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Friday, October 18, 2024
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★ ★ ★ ★

“But…why would he be there, alone for that matter?” Cindy shook her head.

“I think he went to harbor the cabin. Maybe its not safe where it is?” Kev said.

“Or,,,, maybe he doesn’t trust us anymore” Rhoda muttered.

“What! Don’t ever spout something ridiculous. Malcolm wouldn’t do so. He trusts all of us with his life. Every one of us, I tell you” Ken said.

“Malcolm heart could be stone hearted or cold…but its fragile too. I know him too well” Cindy whispered, slowly sitting down.

“What do you mean?” Ariana asked.

“Malcolm… could easily lose his trust for someone. Maybe he witness or heard something he shouldn’t have? Then,,, he would really h@ťě that person and do the unthinkable to fulfill his desires” Cindy said.

“Like?” Kev asked.

“I don’t know” Cindy shrugged her shoulders.

“Ariana,,, Did you tell Malcolm anything. You were with him thorough out that day since he didn’t go to the concert” Cindy said.

“I didnt tell him anything weird or odd. The last time we saw each other, we’re still in good terms” Ariana replied.

“Well,,, Its late. Let’s go back home and talk better tomorrow. We’ll know what step to take next through that” Ken said.


Ariana entered the sitting room and looked around. It was huge and lonely.

“I really miss you” She whispered and sniffed.

She brought out the drawing of Malcolm and looked at it.

“I forgot to add the last and most important thing” She cooed and started drawing the patterned star on his neck.

“Its beautiful..” She whispered and remembered how she too, got the same star which was drawn on her hip.


“Ariana!!” Gilberto shouted and entered the room.

Ariana jumped on her feet and faced him.
“Gil…Gilberto? What’s the matter?” She asked, shivering.

He took down his leopard mask and she saw his face boiling in anger.

“What’s it?” She mumbled, again.

“Rhoda told me what you’ve been up to lately” He pointed a finger at her face.

“What did she tell you?” Ariana asked, gently.

“What else?! Where are your f_cking drawings of Malcolm!”

“Rhoda took them down already” Ariana quickly said.

Gilberto quickly grabbed her neck, and tightened his hold on it.

“Gilberto…” She coughed, touching his strong knuckles.

“Do you have feelings for that guy? He’s Rhoda girlfriend in case you don’t know” He whispered, scarily.

Ariana swallowed and shook her head.
“I don’t…I don’t have feelings for him. I just used him as a muse for my drawing and thats all”

Gilberto pushed her away and she fell on the floor. Her hair scattered all I’ve her face. She touched her neck and whimpered softly. She had finger marks around.

Ariana sniffed in her tears and slowly stood up. She walked to Gilberto who was seated on the bed.

“You know…you’re the only one I love…so,,, don’t listen to what others say. I can do anything and everything for you” She said and sat down on his thighs.

“I won’t ever fall for anyone but you. If I do,,, You’ve every right to ki|| me” Ariana added, taking down his buttons.

Gilberto quickly held her hands which was still doing the work and Ariana quickly looked at him.

“I hope you keep your promise cause if you don’t. I’ll certainly ki|| you and ki|| the guy you fall for”

Ariana nodded.

“You know you’re mine. only mine and no one can take you away from me” He said and took out a big stick of cigarette.

He placed it into her mouth and lit it. She smiled and smoke it, s*xily in front of him. The smoke filled the whole room.

“Watching you do this…turns me on” He whispered over her ear and grabbed her as*

They heard a knock which stopped them from moving further.

“Who’s that!” Gilberto barked.

“I’ve message from the Don” The voice of the messenger was heard.

“Hold on” Gilberto gulped and Ariana dropped the cigarette in the ash tray.

“What’s it about?” Gilberto asked, after opening the door.

“The Don wants to see the new artiste you brought for him” The messenger replied.

Ariana eyes widened in excitement.

“Okay” Gilberto nodded, closed the door and walked in.

“Finally! I’m so happy! It seems I’ll be getting my first assignment as a mafia artiste from the Don, himself!!”

“You really happy huh?” Gilberto smiled.

“Very! At last, I’ve been recognized” She gushed.

“Run along now. You wouldn’t wanna waste his time” Gilberto said.

Ariana nodded with a smile and left. She walked outside and on her way, she saw Rhoda and Malcolm behind a pillar.

She halted and eavesdropped.

“Rhoda?? Where have you been? Its been a week I saw you. What happened? I asked the rest about you but they wouldn’t give me a reply” He said.

“I’m sorry. I went to see a sick friend of mine. It was so sudden that I couldn’t rely a message to you” Rhoda lied.

“Its fine. I’m glad you’re here now. I missed you” He said.

“Me too” She smiled

He pulled her close and hugged her, tightly which she responded to.

Ariana took her face away.
“She loves him so much and he does too,,, so why would she make a stupid bet on him. She’s willing to even get I and Malcolm closer just to see if he would falter…Pathetic” She scoffed.

She looked at them and saw they were now sharing a deep kiss.

She bit her lips and watched Malcolm from the back. Her eyes fell on his neck and she saw a tattoo. A special patterned one.

“Its pretty” She smiled and walked away.

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