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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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THE MASTER’S SON – Episode 13 & 14

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CHAPTER 1️⃣3️⃣&1️⃣4️⃣


By: Naomi Cindy B.


“Heal me” he muttered hoarsely, raising his
wounded palm.

Samara gave the burn a short look before
settling her eyes on his own. He’s still holding
on to her towel, and her back still hurts a lot as
a result of the crash earlier.

“And why would I heal you? Douchebag” she

“Your shitty sword did this to my palm when I
grabbed it earlier in the woods to save your
f-__-king @zz!” He spat, and she laughed out loud
immediately, but it was short.

“I thought you were the almighty Orion who’s
king over the pack. So you feel pains too?
That’s new, you don’t look like someone who
has ever experienced pains and that’s why you
enjoy inflicting it on others” she said seriously,
and he let go of her towel Immediately, but
before she could blink, he grabbed her neck,
having her on a tight chokehold which made her
bleed from the nose.

“Talking about me that way will surely bring
disaster to you, it’s another way to tell you to
watch how you talk about me, witch” he gritted,
choking her more.

“Are…you..sure you really… wanna get…
healed?” Samara managed to ask. Her neck is
still in his palm.

Orion let go of her roughly, and she fell on the
ground, holding her red neck as she began

“Forget about it. Having you heal me might ruin
my plans. Your training classes classes starts
tommorow morning, 6am at the assembly” he
said and walked out.

Samara managed to stand, still coughing as
she held her red neck.

She leaned on the wall for support as she spit
out blood, and she wiped the blood on her nose
with her second hand.

She felt something wet on her face, and when
she touched it, it’s tears.

Did he actually force tears out of her eyes? She
can’t remember the last time she cried, she
didn’t even cry during her father’s burial.

She wiped the tears and went for a cup of water
on the table. She rinsed her mouth with it and
looked at her sword which is lying on top of the
table too.

“I have to quickly tame you, I believe we still
have a lot to tackle together” she muttered and
hugged the sword to her chest.

“Thanks for hurting that douchebag”



Immediately Orion arrived, he walked to the
middle of the room and looked at the wound

It got bigger again, and before daybreak, he’s
sure it’d spread to every part of the hand.

“Come out” he said authoritatively, and
instantly, a clone came out of him. A clone of
himself with same face, but the only difference
is their personalities.

While Orion is grim, the clone seems cheerful,
smiling as he sat on the bed.

Orion calls out his clones anytime he’s extra
bored or needs answers to questions just like

At once, he has the ability to call out seven, but
for now, he needs just one.

“Why did you call out just me today? It won’t be
fun without the others. You’re too boring” the
clone said, crossing his legs with a loud grin.

“Stop grinning” Orion glared, and he stood.

“How many times do you want me to tell you
that you don’t get to control me anytime you
call me out?”

“What’s her sword all about?” Orion replied,
raising the wounded palm.

“Oh I see you got wounded by the golden
emotionless sword of the whitehead witch” the
clone smiled.

“Emotionless?” Orion frowned.

“It’s a sword passed down to the women in the
Hercules family. It hasn’t been used since her
mother was born though” the clone replied.

“Why?” Orion asked.

“Her mother isn’t a whitehead, and it’s a rule that
if the sword is passed down to any female in
the family who isn’t a whitehead, the the female
has to keep it throughout her existence without
using it. The sword is soaked in the menstrual
blood of the witch for all the years it’s left
unused till another whitehead would be born
into the family. Her mum lived 20 years before
giving birth to her, so that sword spent twenty
years in her menstrual blood before Samara got
it. You can imagine how powerful the sword is
gonna be right now” the clone explained.

“It’s powerful than my red sword?” Orion asked,
and the clone laughed.

“Of course not! Your red sword was born
together with you Orion. The sword came out of
your mother on the night you were born, and it
ki||ed your mother. You got your sword
immediately you were born so there’s no way
that emotionless sword is more powerful” the
clone replied.

“Then why did it hurt me?” Orion asked, staring
at the palm again.

“It didn’t hurt you cos it’s more powerful, it’s the
rule. The emotionless sword only welcomes
touches from it’s owner. You had no right to
touch it, and that’s why you got hurt” the clone

“How do I get healed?” Orion questioned again.

“Dip the hand in her menstrual blood”

“You’ve gotta be f-__-king kidding me” Orion said
with a disgusting look on his face.

“Then leave your hand to rot. It’s the only way
unless you wanna…

Orion returned him before he could finish
speaking, and he went back inside him.

“There has to be another way” he muttered.



Krishna met emptiness when he entered the
building stuffed with legendary books, and he
smiled with a nod. Just how he likes it.

He should be at the cafeteria, eating with the
others right now, but he’s just not feeling the
need to satisfy his hunger, and that’s why he
came here, his place of peace.

Cat jumped out of his pocket immediately.

“I’m gonna go eat at the cafeteria. I’m not sitting
here to read boring books with you” she said.

“I know you can even trade me for food, so just
go already. Raven will feed you” Krishna smiled.

“Happy reading!” Cat squealed, rushing out of
the library.

Krishna raised his hand up, and a book from the
shelf flew into it. He grabbed it and didn’t bother
to walk to the tables. He sat on the ground and
rested his back on the shelf, opening the book
to start reading peacefully.

It’s about the origin of supernatural beings,
including demons and dark forces.

According to the book, the demons on the
surface of the earth right now are just
descendants of the ones that are yet to be

The higher demons are trapped in a tomb
somewhere in the middle of heaven and Earth,
and no one knows how to release them, but it’s
written in a book, called THE FORBIDDEN

The forbidden manual hasn’t been seen by
anyone, and many people believe it doesn’t even
exist, but according to few ancestors, the book
exists and is kept safe in an unknown place cos
the moment anyone finds it and releases the
higher demons, then havoc will happen on

“I wish I can get the forbidden manual though”
Ceres’s voice said beside him suddenly, and he
looked up.

“Ceres? When did you get here?”

She smiled and squatted in front of him.

“When you were so focused on reading, I
sneaked in” she bit her lip seductively.

“And why do you wanna get the forbidden
manual?” He asked.

“It doesn’t contain how to release the higher
demons alone, it also contains powerful spells,
and like I heard, if anyone learns the spells, all
the powers in the intermediary between heaven
and Earth would be sealed in the body of the
person, isn’t that awesome?” She smiled, biting
her lip again.

“Your seduction won’t work on me, Ceres. Stop
biting your lip, you’d wound yourself” Krishna
replied, and she scoffed.

“Why are you always like this? Cos I’m your best
friend’s sister?”

“Even if Raven wasn’t involved, I can never like
you Ceres” he replied bluntly, and she stood.

“Boring! You’re so boring!!” She grunted,
stumping her foot as she walked out of the

She suddenly stopped when she got out the
door, and she smiled diabolically when she
remembered something.

She stood still, and slowly, she transformed to
Ruthie, even her clothes changed.

She smiled before going back into the library.

“Hey bookworm!” She waved, and Krishna stood

“Hey! Ruthie… you visit the library too?” He
smiled, and instead of answering, she grabbed
his face, kissing his mouth d@mn hard.

Krishna pushed her away immediately, and she
smiled, licking her lips.

“Ruthie are you crazy? What the f-__-k did you
just try!” He panted.

“What? You didn’t enjoy it? I’ve always wanted
to kiss you and finally I got a chance, why don’t
we go to the party together tommorow?” She

“Thought you were a different girl, but I guess I
was wrong” he muttered and walked out

Ceres laughed out loud before transforming
back to herself, and she smirked evilly.

“We’re just getting started, Ruthie”


Samara was panting and sweating as she ran
through the dark valley, but it doesn’t look like
anything is chasing her. She’s the one chasing

Stunts kept pulling her legs, but she stands
immediately she falls, and the race continues

She was still on it when someone suddenly
blocked her way, and she stopped running.

“Granny Elsa” she muttered, swallowing hard as
she stared at the old woman.

“You’re chasing after a dangerous beast, it’d ki||
you” Granny Elsa said calmly, her white hair
flowing with the air just like Samara’s.

“No… Granny I really need to….to get to him.
He’s my only salvation, he’s….

“He’s your doom” Granny Elsa said, and
Samara shook her head.

“Granny you…

And that was it, a red sword was shoved into
Granny Elsa’s stomach from behind, and
Samara’s eyes widened.

Granny fell immediately the sword was removed
from her stomach, and Orion’s bloody face
came to view.

“Arggggghhh!!!!!!!!!” Samara screamed back to
life. It’s actually a nightmare.

She was sweating so much as her breathing
went high and low, and she held her chest.

“Granny is dead, why am I dreaming about her?
Why was I chasing Orion? And why did she call
him my doom?” She muttered, looking at the
necklace on her neck.

The pendant is a cross, sitting on her chest.

She took the pendant to her lips and kissed it.
She got the necklace as a gift from her granny
before her death actually.

“Granny, are you trying to tell me something?”
She whispered.



Samara’s skin was greeted with a strong breeze,
and it made her wonder weather she’s in her
room or not.

She was lucky to get a cozy room, so it’s always
warm, but why the sudden coldness this

“If you sleep one more minute, then you’re
gonna have to run hundred laps round the
assembly” Orion’s voice said, and her eyes flew

She spranged up to see him standing beside her
bed, and another crazy thing is that the bed is
not in her room anymore. It’s outside! In the
middle of the assembly!

“What the f-__-k is this! Onion what do you think
you’re doing!” She shouted.

“The first class should be teaching you how to
say my name properly, I’m your Superior” he

“Is that important right now? You brought my
bed out of my room without my permission! It’s
not even daybreak yet!” She yelled.

“I told you 6am last night, and now it’s 6 on the
dot, I love keeping to time” he replied bluntly.

“Why are you doing this to me?” She said.

“Grab your sword” he replied sternly.

“You’re wounded on your right hand, and I know
you can never do what you have to do to heal,
so how are you gonna train me?” She said.

“There’s no way I’m dipping my hand into your
menstrual blood” he replied.

“How did you know?” She went closer.

“Learn to control your sword first. I’m not lenient
like Aragon, so every weakness comes with
great punishment” he said, and she grabbed the
sword immediately.

He teleported the bed back to her room, and she
stood facing him, holding her sword firmly.

“Come at me with the sword” he commanded,
and she raised the sword on him, but just like
yesterday, it flew away from her.

“Get it and come at me again” he ordered, and
she ran to get it.

“Concentrate your inner energy. Gather your
power in your core” he said.

“I don’t know my core yet” she said.

“Your belly” he replied, and she positioned
herself again. She tried her hardest best to
concentrate this time, but the sword flew away
from her hand again.

They kept doing it again and again, and she
kept failing till Aragon came out with all his
students to the assembly too.

“Poor Sam” Ruthie muttered.

“Somehow, I think her being under Superior
Orion is for the best” Peony replied.

“Maybe” Ruthie smiled, and she suddenly saw

“Hey Krishna! Morning!” She waved, and he
rolled eyes before looking away.

“What was that?” Peony asked.

“I dunno” Ruthie replied hurtfully.

Ceres smiled satisfactorily.

Aragon looked at Samara again before starting
his training class with his students.


Agatha barged out of the ice cave, totally

She rolled her eyes about before starting to walk
to her room.

Surely, she’d still get punished by the master,
but she’d get back at Echo definitely. No one
hurts her.

“Agatha! His Majesty is here!” A disciple ran to
her, and her eyes widened.

“Really? Father?”

“Of course! He’s waiting at the terrace!” The
disciple replied, and Agatha ran all the way to
the terrace.

Truly, King Depp is waiting in all royalty.

“Atha” he called fondly.

“Father!” She shouted happily, rushing into his

“You’ve become so skinny” King Depp said.

“The trainings here are too hard!” She replied,
breaking the hug.

“I’ll see the master before I leave, and I brought
you a lot of things” King Depp replied, and some
maids brought in bags of gifts immediately.

“They’re so beautiful!” She gushed, checking
them all out. They’re mostly jewelries and

“Your sword will appear soon, Atha. The
powerful sword of Sullivan is yours” King Depp
suddenly held her shoulders.

“I’ve been waiting all week for it” she pouted,
and from under his robe, King Depp brought out
a bottle containing a green liquid.

“What’s this?” She asked.

“You sent me a message through the pigeon
that some lowlifes are being a bone in your
throat in here. This is the soul snatching poison.
If it makes contact with a supernatural, after
24hrs, the soul will depart from the body no
matter how powerful he or she is. I mean….
death” King Depp whispered.

“Not bad” Agatha smiled, taking it with a mean



Samara is still on it with Orion, and right now
she’s about to try controlling the sword for the
99th time.

She’s already so weak, and her lips are pale cos
the more she tries to control the sword, she
more she loses blood in her system, and she’d
surely need a lot of medication after this to
come back to shape.

Her hand was already shaking on the sword as
she held it, and she slowly looked up at Orion
who seems thrilled by her current condition.

“If you try it now and still can’t do it, then you’d
receive the punishment i talked about” he said
mercilessly, and she swallowed, feeling empty

“Go on” he said.

Samara took a deep breath and lifted the lifted
the sword, but as usual, it flew away from her
and went to Aragon’s angle, landing in front of

Orion looked up at the sky, and his eyes
shimmered red.

Almost immediately, rain began falling. f-__-king
heavy rain, and as usual, it’s not touching Orion
despite the fact that he’s inside.

“On your knees” he ordered, and Samara tiredly
knelt in the rain in front of him.

“You can’t leave till the rain stops” he said, and
her eyes widened as he started leaving.

“No Orion! Orion!” She stood and ran after him,
but immediately she pulled his shirt to stop him,
he turned back and slapped her soundly.

Samara fell on the ground with a bleeding
mouth as a result, and that same minute,
Aragon super sped to the scene, slapping Orion
thunderously on the face too.

“She’s your student, not a slave!” He yelled
angrily, and instantly, Orion’s eyes changed
colour totally.

Insanely deep red than the normal one, and his
fangs grew so long in his mouth among his
teeth, dark veins danced wildly on his hot skin.

He bared his long fangs furiously, growling like
an angry lion as he grabbed Aragon.

Like a vampire hungry for blood, he sank his
face into Aragon’s neck.


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