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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 63 & 64

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CHAPTER 6️⃣3️⃣&6️⃣4️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.

“Her name is… Samira” she finally said, and Orion pulled her into a tight hug immediately.

“I’m sorry for keeping it this late, just that mother warned me to never disclose it. To her, Samira is a stain she wishes to erase, and she doesn’t wish for her to be recognized as a member of the Hercules family” she said on his shoulder, and he started stroking her hair.

“Don’t keep any more secrets” he said, and she nodded.

“I won’t, I promise you” she replied and finally hugged him back.

“I missed you” she whispered, and he turned on the lights in the room before breaking the hug to hold her face.

“Would you get mad if I said I didn’t? All that was in my head was Sheila, I never knew her demise would wreck me like this” he whispered, and she smiled.

“It’s alright not to miss me, at least you’re good to me, and you’re back to me” she said, and he rested his forehead on hers.

“But I have a question” she said.

He parted their foreheads, then he held her hands before facing her.

“I’m all hears, pretty girl”

She smiled so wide after hearing that from him.

“It feels like a year since I’ve heard you call me that”

“You’ll get earful of it now that I’m back, I’m impatient for your question” he replied.

“Isn’t Sheila an immortal? Immortals aren’t supposed to die” she said, and he sighed.

“You’re clueless a lot. You should take time to visit the library and read more about supernaturals” he said.

“Sure” she nodded.

“Immortals don’t die, but there’s an exception for vampires”

“What exception?”

“Vampires are part of the immortal family, and they can live thousands of years without dying of any illness or aging, just like normal immortals, but it all ends the moment a stake gets driven into their hearts just like Sheila experienced” he explained.

“In other words, a stake in their heart is their weakness, just like I’m your weakness” she said.

“Stake and vervain. A vampire can only be captured using vervain cos they react to the plant” he replied.

“Now I understand, but I heard ghosts love to communicate with their loved ones after their death, have you seen Sheila?” She asked.

“Yeah, she still communicates with me, and in fact I’m here because of her. Even after her death, she won’t stop making my life hard” he replied, and she smiled, but the smile disappeared as fast as it came.

“Astrid is alive did you hear? He was resurrected by Lilith, then why were you cursed?” She asked.

“That still remains a mystery, and I don’t even wanna talk about it but I know that if I see Astrid, I’ll ki|| him and send him back to the afterlife” he replied.

“No no Orion you won’t do that, please don’t…

“Each time you beg me not to ki|| someone, I always regret listening to you. Do you still remember Aragon? That piece of $h|t should be dead by now but you begged like crazy for me to spare him, that won’t happen with Astrid” he said, and she came to his laps immediately, straddling him as she sat on it.

“Orion, he’s still your step brother after all, and…

“And he hurt you! He hurt me too!” He glared.

“But it’s not his fault, I told you I have the same face with Samira so it’s only normal he gets confused” she said.

“And where the f-__-k is that Samira right now?” Orion replied.

“No one knows. She ran away from home years ago after she ki||ed a church priest and his wife plus three daughters just because he preached against witches” Samara replied.

“Ok she’s psychotic, I can’t wait to meet her” Orion smirked, laying down in bed

Samara lay on top of him immediately, staring at his face cos his eyes are closed.

“You should sleep” he whispered.

“But your arms aren’t around me” she replied, and he opened his eyes before wrapping his arms on her.

Samara smiled before drifting off to sleep same time as him.



Zara and Ceres are currently standing in front of the dressing table.

Zara is holding a knife to her wrist, smiling wickedly as she got ready to cut.

“So…if I die with your blood in my system, I automatically wake up as a vampire after a while” Ceres said.

“Are you doubting?” Zara replied, and Ceres blinked.

“Go on”

Zara cut her wrist with the knife, and her blood erupted.

Ceres took the wrist to her mouth and sucked the blood for just a minute.

“RIP for some minutes” Zara smiled and snapped Ceres’s neck immediately.

Ceres fell dead on the ground, and Zara sat on the table, looking at her body with a knowing smile.

“First time I’d turn someone in my 100 years of living” she muttered, staring at the time.

“Some minutes left” she muttered.



Chief Feathers came alone tonight cos she figured out that maybe Kira wants her alone.

She was wearing a black cloak on her robe which was dragging with the robe as she walked, and her head is covered.

She held a lantern, illuminating her path with it as she walked into the tomb.

It’s unexpectedly calm, and not even a sound came till she got to the middle where Kira’s grave is.

“I’m here again” she whispered, and the light in her lantern went out immediately, making her gasp.

She shifted back, but a force pushed her back, making her land on top of the grave.

She started struggling to stand, but she couldn’t. It’s like her butt was gummed down.

“You want the location of the door to the afterlife?” Kira’s echoing voice suddenly said, and her eyes widened as she slowly started turning around.

Right in front of her, she saw her!

Kira is sitting there, looking just as beautiful as she was when she was still alive, her white hair flowing so creepily even when there’s no air blowing it.

She’s wearing the clothes she was buried in. A black flowing gown which spread around her like a wedding dress. She’s a crazily beautiful ghost.

“Kir..a” Chief Feathers said shakily, folding her fists on her thighs.

“You want to change the destiny of my son?” Kira smiled cruelly.

“I know you h@ťě him Kira. I know how much you tried to abort him cos you never wanted him to have a share in your powers, I know how much you tried and I know you see him like an enemy rather than your son. So please….help me” Chief Feathers begged.

“It’d be interesting to have you in the afterlife, you should really come” Kira smiled cruelly again.

“I will, just tell me the door location” Feathers nodded.

“You’ll be opening the door forcefully because the key is not available for people who’re still alive, and to open the door by force, you need to sacrifice a human on a moonless night in Mojo forest, below a leafless tree” Kira said.

“What! Human?” Chief Feathers gasped.

“That’s not all. You’ll need an immortal like yourself to hold the door open when you go in, cos if it closes on you, then you’d be trapped in there forever” Kira explained further.

“But…I’m coming to the afterlife to take the book from you, but you’re here now,you can just give it to me without letting me go through the sacrifice” Feathers said.

“Nothing comes for free, even in the afterlife” Kira smirked and vanished.

The lantern started burning again, and Feathers rushed out of the tomb.



Ceres’s eyes opened at once, and she spranged up to see Zara smiling at her on the table.

“I really…I woke up…am I a vampire now?” She said, and Zara jumped down from the table.

“You don’t feel different? You’re currently in transition” she said.

“Transition?” Ceres replied, and Zara took her hand.

Together, they left the Institute.

Astrid sighted them leaving, so he curiously followed.



Zara took Ceres to a local clubhouse where chaps and ladies are having their time of the night

Public s*x is going on in almost every corner of the house, and Zara smiled, facing Ceres.

“Focus, and you’ll be able to hear the heartbeats of everyone in here. You’d be able to hear how blood pulses through their veins and how their heart pumps blood, you’ll feel the hunger” she whispered, and Ceres followed the command.

She focused on the humans, and truthfully, she felt it, everything Zara said.

She could hear blood pulsing, blood pumping, veins bulging, hearts beating with blood, and that made hunger start in the pit of her stomach.

“Feeling it?” Zara asked beside her

“Yeah, I’m…I’m thirsty” Ceres replied, holding her own throat as it felt parched.

“It’s not thirst, it’s hunger baby” Zara smiled, and Ceres began swallowing hard repeatedly as the hunger grew more and more inside of her.

Zara kept smiling, and when the hunger got to the edge, Ceres started walking to one of the guys.

“No. It’s not done that way, just chose one and I’ll get him” Zara said.

“That one, he looks delicious” Ceres pointed at a guy drinking alone.

“Cool” Zara smiled and walked to him.

He was about to drink from his bottle again when she took it from him and gulped it all down.

She winked before giving the bottle back to him, and she walked into a corner.

The guy stood in excitement and followed her.

They got to the corner, and he made to grab her for a kiss, but Ceres walked in and slammed him on the wall.

Her fangs finally came out, and she dug it into his neck with a loud growl.

The guy made to scream as she began draining him, but Zara covered his mouth.

“Suck, till there’s no more blood in his system” she said, and Ceres raised her face.

In the next minute, she dug her fangs back into the guy’s neck, draining the remaining blood in him.

The guy went limp on the ground, and Ceres looked up with bloody mouth and fangs.

“Was that enjoyable?” Zara asked.

“Haven’t had this much fun before” Ceres replied, licking the blood on her lips.

“Welcome to vampirism” Zara replied.

“I need that too” Astrid’s voice said behind them, and they turned to see him advancing.

“Astrid?” Ceres said.

“I wanna be turned too, maybe you can do me the favor” he replied.

“And what do I get in return?” Zara went closer, and his expression changed immediately.

“Death” he muttered in a different tone and got a stake from under his shirt.

He tried driving it into Zara’s heart, but she held his hand quickly, and Ceres attacked him from the back, hitting his neck.

He fell unconscious on the ground, and they both sped out.

“What just happened? He wanted to become a vampire but then he tried to ki|| you?” Ceres asked when they got out.

“He’s a vampire hunter. They have no control over themselves when they’re around vampires, all they feel is the urge to ki|| them cos of their ego alter. We must eliminate him as soon as possible” Zara replied.

“Then let’s go back in to ki|| him” Ceres said.

“Not tonight” Zara replied.



Orion was the first to wake up in the room, and just the way he likes,he propped up his elbow and rested his head on his palm, staring at Samara’s face.

Before he knew it, he was smiling, then he brought his hand to her face and began rubbing it gently.

That woke her up, but Samara frowned immediately like he’s a stranger.

“Who’re you?” She asked, and he squeezed his face.


“Why are you here and who are you?” Samara asked, sitting up.

Orion sat up too and scoffed.

“Are you playing with me?”

“Orion?” She said slowly like she just remembered, and she smiled eventually before hugging him.

“Goodmorning” she said, hugging him tighter.

Orion hugged her back with lots of thoughts running through his head

What just happened?

“Well-done, you both” Ruthie’s voice said from the chair, and they both turned to see the three girls sitting there, staring at them.

“You guys are awake already?” Samara smiled, leaving the bed.

“Superior Orion, I know you can manipulate any supernatural being but you’re abusing that power. Last time you teleported me to my room without my permission but now you made I and the girls sleep off” Ruthie replied.

“Not sorry” Orion said.

“Wasn’t expecting less” Peony muttered, and Samara hugged Echo first.

“Thanks for staying with me throughout” she said.

“I’m glad you’re fine now” Echo replied.

Samara hugged Peony and Ruthie at the same time.

“I love you my witches” she said.

“The guys even had to go in search of Superior” Peony said.

“Really?” Samara broke the hug, and as if to confirm, the guys came in that moment.

“Superior is back?” Raven blinked.

“We roamed the woods all night for nothing” Merlin sat on the ground tiredly.

“Searching for me? Even if I spent the night in the woods, I can’t be found by any living thing unless I want you to find me, don’t behave that idiotic next time” Orion said and walked out of the room.

“He’s so harsh with words, he even became worse” Raven mumbled

“He’d never change” Krishna muttered and walked to Ruthie to take her hand.

“Why don’t we go reverse the spell?” He said, and she nodded.

They left the room together.


Orion was walking the hallway back to his room when he suddenly saw Astrid

He’s just coming back from the local clubhouse where he passed out at last night.

Orion stopped and waited till he saw him.

Immediately he saw him, Astrid’s eyes widened, and he started walking fast to him.

On getting to him, Orion perceived the scent he perceived from Jameson on him, the smell of ashes.

His eyes twitched and became dark with a sharp glint.

He instantly understood everything, and he scoffed evilly.

“You haven’t changed a bit, brother” Astrid said with a large smile, but Orion said nothing, just staring at him blankly.

“Luckily i found the witch who ki||ed me, and she’s in this same Institute, you should help me ki|| her cos she needs to die, though I shot her already, I’m sure she’d be at the point of death right now unless they find the antidote. I need you to ki|| her completely before giving me a welcoming hug” he said at once, and Orion remained silent again.

“Is there a problem? You’re not happy to see me after years?” Astrid said with a frown, but then his expression changed immediately.

The ego alter took over him when he smelt vampire blood on Orion, and he brought the stake out of his shirt as fast as lightning.

He made to sink it into Orion’s heart, but Orion change positions, going behind him.

Astrid turned back to him swiftly, but Orion beat him to the game.

His claws grew, and he sank his hand into Astrid’s stomach deeply, getting a hold of his heart.

“Arggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Astrid cried out agonizingly.

“Welcome” Orion smirked.

“Argghhhhh!!!! Argghhhhh!!!!!!” Astrid cried again, and Orion pulled the heart out of him.

Astrid fell dead on the ground, and Orion threw the heart at the wall.

“Bye” he muttered expressionlessly.

“Orion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Aragon screamed insanely, running into the hallway.


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