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Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Malcolm pointed his gun at Officer Jim, who trembled in fear.

“Wha…What are you trying to do?” He stuttered.

“Didn’t you ever learn?? That,,, curiosity ki||ed the cat?” Malcolm smirked, caressing the trigger.

Jim’s eyes blinked in a rush. He quickly jumped down from the van, and held Malcolm’s legs.

“I’m sorry. Please,,, Please,,, Forgive me. I…never wanted to do this. Some evil spirit just lured me to come. I…I never intended to do this, I swear. Don’t kíll me, please! I promise to keep this till I díe” He cried out.

“Then,,, This is when you díe” Malcolm whispered and shot him thrice.

He groaned, fell down on the ground and died instantly.

“Censor (Ken’s code name)? KeyLar (Kev’s code name)?” He called.

“Yes boss?” They answered.

“Clear everything here. Make it look nothing happened”

“Sure, boss” They nodded.

“Cactus(Cindy’s CN), Bob(Oliver’s CN),,, Let’s take this…piece of sh!t to the hospital” He grunted, looking at Ariana whom was still bleeding profusely.

“Let’s go” Cindy told Oliver and they walked to her.


“Who did Cindy bring this time?” A co-doctor, Gina asked a nurse.

Gina is known to be Cindy’s rival in the hospital.

Maybe because Cindy is the best female surgeon in R-Breeds Hospital, which happenes to be Gina’s Parents hospital.

“I don’t know” The nurse had replied.

Gina scoffed.
“Who the hell does she think she is? Bringing in strangers,, and then,, what? attending to them in my own hospital?? I’m gonna get her fired, its a must!”

“Huh…Actually,,, I’m the her brother” A voice chipped in, from behind.

Gina turned back to see the most handsome guy ever. Her eyes almost went puppyish.

“Oh my gosh” She gushed.

Oliver smiled at her, and readjusted his black heavy turtle neck.
“I’m the patient’s younger brother”


Small beads of sweat flocked on Cindy’s face as she immersely performed the surgery on Ariana.

“Doctor?” Her assistant called, suddenly.

“Her pulse…It’s dropping!”

Cindy’s heart skipped a bit.
“Oh no…” She whispered.


“What’s going on now?” Gina cooed, watching the men pass through the passage way.

They were Ken, Kev, Oliver and Malcolm.

Malcolm wore a black cotton mask. He didn’t want people recognizing him as the singer, MK.

He was too tired for their fan lives.

Gina smiled when her eyes fell on Oliver.

“Hey” She whispered and grabbed his arm.

“Oh,,, Hey” He smiled, and stroked his front hair.

He watched the others leave.

“Who are they?” She raised her head.

“Who?…Oh…Them? They…are my…uhmm…brothers” He chuckled, nervously.

“Wow. They are just as handsome as you. Well,, except you are moreee handsome” She giggled, with an eye roll.

“But,,, why did the first put on a ma-

“I gotta go. Let’s talk later. I’ll give you a call” He winked, and ran off.

“Awwn… How can he be so cute” Gina Mõ@ɲed, lowly.


Malcolm opened the door, hurriedly, pulling his mask from his face at the same time.

“You…” He gritted his teeth, walking towards Ariana who was sitting upright on the bed.

The twins stood close to the door. Oliver ran in, and stayed close to them.

Cindy was beside standing Ariana, checking the medical drip.

Malcolm walked to them, and was about to choke Ariana when Cindy grabbed his arm.

“Easy. Listen,, we have a problem” Cindy whispered.

Malcolm’s eyes blinked as he slowly took his hand down.
“What’s the problem?” He asked.

Cindy sighed deeply and turned to Ariana who was looking back at her, innocently.

Cindy slowly took her eyes to Malcolm.
“She has amnesia”

“Wh…What? Like,,, she lost her memories??” Kev asked.

“Yeah” Cindy muttered.

She looked at Malcolm who stared deeply at Ariana, with red $h00ted eyes.

Ariana looked back at him, meekly.

“Who are you?” She whispered.
“Do…Do you know me?” She breathed.

Malcolm gulped, held Cindy and took her to the door, where the guys stood.

They all gathered around, waiting for his final words.

“Why is she still alive then?? ki|| her at once,,, or I’ll do it myself. She’s useless, with her memory gone” He told Cindy.

Cindy sighed deeply. She kept her head down.
“I…wanted to end her life, after finding out,, But…But…

“But what??” Malcolm almost yelled.

“I told her not to” A familiar voice echoed, from the curtain, close to them, by the right side.

They all turned their heads.

Cindy quickly kept her head down, and bit her lower lip.
“This isn’t good” She thought.

“Who is she?” Oliver asked, no one in particular.

A smile came across the lady’s red lips, as she walked forward to a motionless Malcolm.

“Hello,,, Malc” The Lady whispered.

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