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Wednesday, October 16, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 55 & 56

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CHAPTER 5️⃣5️⃣&5️⃣6️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


“Yes? My love” she smiled, and in the next
minute, she was already in bed with them.

She tried grabbing Peony by the neck, but Raven
blocked her, and currents passed through his
arm before he hit Zara with it.

She fell from the bed to the ground as she got
shocked, but she stood immediately, smiling

“Whoa, your powers are still intact, I’m
impressed. Now I want you more” she said,
biting her lip as she paraded around.

“We broke up, Zara” Raven said, coming down
from the bed while pulling up his pants.

” Don’t you get tired of that line at all even when
you know my answer? You broke up with me
but I didn’t. It’s not over till I say it’s over! You’re
still mine so enough of the play with that weak
witch beside you. I’m back now, and I’m here to
claim you. Her life is at risk, try to protect her”
she smiled hauntingly and sped out through the

Peony was breathing high and low, panting
when Raven rushed back to her.

She was holding the duvet to her chest.

“Are you ok?” He asked gently.

“Who was that? And what was she saying?”

” She’s the war I told you was coming, the
reason I conserved my powers. Her name is
Zara, my obsessed vampire ex” he explained,
and her eyes widened.

” What!”


Ceres was on her way back to her room when
she felt movements behind herself, and she

She stood still for a while, and she sharply
turned back, only to see the person she has
been expecting.

“Zara?” Her eyes brightened.

“What’s that brightness in your eyes after seeing
me? Didn’t we h@ťě each other? You h@ťě me
especially cos you found out about me being a
vampire first, and you had the guts to tell the
secret to Raven. He broke up with me cos of
that, and you’ve been scared of me since then,
scared that I might ki|| you for telling on me” she
said, and Ceres smiled before going closer.

“I’ve been expecting you cos now that I think
about it, ki||ing me won’t bring you any good”
she said.

“I don’t ki|| people to gain from it, I waste lives
anyway I want” Zara glared.

” But my being alive will be of more benefit.
Come to think of it, I’m the only key to getting to
Raven, and I h@ťě Peony, his girlfriend. We can
form a team” Ceres replied, and Zara smiled

” I don’t need teams, I’ve been alone all my life
and no harm came over me cos I’m the harm
myself, but there must be a reason why you’re
making this useless proposal. I know you well,
and you’d never do anything without expecting
anything in return” Zara said.

” I need you to turn me” Ceres replied.



” Why don’t we go hunting tonight instead of
tomorrow? The night is calm, perfect night for
deers to play around the woods” Orion said.

He’s sitting beside Sheila as usual, and she
faced him.

“What? You’re already bored? You left your
pretty girl less than twenty minutes ago” she
said, and he sighed.

“You seem to like her a lot” he said.

” You like her a lot, so I do… Too. I’ll like anyone
you like and h@ťě anyone you h@ťě, I’ve always
been like this jerk” she replied.

” But you didn’t h@ťě her when I h@ťěd her” he

” And that’s because it was unnatural. You
h@ťěd her cos of her hair, but now that you got
over your childishness, we should probably pop
some champagne” she replied.

” She’s… pretty” Orion said.

“Is that the only reason why you like her?” Sheila
faced him.

” She understands me just like you, and she’s
not running away from me despite my
monstrousness. I feel like she’s really a part of
my life, and I wanna keep her” he replied.

“Is the voice in your head telling you to say
this?” She asked.

“No. I can act on my own without the voice now,
it only speaks when necessary” he replied, and
she stroked his hair.

” My little brother grew up finally”

“Cut the crap” he hit her arm away, and she

” I wish I could see Jameson again though.
Maybe I could kiss him one last time. I didn’t get
a chance to apologise for keeping my identity
from him” she said.

” Your human ex? He’s probably with a human
girl right now, humans are stupid” Orion

” He had no memory of his past when I was with
him, and he was so desperate to get it. That
drew me even closer to him, I badly wanted to
help but…

“Can we stop the talks about your ex? You can
go back to your world tour tommorow and
search for him” Orion interrupted.

“You’re always the first one to miss me when
I’m gone, but whenever I’m beside you, you take
it for granted” she said.

” Miss you? Even if you die, I won’t shed a tear”
he replied.

” You’d probably tear the world into pieces
instead” she smiled, and he rolled eyes, making
her giggle.

“Cute little brother!”



Bakasura came down the bone of stairs with
her cobra playing on her shoulders, eyes decked
with fury.

She was fanning herself with a fan made from
snakes scale, and she met Karazi with Agares
in the palace, waiting for her.

“What are you both still doing here? I stripped
her of all her powers so I’m sure she’d be back
in her grown form now, probably out of the
institute. Go get her for me! ” She barked, and
they were about to move when Aragon came in
with Agatha.

“That’s a new face” Bakasura said and resumed
fanning herself as they advanced.

“Greetings, great queen” Aragon bowed, but
Agatha kept staring at Agares.

” You saved me from the beast of deception”
she said.

“Yes, and I told you we’d meet again for your
payback. Here we are” Agares smiled, and she
faced Bakasura again.

Bakasura was staring down at her like she’s
nothing, expecting her to bow, but she didn’t.

“Say your greetings” Aragon said beside her.

“I can’t bow to anyone and you know it, I’m a
princess and…

She was still talking when her head bent by
itself, forcing her to bow.

Her mouth opened on it’s own too and spoke.

“Greetings! Great queen!”

“You’re in my abode, and you’re bound to
behave like one of us!” Bakasura said, and
Agatha made to look up, but her head was
forced down again.

“I’m… I’m sorry” she apologized.

“I don’t think there’s any way to separate them.
Orion’s powers are matchless, and I’m no match
for him, no one is” Aragon said.

” Is that so? Then tackle the one herself!”
Bakasura snapped.

“They’re always together, there’s no way unless
we wait for a catastrophe that’d separate the
two of them” Aragon said, and Bakasura

” Catastrophe?”



Chief Feathers and Chief Water appeared in
front of the old tomb at the same time, and
Feathers made to enter immediately, but Water
held him back.

“Bathsheba might be right, why don’t we think
this through?” He asked, and she smirked.

” If I planned to think anything through, then I
wouldn’t be here, and besides…I’m only here to
ask the portal location” she said and finally
walked in.

Water sighed and followed her in.

The archaic place is filled with cobwebs of all
sorts, then different graves of powerful people
who died in Mystic.

There’s Kaden Alaric, Duran’s father.

Chief Veera and Chief Mathias…the other two
chiefs who died years ago. Their graves are
there too and several others.

Even Astrid Alaric was buried there, though his
grave is far from others since he was human.

“Are you sure Kira was really buried here?” Chief
Water asked after they searched for five

“Kira Alaric, there” Feathers replied, pointing at
her grave. It’s in the middle.

They started walking there, but immediately
they stepped into the middle, a heavy force
lifted them off the ground, throwing them away.

“Ah!” They both groaned at the same time as
they stood.

“Seriously? Kira? Even your spirit don’t want us
close to your grave? I only came here to ask for
the portal! Where’s the door to the afterlife
located at!” Feathers shouted, and a f-__-king
loud noise came immediately.

The sound of laughing, giggling, cackling,
shrieking, squealing, crying and screaming.

Everything mixed together, almost making them

They had to block their ears.

Suddenly, a whirlwind entered the tomb , it
started rolling on top of Kira’s grave, and the
deafening noise got louder.

“Let’s get out of here” Water said, vanishing with



Samara smiled from her sleep immediately the
soothing morning breeze hit her face, and she
turned from one side of her bed to the other side
where she slid her arms around Ruthie.

Ruthie slept in here last night actually.

“The weather is so… nice this morning” she

” Good morning, pretty girl” Orion’s voice said,
and her eyes flew open immediately.

He’s the one she’s holding, Ruthie is gone

He’s laying beside her, resting his head on his
palm while staring at her face.

“When did you get here! Where’s Ruthie!” She sat

” I teleported her to her room in her sleep” he

” Witches can’t be compelled or manipulated
unless you have something on her like Aragon
did to me, so how?” She said, and he drew

” Did you forget? I’m Orion Alaric, the only
supernatural being with over 100 personalities.
There’s nothing above my capacity” he said,
and she giggled, pushing him away.

” You’re so full of yourself”

“Here, a proper good morning” he said, and
before she knew it, he kissed her hard, and she
held his shoulders as she kissed him back,
smiling into it.

“Over, I need to bath” she said as she broke it.

” A new girl is in the institute, a vampire” he

“Wow” she nodded.

“And everyone in the institute got an invite to a
grand ball tonight. Organized by Rhea, Astrid’s
mother” he added, bringing out her invite.

” Astrid’s mother is back?” She said as she took

“You heard me right, and you should pick a nice
dress before tonight” he replied.

” You’d go with me?” She looked up as he got
down from the bed.

” Maybe” he said, leaving the room.



Ruthie came out and sighed out frustratedly.

Krishna is still not back, she has been checking
since yesterday and it’s worrisome.

She looked at the invites in her hand and

She knowingly got one for herself and one for
him but what would she do now that he’s not

She suddenly saw Peony and Raven on the
other side of the hallway, and she smiled before
starting to walk to them.

“Are you sure you’d be fine?” Raven asked, and
Peony stopped to face him, holding his face.

“I’m a witch so she can’t compel me. The only
thing she can do is ki|| me and I won’t even give
her that chance. I love you” she said.

” I love you” he replied and was about to kiss her
when someone sped past their middle, making
them separate. Raven almost fell, and Zara
came to view.

“I told you not to get greedy, weak witch. He’s
not yours” she said.

” You’re just an obsessed thing who’s craving
for some Ďïčk, and you won’t get it” Peony fired.

” Did you just call me thing?” Zara said and
sped to her.

Raven wasn’t fast enough, but Sheila was faster
to appear and knock Zara down.

“Who the hell!” Zara spranged up.

“We met in England 70 years ago, and you’re
still the b**vh you were” Sheila said, and Zara
smirked before walking away

Sheila went the other direction, and Ruthie
finally got to them.

“What just happened?” She asked.

“She’s a psycho, beware” Raven replied.



It’s a quiet big Hall in the streets of Delos, and it
was already full of disciples from the institute,
flooding in and out of the brightly illuminated

Even people from the city were invited, so it’s a

Ruthie came with Sheila since she has no date,
and it was more fun than she expected. Sheila
is lively as always.

Aragon and Agatha are together, rolling their evil
eyes around the hall like devils.

Peony and Raven are dancing together, then
Ceres is drinking in a corner with Zara.

Merlin and Echo are beside the food table,
eating as expected.

Samara and Orion are the last to enter the hall
from the institute, both looking gorgeous and
dashing in their respective ball gown and night

Orion got them cups of wine from a server, and
he handed her one

“Thanks” she took it with a simple smile,
drinking after clinking glasses with him.

Orion was still drinking when he saw someone
in the crowd, and he narrowed his eyes.

“Lilith? What’s that old witch doing here?” He
muttered suspiciously.

” Lilith? Isn’t she the second witch in Delos after
Bathsheba? ” Samara asked.

” Seems Rhea is up to something. This ball isn’t
for fun” he replied with a frown.

From the rails, Jameson could be seen
standing, his palms on the top of the metals as
he stared down at the crowd.

He easily spotted Sheila from where she’s
drinking with Ruthie, and he smiled.

He went back inside and met Rhea with Arya
and Lancelot.

“No mistakes” Arya said.

“We’re counting on you” Lancelot added.

“Trust me, once Sheila is out, it’d be a piece of
cake to get rid of the others” Rhea replied,
adjusting her black ball gown.

Lancelot left with Arya, and she faced Jameson

“You start the hunt after I give my speech, it
should be easy” she said.

” I know” he replied, and she left the room.

Jameson picked a sharp stake from a small
tray and traced his finger on the edge, smiling
as he did.

He eventually hid it under his suit and left the
room too.



The noise from the crowd went down when
Rhea got to the rails and took a glass of wine.

“Thanks for coming to my ball, this surely won’t
be the last as I intend to enjoy as much as I can
till I’d be out of this city. Have fun, youngsters”
she raised the cup, and everyone else did same.


“That ugly stepmom. It’s trash that she’s the
mother of an innocent soul like Astrid” Orion
said h@ťěfully.

” You h@ťě her” Samara said.

“No one likes her” he replied.

“Then why are you here? It’s her ball” she said.

“I came with you” he replied, and she smiled.


” So ugly” Sheila said, looking at Rhea h@ťěfully

” You mean Rhea?” Ruthie replied beside her,
and she was about to reply when she suddenly
saw Jameson in the middle of the crowd.

“Jameson?” She muttered, and he smiled at her
before going in another direction.

Sheila dropped her wine and rushed towards
that direction immediately.

She kept going, desperate to find him till she left
the hall completely and found herself in front of
a room.

She opened the room and saw Jameson

“Jameson” she whispered, going in to hug him
without waiting.


“Did you miss me this much?” He asked, and
she broke the hug to look at him

” What are you doing here in Delos?”

“I met Rhea in Berlin, and she invited me over for
this party. It’s surprising that you’re here” he

” Then why aren’t you pushing me away now?
I’m a vampire remember? And I didn’t even get
the chance to apologise for lying to you back
then before you broke you with me, I was…

He interrupted with light kiss, and she stopped

“If talking non-stop is your way of telling me you
miss me, then I miss you too” he smiled.

” Jameson” she muttered and sped to the wall
with him, kissing him so feverishly over there,
their tongues slithering and ticklish as their
breaths collided.

“Sheila” he whispered into the kiss, opening his

They were still kissing when he stylishly brought
out the stake from under his suit, sliding it
behind her.

Sheila kissed him even harder, and he
responded before smiling knowingly into the

At once, he shoved the stake into her through
the back, and it penetrated into her heart.

Her skin color began changing as she started
withering immediately, and their lips left each
other as tears left her eyes.

“Rest in peace, Sheila” Jameson smiled, and her
whole body finally changed colour.

She withered completely and fell dead on the


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