fault was not following him cos I was
reading! I didn’t ki|| him and it wasn’t my fault
that he was born as a human!” Orion yelled.

“You didn’t ki|| him? Then why did his blood
curse you? Why did a demon rise from his blood
to curse you with loneliness that evening? The
demon has been following you around and
that’s why no human can even survive colliding
into you and anyone who forms a relationship
with you will die!” Aragon shouted.

Orion hardened his jaws and started climbing
down the pavilion, but Aragon ran to block him.

“You’re leading the whitehead, it’s an order from
the master” he said.

“Stop talking about her!!!!!!!!!!!” Orion yelled, and
the redness of his eyes boomed at once, then a
loud thunder clapped in the sky.

A sudden rain began falling as a result, and
Orion smiled wickedly.

“Don’t test my patience, Aragon” he muttered
before walking down the steps.

He stepped into the rain, but the rain wasn’t
even touching him as he walked in it till he went
out of sight.

Aragon’s eyes returned to normal, and he
heaved calmly.



Melody hall is Chief Feathers hall, surrounded
by tall trees, and on the tall trees, there are
thousands of birds singing, so it’s always noisy.

Master Duran came in and met her with Chief
Water already, and he took his seat before

“Why did you put the whitehead under Orion
even after knowing the harm he’d cause her?”
Water asked.

“Orion will never agree to lead her” Master Duran
replied calmly.

“Then… she’s going alone?” Chief Feathers said,
sending the bird on her shoulder away to join
the others on the trees outside.

“Yes” Master Duran replied.

“That’s dangerous, Delos woods aren’t easy.
There are vampires, zombies, wolves and other
dangerous animals, even beasts” Chief Water

“She’s a witch, remember” Master Duran replied.

“That doesn’t count. Her powers aren’t even
active outside the bathroom like you explained”
Chief Feathers replied.

“That’s why something dangerous is needed to
trigger it, and about why Orion is her personal
superior, it’d be found out in the future” Master
Duran replied and stood.

“I’ll see you both after the test” he said and
walked out of the hall.

“Duran’s aloofness and Orion’s aloofness, which
is worse at this rate?” Chief Water said,
grabbing a beaded fan to start fanning himself.

“Orion was a normal boy before Astrid’s death,
but Duran…his aloofness began right from birth”
Chief Feathers replied.

“I’ll see you tonight too” Chief Feathers nodded,
walking out.

Feathers walked to the door, sighing as she took
a long look at the singing birds.

“It’s been a while since the dark forces showed
up, what are they planning?” She said.



The three witches came out of the cafeteria
after Samara and Ruthie had their fills, and
Samara burped slightly.

“Sorry babies, sorry” she said sillily as they
walked the hallway to their villa.

“I’m glad I met you guys. I was always alone
before you guys came” Peony said.

“But there were others in here” Ruthie said.

“Krishna and Raven are always together. Echo
and Merlin have each other too. Ceres is bitter,
and Agatha is a proud peaÇ0çƙ who doesn’t
associate, so it was like that” Peony replied,
stroking her own purple hair.

“What about the superiors? Aragon and Onion”
Samara said.

“It’s Orion. He might be hearing you, he has
sharp ears” Peony laughed.

“As if I care” Samara replied, and Ruthie laughed
with Peony this time.

“How are you gonna manage it though? He’s
your personal superior” Peony said.

“It’s cool, maybe I’ll get the chance to stab him
too” Samara replied, and immediately they
entered the villa, they met Agatha and Ceres
fighting again, and the disciples surrounded

“Oh my goodness!” Samara and Ruthie
chorused when Agatha drew Ceres magnetically
to herself and grabbed her neck, throwing her to
the corridor floor violently.

Ceres bled from her wounded arm as she stood,
and with her eyes, she directed the flowerpot on
the rails to Agatha.

A little before it’d hit Agatha on the head, Raven
got into their middle and grabbed the pot,
throwing it away.

“You both have to stop, please!” He said.

“You just love sufferings, right?” Krishna
muttered from his spot with a smile which
shows he’s enjoying what’s going on.

“And who said you could intervene!” Agatha
shouted at Raven.

“I just blocked your head from getting broken!”
Raven replied, and Agatha sent a blinding slap
to his face.

Raven’s cheek swelled immediately, and her five
five fingers appeared on the cheek.

“How dare you slap my brother!” Ceres pushed
Raven out of the way and ran to Agatha again.

Another hot fight started, and Samara jumped
up, jamming her hands together as she laughed.

“Wait Peony, this is what you guys have been
enjoying in this institute? Gawd! Finally found
something sweet than Cardi and Megan’s
songs! I’m dying here!” She said funnily and
stuck hands with Ruthie.

“They should break each other’s head already,
some blood” Ruthie laughed too.

“What’s the cause of the fight this time?” Peony
asked Echo.

“Agatha bumped into Ceres mistakingly” Echo

“It’s always something meaningless” Merlin
shook his head.

“Wait, it always happens?” Samara asked.

“At least, two times a day” Peony replied.

“Yes!!!” Samara and Ruthie stuck hands again.

Ceres wounded Agatha on the cheek, and
Agatha angrily sped to Raven who’s just healing
from the slap

She punched his chest this time, and Raven
passed out as a result.

“Agatha!!!” Ceres yelled and was about to attack
her when Krishna stepped in.

A single slap from him made Agatha bleed from
the ear and mouth as she staggered back.

“Toying with my friend is not allowed anytime
you’re having your silly fights” he said.

“You!” Agatha gritted with her bloody teeth and
made to rush to him, but wind from nowhere
swept her off her feet immediately she got
close, and the wind threw her into the lawn.

Krishna carried unconscious Raven out of the
corridor to his room.

All the disciples present began laughing at
Agatha who’s just standing up, and she wiped
her bloody mouth.

“Your ears are bleeding too!” Ceres mocked, and
when she touched her ear and felt blood truly,
she rushed out of the lawn, and the laughter got
louder from the disciples.

“That was entertaining. When is their next fight
coming up?” Samara asked.

“You love troubles too much” Echo laughed.

“Don’t mind her” Peony laughed too.

“Let’s go bath, it’s almost evening. The test”
Ruthie pulled Samara into her room.



All the disciples were already waiting for the
superiors for about five minutes before Aragon
showed up, and without waiting, he led the way
out of the Institute, and his students followed.

“I’ll see you when I’m back!” Ruthie waved at

“Bye boo-boo!” Samara blew her kisses, and
Peony waved too till they were all out of sight.

Samara continued waiting for Orion for what
looked like forever, till Master Duran arrived.

“Master, my Superior is…

“You’re to go alone” Master Duran replied, and
her eyes widened.

“What! Alone?”

Without another word, Master Duran sent her
out, and she vanished, only to land in the

“It’s real! I’m here alone! I’m alone!!!!” She
shouted, placing her hands on her head as she
looked around.

The leaves are dry, and at each slight move,
they rustle noisily, scaring her.

“What do I do? Left or right? Mum where should
I go? I think your daughter is about to die” she
said, pulling up the flowing floral gown she’s

“I don’t even have any weapon, what if I get
attacked by a beast? Huh?” she asked herself,
but her eyes suddenly brightened when she saw
a peach tree ahead.

“What! Peach!” She ran to the tree, and luckily,
there are lots of it on top of the tree.

It was so easy for her to climb since it’s not her
first time.

Back then in school, she once climbed the
principal’s house fence with Ruthie just to go
break his bedroom window cos he punished
them for saying dirty words in class.

She climbed the tree and plucked a peach,
taking a deep bite.

“Delicious! I guess I’d just sit here and eat as
much as I want till Master will return me” she
smiled and was about to take another bite when
the tree suddenly moved.

She thought it was her imagination at first,but it
moved again, and the peach fell from her.

By the time she looked at the ground, it was
already so f-__-king far, and her eyes widened.

“What’s this? I’m not in jumanji, right? What’s
happening!!! Master Duran!!!!! Onion!!!!!” She
screamed fearfully as she began sweating.

Slowly, the tree transformed into a cliff, and she
began shaking as she struggled to leave the
edge, but immediately she took a step, the spot
cracked, and she began falling.

“Fine. RIP to me” she said and closed her eyes,
but halfway through her fall, she opened her
eyes and mouth at the same time.

“The RIP was a joke! I don’t want to die!!!!!
Somebody help!!!!!!” She screamed as she
continued falling down the high cliff.

As if the heavens decided to pity her, a strong
arm suddenly grabbed her by the waist, and she
gasped loudly, grabbing the person tightly by
the shoulders.

Her white hair got blown beautifully by the air
as she started looking up to see his face.


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