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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 65 & 66

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CHAPTER 6️⃣5️⃣&6️⃣6️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


“Orion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Aragon screamed insanely, running into the hallway.

Orion turned to face him, standing rigidly without moving an inch as he watched him run.

Aragon’s eyes shone deep blue, and his sword appeared in his right hand just when he was about to get to Orion.

Orion didn’t even bother to summon his own sword till Aragon got to him and raised the sword on him, but before he could bring it down on him, Orion’s hand already grabbed his neck, and he lifted him off the ground like a ragdoll, throwing him off.

Aragon flew far away from him and landed on the wall, his sword falling from him.

“Urggh!” He groaned, holding his tummy as blood formed a thin line out of his mouth. The brightness in his eyes went down.

He spranged up and went after Orion again, this time without his sword.

He’s good at fist fight, so he went for that, but immediately he punched Orion in the face, Orion grabbed his hand and almost broke his wrist, but he escaped when he elbowed Orion in the groin.

Orion staggered away from him, and he picked his sword, trying to take advantage of the situation and slash him.

Orion went behind him before he could detect, and when he raised the sword, Orion snatched it from behind.

Before Aragon could face him again, he already broke the sword into two.

He dropped the two parts on the ground, and it made a clattering sound.

“What!” Aragon gasped, going on his knees beside the swords.

“Even if I become a human today, you still won’t be able to beat me in a fight, dummy” Orion said confidently.

“How dare you!!!” Aragon yelled, crawling to Astrid’s body.

“You all have been accusing me of his death for years which I didn’t even do, and I got cursed because of him. He was once in another body and he ki||ed Sheila! If I get the time I’ll gladly ki|| him over and over again. Now that I ki||ed him for real, you can h@ťě me all you want” Orion replied, and the other students started rushing into the hallway.

“Geez!” Peony and Echo said at once when they saw Astrid’s body.

Samara’s eyes widened with the others, and her eyes met with Orion’s.

“Sorry, i couldn’t spare him” he muttered and walked out of the hallway.

“Astrid!!!!” Aragon cried loudly.

“Darn it” Merlin muttered.



Ceres woke up to unbearable heat, and immediately she left the bed, she went to the window and opened it, but she got burnt by the sun immediately.

“Arhhhh!!!!” She screamed, closing the window quickly.

She was panting as she checked out her skin which was already going back to how it was.

“I forgot vampires are allergic to sunlight” she muttered, and Zara came in.

“And that’s why you need this” she said, showing her her palm.

There’s a necklace lying there with a sunlight shape pendant.

Ceres slowly took it, checking it out.

“So this stops me from burning in the sun?” She asked.

“Yeah, it was created by my mother before her death. She was a vampire too, and she walked in the sun with the necklace” Zara replied, and Ceres quickly put it on.

“Thanks, friend”

“Astrid is dead” Zara said.

“Ok how did that happen fast? You ki||ed him in his room?”

“It wasn’t me. Orion ripped his heart out” Zara replied

“He’s a never hanging psychopath” Ceres smirked.

“Heard he staked Sheila” Zara said.

“That explains it” Ceres nodded, and Zara came closer.

“Now shall we start your chase after Krishna and my chase after Raven? We have two best friends to seduce” she said

“Of course” Ceres smiled.



Orion arrived and pushed all the empty kegs of blood on the table away, and they scattered across the room as he released heavy breaths from his nostrils.

He was still raging, looking for something to pour his anger on, but when he found none, he summoned his sword and was about to stab himself maybe it’d relief the anger, but when he remembered Samara will surely get hurt too, he sent the sword back, and his arms went down.

He started walking out the wall to attack it, but then the door opened, and Samara came in.

She got where he’s going immediately, and she rushed to hug him from behind, stopping him.

“Don’t… please” she begged, tightening her arms on his tummy.

“He ki||ed Sheila” he muttered , and her eyes widened.


Orion sighed, eventually calming down as he remembered his conversation with Sheila before he left garden of flowers last night.


“Stand up now Orion, up!!!!!!” Sheila yelled, and Orion sat up, holding his bleeding stomach.

“Don’t you worry, I’ll make sure I eliminate everyone who’s involved in this. Rhea won’t go scot free” he muttered weakly.

“Rhea didn’t stake me, it was Jameson, my ex. He’s an hunter too, turns out he followed Rhea back to Delos” Sheila replied.

“I met him” Orion muttered.

“He smells like ashes, the hunters smell” Sheila further said.

“I definitely met him” Orion swallowed with difficulty.

“But the most amusing part is his real identity. He’s carrying another person’s face, but the soul inside the body is different. The body died already, thanks to the witches spell, but the soul returned to it’s original body” Sheila replied.

“Who owns the original body?” He asked.

“You’ll find out once you return, don’t forget he smells like ashes” she replied.


“So… Sheila dated Astrid when he was still in Jameson’s body? She dated her stepbrother” Samara said shockingly.

“I was cursed because of this same boy, and my life has been all darkness throughout so much that I even got addicted to it. Everyone loathes me cos of the curse, and he ki||ed Sheila. I ki||ed him, and I don’t regret it” he said, and Samara came to the front to hug him from the front.

“Master Duran will be pissed” she said, and he hugged her back tightly.

“I don’t care about anyone anymore in this world if it’s not you, Mara” he said, and she looked up at him, loving the new short name immediately.

He kissed her hair, and they hugged again, then they heard the assembly bell ringing.

“I need to go for assembly” she made to break the hug, but he held her still.

“We have to be somewhere” he said.




Astrid’s body was placed on a stack of firewood, ready to be incinerated in the presence of all the students.

Everyone is present except Ruthie, Krishna, Samara and Orion.

Master Duran stood from the middle of the chiefs, and a disciple handed him a fire stick which he took before climbing down.

He was holding back his sadness as he walked to the body, and he couldn’t help but h@ťě Orion more.

He ki||ed Kira, and now he ki||ed his only human child. This only means he has to speed up his resurrection plans.

He has to sacrifice him to bring Kira out of the afterlife as soon as possible. She’s the only one who can stop him.

Only one whose powers supersedes Orion’s.

He finally got to the stack and dropped the fire stick on the stack of firewood.

It caught fire immediately, and Astrid’s body began burning.

From the other side of the fire and flames, Aragon’s face could be seen, full of hatred and vengeance, all for Orion.

As the body got burnt, his anger became more and more insurmountable, and he’d go anywhere right now. Anything to get unmatchable powers even for one day, and that day will be for Orion.

He looked at his broken sword then walked straight to Agatha in the midst of the other disciples.

He grabbed her hand on took her out of the assembly.

She didn’t struggle with him till they’re out of the ground, but immediately they got to the hallway, she broke free.

“Any news?” She asked in a cold tone.

“We have to visit the coven as soon as possible. No time to waste” he said, and she came closer with a dark glare

“Why? Cos your lover got ki||ed? Huh? Gay Superior” she muttered, and his eyes widened.



As the leader of the council, Lancelot is probably the busiest man in the city cos he checks on every area for any report early every morning.

He’s just returning from the daily check right now, and immediately he entered the house, she saw Azalea, his only daughter on her reading table, obviously drawing again.

He walked to her, and immediately he placed an hand on her shoulder, she looked up.

“Dad!” She stood, and he looked at the drawing she’s making.

“Did you dream about him again?” He asked, taking the drawing.

“Yes. Isn’t he so handsome? He might be a wolf but he’s a cute one. I dreamt of being in his arms again and nothing could be sweeter” she said happily.

Lancelot kept staring at the drawing, and as usual it’s the same face.

The red-eye demon, Orion Alaric.

She has been having dreams about him since she turned 20 last month, and it wouldn’t stop.

“I’ll go shower” He eventually talked.

“Come back soon I made breakfast!” Azalea shouted after him as he climbed the stairs.

He replied with a wave, and he could still hear her giggling excitedly as he opened the door to his room and entered.

He went to the standing mirror and stood in front of it, staring at himself.

When the dreams started last month, he even went to church so the red-eye demon spirit would be casted away from Azalea’s dreams, but little did he know that it’s more than just dreams.

He came to understand everything perfectly in the beginning to this month, and though he’s still scared, he’s someone relieved.

If this is gonna be the only way to eliminate the red-eye demon, then he’d go for it.

He sighed out and entered the bathroom.



“I’m really not sure about my abilities. It’s the first time I’d be reversing a spell so I don’t know” Ruthie said as he walked the path with Krishna.

She’s holding a grimoire to her chest, one she inherited from her mother.

“You only have to try, and if it doesn’t work, then I won’t bother you anymore” Krishna replied, and she nodded.

They got to the Riverside and met Mali waiting.

She turned to them immediately she heard movements, and she smiled when she saw Krishna.

“No this isn’t happening, Mali? I know I don’t read books frequently but I’m sensible enough to recognize the face of the princess of the dark. Bakasura’s daughter?” Ruthie said and dropped the grimoire.

She opened her mouth wide to spit fire on her, but Krishna quickly stopped her.

“She doesn’t belong to the coven. She was only kidnapped from her home, I mean the river” he said.

“And you believe that?” She scoffed.

“You told me you once saw a vision about her being a mermaid, isn’t that enough verification?” He replied, and her eyes widened.

“What! She’s Lissa?”

“Yes. Bakasura cast the spell to make her younger on her, but when she refused to carry out her mission of giving her information about Sam, she blew off the spell and that’s why she’s back to her normal self now, but believe me when I say she’s harmless” Krishna explained, and Ruthie looked at Mali.

Mali walked to them and stood in front of her.

“Please…help me” she said, and Ruthie sighed.

“I’m not sure”

“You only have to try once, please” Krishna said, and she sighed.

“Let’s try it then”


Mali is currently kneeling beside the river, and Ruthie is standing behind her with her grimoire in hand.

She opened to the right page already, and she looked at Krishna again.

He gave her a go ahead nod, and she returned her eyes to the grimoire.

“I’m starting” she said, swallowing restlessly before picking the first line…

Phasmatos tribum…

She has only read that much when someone landed in the place and snatched the grimoire from her.

“What the…

She turned, and her eyes widened when she saw Bakasura’s dogs… Agares and Karazi.

“Give back the grimoire!” Krishna shouted.

Mali was already shaking at the sight of them.

“You think so? The grimoire is gone and Mali is ours, we’re here to take her” Agares grinned, throwing the grimoire into the river.

“d@mn it!!” Krishna spat.

Mali made to stand, but Ruthie stopped her.

“Keep kneeling, I know the spell off head, just few lines” she said, and Mali returned to her knees.

¶Phasmatos tribum, nas, ex veras..

She continued the incantations, and the demons started coming for her immediately.

Krishna blocked them but fighting back was hard.

It’s getting worse just like Mali predicted, and he couldn’t even give them a hit.

Karazi’s claws hurt him, and he flew far away from them, bleeding from the mouth.

Ruthie kept up with the spell…

~matos et somnos…

By now, the demons were already so close to her, determined to not make her finish it

She wielded her right hand, and a powerful force threw the two away.

She began bleeding from the nose as she continued.

~Ex totum, ex…

The demons stood again, coming for her, but another person appeared, touching the two on their shoulders.

Electric shock happened, and they started shaking funnily, but Agares is obviously stronger, so he vanished, leaving just Karazi.

Raven kept shocking him, and he was already lifeless as Ruthie read the last line…

ex um maleo matos¶

“It’s… it’s…done” she muttered, falling unconscious on the ground.

Mali immediately jumped into the river, transforming as she swam deeper to the underwater.

“Ruthie!” Krishna started running to her, and Raven dropped Karazi’s limp body.



“Why are we here again?” Samara asked immediately she landed in front of the house with Orion.

“We get weak anytime we stay apart for even one-hour. It can’t be that way forever. There must be a remedy” he replied.

“You don’t like being with me?” She asked, and he held her shoulders.

“That’s not it Mara. Think about it, there would surely be times when we won’t be able to stay together due to circumstances beyond our control. If we continue like this, then it’s dangerous” he said, and she nodded.

He stroked her hair shortly before going into the house with her.

“Wasn’t expecting you both so soon” Bathsheba said, just coming out of her inner room.

“I bet you know what we’re here for already” Orion replied.

“The witches punishment?” Bathsheba replied, and he frowned.

“What’s that?”

“You should tell me what it is then” she replied.

“How do we get over the weakness over distance? We can’t always be together” he said, and she picked a wand from the table, waving it once before sighing.

“It’s simple, become one” she said, and Samara furrowed her brows.

“Become one?”

“Make love to each other” Bathsheba replied, and their eyes widened at once.


“Good day” the old woman said and went in before they could utter another word.

“Shall we leave?” Orion said.

“Oh…yeah… let’s… let’s go” Samara replied awkwardly as they stepped out at once.

They teleported in front of the house, and Bathsheba came out.

“Orion , i’m expecting you again in twenty hours, by then you’d understand what I meant by the witches punishment” she said with a knowing smile.


Samara and Orion landed back in the Institute right in front of the villa, and she smiled awkwardly again.

“Bye, we’ll see later” she said.

“Stop being awkward, having s*x is not my thing too, so let’s forget about Bathsheba’s word for now” he said.

“Sure” she replied, and they parted ways.

Orion went straight to his room, and immediately he entered, he smiled excitedly and yanked off his shirt, flinging it away.

He was left in his black wide pants as he flexed his muscles.

“I need to prepare for the bang, I must be energetic enough. Mara you will scream, I mean it” he grinned and went down.

He started doing fast press ups.


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