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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 61 & 62

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CHAPTER 6️⃣1️⃣&6️⃣2️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.

He aimed for Samara’s tummy, and she tried to speed away from the spot, but her powers didn’t respond as expected, so she bullet came straight for her.

It rammed into her tummy, and she went on her knees immediately, holding the bloody stomach as the disciples gasped .

“Sam!!!” Ruthie ran to her with Peony, and she was quickly held before she’d fall on the ground.

“Why didn’t you dodge it why!!!” Ruthie shouted as she kept bleeding.

“I…I couldn’t” Samara muttered painfully, sweating already.

“What!” Ruthie gasped.

“Apparently, she’d keep getting weak if Orion doesn’t come close to her” Peony said, and they looked up to see Astrid pointing his gun again , ready to $h00t for the second time.

Raven sped to him and hit the gun away from his hand, then he gave him a slight touch on the neck.

Electric shock gripped Astrid immediately, and he fell on his knees as he shivered, the currents passing through him in folds.

“Argghhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!” He screamed, spitting blood.

“Ok Raven’s powers got crazier” Zara smiled.

“Shouldn’t you be worried? Heard vampires h@ťěs currents” Ceres said.

“You heard wrong. What vampires h@ťě is water, we h@ťě swimming” Zara replied.

Astrid was still shivering with insane electric shock on the ground when Master Duran arrived with the chiefs and Aragon.

Aragon’s eyes nearly fell on the ground when he saw him. It’s obvious he couldn’t believe his eyes.

Master Duran looked like he saw a ghost, and the chiefs have the same expression.

Peony and Ruthie took Samara away from the place, and the shock cleared off Astrid’s body immediately.

He stood and made to take the gun again, but Ceres directed the gun to herself with her eyes, and immediately she caught it, she smiled at Astrid who’s breathing heavily.

His eyes met with Aragon’s, and he blinked once before looking away.



Orion is still there, but this time he’s lying weakly on the ground, his groans filling the whole garden as blood gushed out of his wounded stomach.

The gunshot affected him as it should, and as usual, he’s feeling the greater part of the pain.

His blood formed a stream already, flowing down the garden, and every single flower his blood touches withers.

He’s not even ready to move, it’s like he’s enjoying the pains no matter how mad it is.

He has no plans to go back to the Institute anytime soon no matter the weakness it’d cause him.

*You should go back now, your soulmate is suffering. You can’t ignore that* the voice said, and for the first time in history, he ignored the voice and shut his eyes.



Astrid is currently on his knees in front of the master and chiefs, head bowed as they stared at him.

“This ain’t a dream, right?” Chief Water said.

“I got resurrected by Lilith the witch, and I lost my memories. I’ve been in Berlin with mother since then, but I came back immediately I got my memories back” Astrid replied.

“You got resurrected?” Chief Feathers said with raised brows.

“I’m human, and there are species of witches who’re capable of resurrecting humans, Lilith was one of them” Astrid replied.

“Astrid didn’t die, then why was Orion cursed?” Feathers stood immediately.

“That’s not important right now, he shot someone” Master Duran said.

“She’s the one. The witch you ki||ed me in the woods back then!” Astrid snapped.

“Because she’s a whitehead? Orion said the same thing before” Chief Water said.

“I said I saw her face!!! I know what her face looks like!! She’s the one!” Astrid shouted.

“Did your resurrection come with side effects like anger? The Astrid I knew was calm, but right now you’re a raging tiger” Water said.

“Samara ki||ed you?” Master Duran said.

“Her name is Samara? Yes she did. She ki||ed me, and I definitely won’t rest till I murder her too” Astrid replied and stood, walking out of the hall.

“Can there ever be a day of peace in this Institute? Gosh” Chief Water muttered.

“Samara should be investigated” Chief Feathers said.

“What do you mean? You believe Astrid?” Chief Water asked.

“He said he saw her face! Of course I do!” Feathers replied.

“He said he lost his memories, what if he didn’t see the face well” Chief Water said.

“Stop trying to defend Samara. She’s the same person who injected Orion with the orb of pains, and she didn’t even get punished for it. It’s hightime she leaves this Institute, or we leave her at the mercy of Astrid. Allow Astrid to ki|| her!” Feathers said.



“I think the bullet is not ordinary. It’s poisoned, and that’s why the wound is not healing” Ruthie said, taking the third cloth to start stopping the bleeding with.

Samara’s blood filled two clothes already, and she’s almost unconscious right now. The pains are greater than she could imagine, and she’s suffering.

“What should we do?” Peony said

“I’ll go try getting some antidote” Echo replied.

“Be fast” Ruthie said, and she left the room with Merlin.

“You know about antidotes?” Merlin asked as they rushed down the hallway.

“We only need dodder, sunflower seeds, golden olive, iridaceae with snow lotus as the catalyst to detoxify the poison” Echo replied.

“You’re awesome” Merlin said, and they walked faster, going to the herbs field not far from the Institute.

They started picking the needed herbs one by one, and just as Merlin was about to pick the snow lotus, someone sped past him, uprooting it.

It turned out to be Zara, and she’s with Ceres.

“That’s the only snow lotus here, give it back!” Echo said.

“Is that a command? You just ruined your chance” Zara said and swallowed the snow lotus.

“No!!” Merlin and Echo said at a time, and Ceres began laughing.

“Yaaaa!!!!!!!” Echo started running to Zara with the aim of attack, but she smiled knowingly and locked their eyes, compelling her.

“You’ll bend down now and start eating grass like a grasshopper” she said, and Echo stopped right in front of her, then she went on all fours and started eating grass

“Oh my gawd you’re the real deal Zara!” Ceres laughed.

“What do you think you’re doing!” Merlin started walking to them, and Zara locked eyes with him too.

“Why don’t you join her?” She smirked, and Merlin went on all fours too, eating grass just like Echo.

“f-__-k! So entertaining!” Ceres jumped happily as she watched them eat grass like animals.

“I feel so happy today, so I’ll grant your wish tonight” Zara said.

“You’ll turn me?” Ceres replied surprisingly.

Zara was about to reply when Krishna came with the wind, knocking her down.

“What the hell!” She gasped as she landed on the ground.

“Krishna” Ceres muttered, shocked that he’s back.

“Break the compel!” He ordered

“I h@ťě commands! No one tells me what to do!” Zara spat as she spranged up, and Krishna made to attack her again, but his powers failed, and Zara sped to him.

She grabbed him and bared her fangs angrily.

She was about to sink it into him when Ceres intervened

“You can’t hurt him! I love him!”

“What!” Zara faced her.

“Believe me, don’t hurt him” Ceres replied, and Zara roughly let go of Krishna.

He fell on the ground, and she broke the compel on Echo and Merlin before walking away.

They both started vomiting grass immediately, and Ceres rushed to Krishna.

“Krishna are you…

“Even if you’re the only girl left on Earth, I’d ki|| myself rather than having anything to do with you. Over my dead body” he said and stood on his own.

“Krishna!” Raven joined them, and his eyes widened when he saw Echo and Merlin vomiting their guts.

Krishna walked away, and he faced Ceres.

“It’s Zara, she compelled then” she said.

“Don’t act like you’re not with her! You both are always together obviously cos you need something from her!” Raven shot.

“Why don’t you go talk to your ex instead of pouring it all on me?” Ceres rolled eyes and walked away.


Astrid is currently walking down the hallway, and as expected, all eyes are on him.

👥 He’s so handsome

👥 I want him

👥 He’s handsome than Superior Orion

👥 Y’all are underestimating Superior Orion’s handsomeness. Superior Orion is hotter

👥 No it’s Astrid, can’t you see?

Several comments about comparison with Orion flew around till he walked past a room, and he was pulled in, only to come face to face with Aragon.

Before he could utter a word, Aragon grabbed his face and kissed him hard, but he quickly broke it and pushed him away.


“My gay spirit died with me back then, and now I’m in for a new life. Stay away from me Aragon” he glared.

Aragon tried to hold him, but he gave him a punch on the face, making Aragon stagger with a cut on his jaw.

“I’m stronger than a normal human now , so take my word and stay away from me” Astrid rolled eyes and walked out of the room.

Agatha went low behind the window, looking so shocked.

She heard and saw everything.



The opening of the door made Zara drop the cup of scotch with her, and when she turned to see Raven, she smiled.

“My love”

“You can’t compel disciples anyhow here, especially Merlin and Echo just because they’re the weakest, and most especially, Krishna. I swear to my ancestors Zara if you touch Krishna, I won’t mind dying but I’ll ki|| you” he thr_@tened.

“Wow! So who should I touch? I mustn’t touch Peony, I mustn’t touch Echo and Merlin, and I mustn’t touch Krishna. Too bad no one tells me what to do. I only get eager to do it more if you tell me not to do something and you know it!” She spat.

“I don’t care about that Zara, I’ve told you my mind” he replied and turned to leave, but he met her in front of him already.

She grabbed his neck and pulled his face in to kiss him, but he touched her, and she got shocked, shaking funnily as she let go of him.

He walked out of the room, and the shock left her body.

“He’s tempting me, and it’s dangerous. If only he knows” she smirked.



“So what do we do? Without the snow lotus, we can’t make the antidote, and she’s dying” Echo said.

“I can’t believe that Zara girl” Merlin said.

“Ruthie if she dies, the necklace will wake her right? So we don’t have to fear” Peony said.

“That’s if she’s not connected to Superior Orion. Now that she’s connected to him, even the necklace can’t raise her cos their lives are connected, don’t you get?” Ruthie replied.

“Then what do we do?” Peony asked.

“We search for Superior Orion” Merlin said.

“How do we find him?” Ruthie replied.



Two members of the council were ki||ed during Orion’s rampage, so they reduced in number.

They’re all seated silently when Lancelot came in with Arya, and the two sighed.

“I guess vampire hunters wasn’t a good idea” Lancelot said.

“It only worsened everything, and now I can’t help but feel guilty about the lost lives” Arya said sadly.

“Rhea is currently hiding from the red-eye demon, so I bet we won’t be seeing her for a while, but we can’t just keep watching” Lancelot said.

“Sheila Alaric is gone thankfully, but what do we do about the other vampires in the Institute? Especially Orion Alaric himself, the red-eye demon” Arya said.

“I think I might have a plan” Lancelot said.



Orion is still laying in the pool of his own blood in the middle of the garden, barely unconscious.

His breathing is coming faintly, and his heartbeats could barely be heard.

A cold air suddenly hit his skin, penetrating into the pores.

He opened his red eyes slowly, and he saw Sheila hovering on top of him.

“If you stay away from everyone for several weeks just like you did after Astrid’s death, then I’ll ki|| you and you’d join me here in the afterlife. Stand up Orion Alaric, my death should be strength to you, not weakness” she said.

“Sheila” he whispered, and she smiled.

“Ding Dong! Hear the alarm? Stand the f-__-k up, Orion” she replied.

“I can’t” he replied.

“Astrid is back. Turns out he was resurrected by Lilith, and he was the one who shot your soulmate, accusing her of ki||ing him. You should go set things right, ask her to tell you the truth” she said, and he closed his eyes again.

“Being in the afterlife shows me a lot of things, and I’m enjoying it here. At least I can still see you, so stand up now Orion, up!!!!!!” She yelled, and Orion sat up, holding his bleeding stomach.



The witches are still watching over dying Samara, not planning to sleep at all

Merlin, Krishna and Raven are out of the Institute, they went in search of Orion since dusk, and they’re not back.

Echo is in the room with Peony and Ruthie, and her eyes are wide open too, but their eyes suddenly closed at once.

The three girls passed out on the ground, and the lights went out.

Orion appeared in the room, holding his bleeding stomach with an hand while his backhand stars shone on the second hand.

He walked to the bed and sat beside Samara, stroking her hair gently first.

“Sorry I came late” he whispered, and her eyes opened slowly.

“Onion” she whispered, and he bent over her immediately, kissing her lightly on the lips.

Instantly, their wounds began healing, and their energies started returning in triple folds

The bullet came out of Samara’s stomach on it’s own, and the wound closed up same time as Samara’s.

Samara sat up in bed immediately, holding his face so she could deepen the kiss, but he broke it shortly.

“Tell me the truth” he whispered, and she nodded thrice.

“I will”

“You told me you have two sisters. One is Wanda, your senior sister who got cursed and lost all her hair cos she ki||ed your father” he said.

“Yes” she replied.

“Who’s the second one?” He asked, and she looked away from him.

“Sam” he called, and she faced him.


“Don’t keep anything from me and tell me who she is” he said.

“She’s… she’s a devil…a diabolical witch, she’s got mad powers, even more than me” she replied.


“We have the same face, and that’s because she’s my…twin… she ki||ed Astrid” she replied, and Orion held her face.

“Her name is… Samira” she finally said, and Orion pulled her into a tight hug immediately.


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